"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Sigh. Let's go through this.

Sure. You tried to make your own speshul PC version of "alive", where living things aren't living if you say the living thing isn't really living.

That is, you're just lying about language. I've got to hand it to you, I haven't seen any pro-lifer stoop that low before, so at least you get points for originality. However, as you're still lying, your argument there is still a big steaming pile. Sperm and egg are still alive, so live clearly does not being at conception.

I'm going to post an excerpt again that I posted to someone else. Please read it:

What about "That's a dumb subjective opinion" is confusing you here? The fact that you share the dumb subjective opinion doesn't make the opinion any less dumb or subjective. The terms "person" or "human being" are social and legal constructs, so those trying to define them by development are engaging in dishonest linguistic revisionism.

I never claimed that "personhood" was scientific. I didn't use that word. I have been talking about the beginning of our lives as a human being, a member of the human species.

They're the same thing.

SCIENCE tells us that.

No, a dumb subjective opinion you keep copying says that. Nobody outside of your cult cares.

Maybe you weren't here earlier on this thread, but if you want, I'll re-post a ton of quotes for you from biology / embryology textbooks, scientists in this field, etc.

And they'll all be dumb subjective opinions. The fact that you can find many dumb subjective opinions does not make them less dumb or less subjective.

What the hell are you talking about? You are all over the place, and you're as clear as mud.

With the eagle example, I'm pointing out that something doesn't have to be a person to get protections. I really tried to make you think there, but you weren't up to the task.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but BIRTH seems to be your point at which you believe the preborn baby suddenly has value and should no longer be killed. Correct? In other words, at any point before birth, the preborn is still killable? If that is not your position, then clarify it, pls.

No, it's not my opinion. Your cult has done a number on you, feeding you nonsense to get you to hate.

I think a fetus increases in value as it grows. All non-liars will agree they feel that way as well. Everyone thinks specks are worthless, and that a 9-month fetus is valuable.

Nope, I wasn't doing that. I'm sure even way back before there were ultrasounds, there were probably at least SOME people who intuitively knew that the preborn baby is a little human being, with value, BEFORE his head pops out of the birth canal.

Sure, crazy people have always existed.

But even if that wasn't the case, even if the entire world considered the birth canal a magical place that suddenly turns a worthless clump of tissue, a dispsoable piece of garbage, into a precious, valuable brand new baby.... that STILL wouldn't make it right.

Ah yes, raving about magical birth canals, standard pro-life PC lingo.

At one point, most people thought slavery was OK.

And today, pro-lifers still think slavery is okay, for pregnant women.

We fight for liberty, and that's just too alien for you to understand.
Oh my word. This is unbelievably stupid. By the time most abortions occur (between 8-12 weeks) you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, little arms and legs..... to say the preborn is a "speck" is absolutely asinine.

Brains waves? Who feeds you this crap? Prof-lifers are all hilariously ignorant of biology. (Here's the hint you'll need, dumbass. Neural activity is not "brain waves". Even plants have neural activity. Stick an EEG in them, you'll get a reading.)

Second, as I pointed out before, you're an imbecile on the topic of logic. I'll have to go very slowly for you.

It's your idiot claims that life begins at conception

If I knock that down, I knock down the whole tower of pro-life bullshit.

I knocked it down with the simple observation that specks aren't people.

Now, you're left flailing. You've got to move the goalposts, which makes it obvious that you're just making up self-serving bullshit. Sucks to be you.

So, where are you going to move those goalposts to?

By the way, nice pro-life PC revisionism with "the preborn". Standard English isn't kind to your cult, so it had to make up some speshul PC cult lingo.
You know, I was going to reply to every ignorant or misguided statement you made above, point by point. But it's not even worth my time. You are clearly clueless on basic biology, and you don't seem like the type who WANTS to learn, like your cohorts here, you appear to be willfully ignorant.

And AGAIN, liar, when most abortions occur, it's LONG PAST the point of being a "speck" - you have a beating heart, a little body and face, little arms and legs. To say its a "speck" makes you either woefully ignorant or a blatant liar.


Much like your cat, most lefties have a brain the size of a walnut. Again ... you can call that which we slaughter and vacuum from a woman's womb a "blob of cells" or a "tumor" or a "tadpole" or a "speck" but only brain-dead morons believe such silliness.
You're lying when you claim you think abortion is murder. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. All pro-lifers are liars when they say such crazy things. The question is _why_ do they lie...
I absolutely believe abortion is murder and you are lying as you pretend abortion is not. No one with a triple-digit IQ wonders why -as you already mentioned - you have a brain the size of a walnut.
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Abortion was legal and common when the USA was founded, the founders knew it, and they didn't see a problem with it. Me, I'm with the founders and their respect for liberty.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Laws in America criminalized abortion from the very beginning.

A fundamental right to abortion exists neither in the Constitution or its amendments. It's the height of intellectual dishonesty, likely ignorance, to claim otherwise.

A spot-on description of our Mamooths ... the height of intellectual dishonesty and just as likely monumental ignorance.
I absolutely believe abortion is murder and you are lying as you pretend abortion is not. No one with a triple-digit IQ wonders why ... you have, as you already mentioned - a brain the size of a walnut.

How sweet, fresh meat.

Thought experiment time. Any pro-lifers, feel free to answer.

You pass a fertility clinic. It's on fire.

You can rush inside and save one woman, or you can save a freezer filled with 1000 frozen embryos, all scheduled for implantation in willing host mothers. You can't save both. If you try to save both, everyone dies.

So, which do you save?

Now, square that with your claimed belief that you think embryos are the moral equivalent of people.
As sperm, and egg are alive, life clearly does not begin at conception. That's not debatable by any rational person. LIfe clearly existed before conception, hence it can not begin at conception...
That Is a tragically idiotic failure to understand the most basic biology.
That is convenient realty to leftards. Our Mamooths do not care about biology or humanity. They are concerned only with their leftarded ideology and truth & facts be damned. Certainly the "specks" we abort are just collateral damage in their battle to destroy.
You know, I was going to reply to every ignorant or misguided statement you made above, point by point. But it's not even worth my time. You are clearly clueless on basic biology, and you don't seem like the type who WANTS to learn, like your cohorts here, you appear to be willfully ignorant.

And there you go, running for the hills, screaming hysterical insults to cover your tear-streaked retreat. Don't worry. Pro-lifers always run. Your running was expected, so you didn't disappoint anyone.

And AGAIN, liar, when most abortions occur, it's LONG PAST the point of being a "speck" -

Never said or implied otherwise. I told you the purpose of the statement, and you cut and ran. That demonstrates I done spanked you good, in front of everyone. Time to carve another notch.

you have a beating heart, a little body and face, little arms and legs. To say its a "speck" makes you either woefully ignorant or a blatant liar.

And I didn't say that, which makes you a liar.

Think about it. If you can't support TheCause without lying, what does that say about TheCause?
What happened to the “walking the walk” fallacy?

I was being kind by just leaving you flailing there. Everyone gets it. You wanted a reason to play the smarmy moralist, without needing to do anything but flap your gums, so you made up a story about how precious life is.

Now, since you jumped in, answer the burning clinic scenario, and square that with your professed opinion that nothing is more precious than any kind of human life.
As sperm, and egg are alive, life clearly does not begin at conception. That's not debatable by any rational person. LIfe clearly existed before conception, hence it can not begin at conception...
That Is a tragically idiotic failure to understand the most basic biology.
That is convenient realty to leftards. Our Mamooths do not care about biology or humanity. They are concerned only with their leftarded ideology and truth & facts be damned. Certainly the "specks" we abort are just collateral damage in their battle to destroy.

I don't think it's a left-right thing. Like I posted before, that sends the message that the pro-life cause is only a conservative or Christian thing, which it isn't. There are a growing number of secular and non-traditional prolifers, because as technology shows us the baby in the womb, more people are realizing how unethical and wrong it is, to kill the most innocent, vulnerable among us, for the sake of convenience or selfishness.

So I don't think it's a left/right thing, but I am starting to think it's a good vs evil thing. Interestingly, the angry, more vocal proaborts appear to be possessed, or at least demonically influenced. Like a certain someone around here.
That is convenient realty to leftards. Our Mamooths do not care about biology or humanity. They are concerned only with their leftarded ideology and truth & facts be damned. Certainly the "specks" we abort are just collateral damage in their battle to destroy.

PETA freaks say that too, which is why everyone laughs at them as well. They're just as dishonest as pro-lifers. They get a sick thrill from hating, so they make up reasons to hate.

I find it difficult to differentiate between PETA freaks and pro-lifers, being that they use exactly the same logic. I have to resort to the sniff test. PETA freaks almost always have better hygiene.
I don't think it's a left-right thing. Like I posted before, that sends the message that the pro-life cause is only a conservative or Christian thing, which it isn't. There are a growing number of secular and non-traditional prolifers, because as technology shows us the baby in the womb, more people are realizing how unethical and wrong it is, to kill the most innocent, vulnerable among us, for the sake of convenience or selfishness.

So I don't think it's a left/right thing, but I am starting to think it's a good vs evil thing. Interestingly, the angry, more vocal proaborts appear to be possessed, or at least demonically influenced. Like a certain someone around here.

And there you go, calling people selfish and evil and demonic, and then whimpering about insults.

Given what a disgusting hypocrite you are, how do you manage to look in the mirror without puking? If I acted as badly as you do, I'd off myself out of shame. But then, I have a conscience.
As sperm, and egg are alive, life clearly does not begin at conception. That's not debatable by any rational person. LIfe clearly existed before conception, hence it can not begin at conception...
That Is a tragically idiotic failure to understand the most basic biology.
That is convenient realty to leftards. Our Mamooths do not care about biology or humanity. They are concerned only with their leftarded ideology and truth & facts be damned. Certainly the "specks" we abort are just collateral damage in their battle to destroy.

I don't think it's a left-right thing. Like I posted before, that sends the message that the pro-life cause is only a conservative or Christian thing, which it isn't. There are a growing number of secular and non-traditional prolifers, because as technology shows us the baby in the womb, more people are realizing how unethical and wrong it is, to kill the most innocent, vulnerable among us, for the sake of convenience or selfishness.

So I don't think it's a left/right thing, but I am starting to think it's a good vs evil thing. Interestingly, the angry, more vocal proaborts appear to be possessed, or at least demonically influenced. Like a certain someone around here.
No ... the message is the kill-the-babies ideology is pretty much a leftard thing.
No ... the message is the kill-the-babies ideology is pretty much a leftard thing.

I'm still waiting for your reply on the burning clinic scenario.

You seem reluctant to give an answer. Why is that?

No matter. I'll check back tomorrow and see if any pro-lifers can locate their ... courage.
As sperm, and egg are alive, life clearly does not begin at conception. That's not debatable by any rational person. LIfe clearly existed before conception, hence it can not begin at conception...
That Is a tragically idiotic failure to understand the most basic biology.
That is convenient realty to leftards. Our Mamooths do not care about biology or humanity. They are concerned only with their leftarded ideology and truth & facts be damned. Certainly the "specks" we abort are just collateral damage in their battle to destroy.

I don't think it's a left-right thing. Like I posted before, that sends the message that the pro-life cause is only a conservative or Christian thing, which it isn't. There are a growing number of secular and non-traditional prolifers, because as technology shows us the baby in the womb, more people are realizing how unethical and wrong it is, to kill the most innocent, vulnerable among us, for the sake of convenience or selfishness.

So I don't think it's a left/right thing, but I am starting to think it's a good vs evil thing. Interestingly, the angry, more vocal proaborts appear to be possessed, or at least demonically influenced. Like a certain someone around here.
No ... the message is the kill-the-babies ideology is pretty much a leftard thing.

If I'm not mistaken, something like 34 percent of Democrats are pro-life. And like I said, there are a growing number of non-traditional pro-lifers. I think if we want more people to be pro-life, we can't make it into a left-right thing, because it's really not. And it hurts the cause. It's more like a decent/responsible/compassionate vs selfish/irresponsible/callous thing.
What happened to the “walking the walk” fallacy?

...You wanted a reason to play the smarmy moralist, without needing to do anything but flap your gums, so you made up a story about how precious life is...

“Made up a story”? About the most inherently and universally understood truth of the human condition? What the hell is wrong with you?
I don't think it's a left-right thing. Like I posted before, that sends the message that the pro-life cause is only a conservative or Christian thing, which it isn't. There are a growing number of secular and non-traditional prolifers, because as technology shows us the baby in the womb, more people are realizing how unethical and wrong it is, to kill the most innocent, vulnerable among us, for the sake of convenience or selfishness.

So I don't think it's a left/right thing, but I am starting to think it's a good vs evil thing. Interestingly, the angry, more vocal proaborts appear to be possessed, or at least demonically influenced. Like a certain someone around here.

And there you go, calling people selfish and evil and demonic, and then whimpering about insults.

Given what a disgusting hypocrite you are, how do you manage to look in the mirror without puking? If I acted as badly as you do, I'd off myself out of shame. But then, I have a conscience.

You're projecting again. You do that a lot. And yes, I stand by what I said about militant proaborts appearing to be demonic. I could post video footage, if you want. And yes, it IS selfish to put one's convenience first, before the life of one's own child, who is not at fault. But that's my view, and if it bothers you so much, maybe that means something?

I have other things to do now, so I'll let others deal with you.

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