"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
Adolf Hitler believed in the use of Abortion for the purposes of Eugenics and racial cleansing. Hitler believed in the forced "evolution" of humanity through the death of the handicapped, and all those who were not Aryan, most notably including Jews. He viewed non-Aryans as inferior. An arguably similar rationale is often used to justify abortion today—specifically, the killing of unborn children who suffer from physical and mental issues, a form of eugenics.
Abortion and Adolf Hitler - Conservapedia
But Hitler was not a Christian
Adolf Hitler believed in the use of Abortion for the purposes of Eugenics and racial cleansing. Hitler believed in the forced "evolution" of humanity through the death of the handicapped, and all those who were not Aryan, most notably including Jews. He viewed non-Aryans as inferior. An arguably similar rationale is often used to justify abortion today—specifically, the killing of unborn children who suffer from physical and mental issues, a form of eugenics.
Abortion and Adolf Hitler - Conservapedia
But Hitler was not a Christian

So, you're saying Hitler believed the government should control a woman's uterus, and decide whether or not she gives birth?

Hmm.... sounds familiar.
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.

Having read the above, especially the underlined italics section, I have come to the root of your problem. It is so self evident that I really don't even need to spell it out for you.
Adolf Hitler believed in the use of Abortion for the purposes of Eugenics and racial cleansing. Hitler believed in the forced "evolution" of humanity through the death of the handicapped, and all those who were not Aryan, most notably including Jews. He viewed non-Aryans as inferior. An arguably similar rationale is often used to justify abortion today—specifically, the killing of unborn children who suffer from physical and mental issues, a form of eugenics.
Abortion and Adolf Hitler - Conservapedia
But Hitler was not a Christian

So, you're saying Hitler believed the government should control a woman's uterus, and decide whether or not she gives birth?

Hmm.... sounds familiar.
Twist that pretzel.. lol
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
Your beliefs are subjective and personal, in no manner justifying compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

You’re entitled to your beliefs – but you’re not entitled to violate the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy.
Adolf Hitler believed in the use of Abortion for the purposes of Eugenics and racial cleansing. Hitler believed in the forced "evolution" of humanity through the death of the handicapped, and all those who were not Aryan, most notably including Jews. He viewed non-Aryans as inferior. An arguably similar rationale is often used to justify abortion today—specifically, the killing of unborn children who suffer from physical and mental issues, a form of eugenics.
Abortion and Adolf Hitler - Conservapedia
But Hitler was not a Christian
Hitler = you’ve lost the argument.
Um, no. They don’t want to punish the “dirty slut” for having sex voluntarily, they want to punish her for ending an innocent life.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
Sometimes he is, but that has complicated and multiple reasons also. Then again he might just be a Piece Of Crap simple as that.

The man doesn't get off scott free though, and he knows it. Irresponsibility is not privy to just the one gender involved. Both should own up to their responsibility in life, and do the right thing.

Now the setting the man up is also part of the equation in some instances, where as the woman attempts to lock the man in with a baby, but when that fails it's off to discard the little one by aborting the failed plan.

Then there is the false pregnancy, where the woman claims to be pregnant, but she wasn't the whole time in her attempt to lock the man into a marriage before finding out the truth about the whole thing. Her last attempt to hide it all was a claim of miscarriage to cover it all up.

Done seen and heard it all folks.
And most of what we hear from the pro-life crowd is that the woman is always the one at fault, and that she's nothing but a whore. This thread is prime example.
You got that wrong. They only care about the unborn child you want to kill. That is what pro-life is.
Hitler = you’ve lost the argument.

I don't buy that any more. The Trumpster are leaning, hard, toward fascism. When Hitler comparisons are apt, we should apply them. We should learn from history, not fear it's name.
Those defending a woman's right to privacy were being falsely compared to Hitler, hence the argument was lost by that poster.

Otherwise agreed, most Trump sycophants are moving closer to fascism; advocating for greater government authority at the expense of individual liberty is one of many examples.
Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization - the heart begins to beat. By 4 weeks, the heart typically beats between 105 and 121 times per minute. If you got a heartbeat in the unborn it is alive. Whether human or animal. Most abortions are done long after there is a heartbeat. The only reason you pro-abortionists say it is not a baby is so you can have an excuse to kill it. Oh, but you cannot kill something that is not alive. There is never an excuse to kill an unborn child.
Hitler = you’ve lost the argument.

I don't buy that any more. The Trumpster are leaning, hard, toward fascism. When Hitler comparisons are apt, we should apply them. We should learn from history, not fear it's name.
Those defending a woman's right to privacy were being falsely compared to Hitler, hence the argument was lost by that poster.

Otherwise agreed, most Trump sycophants are moving closer to fascism; advocating for greater government authority at the expense of individual liberty is one of many examples.
Here's the deal.... Years ago everything was normal, and the Constitution was a working document in regards to that normalcy, and it applied to that normalcy in which most agreed upon. Then the left stood everything on it's head, and turned it upside down and inside out. Now night is day and wrong is right with you leftist. Then you attempt to use our same Constitution as if it applies to your bullcrap. News flash, it don't. You can say it does till the cow's come home, but it don't. So you see, we just need to apply your methods where we see your yes as really meaning no and our yes as still really meaning yes these days, so in applying your leftist logic you lose everytime.
Hitler = you’ve lost the argument.

I don't buy that any more. The Trumpster are leaning, hard, toward fascism. When Hitler comparisons are apt, we should apply them. We should learn from history, not fear it's name.
Those defending a woman's right to privacy were being falsely compared to Hitler, hence the argument was lost by that poster.

Otherwise agreed, most Trump sycophants are moving closer to fascism; advocating for greater government authority at the expense of individual liberty is one of many examples.
Here's the deal.... Years ago everything was normal, and the Constitution was a working document in regards to that normalcy, and it applied to that normalcy in which most agreed upon. Then the left stood everything on it's head, and turned it upside down and inside out. Now night is day and wrong is right with you leftist. Then you attempt to use our same Constitution as if it applies to your bullcrap. News flash, it don't. You can say it does till the cow's come home, but it don't. So you see, we just need to apply your methods where we see your yes as really meaning no and our yes as still really meaning yes these days, so in applying your leftist logic you lose everytime.

Abortion was not restricted at all in four states prior to Roe. Therefore, in your imaginary Ozzie and Harriet world, I guess that was perfectly normal, too.
Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization - the heart begins to beat. By 4 weeks, the heart typically beats between 105 and 121 times per minute. If you got a heartbeat in the unborn it is alive. Whether human or animal. Most abortions are done long after there is a heartbeat. The only reason you pro-abortionists say it is not a baby is so you can have an excuse to kill it. Oh, but you cannot kill something that is not alive. There is never an excuse to kill an unborn child.
Having nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that the state cannot compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?

I have pointed out to these guys repeatedly that nobody is pro-abortion, but are pro-choice. Nevertheless, they take delight n using the term, which is their immature way of insulting pro-choice people, like Trump supporters referring to the democrat party.
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?
You are confused with your privacy stance, as privacy is trumped by law's pertaining to murder everyday in this country, so get over your privacy stance because it's wrong.
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?
You are confused with your privacy stance, as privacy is trumped by law's pertaining to murder everyday in this country, so get over your privacy stance because it's wrong.

I now know why judges discourage people who are not attorneys from representing themselves in court. They have no idea what legal terms, like "murder" mean.
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?
You are confused with your privacy stance, as privacy is trumped by law's pertaining to murder everyday in this country, so get over your privacy stance because it's wrong.

You’re confusing criminal law (murder) with civil law (the right to privacy) – one having nothing to do with the other.

As already correctly noted: as a settled, accepted fact of law abortion is not ‘murder,’ and as a settled, accepted fact of law the protected liberties of the woman are paramount, immune from attack by the state:

‘Our cases recognize "the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child." Eisenstadt v. Baird, supra, at 453 (emphasis in original). Our precedents "have respected the private realm of family life which the state cannot enter." Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158, 166 (1944). These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.' Casey, ibid

“…the private realm of family life which the state cannot enter.”

You may not like the law or agree with the law but that doesn’t change the fact that abortion is not ‘murder,’ that an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby’ entitled to Constitutional protections, and that the state has no authority to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?
You are confused with your privacy stance, as privacy is trumped by law's pertaining to murder everyday in this country, so get over your privacy stance because it's wrong.

I now know why judges discourage people who are not attorneys from representing themselves in court. They have no idea what legal terms, like "murder" mean.

This isn't ignorance. It's good ole orwellian wordsmithing. Change the arguments by changing what the words mean. Keep changing them until you can win the argument.

Speaking of pretzels.

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