"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

We've posted TONS of data for you,

No, you've posted various subjective opinion pieces, and then pretended they were TheTruth, when they were just someone's subjective opinion piece.

All of humanity over all of human history says personhood begins at birth. Your bizarre pro-life definitions are very recent historical revisionism. If you want to overturn such an established precedent, you'll need to do better than repeating "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" over and over.

Abortion was legal and common when the USA was founded, the founders knew it, and they didn't see a problem with it. Me, I'm with the founders and their respect for liberty.
Babies are dying … WTF cares what the definition of "is" is?

Specks obviously aren't babies. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and even she knows that specks aren't babies. Speck. Baby. Speck. Baby. Different things, see?

Only crazy people and liars say specks are babies. Anyone making that claim needs to clarify which category they fall in.
Takes that speck to create the process or formula for life, and if that speck becomes a fetus, and it is killed by outside forces intent on murdering the child in the womb, then Houston we got a serious sin problem on our hands, not to forget to mention the blood on the nations hands also.
No one wants to control anyone,

Nonsense. Rape/incest exceptions show that. If the dirty slut had sex voluntarily, they want to punish her. If it's not her fault, they don't.

and show them that killing a perfectly healthy baby in the womb is sin.

Since specks obviously aren't people, that will take some doing. It's like trying to convince someone that the sky is green. Sure, it can be done with enough brainwashing, but it's not easy.
We've posted TONS of data for you,

No, you've posted various subjective opinion pieces, and then pretended they were TheTruth, when they were just someone's subjective opinion piece.

All of humanity over all of human history says personhood begins at birth. Your bizarre pro-life definitions are very recent historical revisionism. If you want to overturn such an established precedent, you'll need to do better than repeating "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" over and over.

Abortion was legal and common when the USA was founded, the founders knew it, and they didn't see a problem with it. Me, I'm with the founders and their respect for liberty.
Nice try, but you are just full of it. One thing about you people, you sure are creative I'll give ya that... LOL
No one wants to control anyone,

Nonsense. Rape/incest exceptions show that. If the dirty slut had sex voluntarily, they want to punish her. If it's not her fault, they don't.

and show them that killing a perfectly healthy baby in the womb is sin.

Since specks obviously aren't people, that will take some doing. It's like trying to convince someone that the sky is green. Sure, it can be done with enough brainwashing, but it's not easy.
Becareful how you parce these post, as you could get into breaking the rules by attempting to mislead.
Moving your goal post now ??? Of course you are.

Pointing out how your argument is inconsistent and thus obviously dishonest and wrong is not goalpost moving on my part. It's tearing apart your dumb argument.

Your dumb standard was "if it's part of the formula for life, it's a human being". I pointed out by that standard, you have to define unfertilized eggs as people. You don't.

Oh. You're in a tough spot now. You either have to admit your argument was nonsense, or you need to move those goalposts waywayway down the field, something you just said only awful people do. Sucks to be you.

Of course, you do have a third option, that of hurling insults and running. Don't worry. Every pro-lifer does that, so you're not disappointing anyone.
There is nothing more precious than new innocent life brimming with potential.

Being that you happily let human life die for your own selfish needs, that's obviously self-serving bullshit on your part. It's easy to talk a big game. And that's all you do.

Anyone who cannot see that really has no place calling themselves a human being. Anyone who thinks that an unborn baby is a seed has failed biology more miserably than once thought possible.

Look at all the modern conveniences you partake in. You could use that money to save lives.....

Meaning what, exactly?
There is nothing more precious than new innocent life brimming with potential.

Being that you happily let human life die for your own selfish needs, that's obviously self-serving bullshit on your part. It's easy to talk a big game. And that's all you do.

Anyone who cannot see that really has no place calling themselves a human being. Anyone who thinks that an unborn baby is a seed has failed biology more miserably than once thought possible.

Look at all the modern conveniences you partake in. You could use that money to save lives. You don't.

Your philosophy is "Life is more precious than anything, except for my own selfish conveniences". Just another sad control freak putting on a smarmy hypocrite routine.

You need to clarify.
So a full-term baby minutes before delivery who is months OLDER than the premature babies outside the womb, in other words no different than a newborn, is a non-person to you, a piece of garbage that can be butchered no problem?

Well no. Nobody ever says or thinks such things, except pro-lifers (I'd say "morally depraved pro-lifers", but that's redundant). Their imaginations are stomach turning.

I'm truly amazed that some of you are THAT blind or evil. It is baffling to me, and it literally turns my stomach.

It appears you get off on it. Why else would you have typed it so gleefully? Most pro-lifers are pervs that way. Thoughts of gruesome abortions are like snuff porn to them.
No, you've posted various subjective opinion pieces, and then pretended they were TheTruth, when they were just someone's subjective opinion piece.

All of humanity over all of human history says personhood begins at birth. Your bizarre pro-life definitions are very recent historical revisionism. If you want to overturn such an established precedent, you'll need to do better than repeating "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" over and over.

Abortion was legal and common when the USA was founded, the founders knew it, and they didn't see a problem with it. Me, I'm with the founders and their respect for liberty.

You got that backwards, one of YOUR proaborts here posted an opinion piece from an msm site and passed it off as proof. I posted tons of excerpts from biology and embryology textbooks, going back decades, as well as quotes from numerous scientists in this field and never once did they say "it's my opinion" that human life begins at such and such time, from a scientific standpoint, human life begins at conception.

And at this point I think one would have to mentally retarded or living in a cave for decades to think that birth is when we become a person, because premature babies have survived outside the womb as early as 21 weeks. By your inane logic, babies in the womb farther along and much more developed can be killed no problem while a younger premature baby outside the womb is a person. Do you see how nonsensical and illogical that is? You are using location as what determines our humanity, which is ridiculous and ignorant.
Specks obviously aren't babies. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and even she knows that specks aren't babies. Speck. Baby. Speck. Baby. Different things, see?

Only crazy people and liars say specks are babies. Anyone making that claim needs to clarify which category they fall in.

Oh my word. This is unbelievably stupid. By the time most abortions occur (between 8-12 weeks) you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, little arms and legs..... to say the preborn is a "speck" is absolutely asinine.

It's only a few cells immediately after conception, and at that point most women who weren't planning a pregnancy don't even know they're pregnant. They don't know until they've missed at least one period, sometimes two. I'm truly shocked at how much blatant ignorance surrounds this topic. It's either that or blatant dishonesty, not sure which.
How do you figure that I don’t walk the walk?

You're typing on a computer, right? Money for the computer and internet connections could be used to save lives. Shouldn't you be doing that, if life is the most precious important thing of all?

How do you figure that I don’t walk the walk?

You're typing on a computer, right? Money for the computer and internet connections could be used to save lives. Shouldn't you be doing that, if life is the most precious important thing of all?

Reductio absurdum

You might as well cry hypocrite at anyone not fasting naked beneath the branches of a ficus religiosa while reciting the scriptures.

You’d better have more than that.
So a full-term baby minutes before delivery who is months OLDER than the premature babies outside the womb, in other words no different than a newborn, is a non-person to you, a piece of garbage that can be butchered no problem?

Well no. Nobody ever says or thinks such things, except pro-lifers (I'd say "morally depraved pro-lifers", but that's redundant). Their imaginations are stomach turning.

I don't know what you're talking about, but I had a reason for saying that. Because we had a person here who kept repeating the phrase "my body my choice" over and over, in other words her sole argument was bodily autonomy. The reason I said what I did was because that argument collapses when you apply it to the entire 9 months of pregnancy. So, I was trying to get her to see that by asking her that question. Of course she never answered the question, as most of you cowards don't.

It appears you get off on it. Why else would you have typed it so gleefully? Most pro-lifers are pervs that way. Thoughts of gruesome abortions are like snuff porn to them.

You are a disgusting individual. In fact, it's interesting to me that this particular topic brings out the demonic in people. It's almost as if something in you ghouls comes out whenever this topic comes up. Not surprising since the origin of abortion is demonic.
Reductio absurdum

An appropriate response to your absurd hyperbole, which your were using as part of a smarmy moral superiority song and dance. PETA uses the same tactics.

Will you now agree that yes, human life is not the most precious thing, or are you sticking with your absurd hyperbole? Because if you are, my criticism is valid.

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