"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

It's hilarious when left loons try and use the Bible to justify their stance.

Epic fail everytime
The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

sorry suzy Q... it says the same in all translations... even the JW's good book & that is translated as close to the written word as possible.
If you think that cutting down a tree (that will never be sentient) is morally equivalent to ending the life of a child, well, therein lies your problem.

I certainly hope so.
So now the fetus is not just a baby but a child.

It will be if left alone.
If left alone, it would not survive

A close family member would not have survived pneumonia if left alone a few weeks ago, but a few antibiotics and a little oxygen cured it right up.

Wow, the dumb arguments keep on piling up. This thread could kill your brain cells if your IQ is over 90. WARNING....you've been warned
Try following the conversation Ms Brilliant One.

Thank you, and I did. Your "argument"--such as it is--is that the baby would not survive on its own. Plenty of people would not. Diabetics. People on dialysis. Congestive heart failure patients. People with pacemakers. And on and on and on.

Unless you're into Hitler like tactics. Are you?
The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

sorry suzy Q... it says the same in all translations... even the JW's good book & that is translated as close to the written word as possible.

Okay then give me the translation that says "baby", "abortion", "miscarriage" or "pregnancy"
The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

It's hilarious when left loons try and use the Bible to justify their stance.

Epic fail everytime

They're so ignorant about it, they think their little bit of knowledge is a mountain. Whereas people who know the Bible better, we know that our little knowledge of the Bible doesn't even scratch the surface.

It is funny. They're so smug about their thimbleful
The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

It's hilarious when left loons try and use the Bible to justify their stance.

Epic fail everytime

what bible do YOU use 'eh? KIng James? doesn't matter - you can enter any 'version' you want & it all says the same thing. lol...

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-31 - King James Version
The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

It's hilarious when left loons try and use the Bible to justify their stance.

Epic fail everytime

They're so ignorant about it, they think their little bit of knowledge is a mountain. Whereas people who know the Bible better, we know that our little knowledge of the Bible doesn't even scratch the surface.

It is funny. They're so smug about their thimbleful

pick any version.

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-31 - King James Version

& when you are done, you can tell me about all those taxes you will gladly give up to pay for all them thar post born chill'ins....
The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

It's hilarious when left loons try and use the Bible to justify their stance.

Epic fail everytime

what bible do YOU use 'eh? KIng James? doesn't matter - you can enter any 'version' you want & it all says the same thing. lol...

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-31 - King James Version

Quote where it says abortion, miscarriage, pregnancy, baby
Where does it say that?

It doesnt. If you're referring to the creation of the first man, Adam, it says God "breathed into him the breath of life and Man became a living soul (being).

A person who is STILL LIVING may need CPR. A baby gets slapped on the bottom to force him to START BREATHING. That doesnt mean the baby was DEAD before this, but without the first breath they will be -- Adam, or all babies ever born.

Dana, you dont know that you're talking about, and you clearly have reading trouble.

it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

It's hilarious when left loons try and use the Bible to justify their stance.

Epic fail everytime

what bible do YOU use 'eh? KIng James? doesn't matter - you can enter any 'version' you want & it all says the same thing. lol...

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-31 - King James Version

Quote where it says abortion, miscarriage, pregnancy, baby

oh i see, so now you wanna play semantics huh?

quote me where it doesn't say that the 'priestly' concoction doesn't bring on 'the curse'.

you should know what that uniquely female term 'the curse' means in those passages.

then you can 'splain what else it could possibly be. good luck, suzy Q.
it does say in the christian bible that if a husband even suspects his wife of infidelity - then a 'priest' can force an abortion.

Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

It's hilarious when left loons try and use the Bible to justify their stance.

Epic fail everytime

what bible do YOU use 'eh? KIng James? doesn't matter - you can enter any 'version' you want & it all says the same thing. lol...

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-31 - King James Version

Quote where it says abortion, miscarriage, pregnancy, baby

oh i see, so now you wanna play semantics huh?

quote me where it doesn't say that the 'priestly' concoction doesn't bring on 'the curse'.

you should know what that uniquely female term 'the curse' means in those passages.

then you can 'splain what else it could possibly be. good luck, suzy Q.

It says exactly what it says. Her "belly swells" and her "thigh rots". Possibly some nasty bowel contents--who knows? What it expressly does NOT say, in dozens and dozens of translations, and especially not in the Hebrew, is anything about pregnancy, baby, miscarriage or abortion.

So, if you want to continue down that path, you're just being totally disingenuous.
When is it a human being? Is something that cannot live outside of the womb a human being? You are playing God. Picking a arbitrary time is playing God. Using the power of the state to enforce YOUR beliefs is playing God. The fact is that Northam was talking about a bill to make 3rd trimester abortions easier to get. If you want to use God then quite lying.

How about we concentrate on 'when is it a living thing'?

Then we can move on to whether you have a right to kill it.
When is that?

As has been pointed out so many freaking times that it staggers the mind, medical sciences tells that the beginning of life is conception.
No, that is a religious definition of life, not a scientific one. What medical science tells you is, " Nearly 48 hours pass from the time sperm first bind to the outside of the zona pellucida, the human eggshell, until the first cell division of the fertilized egg. The two newly formed cells then have the potential to give rise to a human being, but only if they are appropriately nurtured so that they continue to divide and then successfully implant in the uterus."

The idea that life begins at conception is a belief based on religion not science.

It may be based on someone's religion but it's not based on anything that comes from the christian bible.

The christian bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose. It's right there in the book of genesis. However, like the constitution. these people have never read the bible.

If life begins at conception then they need to explain ectopic pregnancy. There is no life in that fertilized egg and never will be. The only results from an ectopic pregnancy is either the woman dies or she has an abortion.

ectopic pregnancy refers to where the organism anchors, not when it was formed, you dope.
'Ectopic pregnancy is when a pregnancy grows outside of your uterus, usually in your fallopian tube.'
What Is Ectopic Pregnancy? | Definition and Treatment

A separate, unique human being is in existence from the moment the double helix of DNA forms.

you may pin the tail on yourself, donkey.
Bad translation from the NIV 2011 edition. Not an abortion in any other translation. So, wrong.

It's hilarious when left loons try and use the Bible to justify their stance.

Epic fail everytime

what bible do YOU use 'eh? KIng James? doesn't matter - you can enter any 'version' you want & it all says the same thing. lol...

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-31 - King James Version

Quote where it says abortion, miscarriage, pregnancy, baby

oh i see, so now you wanna play semantics huh?

quote me where it doesn't say that the 'priestly' concoction doesn't bring on 'the curse'.

you should know what that uniquely female term 'the curse' means in those passages.

then you can 'splain what else it could possibly be. good luck, suzy Q.

It says exactly what it says. Her "belly swells" and her "thigh rots". Possibly some nasty bowel contents--who knows? What it expressly does NOT say, in dozens and dozens of translations, and especially not in the Hebrew, is anything about pregnancy, baby, miscarriage or abortion.

So, if you want to continue down that path, you're just being totally disingenuous.

uh-huh. why do women call their periods 'the curse'? oh & you are trying to pedde that the same god whose edict was to kill all those INNOCENT precious first born kiddies of those that weren't his chosen people would never have his priests do such a dastardly thing as to abort a pre born 'child'?

ya.......... that's the ticket. :113:
The Pro-Lifers have to support banning all abortions, or they're being hypocrites. Either life is sacred, or it is not.

So, if they're honest, they support the Alabama law.

And Trump is a murderer: https://www.usnews.com/news/nationa...to-distance-himself-from-alabama-abortion-law

Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday night, "As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions--Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother--the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."
The Pro-Lifers have to support banning all abortions, or they're being hypocrites. Either life is sacred, or it is not.

So, if they're honest, they support the Alabama law.

And Trump is a murderer: https://www.usnews.com/news/nationa...to-distance-himself-from-alabama-abortion-law

Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday night, "As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions--Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother--the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."

So you agree if you condone any abortion you're just as gulity as the murderer doing it?

I'm interested, what's your stance on abortion because if you agree with any part of it you just called yourself a murderer.

This may very well be an epic gotcha moment...unless of course you oppose all abortions
The Pro-Lifers have to support banning all abortions, or they're being hypocrites. Either life is sacred, or it is not.

So, if they're honest, they support the Alabama law.

And Trump is a murderer: https://www.usnews.com/news/nationa...to-distance-himself-from-alabama-abortion-law

Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday night, "As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions--Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother--the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."

So you agree if you condone any abortion you're just as gulity as the murderer doing it?

I'm interested, what's your stance on abortion because if you agree with any part of it you just called yourself a murderer.

This may very well be an epic gotcha moment...unless of course you oppose all abortions
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I'm pro choice. I'd also be open to bans on late term abortion, and I don't like the way most pro choicers approach this topic.

So, again, for clarity, I'm pro choice.
The Pro-Lifers have to support banning all abortions, or they're being hypocrites. Either life is sacred, or it is not.

So, if they're honest, they support the Alabama law.

And Trump is a murderer: https://www.usnews.com/news/nationa...to-distance-himself-from-alabama-abortion-law

Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday night, "As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions--Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother--the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."

So you agree if you condone any abortion you're just as gulity as the murderer doing it?

I'm interested, what's your stance on abortion because if you agree with any part of it you just called yourself a murderer.

This may very well be an epic gotcha moment...unless of course you oppose all abortions
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I'm pro choice. I'd also be open to bans on late term abortion, and I don't like the way most pro choicers approach this topic.

So, again, for clarity, I'm pro choice.

Then according to your post you're a murderer. You called Trump one. Fair is fair but thanks for the honesty

Be careful what you post.
The Pro-Lifers have to support banning all abortions, or they're being hypocrites. Either life is sacred, or it is not.

So, if they're honest, they support the Alabama law.

And Trump is a murderer: https://www.usnews.com/news/nationa...to-distance-himself-from-alabama-abortion-law

Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday night, "As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions--Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother--the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."

So you agree if you condone any abortion you're just as gulity as the murderer doing it?

I'm interested, what's your stance on abortion because if you agree with any part of it you just called yourself a murderer.

This may very well be an epic gotcha moment...unless of course you oppose all abortions
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I'm pro choice. I'd also be open to bans on late term abortion, and I don't like the way most pro choicers approach this topic.

So, again, for clarity, I'm pro choice.

Then according to your post you're a murderer. You called Trump one. Fair is fair but thanks for the honesty

Be careful what you post.
Okay, I'm a murderer. So is Trump.

Call the cops.
The Pro-Lifers have to support banning all abortions, or they're being hypocrites. Either life is sacred, or it is not.

So, if they're honest, they support the Alabama law.

And Trump is a murderer: https://www.usnews.com/news/nationa...to-distance-himself-from-alabama-abortion-law

Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday night, "As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions--Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother--the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."

So you agree if you condone any abortion you're just as gulity as the murderer doing it?

I'm interested, what's your stance on abortion because if you agree with any part of it you just called yourself a murderer.

This may very well be an epic gotcha moment...unless of course you oppose all abortions
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I'm pro choice. I'd also be open to bans on late term abortion, and I don't like the way most pro choicers approach this topic.

So, again, for clarity, I'm pro choice.

Then according to your post you're a murderer. You called Trump one. Fair is fair but thanks for the honesty

Be careful what you post.
Okay, I'm a murderer. So is Trump.

Call the cops.

God will sort it out. Bank that one
If a man does not know if the woman he is putting his unwrapped penis inside is pro-choice, maybe he should ask first.

Or perhaps he should be more careful where he puts that unwrapped penis.
I do believe that alot of that is beginning to take place in society. Liberals dating liberals, and conservatives dating conservatives based on ideological and political lines now.

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