"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization - the heart begins to beat.

So killing a chicken is murder? After all, they have hearts too.

If not, then why did you bring it up?

Oh, your biology is wrong. What you have at that time is more of a thick spot on a blood vessel than a heart.

You equating chickens to humans now ?? Yes you are, and that's why killing a human to you is just like killing a chicken eh ???

I explained my point clearly. If a heartbeat is what determines murder, then killing a chicken is murder. Being that killing a chicken isn't murder, then clearly a heartbeat means nothing, and it's just more cheap emotionalism by dishonest pro-lifers.

That's such a simple point, even you should have understood it. Yet you don't understand it, or you pretended you didn't. That means you're either a moron or a liar. Which is it? If you'd like to claim both titles, I'm sure everyone would believe you.
I honestly don't know how one is supposed to talk to a fool who thinks all organic tissue is exactly the same

But nobody said that, except you.

Oh, you're just doing that thing all pro-lifers do, where they proudly tell big lies for the glory of TheCause.

They have to, because the immoral and stupid pro-life philosophy can't be supported without lies by the bushel.
Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization - the heart begins to beat.

So killing a chicken is murder? After all, they have hearts too.

If not, then why did you bring it up?

Oh, your biology is wrong. What you have at that time is more of a thick spot on a blood vessel than a heart.

You equating chickens to humans now ?? Yes you are, and that's why killing a human to you is just like killing a chicken eh ???

I explained my point clearly. If a heartbeat is what determines murder, then killing a chicken is murder. Being that killing a chicken isn't murder, then clearly a heartbeat means nothing, and it's just more cheap emotionalism by dishonest pro-lifers.

That's such a simple point, even you should have understood it. Yet you don't understand it, or you pretended you didn't. That means you're either a moron or a liar. Which is it? If you'd like to claim both titles, I'm sure everyone would believe you.

Wtf? You're comparing a chicken to a human baby?
Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization - the heart begins to beat.

So killing a chicken is murder? After all, they have hearts too.

If not, then why did you bring it up?

Oh, your biology is wrong. What you have at that time is more of a thick spot on a blood vessel than a heart.

You equating chickens to humans now ?? Yes you are, and that's why killing a human to you is just like killing a chicken eh ???

I explained my point clearly. If a heartbeat is what determines murder, then killing a chicken is murder. Being that killing a chicken isn't murder, then clearly a heartbeat means nothing, and it's just more cheap emotionalism by dishonest pro-lifers.

That's such a simple point, even you should have understood it. Yet you don't understand it, or you pretended you didn't. That means you're either a moron or a liar. Which is it? If you'd like to claim both titles, I'm sure everyone would believe you.

Wtf? You're comparing a chicken to a human baby?

What?! You mean there's a difference between humans and birds?! This is groundbreaking news! OMG!!!
Yes you did, clownshoes. Scroll up

Satan, the Lord of Lies, clearly has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers, along with the souls of most pro-lifers.

You all may think you're cut a special deal with Satan for a luxury suite in Hell. Not the case. Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep his deals. You'll burn with the rest. Think about it. Repent before it's too late.
Yes you did, clownshoes. Scroll up

Satan, the Lord of Lies, clearly has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers, along with the souls of most pro-lifers.

You all may think you're cut a special deal with Satan for a luxury suite in Hell. Not the case. Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep his deals. You'll burn with the rest. Think about it. Repent before it's too late.

Sorry clownshoes I'm on the Lord's mission to save the babies from evil people like you. If anyone is Satan's minions it's you baby murderers

You'll be judged accordingly
Somehow, they continue to think that we should take them seriously. It's mind-boggling.

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart.

Obviously, I can do it

You can't, because you're kind of slow. When you try, you come across as cowardly and evasive. You're clearly using insults and lies to deflect, because you can't defend your dogshit philosophy with reason and morality.
A human being is that of a human whether growing in a womb or born outside the womb.

That's your subjective opinion, one not shared by most people. Being it's just your subjective opinion, you don't get to use the power of the authoritarian state to force everyone to live by it.
Why not you???? You leftist have been using the power of the authoritarian state since the 60's in order to control and destroy everything. I guess it's our turn now... :)

The left has used the authority of the Constitution to fight against segregation and discrimination, and to limit the power of the state to violate citizens' rights and protected liberties - opposed every step of the way by the reactionary right.

Seeking to violate a woman's right to privacy is yet another example of conservatives' desire to increase the size and power of government at the expense of individual liberty.
Taking back what the left stole by way of their twisting the Constitution into pretzels, and then turning it onto it's head is now us being reactionary eh ???? You best look at what you all have done, and then look at how it is having to all be fixed now, otherwise before you attempt to justify your bullcrap talking points that no one but only you believe in. Have to judge history on it's merits, and not upon your bullcrap you like to spew here daily.
Yes you did, clownshoes. Scroll up

Satan, the Lord of Lies, clearly has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers, along with the souls of most pro-lifers.

You all may think you're cut a special deal with Satan for a luxury suite in Hell. Not the case. Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep his deals. You'll burn with the rest. Think about it. Repent before it's too late.

Sorry clownshoes I'm on the Lord's mission to save the babies from evil people like you. If anyone is Satan's minions it's you baby murderers

You'll be judged accordingly

Oh, fuck you and your lord. The US isn't a theocracy.
The left has used the authority of the Constitution to fight against segregation and discrimination, and to limit the power of the state to violate citizens' rights and protected liberties ...

I wish. Truth is, they gave up on that long ago.
Miley Cyrus shared some new photos on her Instagram account
to promote her new album She Is Coming.






Miley is teaming up with Planned Parenthood, Marc Jacobs
and her own Happy Hippie Foundation to raise money
for the reproductive health nonprofit

Their fundraising hoodie retails for $175
and is set to ship around July 15.




Back in 2018 onThe Tonight Show
she demanded that men don't send her dick pics

Miley Cyrus + #MeToo = A FUCKING JOKE!

My, my, my....sooo many people
are in for a rude awakening!

Disgusting & pathetic she is
“...questions that cannot be answered.”

Such as: Does God exist?

Theists: God cannot be proven to not exist but we believe He does anyway.

Pro-Choicers: It cannot be proven that life doesn’t begin until after birth but we believe it doesn’t anyway.

You have more in common with Pro-Lifers than you think.
Think. If you are alive then what is part of your body is alive also. Whether it be cancer, a growth (a fetus) your hair, toenails, etc but when you die all parts of you die. The hair stops growing and the fetus inside you dies also because it is not getting nourishment and oxygen from you. So logic would tell any intelligent being that the fetus is alive. IF IT IS GROWING IN YOUR BODY, IT IS ALIVE.

So is a lung cancer tumor.

Good grief....

I honestly don't know how one is supposed to talk to a fool who thinks all organic tissue is exactly the same as if he's an educated, thinking, sane adult. I've literally had more scientific, fact-based discussions with grade-schoolers than are possible with this loon.

Hence my good grief. Sometimes that's all that needs to be said

A lung cancer tumor is growing but it will never be anything more than a lung cancer tumor. A fetus is alive and will grow into a baby if it is not aborted. I now understand why pro-choice people are so dumb abort abortions it is because they don't know the difference between an unborn baby and a tumor. LMAO
Think. If you are alive then what is part of your body is alive also. Whether it be cancer, a growth (a fetus) your hair, toenails, etc but when you die all parts of you die. The hair stops growing and the fetus inside you dies also because it is not getting nourishment and oxygen from you. So logic would tell any intelligent being that the fetus is alive. IF IT IS GROWING IN YOUR BODY, IT IS ALIVE.

So is a lung cancer tumor.

Good grief....

I honestly don't know how one is supposed to talk to a fool who thinks all organic tissue is exactly the same as if he's an educated, thinking, sane adult. I've literally had more scientific, fact-based discussions with grade-schoolers than are possible with this loon.

Hence my good grief. Sometimes that's all that needs to be said

A lung cancer tumor is growing but it will never be anything more than a lung cancer tumor. A fetus is alive and will grow into a baby if it is not aborted. I now understand why pro-choice people are so dumb abort abortions it is because they don't know the difference between an unborn baby and a tumor. LMAO

...and for the first time, YOU have admitted that a fetus is not a baby. Congratulations! There is hope for you, yet!
A human being is that of a human whether growing in a womb or born outside the womb.

That's your subjective opinion, one not shared by most people. Being it's just your subjective opinion, you don't get to use the power of the authoritarian state to force everyone to live by it.
Why not you???? You leftist have been using the power of the authoritarian state since the 60's in order to control and destroy everything. I guess it's our turn now... :)

The left has used the authority of the Constitution to fight against segregation and discrimination, and to limit the power of the state to violate citizens' rights and protected liberties - opposed every step of the way by the reactionary right.

Seeking to violate a woman's right to privacy is yet another example of conservatives' desire to increase the size and power of government at the expense of individual liberty.
Taking back what the left stole by way of their twisting the Constitution into pretzels, and then turning it onto it's head is now us being reactionary eh ???? You best look at what you all have done, and then look at how it is having to all be fixed now, otherwise before you attempt to justify your bullcrap talking points that no one but only you believe in. Have to judge history on it's merits, and not upon your bullcrap you like to spew here daily.
We continue to see today the contempt for the protected liberties of citizens common to most on the authoritarian right.

Not only are conservatives working to violate the privacy rights of women, most on the right seek to violate the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, the voting rights of minorities, and the due process rights of immigrants.

We see the authoritarian right advocating for more government and bigger government with voter ‘ID’ laws, the gerrymandering of Congressional districes, ‘sanctuary city’ measures, and policies hostile to local communities.

For mare than 60 years liberals have fought in the courts and at the ballot box to end segregation, end discrimination, defend the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment rights of citizens against government excess and overreach, defend the right of interracial couples to marry, the privacy rights of women, the due process rights of immigrants, and the right of same-sex couples to marry – again, opposed every step of the way by hateful, bigoted, racist conservatives.

The undeniable facts are clearly documented in the political, social, legal, and Constitutional history of the 20th Century: liberals fighting for the rights and protected liberties of citizens against government excess and overreach, against conservatives using the power and authority of the state to violate those rights and protected liberties, to use the authority of the state to compel conformity and punish dissent.
The left has used the authority of the Constitution to fight against segregation and discrimination, and to limit the power of the state to violate citizens' rights and protected liberties ...

I wish. Truth is, they gave up on that long ago.

It's not the truth.

See my post #2698

Brown v. Board of Education

Hernandez v. Texas

Cooper v. Aaron

Mapp v. Ohio

Gideon v. Wainwright

Miranda v. Arizona

Griswold v. Connecticut

Loving v. Virginia

Roe v. Wade

Plyler v. Doe

Planned Parenthood v. Casey

Romer v. Evans

Lawrence v. Texas

US v. Windsor

Obergefell v. Hodges

Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt

Above are but a few of the legal battles fought by liberals in defense of citizens’ rights and protected liberties against government excess and overreach, against the authoritarian right’s contempt for those rights and protected liberties, and against the fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate common to most on the right – a battle liberals continue to fight today.

So stow the idiocy about how liberals are no longer fighting for citizens’ rights against rightwing government excess and overreach.
Yes you did, clownshoes. Scroll up

Satan, the Lord of Lies, clearly has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers, along with the souls of most pro-lifers.

You all may think you're cut a special deal with Satan for a luxury suite in Hell. Not the case. Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep his deals. You'll burn with the rest. Think about it. Repent before it's too late.

Sorry clownshoes I'm on the Lord's mission to save the babies from evil people like you. If anyone is Satan's minions it's you baby murderers

You'll be judged accordingly

Oh, fuck you and your lord. The US isn't a theocracy.
And this is yet another manifestation of the right’s authoritarianism: conservatives’ contempt for Establishment Clause jurisprudence – where it was the original understanding and intent of the Framers that church and state remain separate, that religious doctrine and dogma not be codified in secular law, and that citizens be free from religious doctrine and dogma as compelled by the authority of the state.

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