"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

So now the fetus is not just a baby but a child.

It will be if left alone.

Not necessarily. There are many things that cause the death of a fetus besides abortion.

Of course there are. But these are facts and contingencies of nature, abortion is not. Abortion is nothing less than the conscious choice to end a life process because the ultimate product of that process is deemed inconvenient for whatever reason.
Again, I am not validating YOUR arguments.

I stated my position on late term abortions. A decision between a woman and her doctor regarding her late term pregnancy is still her decision. No control has been taken away from her. I trust the woman and her doctor to do the right thing. The rest is not my business.

Hahaha. I never asked you to validate MY argument, Einstein, I've been asking you to support YOUR own so-called argument. You see, that's what people do in these discussions. The reasonable people, anyway.

But yeah, I know, you won't answer direct questions, you won't support your own 'argument', you seem oblivious to your numerous logical fallacies, and as Pumpkin said, you're just repeating your same tired stawman over and over and over. *yawn*

Since you refuse to answer my question, I'll just assume you do support killing a full-term baby moments away from delivery for no reason at all. In other words, infanticide. I'm sure Jeffrey Dahmer would get along great with you.
I have a question for women....If it's 'your body your choice' then shouldn't you be responsible for your choices? Pay for your own abortion and/or take care of your own offspring? Leave the sperm-donor alone. Outside of criminal rape, it was YOUR choice.
Your arrested development is preventing you from looking at things rationally.

There are many many laws that prevent you or me or anyone else from doing certain things with our bodies and/or to other people. Without these laws people like you, for example, would not Long survive. Therefore, you have always lived under a system where you are specifically told what you can and cannot do with your body. You want it that way. You need it that way. This is the truth no matter what the little five-year-old emotional basket case inside U screams about.

Not a single one of those words you wrote will prevent a pro-choice woman from getting an abortion. ....

Open a newspaper (if you remember what those are).

Sure. If it makes you FEELZ better to pretend abortions are already being prevented, that's fine too.

Pro-choice women don't care about your feelz or your laws. That's the part you struggle with.

- You have no way of knowing when a woman is pregnant.

- A woman can abort a fetus without medical help. She can even do it by herself.

Until you can change BOTH of these two FACTS, you have no control. Suck for you I guess.

Sure you care. Look, you created a sock account just to come here and nah nah nah nah boo boo like a child to us about it. Like aborting your child is supposed to show us a thing or two.

YOU have to live with what YOU did for the rest of your life, in that case.
Aha. Now a little truth is starting to come out. Without directly stating it, it appears that you "trust" that a woman and her doctor would make the right decision... which implies that in some cases, it may not be right. Or am I misrepresenting your view? In other words, do you think it's right in ANY circumstance? Do you think it would be right to kill a full-term, kicking preborn baby who is just minutes away from delivery, for no reason except that the mother wanted to kill him and he was still inside her? My body my choice, remember? Let's see if you have the intellectual honesty and courage to stand by your sole 'argument.'

Again, I am not validating YOUR arguments.

I stated my position on late term abortions. A decision between a woman and her doctor regarding her late term pregnancy is still her decision. No control has been taken away from her. I trust the woman and her doctor to do the right thing. The rest is not my business.

You have an incredibly juvenile view of this entire situation. When young children are in trouble, they hide. They feel if they cannot be found, they're not in trouble. This is your view of the situation. If people don't know you're pregnant, your so-called "rights" to kill your own baby are not in jeopardy or something. You have spent I don't know how many posts asserting this same point....basically like a kindergartner. Look you can't see the pregnancy, therefore....

Or, it's like you think you're getting away with something because we don't know. Like your abortion will be a point of rebellion for you--ha ha ha conservatives, I killed my baby and you didn't even KNOW. I can't tell you how sick I find that. I don't have the words.

I'm sure this explanation won't penetrate the fog of propaganda surrounding your brain, but here it is: none of this is about who's in trouble, taking away "rights", or even your "body". I could not care LESS about your body. As I said in the OP. Just don't kill your baby, and don't, if you have a brain in your head, even BEGIN to think that your emancipation as a woman begins and ends with your ability to kill all your children in the womb. I mean what a sick and twisted lie. Honestly.

No one wants to chase you down and find out all your pregnancies or jail you for having an abortion. How about just shutting down the abortion mills for a start. How about just saying as a nation, abortion is illegal here. You know, RATIONAL stuff.
the worst thing so called 'pro lifers' say - i say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad.... is when they use the term 'baby' when referring to a zygote or embryo or a few 'weeks' old gestational fetus is the same as a post born person with a history.

when a clump of cells & tissue has more value than babies whose cord is cut...& they & their mamas are on their own as far as food, medical care, housing & education or GOD forbid, they are brown & are in cages ready to be sent back to their 3rd word 'shit holes' , something is seriously & defectively wrong with their brains.
the worst thing so called 'pro lifers' say - i say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad.... is when they use the term 'baby' when referring to a zygote or embryo or a few 'weeks' old gestational fetus is the same as a post born person with a history.

when a clump of cells & tissue has more value than babies whose cord is cut...& they & their mamas are on their own as far as food, medical care, housing & education or GOD forbid, they are brown & are in cages ready to be sent back to their 3rd word 'shit holes' , something is seriously & defectively wrong with their brains.

1. A zygote, embryo and fetus are just terms to use for human development, like newborn, toddler, preschooler, pre-teen, teenager. They don't confer designation of worth on a person.

2. The 70s called, they want their busted "clump of cells" talking point back.

3. No one is saying the baby has MORE value than the mother. But, you do not KILL someone because another finds the life inconvenient or unwanted. This goes without saying in all other facets of life.

4. You deflect to ranting because you have no other case to make. See above.
the worst thing so called 'pro lifers' say - i say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad.... is when they use the term 'baby' when referring to a zygote or embryo or a few 'weeks' old gestational fetus is the same as a post born person with a history.

when a clump of cells & tissue has more value than babies whose cord is cut...& they & their mamas are on their own as far as food, medical care, housing & education or GOD forbid, they are brown & are in cages ready to be sent back to their 3rd word 'shit holes' , something is seriously & defectively wrong with their brains.

1. A zygote, embryo and fetus are just terms to use for human development, like newborn, toddler, preschooler, pre-teen, teenager. They don't confer designation of worth on a person.

2. The 70s called, they want their busted "clump of cells" talking point back.

3. No one is saying the baby has MORE value than the mother. But, you do not KILL someone because another finds the life inconvenient or unwanted. This goes without saying in all other facets of life.

4. You deflect to ranting because you have no other case to make. See above.

A) rant? LOL!!!!!!!!!! silly you. you're the one ranting or you wouldn't have started this thread.

B) a clump of cells is still a clump of cells no matter what you try to change it into. you wanna legislate so that personhood starts at conception.

C) i see you didn't address the issue of what to do with all those forced to term pregnancies once the cord is cut.

D) now tell me how you want your taxes raised to accommodate all that new precious life & their welfare mamas.

E) did your god decipher the difference in 'personhood' in the OT? start with exodus & then numbers.
Is it? I seem to recall the sapling was already out of the ground? I'm not sure you can say the same for a fetus?

Don’t be an idiot. The point is, it’s not a tree yet but if you interrupt the course of nature, it never will be. And natural complications such as miscarriage notwithstanding, the ONLY reason it will never be a child is because you ripped it from the womb.
And if I cut the tree before it is a hundred years old before it matures, and use the lumber to build a house, I just interrupted nature in order to build a house. Man has been interrupting nature, since man walked this planet. Had man not interrupted nature, man would not be walking this planet.

If you think that cutting down a tree (that will never be sentient) is morally equivalent to ending the life of a child, well, therein lies your problem.

So save the bs about the "interruption." It insults my intelligence.

I certainly hope so.
So now the fetus is not just a baby but a child.

It will be if left alone.
If left alone, it would not survive
We found what Republicans are like and the kind of people they are.

Once they legislate women’s bodies, who do they go after next?

Will their next attack be directed at:


We know they’re looking to destroy the constitution and they’re going after the Free Press.

But what group of Americans will they attack next?

Democrats are killing hundeds of thousands of children every year and you want to know who Republicans are going to attack next?
What children have the Democrats killed?


Need more?

What group of Americans have Republicans attacked?
She hasn't and apparently can't justify her position. If she was logically consistent and intellectually honest, she would concede that by her logic there's nothing wrong with killing a full-term preborn baby just minutes away from delivery, simply because he's still in the mother's body (my body my choice!) But she won't admit that, so she avoided that question, numerous times. Since I gave her tons of opportunities to deny she supports infanticide, and she won't, I'm just going to assume she supports it. Which all sane people know is as heinous and evil as it gets.

But she doesn't care, she has made it clear that she doesn't care about anything but herself.

Correct. I care about control of my own body and what is inside of it. That is my priority. Have I not made that 100% clear?

I'm not going to argue against your priority, lol. You don't even get a seat at the table regarding my body.

Your body ends where the child's body begins. You are only a host.

Your inability to understand that speaks volumes for the ignorance of Liberals about simple Biology.
Don’t be an idiot. The point is, it’s not a tree yet but if you interrupt the course of nature, it never will be. And natural complications such as miscarriage notwithstanding, the ONLY reason it will never be a child is because you ripped it from the womb.
And if I cut the tree before it is a hundred years old before it matures, and use the lumber to build a house, I just interrupted nature in order to build a house. Man has been interrupting nature, since man walked this planet. Had man not interrupted nature, man would not be walking this planet.

If you think that cutting down a tree (that will never be sentient) is morally equivalent to ending the life of a child, well, therein lies your problem.

So save the bs about the "interruption." It insults my intelligence.

I certainly hope so.
So now the fetus is not just a baby but a child.

It will be if left alone.
If left alone, it would not survive

Again, don’t be an idiot.
We found what Republicans are like and the kind of people they are.

Once they legislate women’s bodies, who do they go after next?

Will their next attack be directed at:


We know they’re looking to destroy the constitution and they’re going after the Free Press.

But what group of Americans will they attack next?

Democrats are killing hundeds of thousands of children every year and you want to know who Republicans are going to attack next?
What children have the Democrats killed?


Need more?

What group of Americans have Republicans attacked?

More what?
The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.
The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.
Don’t be an idiot. The point is, it’s not a tree yet but if you interrupt the course of nature, it never will be. And natural complications such as miscarriage notwithstanding, the ONLY reason it will never be a child is because you ripped it from the womb.
And if I cut the tree before it is a hundred years old before it matures, and use the lumber to build a house, I just interrupted nature in order to build a house. Man has been interrupting nature, since man walked this planet. Had man not interrupted nature, man would not be walking this planet.

If you think that cutting down a tree (that will never be sentient) is morally equivalent to ending the life of a child, well, therein lies your problem.

So save the bs about the "interruption." It insults my intelligence.

I certainly hope so.
So now the fetus is not just a baby but a child.

It will be if left alone.
If left alone, it would not survive

A close family member would not have survived pneumonia if left alone a few weeks ago, but a few antibiotics and a little oxygen cured it right up.

Wow, the dumb arguments keep on piling up. This thread could kill your brain cells if your IQ is over 90. WARNING....you've been warned
The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.
And if I cut the tree before it is a hundred years old before it matures, and use the lumber to build a house, I just interrupted nature in order to build a house. Man has been interrupting nature, since man walked this planet. Had man not interrupted nature, man would not be walking this planet.

If you think that cutting down a tree (that will never be sentient) is morally equivalent to ending the life of a child, well, therein lies your problem.

So save the bs about the "interruption." It insults my intelligence.

I certainly hope so.
So now the fetus is not just a baby but a child.

It will be if left alone.
If left alone, it would not survive

A close family member would not have survived pneumonia if left alone a few weeks ago, but a few antibiotics and a little oxygen cured it right up.

Wow, the dumb arguments keep on piling up. This thread could kill your brain cells if your IQ is over 90. WARNING....you've been warned
Try following the conversation Ms Brilliant One.

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