"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?
You are confused with your privacy stance, as privacy is trumped by law's pertaining to murder everyday in this country, so get over your privacy stance because it's wrong.

You’re confusing criminal law (murder) with civil law (the right to privacy) – one having nothing to do with the other.

As already correctly noted: as a settled, accepted fact of law abortion is not ‘murder,’ and as a settled, accepted fact of law the protected liberties of the woman are paramount, immune from attack by the state:

‘Our cases recognize "the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child." Eisenstadt v. Baird, supra, at 453 (emphasis in original). Our precedents "have respected the private realm of family life which the state cannot enter." Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158, 166 (1944). These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.' Casey, ibid

“…the private realm of family life which the state cannot enter.”

You may not like the law or agree with the law but that doesn’t change the fact that abortion is not ‘murder,’ that an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby’ entitled to Constitutional protections, and that the state has no authority to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

You're such a dumbass and won't sway anyone, Clownshoes
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?
You are confused with your privacy stance, as privacy is trumped by law's pertaining to murder everyday in this country, so get over your privacy stance because it's wrong.

I now know why judges discourage people who are not attorneys from representing themselves in court. They have no idea what legal terms, like "murder" mean.
Go blow that smoke in someone elses face, because you ain't convincing the audience at all. Murder is the taking of a human beings life. A human being is that of a human whether growing in a womb or born outside the womb. A baby with developed body parts, a heart beat, and the ability to let the mother know that she or he is in there alive (and she knows it), is of course a living being/human in that womb who is to be cared for and nurtured until birth.
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?
You are confused with your privacy stance, as privacy is trumped by law's pertaining to murder everyday in this country, so get over your privacy stance because it's wrong.

I now know why judges discourage people who are not attorneys from representing themselves in court. They have no idea what legal terms, like "murder" mean.
Go blow that smoke in someone elses face, because you ain't convincing the audience at all. Murder is the taking of a human beings life. A human being is that of a human whether growing in a womb or born outside the womb. A baby with developed body parts, a heart beat, and the ability to let the mother know that she or he is in there alive (and she knows it), is of course a living being/human in that womb who is to be cared for and nurtured until birth.

Well, on the one hand, we have the law's definition of "murder", which includes the words, "...illegal taking of life", and on the other hand, we have Beagle's definition.

I think that I will go with the legal definition, as accepted by every state in the country, and the Supreme Court of the United States..
In the U.S., most crimes of violence are covered by state law, not federal law. Thirty-eight (38) states currently recognize the "unborn child" (the term usually used) or fetus as a homicide victim, and twenty-three (23) of those states apply this principle throughout the period of pre-natal development.
Biologically speaking, human life begins at conception. When the mother’s egg and the father’s sperm come together, they combine and create a new string of DNA that is personalized and totally unique.
The Bible considers a fetus to be an unborn child, a planned human being that God is forming from the moment of conception. This being the case, it doesn’t really matter what human jurisprudence says or how socially or politically acceptable abortion is. God’s law takes precedence. A mother who decides to abort her child is unilaterally making a decision to end another person’s life—and that is and always has been the definition of murder.
In the U.S., most crimes of violence are covered by state law, not federal law. Thirty-eight (38) states currently recognize the "unborn child" (the term usually used) or fetus as a homicide victim, and twenty-three (23) of those states apply this principle throughout the period of pre-natal development.
Biologically speaking, human life begins at conception. When the mother’s egg and the father’s sperm come together, they combine and create a new string of DNA that is personalized and totally unique.

The Bible considers a fetus to be an unborn child, a planned human being that God is forming from the moment of conception. This being the case, it doesn’t really matter what human jurisprudence says or how socially or politically acceptable abortion is. God’s law takes precedence. A mother who decides to abort her child is unilaterally making a decision to end another person’s life—and that is and always has been the definition of murder.

The mother has never been punished for an abortion. Yet, if the same woman were to "murder" somebody, she would spend life in prison. You argument falls apart. But, you knew that already.
In the U.S., most crimes of violence are covered by state law, not federal law. Thirty-eight (38) states currently recognize the "unborn child" (the term usually used) or fetus as a homicide victim, and twenty-three (23) of those states apply this principle throughout the period of pre-natal development.
Biologically speaking, human life begins at conception. When the mother’s egg and the father’s sperm come together, they combine and create a new string of DNA that is personalized and totally unique.

The Bible considers a fetus to be an unborn child, a planned human being that God is forming from the moment of conception. This being the case, it doesn’t really matter what human jurisprudence says or how socially or politically acceptable abortion is. God’s law takes precedence. A mother who decides to abort her child is unilaterally making a decision to end another person’s life—and that is and always has been the definition of murder.

The mother has never been punished for an abortion. Yet, if the same woman were to "murder" somebody, she would spend life in prison. You argument falls apart. But, you knew that already.
That is only because Big Brother, the US Government has passed a law that killing of the unborn child is legal but do not explicitly say it is murder but Big Brother, the US Government could also pass a law that makes abortion illegal and killing the unborn child is murder. Abortion vs Murder. Matter semantics. It is a matter of what the meaning of "abortion" is. LMAO But at the same time, "abortion" means to end something. That something is a baby in progress. But how can you end something that is nothing.? Pro-Choice is the biggest joke of this century.
Majority of people who are pro-abortion are Christians as those who make those laws also so you cannot blame my beliefs when I quote the bible on religion. There is little difference if any between church and state. Because they are all Christians. My beliefs are based on the logic that the unborn is alive. It is taking in oxygen and nourishment from its mother and if it is cut off the unborn will die. But your logic is that it is not alive so it cannot die? What part of this do you pro-abortionist do not understand? Well if you did understand you would not be pro-abortionist.
No one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while also defending a woman’s right to privacy.

What is your plan to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy?
You are confused with your privacy stance, as privacy is trumped by law's pertaining to murder everyday in this country, so get over your privacy stance because it's wrong.

I now know why judges discourage people who are not attorneys from representing themselves in court. They have no idea what legal terms, like "murder" mean.
Go blow that smoke in someone elses face, because you ain't convincing the audience at all. Murder is the taking of a human beings life. A human being is that of a human whether growing in a womb or born outside the womb. A baby with developed body parts, a heart beat, and the ability to let the mother know that she or he is in there alive (and she knows it), is of course a living being/human in that womb who is to be cared for and nurtured until birth.

Well, on the one hand, we have the law's definition of "murder", which includes the words, "...illegal taking of life", and on the other hand, we have Beagle's definition.

I think that I will go with the legal definition, as accepted by every state in the country, and the Supreme Court of the United States..
Pay attention... You are losing.
Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization - the heart begins to beat.

So killing a chicken is murder? After all, they have hearts too.

If not, then why did you bring it up?

Oh, your biology is wrong. What you have at that time is more of a thick spot on a blood vessel than a heart.
A human being is that of a human whether growing in a womb or born outside the womb.

That's your subjective opinion, one not shared by most people. Being it's just your subjective opinion, you don't get to use the power of the authoritarian state to force everyone to live by it.
Think. A fetus is either ALIVE or DEAD. DEAD is not taking in oxygen and nutrients and do not have a beating heart. ALIVE is taking in oxygen and nutrients and have a beating heart unless you are a plant, therefore the fetus is alive because it is taking in oxygen, nutrients, growing and have a beating heart. There is not a state of being between ALIVE and DEAD.
Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization - the heart begins to beat.

So killing a chicken is murder? After all, they have hearts too.

If not, then why did you bring it up?

Oh, your biology is wrong. What you have at that time is more of a thick spot on a blood vessel than a heart.
There is a big difference between a chicken and a baby. Killing a chicken is not murder but killing a human being is murder. Chopping a tree down will kill it but it is not murder. You do know there is a difference between an animal and a human being??
A pregnant woman is much like a tomato plant. When is a tomato a tomato? The plant gets nutrients from its roots, it blooms and is pollinated by bees and you get little green tomatoes and let it grow it becomes a red vine ripen tomato ready to be eaten. Pick the flower and you will never get a tomato. The placenta is the roots and if you cut the baby away from the placenta you will never get a baby because the baby will die.
In the U.S., most crimes of violence are covered by state law, not federal law. Thirty-eight (38) states currently recognize the "unborn child" (the term usually used) or fetus as a homicide victim, and twenty-three (23) of those states apply this principle throughout the period of pre-natal development.
Biologically speaking, human life begins at conception. When the mother’s egg and the father’s sperm come together, they combine and create a new string of DNA that is personalized and totally unique.

The Bible considers a fetus to be an unborn child, a planned human being that God is forming from the moment of conception. This being the case, it doesn’t really matter what human jurisprudence says or how socially or politically acceptable abortion is. God’s law takes precedence. A mother who decides to abort her child is unilaterally making a decision to end another person’s life—and that is and always has been the definition of murder.

The mother has never been punished for an abortion. Yet, if the same woman were to "murder" somebody, she would spend life in prison. You argument falls apart. But, you knew that already.
That is only because Big Brother, the US Government has passed a law that killing of the unborn child is legal but do not explicitly say it is murder but Big Brother, the US Government could also pass a law that makes abortion illegal and killing the unborn child is murder. Abortion vs Murder. Matter semantics. It is a matter of what the meaning of "abortion" is. LMAO But at the same time, "abortion" means to end something. That something is a baby in progress. But how can you end something that is nothing.? Pro-Choice is the biggest joke of this century.

Too bad that your dream of controlling my wife and child's body is never going to come true, Big Brother.
Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization - the heart begins to beat.

So killing a chicken is murder? After all, they have hearts too.

If not, then why did you bring it up?

Oh, your biology is wrong. What you have at that time is more of a thick spot on a blood vessel than a heart.
You equating chickens to humans now ?? Yes you are, and that's why killing a human to you is just like killing a chicken eh ???
A human being is that of a human whether growing in a womb or born outside the womb.

That's your subjective opinion, one not shared by most people. Being it's just your subjective opinion, you don't get to use the power of the authoritarian state to force everyone to live by it.
Why not you???? You leftist have been using the power of the authoritarian state since the 60's in order to control and destroy everything. I guess it's our turn now... :)
... You leftist have been using the power of the authoritarian state since the 60's in order to control and destroy everything. I guess it's our turn now... :)

And on it's the left's turn to pretend they care about individual liberty.

Pretzel on.
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A human being is that of a human whether growing in a womb or born outside the womb.

That's your subjective opinion, one not shared by most people. Being it's just your subjective opinion, you don't get to use the power of the authoritarian state to force everyone to live by it.
Why not you???? You leftist have been using the power of the authoritarian state since the 60's in order to control and destroy everything. I guess it's our turn now... :)

The left has used the authority of the Constitution to fight against segregation and discrimination, and to limit the power of the state to violate citizens' rights and protected liberties - opposed every step of the way by the reactionary right.

Seeking to violate a woman's right to privacy is yet another example of conservatives' desire to increase the size and power of government at the expense of individual liberty.
There just isn't much room for dissenting opinions in your world, is there....
They're stuck in their own minds independent of the endless possibilities and questions that cannot be answered.

“...questions that cannot be answered.”

Such as: Does God exist?

Theists: God cannot be proven to not exist but we believe He does anyway.

Pro-Choicers: It cannot be proven that life doesn’t begin until after birth but we believe it doesn’t anyway.

You have more in common with Pro-Lifers than you think.
Think. If you are alive then what is part of your body is alive also. Whether it be cancer, a growth (a fetus) your hair, toenails, etc but when you die all parts of you die. The hair stops growing and the fetus inside you dies also because it is not getting nourishment and oxygen from you. So logic would tell any intelligent being that the fetus is alive. IF IT IS GROWING IN YOUR BODY, IT IS ALIVE.

So is a lung cancer tumor.

Good grief....

I honestly don't know how one is supposed to talk to a fool who thinks all organic tissue is exactly the same as if he's an educated, thinking, sane adult. I've literally had more scientific, fact-based discussions with grade-schoolers than are possible with this loon.
They're stuck in their own minds independent of the endless possibilities and questions that cannot be answered.

“...questions that cannot be answered.”

Such as: Does God exist?

Theists: God cannot be proven to not exist but we believe He does anyway.

Pro-Choicers: It cannot be proven that life doesn’t begin until after birth but we believe it doesn’t anyway.

You have more in common with Pro-Lifers than you think.
Think. If you are alive then what is part of your body is alive also. Whether it be cancer, a growth (a fetus) your hair, toenails, etc but when you die all parts of you die. The hair stops growing and the fetus inside you dies also because it is not getting nourishment and oxygen from you. So logic would tell any intelligent being that the fetus is alive. IF IT IS GROWING IN YOUR BODY, IT IS ALIVE.

So is a lung cancer tumor.

Good grief....

I honestly don't know how one is supposed to talk to a fool who thinks all organic tissue is exactly the same as if he's an educated, thinking, sane adult. I've literally had more scientific, fact-based discussions with grade-schoolers than are possible with this loon.

Hence my good grief. Sometimes that's all that needs to be said

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