"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Nonsense. Rape/incest exceptions show that. If the dirty slut had sex voluntarily, they want to punish her. If it's not her fault, they don't.

Um, no. They don’t want to punish the “dirty slut” for having sex voluntarily, they want to punish her for ending an innocent life.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
Sometimes he is, but that has complicated and multiple reasons also. Then again he might just be a Piece Of Crap simple as that.

The man doesn't get off scott free though, and he knows it. Irresponsibility is not privy to just the one gender involved. Both should own up to their responsibility in life, and do the right thing.

Now the setting the man up is also part of the equation in some instances, where as the woman attempts to lock the man in with a baby, but when that fails it's off to discard the little one by aborting the failed plan.

Then there is the false pregnancy, where the woman claims to be pregnant, but she wasn't the whole time in her attempt to lock the man into a marriage before finding out the truth about the whole thing. Her last attempt to hide it all was a claim of miscarriage to cover it all up.

Done seen and heard it all folks.
What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion that does not increase the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty?

For more than 40 years these questions have been submitted to conservatives, questions no one on the right has been able – or willing – to answer.

Of course, we all know why.
How can you expect a serious discourse if you don’t understand basic logic?

What about "you're just making up nonsense" is confusing you so much here?

I don't think anyone else is confused. It's just you. I'm trying to dumb it down to a point where you can grasp it, but that doesn't seem possible.
Between the two of you loons there isn't a dozen functioning brain cells.

So do you have any demonic videos for us? Everyone really wants to see them. You tease us by talking about them, but you never deliver. That's not nice.

Specifically, what have your demons said about me? If demons really are revealing themselves to pro-lifers, that's something that everyone should know about.
Um, no. They don’t want to punish the “dirty slut” for having sex voluntarily, they want to punish her for ending an innocent life.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
Sometimes he is, but that has complicated and multiple reasons also. Then again he might just be a Piece Of Crap simple as that.

The man doesn't get off scott free though, and he knows it. Irresponsibility is not privy to just the one gender involved. Both should own up to their responsibility in life, and do the right thing.

Now the setting the man up is also part of the equation in some instances, where as the woman attempts to lock the man in with a baby, but when that fails it's off to discard the little one by aborting the failed plan.

Then there is the false pregnancy, where the woman claims to be pregnant, but she wasn't the whole time in her attempt to lock the man into a marriage before finding out the truth about the whole thing. Her last attempt to hide it all was a claim of miscarriage to cover it all up.

Done seen and heard it all folks.
What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion that does not increase the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty?

For more than 40 years these questions have been submitted to conservatives, questions no one on the right has been able – or willing – to answer.

Of course, we all know why.
A woman's right to privacy doesn't include her supposed leftist right to murder or have her baby murdered while in the womb. That was simple. Next.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
Sometimes he is, but that has complicated and multiple reasons also. Then again he might just be a Piece Of Crap simple as that.

The man doesn't get off scott free though, and he knows it. Irresponsibility is not privy to just the one gender involved. Both should own up to their responsibility in life, and do the right thing.

Now the setting the man up is also part of the equation in some instances, where as the woman attempts to lock the man in with a baby, but when that fails it's off to discard the little one by aborting the failed plan.

Then there is the false pregnancy, where the woman claims to be pregnant, but she wasn't the whole time in her attempt to lock the man into a marriage before finding out the truth about the whole thing. Her last attempt to hide it all was a claim of miscarriage to cover it all up.

Done seen and heard it all folks.
What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion that does not increase the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty?

For more than 40 years these questions have been submitted to conservatives, questions no one on the right has been able – or willing – to answer.

Of course, we all know why.
A woman's right to privacy doesn't include her supposed leftist right to murder or have her baby murdered while in the womb. That was simple. Next.
You never gave an intelligent explanation. Next!
Between the two of you loons there isn't a dozen functioning brain cells.

So do you have any demonic videos for us? Everyone really wants to see them. You tease us by talking about them, but you never deliver. That's not nice.

Specifically, what have your demons said about me? If demons really are revealing themselves to pro-lifers, that's something that everyone should know about.

I've never once mentioned videos you crazy loon. Good grief.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
Sometimes he is, but that has complicated and multiple reasons also. Then again he might just be a Piece Of Crap simple as that.

The man doesn't get off scott free though, and he knows it. Irresponsibility is not privy to just the one gender involved. Both should own up to their responsibility in life, and do the right thing.

Now the setting the man up is also part of the equation in some instances, where as the woman attempts to lock the man in with a baby, but when that fails it's off to discard the little one by aborting the failed plan.

Then there is the false pregnancy, where the woman claims to be pregnant, but she wasn't the whole time in her attempt to lock the man into a marriage before finding out the truth about the whole thing. Her last attempt to hide it all was a claim of miscarriage to cover it all up.

Done seen and heard it all folks.
What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion that does not increase the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty?

For more than 40 years these questions have been submitted to conservatives, questions no one on the right has been able – or willing – to answer.

Of course, we all know why.
A woman's right to privacy doesn't include her supposed leftist right to murder or have her baby murdered while in the womb. That was simple. Next.

That is incorrect on so many levels. But, to make it simple, I will just stick to the legal level. And BYW, there is no law against a woman having an abortion anywhere. It is only illegal, mostly in hillbilly states, to PERFORM an abortion under certain circumstances.
I've never once mentioned videos you crazy loon. Good grief.

But your bestie did, and you jumped in to defend her on that topic. Hence, you obviously must know something.

So stop holding out on us. Show us the demons that keep revealing themselves to pro-lifers!
I've never once mentioned videos you crazy loon. Good grief.

But your bestie did, and you jumped in to defend her on that topic. Hence, you obviously must know something.

So stop holding out on us. Show us the demons that keep revealing themselves to pro-lifers!
She's a liar and a coward. . Trust me. If anyone knows, I do. She cuts and runs all the time here. They'll lie and then leave when you call them out, then resurface out of another hole somewhere.
Nonsense. Rape/incest exceptions show that. If the dirty slut had sex voluntarily, they want to punish her. If it's not her fault, they don't.

Um, no. They don’t want to punish the “dirty slut” for having sex voluntarily, they want to punish her for ending an innocent life.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
Sometimes he is, but that has complicated and multiple reasons also. Then again he might just be a Piece Of Crap simple as that.

The man doesn't get off scott free though, and he knows it. Irresponsibility is not privy to just the one gender involved. Both should own up to their responsibility in life, and do the right thing.

Now the setting the man up is also part of the equation in some instances, where as the woman attempts to lock the man in with a baby, but when that fails it's off to discard the little one by aborting the failed plan.

Then there is the false pregnancy, where the woman claims to be pregnant, but she wasn't the whole time in her attempt to lock the man into a marriage before finding out the truth about the whole thing. Her last attempt to hide it all was a claim of miscarriage to cover it all up.

Done seen and heard it all folks.
And most of what we hear from the pro-life crowd is that the woman is always the one at fault, and that she's nothing but a whore. This thread is prime example.
I've never once mentioned videos you crazy loon. Good grief.

But your bestie did, and you jumped in to defend her on that topic. Hence, you obviously must know something.

So stop holding out on us. Show us the demons that keep revealing themselves to pro-lifers!
Easy, just go look in a mirror and whoop there it is "a justifier of pre-born baby killing".
Um, no. They don’t want to punish the “dirty slut” for having sex voluntarily, they want to punish her for ending an innocent life.
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
Sometimes he is, but that has complicated and multiple reasons also. Then again he might just be a Piece Of Crap simple as that.

The man doesn't get off scott free though, and he knows it. Irresponsibility is not privy to just the one gender involved. Both should own up to their responsibility in life, and do the right thing.

Now the setting the man up is also part of the equation in some instances, where as the woman attempts to lock the man in with a baby, but when that fails it's off to discard the little one by aborting the failed plan.

Then there is the false pregnancy, where the woman claims to be pregnant, but she wasn't the whole time in her attempt to lock the man into a marriage before finding out the truth about the whole thing. Her last attempt to hide it all was a claim of miscarriage to cover it all up.

Done seen and heard it all folks.
And most of what we hear from the pro-life crowd is that the woman is always the one at fault, and that she's nothing but a whore. This thread is prime example.
I was something from conception and before I was an egg.

Your idiot standard makes no sense, as it would require that eggs be people too. After all, that egg developed into you.

As your definition is so inconsistent, it's clearly self-serving nonsense. You faked that definition so you'd have a reason to justify your sick control freak agenda.

What, you thought it wasn't obvious?
Idiot. There cannot be a person unless it is first an egg. People evolve from eggs. They do not just drop out of thin air. Even Adam for formed from the dust of the earth before he took his first breath and he was a person even before he took his first breath and he became a living soul but these miracles do not happen anymore. For a fetus to not be alive it has to be dead and it is not dead. Whether you call it a living being or not it is alive.
Thanks for your religious take. Good thing Church and State don't force me to believe what you believe.
I base my beliefs on logic and science and I also base them on the bible but I have free choice to believe what I want. I do not believe in organized religion because organized religion teaches so many different interpretations of the bible. But organized government tells you it is ok for you to do whatever you want with your body disregarding the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. I stand with the unborn who cannot speak and act for itself.
I was something from conception and before I was an egg.

Your idiot standard makes no sense, as it would require that eggs be people too. After all, that egg developed into you.

As your definition is so inconsistent, it's clearly self-serving nonsense. You faked that definition so you'd have a reason to justify your sick control freak agenda.

What, you thought it wasn't obvious?
Idiot. There cannot be a person unless it is first an egg. People evolve from eggs. They do not just drop out of thin air. Even Adam for formed from the dust of the earth before he took his first breath and he was a person even before he took his first breath and he became a living soul but these miracles do not happen anymore. For a fetus to not be alive it has to be dead and it is not dead. Whether you call it a living being or not it is alive.
Thanks for your religious take. Good thing Church and State don't force me to believe what you believe.
I base my beliefs on logic and science and I also base them on the bible but I have free choice to believe what I want. I do not believe in organized religion because organized religion teaches so many different interpretations of the bible. But organized government tells you it is ok for you to do whatever you want with your body disregarding the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. I stand with the unborn who cannot speak and act for itself.
You obviously got that backwards. The government "is" giving you the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you have an unwanted fetus for all the reasons you may have, where's the happiness in that? As for the government giving me the right to life, I'm already alive. Obviously that was already granted. Your last part makes no sense. The first part I'm on board with as it pertains to organized religion.
I was something from conception and before I was an egg.

Your idiot standard makes no sense, as it would require that eggs be people too. After all, that egg developed into you.

As your definition is so inconsistent, it's clearly self-serving nonsense. You faked that definition so you'd have a reason to justify your sick control freak agenda.

What, you thought it wasn't obvious?
Idiot. There cannot be a person unless it is first an egg. People evolve from eggs. They do not just drop out of thin air. Even Adam for formed from the dust of the earth before he took his first breath and he was a person even before he took his first breath and he became a living soul but these miracles do not happen anymore. For a fetus to not be alive it has to be dead and it is not dead. Whether you call it a living being or not it is alive.
Thanks for your religious take. Good thing Church and State don't force me to believe what you believe.
I base my beliefs on logic and science and I also base them on the bible but I have free choice to believe what I want. I do not believe in organized religion because organized religion teaches so many different interpretations of the bible. But organized government tells you it is ok for you to do whatever you want with your body disregarding the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. I stand with the unborn who cannot speak and act for itself.
You obviously got that backwards. The government "is" giving you the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you have an unwanted fetus for all the reasons you may have, where's the happiness in that? As for the government giving me the right to life, I'm already alive. Obviously that was already granted. Your last part makes no sense. The first part I'm on board with as it pertains to organized religion.

That might be the most boneheaded thing I've read on this forum---and that's saying something. The Declaration of Independence does NOT say the GOV"T confers these rights...they are endowed on us by our CREATOR.

This is the knowledge base we're arguing with here. dopey dopety dope
And the man? What is he again?

I don't know, what is he? "Dirty slut" was your term, not mine.
He's unaccountable for his actions is what he is.
Sometimes he is, but that has complicated and multiple reasons also. Then again he might just be a Piece Of Crap simple as that.

The man doesn't get off scott free though, and he knows it. Irresponsibility is not privy to just the one gender involved. Both should own up to their responsibility in life, and do the right thing.

Now the setting the man up is also part of the equation in some instances, where as the woman attempts to lock the man in with a baby, but when that fails it's off to discard the little one by aborting the failed plan.

Then there is the false pregnancy, where the woman claims to be pregnant, but she wasn't the whole time in her attempt to lock the man into a marriage before finding out the truth about the whole thing. Her last attempt to hide it all was a claim of miscarriage to cover it all up.

Done seen and heard it all folks.
And most of what we hear from the pro-life crowd is that the woman is always the one at fault, and that she's nothing but a whore. This thread is prime example.
All you have to do is go back through this thread and see just how much women are looked upon as the soul carriers for the responsibility, and the level of disrespect they incur.
Your idiot standard makes no sense, as it would require that eggs be people too. After all, that egg developed into you.

As your definition is so inconsistent, it's clearly self-serving nonsense. You faked that definition so you'd have a reason to justify your sick control freak agenda.

What, you thought it wasn't obvious?
Idiot. There cannot be a person unless it is first an egg. People evolve from eggs. They do not just drop out of thin air. Even Adam for formed from the dust of the earth before he took his first breath and he was a person even before he took his first breath and he became a living soul but these miracles do not happen anymore. For a fetus to not be alive it has to be dead and it is not dead. Whether you call it a living being or not it is alive.
Thanks for your religious take. Good thing Church and State don't force me to believe what you believe.
I base my beliefs on logic and science and I also base them on the bible but I have free choice to believe what I want. I do not believe in organized religion because organized religion teaches so many different interpretations of the bible. But organized government tells you it is ok for you to do whatever you want with your body disregarding the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. I stand with the unborn who cannot speak and act for itself.
You obviously got that backwards. The government "is" giving you the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you have an unwanted fetus for all the reasons you may have, where's the happiness in that? As for the government giving me the right to life, I'm already alive. Obviously that was already granted. Your last part makes no sense. The first part I'm on board with as it pertains to organized religion.

That might be the most boneheaded thing I've read on this forum---and that's saying something. The Declaration of Independence does NOT say the GOV"T confers these rights...they are endowed on us by our CREATOR.

This is the knowledge base we're arguing with here. dopey dopety dope
Confer to whoever you like. I could care less. Didn't the government sign off on the Declaration? Lol! You're inventing an irrelevant argument that is worth shit.
I've never once mentioned videos you crazy loon. Good grief.

But your bestie did, and you jumped in to defend her on that topic. Hence, you obviously must know something.

So stop holding out on us. Show us the demons that keep revealing themselves to pro-lifers!
Easy, just go look in a mirror and whoop there it is "a justifier of pre-born baby killing".
First, you have to find the fully developed baby, to prove it is killing.
I've never once mentioned videos you crazy loon. Good grief.

But your bestie did, and you jumped in to defend her on that topic. Hence, you obviously must know something.

So stop holding out on us. Show us the demons that keep revealing themselves to pro-lifers!
Easy, just go look in a mirror and whoop there it is "a justifier of pre-born baby killing".
First, you have to find the fully developed baby, to prove it is killing.
If that was tr
I've never once mentioned videos you crazy loon. Good grief.

But your bestie did, and you jumped in to defend her on that topic. Hence, you obviously must know something.

So stop holding out on us. Show us the demons that keep revealing themselves to pro-lifers!
Easy, just go look in a mirror and whoop there it is "a justifier of pre-born baby killing".
First, you have to find the fully developed baby, to prove it is killing.
That is your opinion and if it was true, a baby born prematurely with undeveloped lungs, missing limbs, with disabilities are not a fully developed baby and can legally be killed? That is what Nazi Germany thought and acted on.

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