"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Reductio absurdum

An appropriate response to your absurd hyperbole, which your were using as part of a smarmy moral superiority song and dance. PETA uses the same tactics.

Will you now agree that yes, human life is not the most precious thing, or are you sticking with your absurd hyperbole? Because if you are, my criticism is valid.

What absurd hyperbole are you imagining?

Human life is obviously and manifestly the most precious thing. Noting this in no way validates your logical fallacy.
I don't know what you're talking about, but I had a reason for saying that. Because we had a person here who kept repeating the phrase "my body my choice" over and over, in other words her sole argument was bodily autonomy. The reason I said what I did was because that argument collapses when you apply it to the entire 9 months of pregnancy.

Only if you assumed removal and killing are the same thing. As they're not, your argument collapses.

You are a disgusting individual.

If you're going to dive into the gutter, and you usually do, you shouldn't squeal like a sissy when you get some back. That only makes you look cowardly and hypocritical. Heat, kitchen.

In fact, it's interesting to me that this particular topic brings out the demonic in people. It's almost as if something in you ghouls comes out whenever this topic comes up. Not surprising since the origin of abortion is demonic.

See? More disgusting thoughts from you. It's clear that your mind is always on such topics. That's why decent people shun you.
Human life is obviously and manifestly the most precious thing. Noting this in no way validates your logical fallacy.

Of course it does. Yes, yes, life is the most precious thing evah, unless you have to be inconvenienced to preserve it. That demonstrates you're just spouting smarmy bullshit.

PETA tells me the same smarmy crap about animal life. I correctly put pro-lifers in the same category as PETA because both groups use the same smarmy bullshit. Your mission is to tell me why I should believe you, but not PETA.
Only if you assumed removal and killing are the same thing. As they're not, your argument collapses.

Again, I don't know what you're talking about. Earlier in the thread I asked a hypothetical question about whether or not it would be OK to butcher a full-term preborn baby minutes away from delivery for no reason except that the baby was still in the mother. Nothing about "removal" (which implies the baby was already dead, which is an entirely different matter.) As I said, the bodily autonomy argument collapses, unless you support infanticide.

If you're going to dive into the gutter, and you usually do, you shouldn't squeal like a sissy when you get some back. That only makes you look cowardly and hypocritical. Heat, kitchen.

Oh wow, I see you are a dishonest person too, and very sneaky. YOU said something completely evil and disgusting and out of the blue to me, in response to something that wasn't even posted to you, and you didn't even understand the context.

YOUR post was disgusting, so I reply to you saying just that and then you try to accuse ME of being the bad guy? Very sneaky and dishonest. Your post #2534 was uncalled for, so you're projecting by saying "heat, kitchen."

See? More disgusting thoughts from you. It's clear that your mind is always on such topics. That's why decent people shun you.

In response to what you said in post #2534. If the shoe fits.... And I think you're confusing me with someone else, because I get along with most people here, even people on the other side of the political spectrum. I don't even like to get into mudslinging and ugliness, I try to stay away from those types of interactions. So quit lying in every single post.
Moving your goal post now ??? Of course you are.

Pointing out how your argument is inconsistent and thus obviously dishonest and wrong is not goalpost moving on my part. It's tearing apart your dumb argument.

Your dumb standard was "if it's part of the formula for life, it's a human being". I pointed out by that standard, you have to define unfertilized eggs as people. You don't.

Oh. You're in a tough spot now. You either have to admit your argument was nonsense, or you need to move those goalposts waywayway down the field, something you just said only awful people do. Sucks to be you.

Of course, you do have a third option, that of hurling insults and running. Don't worry. Every pro-lifer does that, so you're not disappointing anyone.
Why lie about what people say ?? I never said (your speck), is a human being yet, but yes it is definitely a formula or part of a formula for life.
So a full-term baby minutes before delivery who is months OLDER than the premature babies outside the womb, in other words no different than a newborn, is a non-person to you, a piece of garbage that can be butchered no problem?

Well no. Nobody ever says or thinks such things, except pro-lifers (I'd say "morally depraved pro-lifers", but that's redundant). Their imaginations are stomach turning.

I'm truly amazed that some of you are THAT blind or evil. It is baffling to me, and it literally turns my stomach.

It appears you get off on it. Why else would you have typed it so gleefully? Most pro-lifers are pervs that way. Thoughts of gruesome abortions are like snuff porn to them.
You just proved how sick and depraved you are with this post.... Get help.
never once did they say "it's my opinion" that human life begins at such and such time, from a scientific standpoint, human life begins at conception.

As sperm, and egg are alive, life clearly does not begin at conception. That's not debatable by any rational person. LIfe clearly existed before conception, hence it can not begin at conception.

So, how will you deflect from that simple statement of fact? The world awaits.

And at this point I think one would have to mentally retarded or living in a cave for decades to think that birth is when we become a person, because premature babies have survived outside the womb as early as 21 weeks.

A non-retard would understand that personhood is a legal and social definition, not a scientific or developmental one. Has your cult never mentioned that fact to you?

By your inane logic, babies in the womb farther along and much more developed can be killed no problem while a younger premature baby outside the womb is a person. Do you see how nonsensical and illogical that is?

As that's not my logic, it must be yours, so I agree that it's really stupid.

So, can you figure out where you went wrong here?

Here's a hint. Eagles aren't people, yet eagles are protected. Try to take it from there.

You are using location as what determines our humanity, which is ridiculous and ignorant.

You're calling the whole human race over all of human history ignorant. That's quite the case of raging narcissism you have going there.
You just proved how sick and depraved you are with this post.... Get help.

Speaking of depraved, you pro-life goosesteppers actually think that living human being and a speck have equal moral worth. I don't think it's possible to get more dehumanizing that.

Pro-lifers are the ultimate eugenicists, reducing humanity to a DNA code. What happens when pro-lifers decide that someone's DNA code isn't up to snuff? You know they're salivating at the chance to define undesirable people as untermenschen.
God doesn't speak to all of us but many don't need a burning bush or booming voice to know that what grows in a woman's womb is a separate, distinct human. Not a "blob of cells" or a "tumor" or a "tadpole" but a real, live, human baby. I can accept that some, even many Americans find the slaughter of 2,500 babies/day to be lawful and therefore OK - I will continue to defend their right to their lives regardless - but we must do so with eyes wide open. No more rationalizing and no more semantics … we must face it and call it what it is.bb
Babies are dying … WTF cares what the definition of "is" is?
Specks obviously aren't babies. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and even she knows that specks aren't babies. Speck. Baby. Speck. Baby. Different things, see? Only crazy people and liars say specks are babies. Anyone making that claim needs to clarify which category they fall in.
Much like your cat, most lefties have a brain the size of a walnut. Again ... you can call that which we slaughter and vacuum from a woman's womb a "blob of cells" or a "tumor" or a "tadpole" or a "speck" but only brain-dead morons believe such silliness.

You qualify.
Again, I don't know what you're talking about.

Yes, that's the problem. I can see you lack the ability to grasp simple logic, and it won't be possible to dumb things down to a level that you can understand. If it's more than a cut and paste, you're helpless.

Oh wow, I see you are a dishonest person too, and very sneaky.

It's not my fault that you've consistently been so vile, insulting and disgusting, so don't try to pin the blame on me. If you start acting like a decent human being, people will start treating you like one.
There is nothing more precious than new innocent life brimming with potential.

Being that you happily let human life die for your own selfish needs, that's obviously self-serving bullshit on your part. It's easy to talk a big game. And that's all you do.

Anyone who cannot see that really has no place calling themselves a human being. Anyone who thinks that an unborn baby is a seed has failed biology more miserably than once thought possible.

Look at all the modern conveniences you partake in. You could use that money to save lives. You don't.

Your philosophy is "Life is more precious than anything, except for my own selfish conveniences". Just another sad control freak putting on a smarmy hypocrite routine.
No one wants to control anyone, but only to promote life regardless of where that life is at any given time. It's not the job of anyone to take a fully responsible person by the hand, and show them that killing a perfectly healthy baby in the womb is sin. They should already know this, but for some unGodly reason they don't or they are lying when they say that they don't. The job of pro-lifers is to educate, and then to councel if nessesary in the situation. If the pro-choice crowd bucks, then maybe laws could change minds if crimes are being committed.

...and we are so lucky to have you show us the error of our ways and thinking, even though you have stated that it is a total waste of time..
Specks obviously aren't babies. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and even she knows that specks aren't babies. Speck. Baby. Speck. Baby. Different things, see?

Only crazy people and liars say specks are babies. Anyone making that claim needs to clarify which category they fall in.

Oh my word. This is unbelievably stupid. By the time most abortions occur (between 8-12 weeks) you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, little arms and legs..... to say the preborn is a "speck" is absolutely asinine.

It's only a few cells immediately after conception, and at that point most women who weren't planning a pregnancy don't even know they're pregnant. They don't know until they've missed at least one period, sometimes two. I'm truly shocked at how much blatant ignorance surrounds this topic. It's either that or blatant dishonesty, not sure which.
You must know by now our Mamooths do not care. The life and humanity of the babies we slaughter and flush are of no significance as they are merely "specks." To brain-dead leftards only their own lives are of any significance so kill the f-ing babies.
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Much like your cat, most lefties have a brain the size of a walnut. Again ... you can call that which we slaughter and vacuum from a woman's womb a "blob of cells" or a "tumor" or a "tadpole" or a "speck" but only brain-dead morons believe such silliness.

You're lying when you claim you think abortion is murder. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. All pro-lifers are liars when they say such crazy things.

The question is _why_ do they lie.

The answer is that it's a combination of things.

Religious mania plays one part, a devotion to their Taliban-like death cults.

The fact that pro-lifers get a sick tingle up their legs from hating plays another part. They get off on being control freaks.

Mostly, however, it's mindless tribalism on the part of pro-lifers. Their corrupt political cult has told them abortion is bad, and they don't have the brains or guts necessary to disagree. Standing up for morality and liberty would lead to expulsion from their cult, and to conservative herd animals, expulsion from the herd is like a death sentence.
Abortion was legal and common when the USA was founded, the founders knew it, and they didn't see a problem with it. Me, I'm with the founders and their respect for liberty.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Laws in America criminalized abortion from the very beginning.

A fundamental right to abortion exists neither in the Constitution or its amendments. It's the height of intellectual dishonesty, likely ignorance, to claim otherwise.
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never once did they say "it's my opinion" that human life begins at such and such time, from a scientific standpoint, human life begins at conception.

As sperm, and egg are alive, life clearly does not begin at conception. That's not debatable by any rational person. LIfe clearly existed before conception, hence it can not begin at conception.


That Is a tragically idiotic failure to understand the most basic biology.
As sperm, and egg are alive, life clearly does not begin at conception. That's not debatable by any rational person. LIfe clearly existed before conception, hence it can not begin at conception.

So, how will you deflect from that simple statement of fact? The world awaits.

Sigh. Let's go through this. It's not about something being "alive" in the sense that you have in mind. The z/e/f is more than just "alive" - we're talking about an actual human being, simply in the beginning stages of life. I'm going to post an excerpt again that I posted to someone else. Please read it:

Basic human embryological facts

To begin with, scientifically something very radical occurs between the processes of gametogenesis and fertilization — the change from a simple part of one human being (i.e., a sperm) and a simple part of another human being (i.e., an oocyte — usually referred to as an "ovum" or "egg"), which simply possess "human life", to a new, genetically unique, newly existing, individual, whole living human being (an embryonic single-cell human zygote). That is, upon fertilization, parts of human beings have actually been transformed into something very different from what they were before; they have been changed into a single, whole human being. During the process of fertilization, the sperm and the oocyte cease to exist as such, and a new human being is produced.

Libertarians for Life - Abortion and the Question of the Person

A non-retard would understand that personhood is a legal and social definition, not a scientific or developmental one. Has your cult never mentioned that fact to you?

I never claimed that "personhood" was scientific. I didn't use that word. I have been talking about the beginning of our lives as a human being, a member of the human species. SCIENCE tells us that. Maybe you weren't here earlier on this thread, but if you want, I'll re-post a ton of quotes for you from biology / embryology textbooks, scientists in this field, etc.

As that's not my logic, it must be yours, so I agree that it's really stupid.

So, can you figure out where you went wrong here?

Here's a hint. Eagles aren't people, yet eagles are protected. Try to take it from there.

What the hell are you talking about? You are all over the place, and you're as clear as mud. Correct me if I'm wrong, but BIRTH seems to be your point at which you believe the preborn baby suddenly has value and should no longer be killed. Correct? In other words, at any point before birth, the preborn is still killable? If that is not your position, then clarify it, pls.

You're calling the whole human race over all of human history ignorant. That's quite the case of raging narcissism you have going there.

Nope, I wasn't doing that. I'm sure even way back before there were ultrasounds, there were probably at least SOME people who intuitively knew that the preborn baby is a little human being, with value, BEFORE his head pops out of the birth canal.

But even if that wasn't the case, even if the entire world considered the birth canal a magical place that suddenly turns a worthless clump of tissue, a dispsoable piece of garbage, into a precious, valuable brand new baby.... that STILL wouldn't make it right. At one point, most people thought slavery was OK. The law said it was OK. So, nice logical fallacy there, I believe it's called argumentum ad populum.
Oh my word. This is unbelievably stupid. By the time most abortions occur (between 8-12 weeks) you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, little arms and legs..... to say the preborn is a "speck" is absolutely asinine.

Brains waves? Who feeds you this crap? Prof-lifers are all hilariously ignorant of biology. (Here's the hint you'll need, dumbass. Neural activity is not "brain waves". Even plants have neural activity. Stick an EEG in them, you'll get a reading.)

Second, as I pointed out before, you're an imbecile on the topic of logic. I'll have to go very slowly for you.

It's your idiot claims that life begins at conception

If I knock that down, I knock down the whole tower of pro-life bullshit.

I knocked it down with the simple observation that specks aren't people.

Now, you're left flailing. You've got to move the goalposts, which makes it obvious that you're just making up self-serving bullshit. Sucks to be you.

So, where are you going to move those goalposts to?

By the way, nice pro-life PC revisionism with "the preborn". Standard English isn't kind to your cult, so it had to make up some speshul PC cult lingo.
Yes, that's the problem. I can see you lack the ability to grasp simple logic, and it won't be possible to dumb things down to a level that you can understand. If it's more than a cut and paste, you're helpless.

It's not my fault that you've consistently been so vile, insulting and disgusting, so don't try to pin the blame on me. If you start acting like a decent human being, people will start treating you like one.

Wow, wow, wow. Talk about projecting! The person who made the most disgusting, horrible, sick comment about me is saying I'VE been vile and disgusting? What for? For trying to get you to understand basic biology? For calling you out on your disgusting comment in post #2534? I thought some of the other proaborts on this thread were bad, you're making them look like saints, with your evil behavior.

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