"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

I sm soglad wo.en in this country today have freedom of choice and equality. Not obediance.
The woman. The one who’s body you want Big Government to control.
So controlling and reducing the minority population is what? just an unfortunate?or fortunate? side effect for you? I don't want the government involved at all, nor business, nor men or their money, in fact abortion should remain legal and completely the woman's responsibility, I am just not comfortable with its real/ultimate objective they way you are.
The so called "real objective" is nothing more than a debunked conspiracy theory utilized to bolster faux pro life claim that abortion rights are racist.
What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?



Yeah, George Carlin, comedian, surely knows all about it, doesn't he?
Democrats get most of their news from comedians.
The so called "real objective" is nothing more than a debunked conspiracy theory utilized to bolster faux pro life claim that abortion rights are racist.
that entire post is nothing more than a dodge...
... how would one better determine a racists motivations than by the results? by asking them? or by claiming that keeping the minority population down is not the real objective, but just a perk?
...your claim is nothing more than the typical liberal racist squirm the left is historically known for from slavery right on through the standing in doorways of schools to the use of police dogs in the fight for civil rights...check the records
...and abortion has cut the minority population in nearly half...that's near genocidal racism, and hillary is an abortion rights advocate who claimed that a known kkk member, robert byrd, was her mentor...
...I would seriously consider finding a new source of fact finding [if in fact there was any at all] than the one you tried to pass off here
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You can say whatever stupid thing you want to say, but when in society, you go after someone's neck, that's where your freedom ends and theirs begins.

What the hateful women's superiority groups don't know is that it could be the American people have had enough of hearing how abortion clinics are actually killing fields that rival Chinese genocide against themselves in the few years surrounding WWII, and while the rest of the world was preoccupied with going after each other's armies, Mao was going after harmless citizens of his own country for the "crime" of speaking against him. His killings were so vast, some say he killed 100 million of his own people. Others put the figure as anywhere between 20 million and 60 million. Others call the killings "countless." His killing spree surpassed Russia's similar killings of farmers as well as Russia's gentry, and Mao killed more people than Hitler did. Socialists to horrible things once they get power, from the first minute until the last. The Soviet Socialist Republic was a terrible place to be during war years. Lenin's murders have no place in the civil world. He killed innocent farmers just because they were stubborn and wanted to have some say so in all things agricultural. He wasn't hearing of it, so he bloody starved them to death with cat-and-mouse maneuvers of the KGB to empty farmhouses of food as long as it took for the farmers to die off of starvation. What fools. It resulted in long lines at the markets all over Russia while oranges rotted on the trees, people died of scurvy. Unbelievably, Lenin was a really creepy foot shoot specialist. :(

The only thing positive that came out of it for America is that those of us who had good history programs from first grade on up knew that Russian people were having hard times because of the Weekly Reader program. What nobody seemed to know except for Eisenhower was that Linen was killing off his own. And now when AOC brags about being a Socialist, all I can do is envision her in a KGB outfit killing off the best people in America that she likes to poop all over.
That was a general non-specific rant.
Anything specific you want to address about a woman’s right to her own body (this thread) or about what specific language AOC said about the abortion issue?
When a woman chose to get pregnant by having sex, her body is no longer hers. She is sharing it with another human being. No matter what the government say.
Nope. A woman’s body and a man’s body are COMPLETELY in their own decision-making domains.
If a man transfers his semen to a woman, whether voluntary or rape, that sperm becomes the sole property of her body & mind (as well as husband’s in secondary order).
That developing mindless “human being” inside the woman’s body is completely dependent on her, both physically and her mind.

Do what you want with YOUR body. Don’t impose YOUR will on others. That’s anti-American, isn’t it?
What you do with YOUR body stops at going after another human being's DNA at whatever stage it is in. Roe v. Wade made an egregious mistake, and as a consequence, this nation has killed as many human beings as Mao did hiding behind the flak of WWII to get rid of Chinese sects he personally hated for not believing he was a living diety. Here, women are being spoon-fed shit that they are the diety of the child. That is a bald faced lie and it is far from the truth as murder being the answer to minor disagreements among men.

We need to reconsider Roe v. Wade. God demands it of us. If we do not, he will send great enemies against us who will prevail to kill twice as many of us as Roe v. Wade did. You do not want to see that side of the Almighty, but you will if you do not stop the madness of killing other people just because they can't form a fist and knock your vicious teeth out.
No human being has the right to take control of another’s body or force a person to host it unwillingly.

If you needed a kidney transplant to save your life, can you force your parent to donate a kidney to save your life?
If you do not know the difference between a baby and a kidney, you are most pathetic. Woman was created to "multiply and fill the earth" I am thankful that GOD did not create me to lay and egg to produce a baby. There is something special about having a baby growing inside you, etc. But you probably would not understand and rather lay an egg. I do not understand how one could abort one child and then give birth to one. The unborn baby is a part of you. I would cut my arms and legs off first before I cut off the life of my unborn child.
The government does have control of a woman's body whether they understand that or not. Government is inconsistent one day to another whether a woman has a choice or a woman do not have a choice. And you pathetic women followers blindly to abort or not to abort. Its a baby, it's not a baby. In the United States, in 1821, Connecticut passed the first state statute criminalizing abortion. Every state had abortion legislation by 1900. Wait and Roe vs Wade will be reversed. But again, someone is making money of the killing of unborn children.
But as I said in the OP, her baby's body is NOT hers, and this is science. It cannot be disputed.
What science are you referring to?
The baby’s body (aka fetus or embryo) INSIDE the pregnant woman’s body is her “matter”. Although the fetus has its own DNA profile, its biological growth is COMPLETELY dependent on the mother, who decides her own destiny.
Same for non-human animals too.

It is an entirely unique situation. It is not like HER kidney, HER ovaries, HER lungs. It is in her body but NOT her body. It is a unique life.

This is beyond dispute.
It’s HER fetus/embryo.
This is beyond dispute.

I suspect you're not American and so have not internalized Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

She does not own that life. It is not hers. It is in her body, yes. But again it is not like HER kidneys, HER lungs, HER liver
That’s YOUR opinion.
I say she does own her own fetus, embryo, and everything inside her body.
Limited ownership because the government does have a say in how you care for that child after it is born. The bible say..." you can beat your child with a rod" but the government says you cannot because it is child abuse and you go straight to jail. You get to birth a baby addicted to drugs and you go to jail and that baby is taken from you by the government. Neglect that child and you go to jail.
I do not understand how one can believe in GOD the creator of life and at the same time believe it is ok to kill an unborn baby. We have become a sick and pathetic society when killing another human being is made legal and believed to be right.
2 Timothy 3;2..."People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy." A totally selfish woman is one who cares more about herself than her child and she does not deserve to have a child and call herself a mother. "Keep religion our to this"? Without GOD in my life, I would have no life.
I do not understand how one can believe in GOD the creator of life and at the same time believe it is ok to kill an unborn baby. We have become a sick and pathetic society when killing another human being is made legal and believed to be right.
2 Timothy 3;2..."People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy." A totally selfish woman is one who cares more about herself than her child and she does not deserve to have a child and call herself a mother. "Keep religion our to this"? Without GOD in my life, I would have no life.
There are religions and philosophies that cover this. Keep looking.
I do not understand how one can believe in GOD the creator of life and at the same time believe it is ok to kill an unborn baby. We have become a sick and pathetic society when killing another human being is made legal and believed to be right.
2 Timothy 3;2..."People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy." A totally selfish woman is one who cares more about herself than her child and she does not deserve to have a child and call herself a mother. "Keep religion our to this"? Without GOD in my life, I would have no life.
There are religions and philosophies that cover this. Keep looking.
Col 2;8...
See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.

Her body is always hers. No one else has a right to it. Including the government.

But as I said in the OP, her baby's body is NOT hers, and this is science. It cannot be disputed.
What science are you referring to?
The baby’s body (aka fetus or embryo) INSIDE the pregnant woman’s body is her “matter”. Although the fetus has its own DNA profile, its biological growth is COMPLETELY dependent on the mother, who decides her own destiny.
Same for non-human animals too.

It is an entirely unique situation. It is not like HER kidney, HER ovaries, HER lungs. It is in her body but NOT her body. It is a unique life.

This is beyond dispute.
It’s HER fetus/embryo.
This is beyond dispute.

I suspect you're not American and so have not internalized Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

She does not own that life. It is not hers. It is in her body, yes. But again it is not like HER kidneys, HER lungs, HER liver
Not only that, but the baby is part of the dad as well. If he wasn't so busy running, he might stop and have some say in what happens to the baby him and his mate had created together. Really a sad situation when you have a wild society that takes responsibility in life so wrecklacely anymore.

Lust is a sin, and the willful use of it draws exactly the consequences in which result in these problems running so rampant in our society to date. The people must get some kind of control in their lives again or else these things are going to continue to haunt and destroy people's lives onward.
But as I said in the OP, her baby's body is NOT hers, and this is science. It cannot be disputed.
What science are you referring to?
The baby’s body (aka fetus or embryo) INSIDE the pregnant woman’s body is her “matter”. Although the fetus has its own DNA profile, its biological growth is COMPLETELY dependent on the mother, who decides her own destiny.
Same for non-human animals too.

It is an entirely unique situation. It is not like HER kidney, HER ovaries, HER lungs. It is in her body but NOT her body. It is a unique life.

This is beyond dispute.
It’s HER fetus/embryo.
This is beyond dispute.

I suspect you're not American and so have not internalized Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

She does not own that life. It is not hers. It is in her body, yes. But again it is not like HER kidneys, HER lungs, HER liver
Not only that, but the baby is part of the dad as well. If he wasn't so busy running, he might stop and have some say in what happens to the baby him and his mate had created together. Really a sad situation when you have a wild society that takes responsibility in life so wrecklacely anymore.

Lust is a sin, and the willful use of it draws exactly the consequences in which result in these problems running so rampant in our society to date. The people must get some kind of control in their lives again or else these things are going to continue to haunt and destroy people's lives onward.
Majority of fathers step up, but the mothers are the ones who make selfish decisions to abort. More responsible men than women. Her responsible to protect herself by demanding the man take responsibility also.
But as I said in the OP, her baby's body is NOT hers, and this is science. It cannot be disputed.
What science are you referring to?
The baby’s body (aka fetus or embryo) INSIDE the pregnant woman’s body is her “matter”. Although the fetus has its own DNA profile, its biological growth is COMPLETELY dependent on the mother, who decides her own destiny.
Same for non-human animals too.

It is an entirely unique situation. It is not like HER kidney, HER ovaries, HER lungs. It is in her body but NOT her body. It is a unique life.

This is beyond dispute.
It’s HER fetus/embryo.
This is beyond dispute.

I suspect you're not American and so have not internalized Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

She does not own that life. It is not hers. It is in her body, yes. But again it is not like HER kidneys, HER lungs, HER liver
Not only that, but the baby is part of the dad as well. If he wasn't so busy running, he might stop and have some say in what happens to the baby him and his mate had created together. Really a sad situation when you have a wild society that takes responsibility in life so wrecklacely anymore.

Lust is a sin, and the willful use of it draws exactly the consequences in which result in these problems running so rampant in our society to date. The people must get some kind of control in their lives again or else these things are going to continue to haunt and destroy people's lives onward.
Sound like a personal problem to me.
What science are you referring to?
The baby’s body (aka fetus or embryo) INSIDE the pregnant woman’s body is her “matter”. Although the fetus has its own DNA profile, its biological growth is COMPLETELY dependent on the mother, who decides her own destiny.
Same for non-human animals too.

It is an entirely unique situation. It is not like HER kidney, HER ovaries, HER lungs. It is in her body but NOT her body. It is a unique life.

This is beyond dispute.
It’s HER fetus/embryo.
This is beyond dispute.

I suspect you're not American and so have not internalized Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

She does not own that life. It is not hers. It is in her body, yes. But again it is not like HER kidneys, HER lungs, HER liver
Not only that, but the baby is part of the dad as well. If he wasn't so busy running, he might stop and have some say in what happens to the baby him and his mate had created together. Really a sad situation when you have a wild society that takes responsibility in life so wrecklacely anymore.

Lust is a sin, and the willful use of it draws exactly the consequences in which result in these problems running so rampant in our society to date. The people must get some kind of control in their lives again or else these things are going to continue to haunt and destroy people's lives onward.
Sound like a personal problem to me.
Huh ??
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.

Look, Noah Webster, trying to base your point on a modernized and functionally-illiterate understanding of the English language is not going to take you very far, and basing it on "This is SCIENCE, because it's how it appears to me!" won't take you anywhere at all.

First, "men" in archaic parlance often translated into "humans" or "people", as it did in that phrase. That hyper-sensitive, panty-chapped neo-savages like you have decided to make a big fucking hairy deal out of singling out sexes means exactly fuck and all to words written a long time ago.

Second, a fetus is not part of a woman's body. Ever. And there is nothing about birth which magically creates a person out of something else. I've given birth to three children myself, and been present at the births of many others. I promise you that, no matter what your Mommy told you, there were no fairy godmothers, magic wands, or sparkling puffs of glitter present.
I agree. At birth, there are no sparkling puffs of glitter, either physical or imagined (soul), and the baby’s mind at birth is not conscious of any reality, except for physical discomfort and vocal cries & moro reflex, etc.
Only if necessary, and only the pregnant woman should decide the fate of what’s inside HER body, terminating the fetus is not as big a deal for YOU, or it should not be (in case your emotions are uncontrollable).

YOU are seriously trying to claim that your outdated, unscientific twaddle is the "rational" position, and mine, with every ounce of modern medicine and biology supporting it, is "emotional"? For someone who alleges that his only concern is "women's rights", you certainly are a condescending little chauvinist drooler when a woman dares to challenge your incoherent mansplaining of what she wants and needs.

I understand. Being a born with a penis is probably the only accomplishment in your sad little excuse for a life, and being confronted with a woman who's ahead of you on both education and, apparently, evolution is very threatening to "men" like you.
Now that you got your emotional frustrations out, again, how about detailing any specific scientific argument you have that contradicts what I said.
Don’t worry; I am not threatened by you whatsoever.

Now that you stuck your fingers in your ears to go "Lalala, I can't hear anything, so it's all just emotion!" maybe you could try cleaning those ears out a little so you can possibly catch some facts as they whiz past you . . . like the forty-gazillion times the facts that contradict your primitive BS have been presented. Demonstrate to me that you DESERVE yet another tedious repeat of those facts, and that it won't be casting pearls before deliberately ignorant swine.

I don't worry at all about misogynist hicks lilke you being threatened by me. I find your belief that having exterior plumbing makes up for being a fool too amusing.
What science are you referring to?
The baby’s body (aka fetus or embryo) INSIDE the pregnant woman’s body is her “matter”. Although the fetus has its own DNA profile, its biological growth is COMPLETELY dependent on the mother, who decides her own destiny.
Same for non-human animals too.

It is an entirely unique situation. It is not like HER kidney, HER ovaries, HER lungs. It is in her body but NOT her body. It is a unique life.

This is beyond dispute.
It’s HER fetus/embryo.
This is beyond dispute.

I suspect you're not American and so have not internalized Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

She does not own that life. It is not hers. It is in her body, yes. But again it is not like HER kidneys, HER lungs, HER liver
That’s YOUR opinion.
I say she does own her own fetus, embryo, and everything inside her body.
Limited ownership because the government does have a say in how you care for that child after it is born. The bible say..." you can beat your child with a rod" but the government says you cannot because it is child abuse and you go straight to jail. You get to birth a baby addicted to drugs and you go to jail and that baby is taken from you by the government. Neglect that child and you go to jail.
Yes, the government has a say in the baby’s welfare AFTER it is born, and that is a reasonable delimiter. In some cases after birth, the parents may pull the plug from the unfortunate baby if it was born brain dead.

It appears to me that USA conservatives “pull the plug” on assisting many impoverished children, although they seem to care about them before they are born.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.

Look, Noah Webster, trying to base your point on a modernized and functionally-illiterate understanding of the English language is not going to take you very far, and basing it on "This is SCIENCE, because it's how it appears to me!" won't take you anywhere at all.

First, "men" in archaic parlance often translated into "humans" or "people", as it did in that phrase. That hyper-sensitive, panty-chapped neo-savages like you have decided to make a big fucking hairy deal out of singling out sexes means exactly fuck and all to words written a long time ago.

Second, a fetus is not part of a woman's body. Ever. And there is nothing about birth which magically creates a person out of something else. I've given birth to three children myself, and been present at the births of many others. I promise you that, no matter what your Mommy told you, there were no fairy godmothers, magic wands, or sparkling puffs of glitter present.
I agree. At birth, there are no sparkling puffs of glitter, either physical or imagined (soul), and the baby’s mind at birth is not conscious of any reality, except for physical discomfort and vocal cries & moro reflex, etc.
Only if necessary, and only the pregnant woman should decide the fate of what’s inside HER body, terminating the fetus is not as big a deal for YOU, or it should not be (in case your emotions are uncontrollable).

YOU are seriously trying to claim that your outdated, unscientific twaddle is the "rational" position, and mine, with every ounce of modern medicine and biology supporting it, is "emotional"? For someone who alleges that his only concern is "women's rights", you certainly are a condescending little chauvinist drooler when a woman dares to challenge your incoherent mansplaining of what she wants and needs.

I understand. Being a born with a penis is probably the only accomplishment in your sad little excuse for a life, and being confronted with a woman who's ahead of you on both education and, apparently, evolution is very threatening to "men" like you.
Now that you got your emotional frustrations out, again, how about detailing any specific scientific argument you have that contradicts what I said.
Don’t worry; I am not threatened by you whatsoever.

Now that you stuck your fingers in your ears to go "Lalala, I can't hear anything, so it's all just emotion!" maybe you could try cleaning those ears out a little so you can possibly catch some facts as they whiz past you . . . like the forty-gazillion times the facts that contradict your primitive BS have been presented. Demonstrate to me that you DESERVE yet another tedious repeat of those facts, and that it won't be casting pearls before deliberately ignorant swine.

I don't worry at all about misogynist hicks lilke you being threatened by me. I find your belief that having exterior plumbing makes up for being a fool too amusing.
Nothing specific, either scientific or philosophical?
I conclude that you have given up rational discourse.

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