My business will be successfully relocated in Brazil as of April.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
My fellow Americans, it was a great pleasure to be among you, among the nation that my ancestors built (some were on Mayflower, others were immigrants in the 1860's and 1920's).

However, in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity, we shall be departing for Brazil, where conservative forces have regained the control and sovereignty of their nation.

I regret to inform you that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself, your family or your business in the United States. Within a few years you will not be able to distinguish between China and the US; your will not only be seized and/or throttled, but all of your personal interactions shall be subject to a social media secore (Sesame Credit).

You will no longer be able to board an airplane or even an Uber if your social credit score is too low. Your social credit score will be a measure of your conformity and submission to the new Feudal States of America.

The Republic is dead.

Flee while you can.
My fellow Americans, it was a great pleasure to be among you, among the nation that my ancestors built (some were on Mayflower, others were immigrants in the 1860's and 1920's).

However, in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity, we shall be departing for Brazil, where conservative forces have regained the control and sovereignty of their nation.

I regret to inform you that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself, your family or your business in the United States. Within a few years you will not be able to distinguish between China and the US; your will not only be seized and/or throttled, but all of your personal interactions shall be subject to a social media secore (Sesame Credit).

You will no longer be able to board an airplane or even an Uber if your social credit score is too low. Your social credit score will be a measure of your conformity and submission to the new Feudal States of America.

The Republic is dead.

Flee while you can.

Good luck in your new home...
My fellow Americans, it was a great pleasure to be among you, among the nation that my ancestors built (some were on Mayflower, others were immigrants in the 1860's and 1920's).

However, in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity, we shall be departing for Brazil, where conservative forces have regained the control and sovereignty of their nation.

I regret to inform you that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself, your family or your business in the United States. Within a few years you will not be able to distinguish between China and the US; your will not only be seized and/or throttled, but all of your personal interactions shall be subject to a social media secore (Sesame Credit).

You will no longer be able to board an airplane or even an Uber if your social credit score is too low. Your social credit score will be a measure of your conformity and submission to the new Feudal States of America.

The Republic is dead.

Flee while you can.

Good luck in your new home...

We don't need luck.

You do. Enjoy wearing a mask for the next 20 years.
My fellow Americans, it was a great pleasure to be among you, among the nation that my ancestors built (some were on Mayflower, others were immigrants in the 1860's and 1920's).

However, in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity, we shall be departing for Brazil, where conservative forces have regained the control and sovereignty of their nation.

I regret to inform you that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself, your family or your business in the United States. Within a few years you will not be able to distinguish between China and the US; your will not only be seized and/or throttled, but all of your personal interactions shall be subject to a social media secore (Sesame Credit).

You will no longer be able to board an airplane or even an Uber if your social credit score is too low. Your social credit score will be a measure of your conformity and submission to the new Feudal States of America.

The Republic is dead.

Flee while you can.

Good luck in your new home...

We don't need luck.

You do. Enjoy wearing a mask for the next 20 years.

Yep, I know....I am just a blue collar working stiff...don't have the resource to leave the country.
My fellow Americans, it was a great pleasure to be among you, among the nation that my ancestors built (some were on Mayflower, others were immigrants in the 1860's and 1920's).

However, in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity, we shall be departing for Brazil, where conservative forces have regained the control and sovereignty of their nation.

I regret to inform you that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself, your family or your business in the United States. Within a few years you will not be able to distinguish between China and the US; your will not only be seized and/or throttled, but all of your personal interactions shall be subject to a social media secore (Sesame Credit).

You will no longer be able to board an airplane or even an Uber if your social credit score is too low. Your social credit score will be a measure of your conformity and submission to the new Feudal States of America.

The Republic is dead.

Flee while you can.
make sure you give up your citizenship on your way out.....
"in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity,"

When I read this I literally had to hold onto my mouth before I spit out my tea. LOL.

I imagine some guy in a suit, top hat, wearing white gloves with a prominent curly moustache making his last payment to the property helpers (and stiffing a few who weren't in the loop), packing his Rolls Royce trunk and heading south.
My fellow Americans, it was a great pleasure to be among you, among the nation that my ancestors built (some were on Mayflower, others were immigrants in the 1860's and 1920's).

However, in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity, we shall be departing for Brazil, where conservative forces have regained the control and sovereignty of their nation.

I regret to inform you that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself, your family or your business in the United States. Within a few years you will not be able to distinguish between China and the US; your will not only be seized and/or throttled, but all of your personal interactions shall be subject to a social media secore (Sesame Credit).

You will no longer be able to board an airplane or even an Uber if your social credit score is too low. Your social credit score will be a measure of your conformity and submission to the new Feudal States of America.

The Republic is dead.

Flee while you can.

"in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity,"

When I read this I literally had to hold onto my mouth before I spit out my tea. LOL.

I imagine some guy in a suit, top hat, wearing white gloves with a prominent curly moustache making his last payment to the property helpers (and stiffing a few who weren't in the loop), packing his Rolls Royce trunk and heading south.

Regular suit, no facial hair. 2016 BMW.

The heirlooms aren't multi million dollar diamonds.

They are a Babe Ruth signature and baseball, a 24k golden bracelet from Lebanon and honors/medals/old newspapers (from the 17th, 18th and 19th) centuries.

Stuff like that.

Yes, the commies will seize your Mickey Mantle cards and auction them off to pay for the communist cause.

Get out while you can.
Good luck to you and yours! May you prosper there as you would've here under different circumstances.

My understanding is that Brazil is very business friendly. It's a shame that the country your ancestors helped build is now so morally bankrupt that you cannot stay and still be successful...
My fellow Americans, it was a great pleasure to be among you, among the nation that my ancestors built (some were on Mayflower, others were immigrants in the 1860's and 1920's).

However, in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity, we shall be departing for Brazil, where conservative forces have regained the control and sovereignty of their nation.

I regret to inform you that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself, your family or your business in the United States. Within a few years you will not be able to distinguish between China and the US; your will not only be seized and/or throttled, but all of your personal interactions shall be subject to a social media secore (Sesame Credit).

You will no longer be able to board an airplane or even an Uber if your social credit score is too low. Your social credit score will be a measure of your conformity and submission to the new Feudal States of America.

The Republic is dead.

Flee while you can.
make sure you give up your citizenship on your way out.....

Why should he? Because he doesn't wanna' be ass-fucked for the next four years?
Good gawd, these drama queens.

Indeed, how many of your fellow 'KKKrats on the list below followed through on their promise?

Another attempt to change the subject from the latest apocalyptic Trumpster thread.

Trumpsters = Zero accountability.
What an uprooting
Sorry you have to do it
Libs know nothing of what it’s like to create, prosper and run a business, their work and jobs is to revel in the fantasy of feelings.
One thought though is Biden will do enough harm that in 2022 Republicans will control both Houses
My fellow Americans, it was a great pleasure to be among you, among the nation that my ancestors built (some were on Mayflower, others were immigrants in the 1860's and 1920's).

However, in order to preserve the wealth and well being of our family, our heirlooms, and our dignity, we shall be departing for Brazil, where conservative forces have regained the control and sovereignty of their nation.

I regret to inform you that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself, your family or your business in the United States. Within a few years you will not be able to distinguish between China and the US; your will not only be seized and/or throttled, but all of your personal interactions shall be subject to a social media secore (Sesame Credit).

You will no longer be able to board an airplane or even an Uber if your social credit score is too low. Your social credit score will be a measure of your conformity and submission to the new Feudal States of America.

The Republic is dead.

Flee while you can.

Best wishes to you & your family.

How interesting that you are descended from some Mayflower passengers.

Yes, the USA is changing.

Personally, I am blown away from what has happened to Georgia. It is a harbinger of what is occurring all over this nation.

No, I do not plan to leave, for I am 83, so ...

And, quite frankly, most Americans will not be that impacted by the authoritarian government that starts tomorrow.

But perhaps in 30 years as the USA becomes more like China with its social controls (and reeducation camps?), maybe there will be some substantial emigration.

Ironically, Mexico may have a problem of undocumented Americans trying to escape to that country!

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