"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!
Shes right and you know it.

In your dreams, DA. In your dreams.

You'll see. It's too bad you seem opposed to learning, even in your older age. But you'll learn, eventually.

Do you charge for your ethics and morality lectures, or are they always free?

Oh, there's nothing free about it.
Stop me then. Come for me big boy. You scared bro?
NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!
Shes right and you know it.

In your dreams, DA. In your dreams.
"If you see the innocent being led away to their death, do not turn your face away and say, 'I did not see' for there is One in heaven who watches, and He knows" -- God

NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!
Shes right and you know it.

In your dreams, DA. In your dreams.
"If you see the innocent being led away to their death, do not turn your face away and say, 'I did not see' for there is One in heaven who watches, and He knows" -- God


A profound response...for a loon
I'm not denying that you're fully capable of murdering human beings, that was never in question. That's like demanding that I prove you can't sit on your couch, or twiddle your thumbs, when neither one of those were ever the subject I was bringing up. My argument is from ethics, and judging from how your response is, once again, pure egoism, basically "I can murder, therefor I shall", you're not even attempting to justify your position.

You see, my argument is, was, and always has been that the act is unethical. You repeatedly stating that I can't control your body or what's inside of it is entirely a strawman that you're flinging at everyone in order to distract from the fact that the act and advocated actions are completely unethical.

So long as you fully understand that you're literally evil, taking away the rights and life of another solely because you are fully capable. Much like how Nazi Germany slaughtered the Jews because they could, much like how French murdered the upper class because they could, etc.

I never expected to change your mind, you don't care what's right or wrong, these posts here are for the lurkers, and those who aren't emotionally attached to their positions, the undecided. I just want to articulate for them exactly what you are.

Friend, I have not pretended to be anything other than what I am. I've not hidden my motives, made false claims, or been disingenuous. I'm pretty sure by now folks in this thread already know exactly what I am.

The fact that you feel the need to inform everyone about something they can clearly see with their own eyes is indicative of someone who likes to be in everybody's business. That could prove difficult for you in the future.

Scold me if it makes you feel superior. It's just one more reason why I think to myself 'these people actually think they will EVER gain control over my decisions regarding my body?!' LMAO! You are insane.

I question your intelligence AND your ethics if you think you have license over another person's body and what is inside of it.

I think you goofed up you post. Fix it.
I'm not denying that you're fully capable of murdering human beings, that was never in question. That's like demanding that I prove you can't sit on your couch, or twiddle your thumbs, when neither one of those were ever the subject I was bringing up. My argument is from ethics, and judging from how your response is, once again, pure egoism, basically "I can murder, therefor I shall", you're not even attempting to justify your position.

You see, my argument is, was, and always has been that the act is unethical. You repeatedly stating that I can't control your body or what's inside of it is entirely a strawman that you're flinging at everyone in order to distract from the fact that the act and advocated actions are completely unethical.

So long as you fully understand that you're literally evil, taking away the rights and life of another solely because you are fully capable. Much like how Nazi Germany slaughtered the Jews because they could, much like how French murdered the upper class because they could, etc.

I never expected to change your mind, you don't care what's right or wrong, these posts here are for the lurkers, and those who aren't emotionally attached to their positions, the undecided. I just want to articulate for them exactly what you are.

Friend, I have not pretended to be anything other than what I am. I've not hidden my motives, made false claims, or been disingenuous. I'm pretty sure by now folks in this thread already know exactly what I am.

The fact that you feel the need to inform everyone about something they can clearly see with their own eyes is indicative of someone who likes to be in everybody's business. That could prove difficult for you in the future.

Scold me if it makes you feel superior. It's just one more reason why I think to myself 'these people actually think they will EVER gain control over my decisions regarding my body?!' LMAO! You are insane.

I question your intelligence AND your ethics if you think you have license over another person's body and what is inside of it.

I think you goofed up you post. Fix it.
It's fixed! I went as fast as I could! You guys in here are super uptight, lol.

I'm new here. But don't tell the sock people. They have their own narrative and I don't want to spoil it for them. I will try to do better.
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Look at this ghoul, pounding her hairy chest and insisting on her intention to kill others.
Stop me then. Come for me big boy. You scared bro?
NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17
It's why we have laws about aiding and abetting.

Uh-oh, more people in abortion murder jail.
I'm not denying that you're fully capable of murdering human beings, that was never in question. That's like demanding that I prove you can't sit on your couch, or twiddle your thumbs, when neither one of those were ever the subject I was bringing up. My argument is from ethics, and judging from how your response is, once again, pure egoism, basically "I can murder, therefor I shall", you're not even attempting to justify your position.

You see, my argument is, was, and always has been that the act is unethical. You repeatedly stating that I can't control your body or what's inside of it is entirely a strawman that you're flinging at everyone in order to distract from the fact that the act and advocated actions are completely unethical.

So long as you fully understand that you're literally evil, taking away the rights and life of another solely because you are fully capable. Much like how Nazi Germany slaughtered the Jews because they could, much like how French murdered the upper class because they could, etc.

I never expected to change your mind, you don't care what's right or wrong, these posts here are for the lurkers, and those who aren't emotionally attached to their positions, the undecided. I just want to articulate for them exactly what you are.

Friend, I have not pretended to be anything other than what I am. I've not hidden my motives, made false claims, or been disingenuous. I'm pretty sure by now folks in this thread already know exactly what I am.

The fact that you feel the need to inform everyone about something they can clearly see with their own eyes is indicative of someone who likes to be in everybody's business. That could prove difficult for you in the future.

Scold me if it makes you feel superior. It's just one more reason why I think to myself 'these people actually think they will EVER gain control over my decisions regarding my body?!' LMAO! You are insane.

I question your intelligence AND your ethics if you think you have license over another person's body and what is inside of it.

Dude, bro, compadre, amigo, not pretending to be something else doesn't automatically make anything you advocate for or do suddenly ethical. You don't need to make false claims, or be disingenuous, or hide your motives, for me to choose to better articulate them than you can. Better articulating your positions, regardless of whether those veteran posters understand, can still create a better understanding among others.

Actually, the fact that I feel the need to better articulate something that any number of people already understand, not only actually indicates that I'm waiting for things to build in Warframe, but also shows that I'm ready and willing to exchange ideas with someone who fully understands they're a monster, as well as articulate that fact clearly to anyone who is not fully aware of this. Every individual person articulates things differently, and I see no negative effect to adding my voice to the discussion, especially given that so few people choose to bring up ethics, they instead appeal to popularity or authority, as most people in this thread have been.

I don't have to scold you to feel superior, I don't advocate murder of the innocent, I therefor AM superior in terms of ethical standing. If you truly disagree, you'd have attempted to make an ethical argument for murdering an innocent individual in cold blood, something you'd neglected to do in favor of restating your egoist position on the subject. Naturally, if you had an argument, you'd have made it instead of repeatedly stating that I can't physically stop you.

I question your English comprehension skills,since you've once again made the same claim I've already refuted in every single post. I have not once stated that you are physically incapable of murder, nor have I stated that I'm capable of preventing it; I have clearly indicated that my argument is that the action is unethical. The fact that you must continue restating your strawman indicates that you have no argument against mine, that your reading comprehension is abysmal, or that you are not bothering to read my posts. The last idea is pretty likely, since you've replied to everyone a similar way, regardless of their argument. You wouldn't happen to be a bot, would you?

If you question my ethics, by all means, feel free to make a case for the murder of an innocent person. I'll humor you.
I'm not denying that you're fully capable of murdering human beings, that was never in question. That's like demanding that I prove you can't sit on your couch, or twiddle your thumbs, when neither one of those were ever the subject I was bringing up. My argument is from ethics, and judging from how your response is, once again, pure egoism, basically "I can murder, therefor I shall", you're not even attempting to justify your position.

You see, my argument is, was, and always has been that the act is unethical. You repeatedly stating that I can't control your body or what's inside of it is entirely a strawman that you're flinging at everyone in order to distract from the fact that the act and advocated actions are completely unethical.

So long as you fully understand that you're literally evil, taking away the rights and life of another solely because you are fully capable. Much like how Nazi Germany slaughtered the Jews because they could, much like how French murdered the upper class because they could, etc.

I never expected to change your mind, you don't care what's right or wrong, these posts here are for the lurkers, and those who aren't emotionally attached to their positions, the undecided. I just want to articulate for them exactly what you are.

Friend, I have not pretended to be anything other than what I am. I've not hidden my motives, made false claims, or been disingenuous. I'm pretty sure by now folks in this thread already know exactly what I am.

The fact that you feel the need to inform everyone about something they can clearly see with their own eyes is indicative of someone who likes to be in everybody's business. That could prove difficult for you in the future.

Scold me if it makes you feel superior. It's just one more reason why I think to myself 'these people actually think they will EVER gain control over my decisions regarding my body?!' LMAO! You are insane.

I question your intelligence AND your ethics if you think you have license over another person's body and what is inside of it.

Dude, bro, compadre, amigo, not pretending to be something else doesn't automatically make anything you advocate for or do suddenly ethical. You don't need to make false claims, or be disingenuous, or hide your motives, for me to choose to better articulate them than you can. Better articulating your positions, regardless of whether those veteran posters understand, can still create a better understanding among others.

Actually, the fact that I feel the need to better articulate something that any number of people already understand, not only actually indicates that I'm waiting for things to build in Warframe, but also shows that I'm ready and willing to exchange ideas with someone who fully understands they're a monster, as well as articulate that fact clearly to anyone who is not fully aware of this. Every individual person articulates things differently, and I see no negative effect to adding my voice to the discussion, especially given that so few people choose to bring up ethics, they instead appeal to popularity or authority, as most people in this thread have been.

I don't have to scold you to feel superior, I don't advocate murder of the innocent, I therefor AM superior in terms of ethical standing. If you truly disagree, you'd have attempted to make an ethical argument for murdering an innocent individual in cold blood, something you'd neglected to do in favor of restating your egoist position on the subject. Naturally, if you had an argument, you'd have made it instead of repeatedly stating that I can't physically stop you.

I question your English comprehension skills,since you've once again made the same claim I've already refuted in every single post. I have not once stated that you are physically incapable of murder, nor have I stated that I'm capable of preventing it; I have clearly indicated that my argument is that the action is unethical. The fact that you must continue restating your strawman indicates that you have no argument against mine, that your reading comprehension is abysmal, or that you are not bothering to read my posts. The last idea is pretty likely, since you've replied to everyone a similar way, regardless of their argument. You wouldn't happen to be a bot, would you?

If you question my ethics, by all means, feel free to make a case for the murder of an innocent person. I'll humor you.

Well, what I like is your humility!
I'm not denying that you're fully capable of murdering human beings, that was never in question. That's like demanding that I prove you can't sit on your couch, or twiddle your thumbs, when neither one of those were ever the subject I was bringing up. My argument is from ethics, and judging from how your response is, once again, pure egoism, basically "I can murder, therefor I shall", you're not even attempting to justify your position.

You see, my argument is, was, and always has been that the act is unethical. You repeatedly stating that I can't control your body or what's inside of it is entirely a strawman that you're flinging at everyone in order to distract from the fact that the act and advocated actions are completely unethical.

So long as you fully understand that you're literally evil, taking away the rights and life of another solely because you are fully capable. Much like how Nazi Germany slaughtered the Jews because they could, much like how French murdered the upper class because they could, etc.

I never expected to change your mind, you don't care what's right or wrong, these posts here are for the lurkers, and those who aren't emotionally attached to their positions, the undecided. I just want to articulate for them exactly what you are.

Friend, I have not pretended to be anything other than what I am. I've not hidden my motives, made false claims, or been disingenuous. I'm pretty sure by now folks in this thread already know exactly what I am.

The fact that you feel the need to inform everyone about something they can clearly see with their own eyes is indicative of someone who likes to be in everybody's business. That could prove difficult for you in the future.

Scold me if it makes you feel superior. It's just one more reason why I think to myself 'these people actually think they will EVER gain control over my decisions regarding my body?!' LMAO! You are insane.

I question your intelligence AND your ethics if you think you have license over another person's body and what is inside of it.

Dude, bro, compadre, amigo, not pretending to be something else doesn't automatically make anything you advocate for or do suddenly ethical. You don't need to make false claims, or be disingenuous, or hide your motives, for me to choose to better articulate them than you can. Better articulating your positions, regardless of whether those veteran posters understand, can still create a better understanding among others.

Actually, the fact that I feel the need to better articulate something that any number of people already understand, not only actually indicates that I'm waiting for things to build in Warframe, but also shows that I'm ready and willing to exchange ideas with someone who fully understands they're a monster, as well as articulate that fact clearly to anyone who is not fully aware of this. Every individual person articulates things differently, and I see no negative effect to adding my voice to the discussion, especially given that so few people choose to bring up ethics, they instead appeal to popularity or authority, as most people in this thread have been.

I don't have to scold you to feel superior, I don't advocate murder of the innocent, I therefor AM superior in terms of ethical standing. If you truly disagree, you'd have attempted to make an ethical argument for murdering an innocent individual in cold blood, something you'd neglected to do in favor of restating your egoist position on the subject. Naturally, if you had an argument, you'd have made it instead of repeatedly stating that I can't physically stop you.

I question your English comprehension skills,since you've once again made the same claim I've already refuted in every single post. I have not once stated that you are physically incapable of murder, nor have I stated that I'm capable of preventing it; I have clearly indicated that my argument is that the action is unethical. The fact that you must continue restating your strawman indicates that you have no argument against mine, that your reading comprehension is abysmal, or that you are not bothering to read my posts. The last idea is pretty likely, since you've replied to everyone a similar way, regardless of their argument. You wouldn't happen to be a bot, would you?

If you question my ethics, by all means, feel free to make a case for the murder of an innocent person. I'll humor you.

Well, what I like is your humility!
I like my humility, too.
I'm not denying that you're fully capable of murdering human beings, that was never in question. That's like demanding that I prove you can't sit on your couch, or twiddle your thumbs, when neither one of those were ever the subject I was bringing up. My argument is from ethics, and judging from how your response is, once again, pure egoism, basically "I can murder, therefor I shall", you're not even attempting to justify your position.

You see, my argument is, was, and always has been that the act is unethical. You repeatedly stating that I can't control your body or what's inside of it is entirely a strawman that you're flinging at everyone in order to distract from the fact that the act and advocated actions are completely unethical.

So long as you fully understand that you're literally evil, taking away the rights and life of another solely because you are fully capable. Much like how Nazi Germany slaughtered the Jews because they could, much like how French murdered the upper class because they could, etc.

I never expected to change your mind, you don't care what's right or wrong, these posts here are for the lurkers, and those who aren't emotionally attached to their positions, the undecided. I just want to articulate for them exactly what you are.

Friend, I have not pretended to be anything other than what I am. I've not hidden my motives, made false claims, or been disingenuous. I'm pretty sure by now folks in this thread already know exactly what I am.

The fact that you feel the need to inform everyone about something they can clearly see with their own eyes is indicative of someone who likes to be in everybody's business. That could prove difficult for you in the future.

Scold me if it makes you feel superior. It's just one more reason why I think to myself 'these people actually think they will EVER gain control over my decisions regarding my body?!' LMAO! You are insane.

I question your intelligence AND your ethics if you think you have license over another person's body and what is inside of it.

Dude, bro, compadre, amigo, not pretending to be something else doesn't automatically make anything you advocate for or do suddenly ethical. You don't need to make false claims, or be disingenuous, or hide your motives, for me to choose to better articulate them than you can. Better articulating your positions, regardless of whether those veteran posters understand, can still create a better understanding among others.

Actually, the fact that I feel the need to better articulate something that any number of people already understand, not only actually indicates that I'm waiting for things to build in Warframe, but also shows that I'm ready and willing to exchange ideas with someone who fully understands they're a monster, as well as articulate that fact clearly to anyone who is not fully aware of this. Every individual person articulates things differently, and I see no negative effect to adding my voice to the discussion, especially given that so few people choose to bring up ethics, they instead appeal to popularity or authority, as most people in this thread have been.

I don't have to scold you to feel superior, I don't advocate murder of the innocent, I therefor AM superior in terms of ethical standing. If you truly disagree, you'd have attempted to make an ethical argument for murdering an innocent individual in cold blood, something you'd neglected to do in favor of restating your egoist position on the subject. Naturally, if you had an argument, you'd have made it instead of repeatedly stating that I can't physically stop you.

I question your English comprehension skills,since you've once again made the same claim I've already refuted in every single post. I have not once stated that you are physically incapable of murder, nor have I stated that I'm capable of preventing it; I have clearly indicated that my argument is that the action is unethical. The fact that you must continue restating your strawman indicates that you have no argument against mine, that your reading comprehension is abysmal, or that you are not bothering to read my posts. The last idea is pretty likely, since you've replied to everyone a similar way, regardless of their argument. You wouldn't happen to be a bot, would you?

If you question my ethics, by all means, feel free to make a case for the murder of an innocent person. I'll humor you.

Well, what I like is your humility!

Trump has the most humility. Humblest of all time. Just ask him.

Dude, bro, compadre, amigo, not pretending to be something else doesn't automatically make anything you advocate for or do suddenly ethical. You don't need to make false claims, or be disingenuous, or hide your motives, for me to choose to better articulate them than you can. Better articulating your positions, regardless of whether those veteran posters understand, can still create a better understanding among others.

Actually, the fact that I feel the need to better articulate something that any number of people already understand, not only actually indicates that I'm waiting for things to build in Warframe, but also shows that I'm ready and willing to exchange ideas with someone who fully understands they're a monster, as well as articulate that fact clearly to anyone who is not fully aware of this. Every individual person articulates things differently, and I see no negative effect to adding my voice to the discussion, especially given that so few people choose to bring up ethics, they instead appeal to popularity or authority, as most people in this thread have been.

I don't have to scold you to feel superior, I don't advocate murder of the innocent, I therefor AM superior in terms of ethical standing. If you truly disagree, you'd have attempted to make an ethical argument for murdering an innocent individual in cold blood, something you'd neglected to do in favor of restating your egoist position on the subject. Naturally, if you had an argument, you'd have made it instead of repeatedly stating that I can't physically stop you.

I question your English comprehension skills,since you've once again made the same claim I've already refuted in every single post. I have not once stated that you are physically incapable of murder, nor have I stated that I'm capable of preventing it; I have clearly indicated that my argument is that the action is unethical. The fact that you must continue restating your strawman indicates that you have no argument against mine, that your reading comprehension is abysmal, or that you are not bothering to read my posts. The last idea is pretty likely, since you've replied to everyone a similar way, regardless of their argument. You wouldn't happen to be a bot, would you?

If you question my ethics, by all means, feel free to make a case for the murder of an innocent person. I'll humor you.

Well to be honest, I don't really care that much about your ethics. They have nothing to do with me. I am not required to argue against YOUR priorities, values, morality or anything else. Why is that so hard for you to understand? I'm fighting against those who want to control my body and what is inside of it. That is my talking point. If you are not trying to do that, then we have no problem.

You need to find someone interested in your arguments and debate those arguments with that person. Not me.

I have no problem with your judgements. I don't know you. You don't know me. You mean nothing to me. Judge away. I'll try not to let it destroy me. Maybe it makes you feel better about your lack of control?

In fact, your need for control and moral superiority is so great, you claim that you can better state my position than I can state it myself.
And if you don't do that, folks may not be able to fully understand what I've said. W.T.F??!! I wonder what these folks would do without you to explain it all for them?!

You should really concentrate on your own actions and stop worrying so much about the actions you cannot control.
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There is no rational justification for abortion. None, nada.

"My body" is the weakest justification the filthy Moon Bats use for the killing of children for the sake of convenience.

They can continue to believe their "Moon bat shit" because they have a fearless leader in Nancy Pelosi ! The Pope dude has said that "Abortion is against the tenets of the Catholic church"! Nancy Said on live television that "She is a devout Catholic and has been all her life" However she "devoutly" supportive of Abortion in any sense of the word. Which makes her a "devout hypocrite" and a disgrace to her alleged devotion to her "Catholicism" …….. Pitiful liar! Can one be Catholic and Pro abortion? It doesn't work like that does it! Sorry Nancy "Ex-communication is in order for you!:dev3:. Hey! He's your Pope not mine! I don't need someone else to tell me murder is wrong.
Stop me then. Come for me big boy. You scared bro?
NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17
It's why we have laws about aiding and abetting.

Uh-oh, more people in abortion murder jail.

They're not going to be jails. They are re-education camps. More like a retreat.
NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17
It's why we have laws about aiding and abetting.

Uh-oh, more people in abortion murder jail.

They're not going to be jails. They are re-education camps. More like a retreat.
Interesting. Details please.
Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17
It's why we have laws about aiding and abetting.

Uh-oh, more people in abortion murder jail.

They're not going to be jails. They are re-education camps. More like a retreat.
Interesting. Details please.

I dunno. I've been asking beagle, who was saying we wouldn't need jails - that instead the state would lead an indoctrination program to teach women the error of their ways. But I haven't heard anything concrete just yet.
If you're not willing to exchange ideas, once again, it implies that your position is so weak that you do not want to be exposed to others. That's not surprising, since you're literally stating that you have a right to control over someone else's body. It's up for debate because it's a separate body, a separate life, with unique DNA at conception. You can not prove wrongdoing on the part of the child, therefor you cannot justify murder.

Stating over and over that it's your body does not fulfill the burden of proof to give you ownership over the life of another, nor does it fulfill conditions for self defense, nor does it prove that your rights override those of another. You also cannot prove that the child gave consent for its life to be ended. Absolutely everything is up for debate.

I don't claim ownership of your body, you fool, I claim that the child owns itself, and the burden of proof is on you, since your position is the active position, while the child's is passive.

Prove wrongdoing on the part of the child, prove the child does not own itself, prove that your rights override those of the child. You otherwise cannot claim that murdering it is ethical.

You think we are involved in a debate. We are not. I'm simply stating REALITY. Tell me how I am mistaken about REALITY.

If you can tell me how you can prevent me from having an abortion, I will engage with you. Because MY only concern is protection of my body from folks like you who want to impose their will on said body and/or what is inside of it. YOUR concern about the burden of proving the rights or non-rights of a fetus is YOUR concern.

Bottom line, we will not ever agree or be willing to compromise in any way with each other. You'll have to be content not having control of what's inside my body. You have no other choice, no matter how much you stomp your feet, name call OR hold your breath.

You're being schooled by a 17 year old and too stupid to realize it. Everyone one of your posts is the same shit reworded. Don't breed...for the sake of the child, humanity and society.

As for debate? Pumpkin would crush your stupid ass like a grape. Run along now, you're exposed and won't be taken serious by the regs on the forum

And this is usually what happens when folks like you realize you actually CAN'T stop a woman from having an abortion.

Folks get defensive and upset, name call, rant and rave, carrying on like a hyena railing against their inability to force a woman NOT to abort a baby.

And you still don't win. But Pumpkin is welcome to keep trying, lol.

So at what point should a woman not be allowed to end her Childs life! Should the right extend beyond the womb? At what point would you consider it the illegal taking of life? I looking to see how you justify your position! "Because I can" seems to be your answer so far are you that shallow? Just wondering?
If you're not willing to exchange ideas, once again, it implies that your position is so weak that you do not want to be exposed to others. That's not surprising, since you're literally stating that you have a right to control over someone else's body. It's up for debate because it's a separate body, a separate life, with unique DNA at conception. You can not prove wrongdoing on the part of the child, therefor you cannot justify murder.

Stating over and over that it's your body does not fulfill the burden of proof to give you ownership over the life of another, nor does it fulfill conditions for self defense, nor does it prove that your rights override those of another. You also cannot prove that the child gave consent for its life to be ended. Absolutely everything is up for debate.

I don't claim ownership of your body, you fool, I claim that the child owns itself, and the burden of proof is on you, since your position is the active position, while the child's is passive.

Prove wrongdoing on the part of the child, prove the child does not own itself, prove that your rights override those of the child. You otherwise cannot claim that murdering it is ethical.

You think we are involved in a debate. We are not. I'm simply stating REALITY. Tell me how I am mistaken about REALITY.

If you can tell me how you can prevent me from having an abortion, I will engage with you. Because MY only concern is protection of my body from folks like you who want to impose their will on said body and/or what is inside of it. YOUR concern about the burden of proving the rights or non-rights of a fetus is YOUR concern.

Bottom line, we will not ever agree or be willing to compromise in any way with each other. You'll have to be content not having control of what's inside my body. You have no other choice, no matter how much you stomp your feet, name call OR hold your breath.

You're being schooled by a 17 year old and too stupid to realize it. Everyone one of your posts is the same shit reworded. Don't breed...for the sake of the child, humanity and society.

As for debate? Pumpkin would crush your stupid ass like a grape. Run along now, you're exposed and won't be taken serious by the regs on the forum

And this is usually what happens when folks like you realize you actually CAN'T stop a woman from having an abortion.

Folks get defensive and upset, name call, rant and rave, carrying on like a hyena railing against their inability to force a woman NOT to abort a baby.

And you still don't win. But Pumpkin is welcome to keep trying, lol.

So at what point should a woman not be allowed to end her Childs life! Should the right extend beyond the womb? At what point would you consider it the illegal taking of life? I looking to see how you justify your position! "Because I can" seems to be your answer so far are you that shallow? Just wondering?

My position is any late term abortion is between a woman and her doctor. Late term abortion is exceedingly rare. I trust a women and her doctor to make the correct decision.

Dude, bro, compadre, amigo, not pretending to be something else doesn't automatically make anything you advocate for or do suddenly ethical. You don't need to make false claims, or be disingenuous, or hide your motives, for me to choose to better articulate them than you can. Better articulating your positions, regardless of whether those veteran posters understand, can still create a better understanding among others.

Actually, the fact that I feel the need to better articulate something that any number of people already understand, not only actually indicates that I'm waiting for things to build in Warframe, but also shows that I'm ready and willing to exchange ideas with someone who fully understands they're a monster, as well as articulate that fact clearly to anyone who is not fully aware of this. Every individual person articulates things differently, and I see no negative effect to adding my voice to the discussion, especially given that so few people choose to bring up ethics, they instead appeal to popularity or authority, as most people in this thread have been.

I don't have to scold you to feel superior, I don't advocate murder of the innocent, I therefor AM superior in terms of ethical standing. If you truly disagree, you'd have attempted to make an ethical argument for murdering an innocent individual in cold blood, something you'd neglected to do in favor of restating your egoist position on the subject. Naturally, if you had an argument, you'd have made it instead of repeatedly stating that I can't physically stop you.

I question your English comprehension skills,since you've once again made the same claim I've already refuted in every single post. I have not once stated that you are physically incapable of murder, nor have I stated that I'm capable of preventing it; I have clearly indicated that my argument is that the action is unethical. The fact that you must continue restating your strawman indicates that you have no argument against mine, that your reading comprehension is abysmal, or that you are not bothering to read my posts. The last idea is pretty likely, since you've replied to everyone a similar way, regardless of their argument. You wouldn't happen to be a bot, would you?

If you question my ethics, by all means, feel free to make a case for the murder of an innocent person. I'll humor you.

Well to be honest, I don't really care that much about your ethics. They have nothing to do with me. I am not required to argue against YOUR priorities, values, morality or anything else! Why is that so hard for you to understand? I'm fighting against those who want to control my body and what is inside of it. That is my talking point. If you are not trying to do that, then we have no problem.

You need to find someone interested in your arguments and debate those arguments with that person. Not me.

I have no problem with your judgements. I don't know you. You don't know me. You mean nothing to me. Judge away. I'll try not to let it destroy me. Maybe it makes you feel better about your lack of control?

In fact, your need for control and moral superiority is so great, you claim that you can better state my position than I can state it myself.
And if you don't do that, folks may not be able to fully understand what I've said. W.T.F??!! I wonder what these folks would do without you to explain it all for them?!

You should really concentrate on your own actions and stop worrying so much about the actions you cannot control.
Ethics are objective and consistent. The reason you've failed to make any argument against "My ethics" is because arguing that murdering an innocent person is ethical means that anyone and everyone can be killed, and it's fully legitimate. That's why I referred to what you're stating as "Egoism", it's the belief that all that matters is a person's ego, and that everything else is a spook. Pointing out that the human being you desire to murder, or support murdering, is a self-owning agent with rights of its own, is not an attempt to force control over you. Your hostility towards this fact is merely a result of your inability to argue against it.

Once again, I'm not interested in changing your mind, I'm interested in presenting an argument that you can't refute, for the audience. The fact that you don't care about ethics, or the rights of others, doesn't mean I shouldn't argue against you, in fact, it only makes me want to make an example of you even more.

Lack of control? I made the conscious decision to come here and reply to your post, and have no desire to prevent myself from doing so. This isn't a matter of a lack of self control, nor wanting to present my "judgment" to you. It's a matter of desiring to present objective ethics to an audience, and show what I've shown numerous other times before; That your position is inconsistent, fallacious, and unethical.

Of course I can. I can present your position clearly, while you merely state "I can murder people and you can't stop me!", so in your case, the bar is pretty low for presenting your position. It's not hard to articulate that; The belief is that your rights take priority over others, and that compared to your desires, human life is inconsequential. In fact, that may be too well-articulated, since I highly doubt you've even brought your position to its logical conclusion.

The fact is that I don't "need" moral superiority, I just know that I have a better understanding of ethics than you do, so I never have a fear of losing any argument to someone like you. People like you are like toys, and debate is like my playground. Your arguments, and the arguments of people like you are so weak and flawed, that I could do this while splitting my attention between several other tasks. Right now, I'm playing Moekuri, reading Storm of Swords, and typing this post.

Hmm. What would they do without me to explain it to them? Probably not consider the ethical implications of your arguments. Deontological Ethics aren't exactly known to everyone, most people probably think that ethics are dependent on geographical location, because they rarely think for themselves.

If you didn't want your actions and lack of ethics to be scrutinized on a forum, you wouldn't be here. Then again, I doubt you even considered that, given how shallow your positions seem to be in the first place. You know, what you've presented so far. Your username even focuses on this one subject, as if murdering innocent human beings is the most important thing to you. Anyone else, I'd suggest is trying really hard not to consider the possibility that they're a monster, but you don't seem bothered by that fact whatsoever, you're busy flinging refuted strawmen over and over.
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If you're not willing to exchange ideas, once again, it implies that your position is so weak that you do not want to be exposed to others. That's not surprising, since you're literally stating that you have a right to control over someone else's body. It's up for debate because it's a separate body, a separate life, with unique DNA at conception. You can not prove wrongdoing on the part of the child, therefor you cannot justify murder.

Stating over and over that it's your body does not fulfill the burden of proof to give you ownership over the life of another, nor does it fulfill conditions for self defense, nor does it prove that your rights override those of another. You also cannot prove that the child gave consent for its life to be ended. Absolutely everything is up for debate.

I don't claim ownership of your body, you fool, I claim that the child owns itself, and the burden of proof is on you, since your position is the active position, while the child's is passive.

Prove wrongdoing on the part of the child, prove the child does not own itself, prove that your rights override those of the child. You otherwise cannot claim that murdering it is ethical.

You think we are involved in a debate. We are not. I'm simply stating REALITY. Tell me how I am mistaken about REALITY.

If you can tell me how you can prevent me from having an abortion, I will engage with you. Because MY only concern is protection of my body from folks like you who want to impose their will on said body and/or what is inside of it. YOUR concern about the burden of proving the rights or non-rights of a fetus is YOUR concern.

Bottom line, we will not ever agree or be willing to compromise in any way with each other. You'll have to be content not having control of what's inside my body. You have no other choice, no matter how much you stomp your feet, name call OR hold your breath.

You're being schooled by a 17 year old and too stupid to realize it. Everyone one of your posts is the same shit reworded. Don't breed...for the sake of the child, humanity and society.

As for debate? Pumpkin would crush your stupid ass like a grape. Run along now, you're exposed and won't be taken serious by the regs on the forum

And this is usually what happens when folks like you realize you actually CAN'T stop a woman from having an abortion.

Folks get defensive and upset, name call, rant and rave, carrying on like a hyena railing against their inability to force a woman NOT to abort a baby.

And you still don't win. But Pumpkin is welcome to keep trying, lol.

So at what point should a woman not be allowed to end her Childs life! Should the right extend beyond the womb? At what point would you consider it the illegal taking of life? I looking to see how you justify your position! "Because I can" seems to be your answer so far are you that shallow? Just wondering?

She hasn't and apparently can't justify her position. If she was logically consistent and intellectually honest, she would concede that by her logic there's nothing wrong with killing a full-term preborn baby just minutes away from delivery, simply because he's still in the mother's body (my body my choice!) But she won't admit that, so she avoided that question, numerous times. Since I gave her tons of opportunities to deny she supports infanticide, and she won't, I'm just going to assume she supports it. Which all sane people know is as heinous and evil as it gets.

But she doesn't care, she has made it clear that she doesn't care about anything but herself.

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