"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Everyone including the unborn baby is entitled to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" We were all once that unborn that are being murdered and denied "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" I was once an embryo and a fetus in the process of being born. I did not get here by creations out of my mother's womb. I was once an egg. You, pro-choice people, act as if you got here in a different way other than those you chose to abort, YOU CANNOT MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING. I was something from conception and before I was an egg. Every part of my body is alive, even the unborn in the womb. IF it is attached to you it is alive.
Talking to you "pro-abortionist" is like talking to a brick wall. And you are not pro-choice you are pro-abortionist that you are afraid to use.
And before when you were an egg, the sperm could have ran past you and missed the target causing a natural abortion. What's the difference in the two abortions?
Oh my word. This is unbelievably stupid. By the time most abortions occur (between 8-12 weeks) you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, little arms and legs..... to say the preborn is a "speck" is absolutely asinine.

Brains waves? Who feeds you this crap? Prof-lifers are all hilariously ignorant of biology. (Here's the hint you'll need, dumbass. Neural activity is not "brain waves". Even plants have neural activity. Stick an EEG in them, you'll get a reading.)

Second, as I pointed out before, you're an imbecile on the topic of logic. I'll have to go very slowly for you.

It's your idiot claims that life begins at conception

If I knock that down, I knock down the whole tower of pro-life bullshit.

I knocked it down with the simple observation that specks aren't people.

Now, you're left flailing. You've got to move the goalposts, which makes it obvious that you're just making up self-serving bullshit. Sucks to be you.

So, where are you going to move those goalposts to?

By the way, nice pro-life PC revisionism with "the preborn". Standard English isn't kind to your cult, so it had to make up some speshul PC cult lingo.
You know, I was going to reply to every ignorant or misguided statement you made above, point by point. But it's not even worth my time. You are clearly clueless on basic biology, and you don't seem like the type who WANTS to learn, like your cohorts here, you appear to be willfully ignorant.

And AGAIN, liar, when most abortions occur, it's LONG PAST the point of being a "speck" - you have a beating heart, a little body and face, little arms and legs. To say its a "speck" makes you either woefully ignorant or a blatant liar.


Makes mammoth evil I guess.. No other explanation. Evilness is growing bigger and bigger in this country, and all around this world. Most know it and see it (I think), otherwise that things are getting bad or worse, so either some are part of these problem's or they are part of the solution's. It's easy to see who is part of these problems today, and who are the ones trying to help.

Then work to end abortion consistent with the Constitution, the rule of law, and a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, no one opposes anyone seeking to end the practice, that’s not the point of conflict – the conflict manifests when those hostile to abortion seek to end the practice by increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

To end the practice would of course decrease the size of government having to deal with such a thing, and therefore place it back into the medical community where it belongs. Of course that community will continue to be regulated, and laws enforced because in a lot of ways it has over stepped it's boundaries over time (parts of it), and therefore those parts had created the problem to begin with over time. Government is usually dragged into these situations, and then it does a crappy job of fixing them in a correct way. Evidence of that is everywhere these days.[/QUOTE]
The Constitution separates church and state. I'm not part of your church.
God doesn't speak to all of us but many don't need a burning bush or booming voice to know that what grows in a woman's womb is a separate, distinct human. Not a "blob of cells" or a "tumor" or a "tadpole" but a real, live, human baby. I can accept that some, even many Americans find the slaughter of 2,500 babies/day to be lawful and therefore OK - I will continue to defend their right to their lives regardless - but we must do so with eyes wide open. No more rationalizing and no more semantics … we must face it and call it what it is.

Babies are dying … WTF cares what the definition of "is" is?
Babies aren’t dying. They are seeds. And life isn’t that precious.

You sound like pita. Cows are dying! I actually do feel bad for the cows. They are thinking feeling beings. Fetuses arent

It's not a seed, you idiot, the z/e/f is a brand new human being with the entire genetic blueprint of a new individual. The First Week | Prenatal Overview. Again, basic biology.

Furthermore, by the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, arms, legs, etc. Far, FAR more than just a lifeless "seed" so you are either completely ignorant or a blatant liar.

And it is disgusting that you keep saying "life isn't that precious" - that sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy would say.

There just isn't much room for dissenting opinions in your world, is there....
They're stuck in their own minds independent of the endless possibilities and questions that cannot be answered.

“...questions that cannot be answered.”

Such as: Does God exist?

Theists: God cannot be proven to not exist but we believe He does anyway.

Pro-Choicers: It cannot be proven that life doesn’t begin until after birth but we believe it doesn’t anyway.

You have more in common with Pro-Lifers than you think.
Negative! Because I never established what is. Only pro-lifers play God. I don't.
Oh my word. This is unbelievably stupid. By the time most abortions occur (between 8-12 weeks) you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, little arms and legs..... to say the preborn is a "speck" is absolutely asinine.

Brains waves? Who feeds you this crap? Prof-lifers are all hilariously ignorant of biology. (Here's the hint you'll need, dumbass. Neural activity is not "brain waves". Even plants have neural activity. Stick an EEG in them, you'll get a reading.)

Second, as I pointed out before, you're an imbecile on the topic of logic. I'll have to go very slowly for you.

It's your idiot claims that life begins at conception

If I knock that down, I knock down the whole tower of pro-life bullshit.

I knocked it down with the simple observation that specks aren't people.

Now, you're left flailing. You've got to move the goalposts, which makes it obvious that you're just making up self-serving bullshit. Sucks to be you.

So, where are you going to move those goalposts to?

By the way, nice pro-life PC revisionism with "the preborn". Standard English isn't kind to your cult, so it had to make up some speshul PC cult lingo.
You know, I was going to reply to every ignorant or misguided statement you made above, point by point. But it's not even worth my time. You are clearly clueless on basic biology, and you don't seem like the type who WANTS to learn, like your cohorts here, you appear to be willfully ignorant.

And AGAIN, liar, when most abortions occur, it's LONG PAST the point of being a "speck" - you have a beating heart, a little body and face, little arms and legs. To say its a "speck" makes you either woefully ignorant or a blatant liar.


Makes mammoth evil I guess.. No other explanation. Evilness is growing bigger and bigger in this country, and all around this world. Most know it and see it (I think), otherwise that things are getting bad or worse, so either some are part of these problem's or they are part of the solution's. It's easy to see who is part of these problems today, and who are the ones trying to help.

Then work to end abortion consistent with the Constitution, the rule of law, and a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, no one opposes anyone seeking to end the practice, that’s not the point of conflict – the conflict manifests when those hostile to abortion seek to end the practice by increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.[/QUOTE]
Hate through religious fanaticism.
And yes, I stand by what I said about militant proaborts appearing to be demonic. I could post video footage, if you want.

Oh, please please please do. I think everyone here would enjoy seeing your demonic videos.

I know I do. I find fringe religious crackpots to be a source of endless amusement.
And yes, I stand by what I said about militant proaborts appearing to be demonic. I could post video footage, if you want.

Oh, please please please do. I think everyone here would enjoy seeing your demonic videos.

I know I do. I find fringe religious crackpots to be a source of endless amusement.
That makes two of us.
“Made up a story”? About the most inherently and universally understood truth of the human condition?

That's another bizarre story on your part. When my point is you're just making up crazy stories, making up more crazy stories is probably not your best choice of options.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Don't you have some super-awesome-precious life to save? After all, you say it's the most super-important-thing evah. Why are you wasting time at the computer?


How can you expect a serious discourse if you don’t understand basic logic?
Babies aren’t dying. They are seeds. And life isn’t that precious.

You sound like pita. Cows are dying! I actually do feel bad for the cows. They are thinking feeling beings. Fetuses arent

It's not a seed, you idiot, the z/e/f is a brand new human being with the entire genetic blueprint of a new individual. The First Week | Prenatal Overview. Again, basic biology.

Furthermore, by the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, arms, legs, etc. Far, FAR more than just a lifeless "seed" so you are either completely ignorant or a blatant liar.

And it is disgusting that you keep saying "life isn't that precious" - that sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy would say.

There just isn't much room for dissenting opinions in your world, is there....
They're stuck in their own minds independent of the endless possibilities and questions that cannot be answered.

“...questions that cannot be answered.”

Such as: Does God exist?

Theists: God cannot be proven to not exist but we believe He does anyway.

Pro-Choicers: It cannot be proven that life doesn’t begin until after birth but we believe it doesn’t anyway.

You have more in common with Pro-Lifers than you think.
Think. If you are alive then what is part of your body is alive also. Whether it be cancer, a growth (a fetus) your hair, toenails, etc but when you die all parts of you die. The hair stops growing and the fetus inside you dies also because it is not getting nourishment and oxygen from you. So logic would tell any intelligent being that the fetus is alive. IF IT IS GROWING IN YOUR BODY, IT IS ALIVE.

I agree. My point was based on their premise that they can't prove when life begins.

Their premise is flawed as an argument against pro-lifers because it puts them on an equal footing of faith. It actually does nothing to advance the pro-choice position.
Babies aren’t dying. They are seeds. And life isn’t that precious.

You sound like pita. Cows are dying! I actually do feel bad for the cows. They are thinking feeling beings. Fetuses arent

It's not a seed, you idiot, the z/e/f is a brand new human being with the entire genetic blueprint of a new individual. The First Week | Prenatal Overview. Again, basic biology.

Furthermore, by the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, arms, legs, etc. Far, FAR more than just a lifeless "seed" so you are either completely ignorant or a blatant liar.

And it is disgusting that you keep saying "life isn't that precious" - that sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy would say.

There just isn't much room for dissenting opinions in your world, is there....
They're stuck in their own minds independent of the endless possibilities and questions that cannot be answered.

“...questions that cannot be answered.”

Such as: Does God exist?

Theists: God cannot be proven to not exist but we believe He does anyway.

Pro-Choicers: It cannot be proven that life doesn’t begin until after birth but we believe it doesn’t anyway.

You have more in common with Pro-Lifers than you think.
Negative! Because I never established what is. Only pro-lifers play God. I don't.

I know you haven't, that's the point. You haven't established what is and yet you feel secure in your position that it's okay to abort a child before birth anyway.
And yes, I stand by what I said about militant proaborts appearing to be demonic. I could post video footage, if you want.

Oh, please please please do. I think everyone here would enjoy seeing your demonic videos.

I know I do. I find fringe religious crackpots to be a source of endless amusement.
That makes two of us.

Between the two of you loons there isn't a dozen functioning brain cells.
No one wants to control anyone,

Nonsense. Rape/incest exceptions show that. If the dirty slut had sex voluntarily, they want to punish her. If it's not her fault, they don't.

Um, no. They don’t want to punish the “dirty slut” for having sex voluntarily, they want to punish her for ending an innocent life.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
Babies aren’t dying. They are seeds. And life isn’t that precious.

You sound like pita. Cows are dying! I actually do feel bad for the cows. They are thinking feeling beings. Fetuses arent

It's not a seed, you idiot, the z/e/f is a brand new human being with the entire genetic blueprint of a new individual. The First Week | Prenatal Overview. Again, basic biology.

Furthermore, by the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, arms, legs, etc. Far, FAR more than just a lifeless "seed" so you are either completely ignorant or a blatant liar.

And it is disgusting that you keep saying "life isn't that precious" - that sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy would say.

There just isn't much room for dissenting opinions in your world, is there....
They're stuck in their own minds independent of the endless possibilities and questions that cannot be answered.

“...questions that cannot be answered.”

Such as: Does God exist?

Theists: God cannot be proven to not exist but we believe He does anyway.

Pro-Choicers: It cannot be proven that life doesn’t begin until after birth but we believe it doesn’t anyway.

You have more in common with Pro-Lifers than you think.
Think. If you are alive then what is part of your body is alive also. Whether it be cancer, a growth (a fetus) your hair, toenails, etc but when you die all parts of you die. The hair stops growing and the fetus inside you dies also because it is not getting nourishment and oxygen from you. So logic would tell any intelligent being that the fetus is alive. IF IT IS GROWING IN YOUR BODY, IT IS ALIVE.

So is a lung cancer tumor.
It's not a seed, you idiot, the z/e/f is a brand new human being with the entire genetic blueprint of a new individual. The First Week | Prenatal Overview. Again, basic biology.

Furthermore, by the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a little face and body, a beating heart, brain waves, arms, legs, etc. Far, FAR more than just a lifeless "seed" so you are either completely ignorant or a blatant liar.

And it is disgusting that you keep saying "life isn't that precious" - that sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy would say.

There just isn't much room for dissenting opinions in your world, is there....
They're stuck in their own minds independent of the endless possibilities and questions that cannot be answered.

“...questions that cannot be answered.”

Such as: Does God exist?

Theists: God cannot be proven to not exist but we believe He does anyway.

Pro-Choicers: It cannot be proven that life doesn’t begin until after birth but we believe it doesn’t anyway.

You have more in common with Pro-Lifers than you think.
Think. If you are alive then what is part of your body is alive also. Whether it be cancer, a growth (a fetus) your hair, toenails, etc but when you die all parts of you die. The hair stops growing and the fetus inside you dies also because it is not getting nourishment and oxygen from you. So logic would tell any intelligent being that the fetus is alive. IF IT IS GROWING IN YOUR BODY, IT IS ALIVE.

So is a lung cancer tumor.

Good grief....
I was something from conception and before I was an egg.

Your idiot standard makes no sense, as it would require that eggs be people too. After all, that egg developed into you.

As your definition is so inconsistent, it's clearly self-serving nonsense. You faked that definition so you'd have a reason to justify your sick control freak agenda.

What, you thought it wasn't obvious?
Idiot. There cannot be a person unless it is first an egg. People evolve from eggs. They do not just drop out of thin air. Even Adam for formed from the dust of the earth before he took his first breath and he was a person even before he took his first breath and he became a living soul but these miracles do not happen anymore. For a fetus to not be alive it has to be dead and it is not dead. Whether you call it a living being or not it is alive.
I was something from conception and before I was an egg.

Your idiot standard makes no sense, as it would require that eggs be people too. After all, that egg developed into you.

As your definition is so inconsistent, it's clearly self-serving nonsense. You faked that definition so you'd have a reason to justify your sick control freak agenda.

What, you thought it wasn't obvious?
Idiot. There cannot be a person unless it is first an egg. People evolve from eggs. They do not just drop out of thin air. Even Adam for formed from the dust of the earth before he took his first breath and he was a person even before he took his first breath and he became a living soul but these miracles do not happen anymore. For a fetus to not be alive it has to be dead and it is not dead. Whether you call it a living being or not it is alive.
Thanks for your religious take. Good thing Church and State doesn't force me to believe what you believe.
No one wants to control anyone,

Nonsense. Rape/incest exceptions show that. If the dirty slut had sex voluntarily, they want to punish her. If it's not her fault, they don't.

Um, no. They don’t want to punish the “dirty slut” for having sex voluntarily, they want to punish her for ending an innocent life.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
No one wants to control anyone,

Nonsense. Rape/incest exceptions show that. If the dirty slut had sex voluntarily, they want to punish her. If it's not her fault, they don't.

Um, no. They don’t want to punish the “dirty slut” for having sex voluntarily, they want to punish her for ending an innocent life.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.

No argument here.
No one wants to control anyone,

Nonsense. Rape/incest exceptions show that. If the dirty slut had sex voluntarily, they want to punish her. If it's not her fault, they don't.

Um, no. They don’t want to punish the “dirty slut” for having sex voluntarily, they want to punish her for ending an innocent life.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
Sometimes he is, but that has complicated and multiple reasons also. Then again he might just be a Piece Of Crap simple as that.

The man doesn't get off scott free though, and he knows it. Irresponsibility is not privy to just the one gender involved. Both should own up to their responsibility in life, and do the right thing.

Now the setting the man up is also part of the equation in some instances, where as the woman attempts to lock the man in with a baby, but when that fails it's off to discard the little one by aborting the failed plan.

Then there is the false pregnancy, where the woman claims to be pregnant, but she wasn't the whole time in her attempt to lock the man into a marriage before finding out the truth about the whole thing. Her last attempt to hide it all was a claim of miscarriage to cover it all up.

Done seen and heard it all folks.

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