"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

What cowards republicans are for not putting this on their 2020 platform. Or how stupid democrats are for not rallying women. Republicans war on women and freedom
Leftarded war on babies : "kill the little womb blobs."
I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

Stop trying to dehumanize the preborn with your dismissive, disrespectful misleading words. By the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a beating heart, brain waves, a little face and body, organs, etc.


Watch this video, this is at a time when most abortions occur:

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.


And yet, no one can tell us when life begins. Oh wait a minute, you can. Lol!

GOD tells me when life begins.
"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be "(Psalm 139:13-16).
Life always begins before birth in the eyes of God even if rape, incest, or other sinful acts conceived the baby. It is only as our human self-centeredness grows that we look for exceptions or man-based rules to govern when we can take a life of a baby.

Not all of us believe in your god.

What if my god and my religion say it’s ok?

Or do we all have to go by what your religion says?

Ps. Lots of Christians are pro choice. What denomination are you? Do we have to go with that one?

No you don't. Separation of church and state. These folks are religious wackos wanting to push their religion onto you.

Has nothing to do with religion. Which is why there are plenty of NON-religious, NON-conservative pro-lifers:

Secular Groups:
Secular Pro-Life
Pro-Life Atheists
Pro-Life Humanists
Rehumanize International (Nonsectarian)

Non-Conservative Groups:
Democrats For Life of America (DFLA)
Whole Life: Pro-life Democrats, Progressives, and Feminists
American Solidarity Party
PLAGAL - The Prolife Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
Consistent Life

Feminist Groups:
Feminists for Life
Susan B. Anthony List
New Wave Feminists
Feminists for Nonviolent Choices
Feminists Choosing Life of New York


There are also "Libertarians for Trump". Probably, somewhere, "Libertarians for Hitler". It even seems possible there's a black KKK member somewhere. Doesn't prove anything, other than that there are a lot of deluded people out there.

Everything they say is cited, look at the bottom of the page. But if you don't like a libertarian website, then here you go:

Secular Groups:
Secular Pro-Life
Pro-Life Atheists
Pro-Life Humanists
Rehumanize International (Nonsectarian)

Non-Conservative Groups:
Democrats For Life of America (DFLA)
Whole Life: Pro-life Democrats, Progressives, and Feminists
American Solidarity Party
PLAGAL - The Prolife Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
Consistent Life

Feminist Groups:
Feminists for Life
Susan B. Anthony List
New Wave Feminists
Feminists for Nonviolent Choices
Feminists Choosing Life of New York
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There are also "Libertarians for Trump". Probably, somewhere, "Libertarians for Hitler". It even seems possible there's a black KKK member somewhere. Doesn't prove anything, other than that there are a lot of deluded people out there.

If you don't like a libertarian website, then here you go:

Secular Groups:
Secular Pro-Life
Pro-Life Atheists
Pro-Life Humanists
Rehumanize International (Nonsectarian)

Non-Conservative Groups:
Democrats For Life of America (DFLA)
Whole Life: Pro-life Democrats, Progressives, and Feminists
American Solidarity Party
PLAGAL - The Prolife Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
Consistent Life

Feminist Groups:
Feminists for Life
Susan B. Anthony List
New Wave Feminists
Feminists for Nonviolent Choices
Feminists Choosing Life of New York

Yep. Contradiction abounds. People are confused. What's your point?
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Leftarded war on babies : "kill the little womb blobs."
Stop trying to dehumanize the preborn with your dismissive, disrespectful misleading words. By the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a beating heart, brain waves, a little face and body, organs, etc.


Watch this video, this is at a time when most abortions occur:


And yet, no one can tell us when life begins. Oh wait a minute, you can. Lol!

GOD tells me when life begins.
"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be "(Psalm 139:13-16).
Life always begins before birth in the eyes of God even if rape, incest, or other sinful acts conceived the baby. It is only as our human self-centeredness grows that we look for exceptions or man-based rules to govern when we can take a life of a baby.

God doesn't speak to all of us but many don't need a burning bush or booming voice to know that what grows in a woman's womb is a separate, distinct human. Not a "blob of cells" or a "tumor" or a "tadpole" but a real, live, human baby. I can accept that some, even many Americans find the slaughter of 2,500 babies/day to be lawful and therefore OK - I will continue to defend their right to their lives regardless - but we must do so with eyes wide open. No more rationalizing and no more semantics … we must face it and call it what it is.

Babies are dying … WTF cares what the definition of "is" is?

Babies aren’t dying. They are seeds. And life isn’t that precious.

You sound like pita. Cows are dying! I actually do feel bad for the cows. They are thinking feeling beings. Fetuses arent

It's not a seed, you idiot, the z/e/f is a brand new human being with the entire genetic blueprint of a new individual. The First Week | Prenatal Overview. Again, basic biology.

Furthermore, by the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, arms, legs, etc. Far, FAR more than just a lifeless "seed" so you are either completely ignorant or a blatant liar.

And it is disgusting that you keep saying "life isn't that precious" - that sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy would say.

There just isn't much room for dissenting opinions in your world, is there....
And yet, no one can tell us when life begins. Oh wait a minute, you can. Lol!
GOD tells me when life begins.
"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be "(Psalm 139:13-16).
Life always begins before birth in the eyes of God even if rape, incest, or other sinful acts conceived the baby. It is only as our human self-centeredness grows that we look for exceptions or man-based rules to govern when we can take a life of a baby.
God doesn't speak to all of us but many don't need a burning bush or booming voice to know that what grows in a woman's womb is a separate, distinct human. Not a "blob of cells" or a "tumor" or a "tadpole" but a real, live, human baby. I can accept that some, even many Americans find the slaughter of 2,500 babies/day to be lawful and therefore OK - I will continue to defend their right to their lives regardless - but we must do so with eyes wide open. No more rationalizing and no more semantics … we must face it and call it what it is.

Babies are dying … WTF cares what the definition of "is" is?
Babies aren’t dying. They are seeds. And life isn’t that precious.

You sound like pita. Cows are dying! I actually do feel bad for the cows. They are thinking feeling beings. Fetuses arent

It's not a seed, you idiot, the z/e/f is a brand new human being with the entire genetic blueprint of a new individual. The First Week | Prenatal Overview. Again, basic biology.

Furthermore, by the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, arms, legs, etc. Far, FAR more than just a lifeless "seed" so you are either completely ignorant or a blatant liar.

And it is disgusting that you keep saying "life isn't that precious" - that sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy would say.

There just isn't much room for dissenting opinions in your world, is there....
They're stuck in their own minds independent of the endless possibilities and questions that cannot be answered.
Leftarded war on babies : "kill the little womb blobs."
Stop trying to dehumanize the preborn with your dismissive, disrespectful misleading words. By the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a beating heart, brain waves, a little face and body, organs, etc.


Watch this video, this is at a time when most abortions occur:


And yet, no one can tell us when life begins. Oh wait a minute, you can. Lol!

GOD tells me when life begins.
"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be "(Psalm 139:13-16).
Life always begins before birth in the eyes of God even if rape, incest, or other sinful acts conceived the baby. It is only as our human self-centeredness grows that we look for exceptions or man-based rules to govern when we can take a life of a baby.

Not all of us believe in your god.

What if my god and my religion say it’s ok?

Or do we all have to go by what your religion says?

Ps. Lots of Christians are pro choice. What denomination are you? Do we have to go with that one?

No you don't. Separation of church and state. These folks are religious wackos wanting to push their religion onto you.

Has nothing to do with religion. Which is why there are plenty of NON-religious, NON-conservative pro-lifers:

Secular Groups:
Secular Pro-Life
Pro-Life Atheists
Pro-Life Humanists
Rehumanize International (Nonsectarian)

Non-Conservative Groups:
Democrats For Life of America (DFLA)
Whole Life: Pro-life Democrats, Progressives, and Feminists
American Solidarity Party
PLAGAL - The Prolife Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
Consistent Life

Feminist Groups:
Feminists for Life
Susan B. Anthony List
New Wave Feminists
Feminists for Nonviolent Choices
Feminists Choosing Life of New York


Okay! So? And that changes what? Lol! Nothing! You still are doing the same thing. Circling the wagon of the unknowns.
And yet, no one can tell us when life begins. Oh wait a minute, you can. Lol!
GOD tells me when life begins.
"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be "(Psalm 139:13-16).
Life always begins before birth in the eyes of God even if rape, incest, or other sinful acts conceived the baby. It is only as our human self-centeredness grows that we look for exceptions or man-based rules to govern when we can take a life of a baby.
God doesn't speak to all of us but many don't need a burning bush or booming voice to know that what grows in a woman's womb is a separate, distinct human. Not a "blob of cells" or a "tumor" or a "tadpole" but a real, live, human baby. I can accept that some, even many Americans find the slaughter of 2,500 babies/day to be lawful and therefore OK - I will continue to defend their right to their lives regardless - but we must do so with eyes wide open. No more rationalizing and no more semantics … we must face it and call it what it is.

Babies are dying … WTF cares what the definition of "is" is?
Babies aren’t dying. They are seeds. And life isn’t that precious.

You sound like pita. Cows are dying! I actually do feel bad for the cows. They are thinking feeling beings. Fetuses arent

It's not a seed, you idiot, the z/e/f is a brand new human being with the entire genetic blueprint of a new individual. The First Week | Prenatal Overview. Again, basic biology.

Furthermore, by the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, arms, legs, etc. Far, FAR more than just a lifeless "seed" so you are either completely ignorant or a blatant liar.

And it is disgusting that you keep saying "life isn't that precious" - that sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy would say.

There just isn't much room for dissenting opinions in your world, is there....

About scientific fact? No, because opinion is irrelevant to fact. Why would anyone WANT to make room for something that's irrelevant?
There is nothing more precious than new innocent life brimming with potential. Anyone who cannot see that really has no place calling themselves a human being. Anyone who thinks that an unborn baby is a seed has failed biology more miserably than once thought possible.
What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?


^^ Another nonsensical argument. No conservative ever says that once a baby is born “it’s on its own”. It’s the parents responsibility to raise it.

And if that parent has trouble, we work hard to help, most of us through charitable organizations.

The WORST way to "help" is through statist gov't entities.

Most women only need assistance because the father runs out on them, or because they have the attitude that they don’t need a man.

Again, all the lies of feminism cause most of this shit.
One of my favorites is when they claim that the baby might have a difficult life, so let's kill it.
Actually, most South America gods DEMANDED blood sacrifices. But the Spaniards came over and destroyed those gods and killed 90% of the entire indigenous population while carrying the cross.

Disease did most of it. So that is on Darwinism, not Christianity.
Women do not wish to be vessels w/legs,

Men do not wish to be seen as wallets w/legs

remove the fiscal obligation , and you'll gain the bodily right

it's that simple

If you do not want the unwanted visitor in your body do not let him or her move in and then complain that you want him or her removed.
I think that since they themselves are not doing the removing or abortion by their own hand themselves, then they figure that maybe it exonerates them from the sin they are committing ????? They, they, they said it was ok, so I figured they were right (i.e. they might say or think).

Hmmmm. Sort of like the suicide by cop crowd, where as they figure that they might stand a chance on the other side maybe, otherwise if they didn't do the suicide thing themselves ?? Again, how stupid is that ??

Very tricky and clever they might think that they are, but they are only fooling themselves sadly enough in the end.
Actually, most South America gods DEMANDED blood sacrifices. But the Spaniards came over and destroyed those gods and killed 90% of the entire indigenous population while carrying the cross.

Disease did most of it. So that is on Darwinism, not Christianity.

Well, since disease did MOST of it, everything was Ok then!

Didn’t say it was OK. Just that it’s the fault of Darwinists. :abgg2q.jpg:
Contending with some of these people is the biggest waste of time that there is. Just sayin.
There is nothing more precious than new innocent life brimming with potential.

Being that you happily let human life die for your own selfish needs, that's obviously self-serving bullshit on your part. It's easy to talk a big game. And that's all you do.

Anyone who cannot see that really has no place calling themselves a human being. Anyone who thinks that an unborn baby is a seed has failed biology more miserably than once thought possible.

Look at all the modern conveniences you partake in. You could use that money to save lives. You don't.

Your philosophy is "Life is more precious than anything, except for my own selfish conveniences". Just another sad control freak putting on a smarmy hypocrite routine.
Babies are dying … WTF cares what the definition of "is" is?

Specks obviously aren't babies. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and even she knows that specks aren't babies. Speck. Baby. Speck. Baby. Different things, see?

Only crazy people and liars say specks are babies. Anyone making that claim needs to clarify which category they fall in.
There is nothing more precious than new innocent life brimming with potential.

Being that you happily let human life die for your own selfish needs, that's obviously self-serving bullshit on your part. It's easy to talk a big game. And that's all you do.

Anyone who cannot see that really has no place calling themselves a human being. Anyone who thinks that an unborn baby is a seed has failed biology more miserably than once thought possible.

Look at all the modern conveniences you partake in. You could use that money to save lives. You don't.

Your philosophy is "Life is more precious than anything, except for my own selfish conveniences". Just another sad control freak putting on a smarmy hypocrite routine.
No one wants to control anyone, but only to promote life regardless of where that life is at any given time. It's not the job of anyone to take a fully responsible person by the hand, and show them that killing a perfectly healthy baby in the womb is sin. They should already know this, but for some unGodly reason they don't or they are lying when they say that they don't. The job of pro-lifers is to educate, and then to councel if nessesary in the situation. If the pro-choice crowd bucks, then maybe laws could change minds if crimes are being committed.

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