My Concerns About Conservatives Allowing Leftists To Divert The Narrative To Immigration


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Immigration can gain traction on middle voters. Women and children. Think. Even in the middle ranks women have instinctive protection and this will cost votes. Hence the design on the left.

However, there are other issues the left embraces that also spark kneejerk revulsion in middle voters using the same principle: protection of children.

Is it wise for conservatives to make such an open fuss about this? Left media is winning this game of attrition. Might I suggest conservatives distracting back with a campaign of their own using the same "middle women who care about children"?


Hint: vv
Immigration can gain traction on middle voters. Women and children. Think. Even in the middle ranks women have instinctive protection and this will cost votes. Hence the design on the left.

However, there are other issues the left embraces that also spark kneejerk revulsion in middle voters using the same principle: protection of children.

Is it wise for conservatives to make such an open fuss about this? Left media is winning this game of attrition. Might I suggest conservatives distracting back with a campaign of their own using the same "middle women who care about children"?


Hint: vv

It's hard to battle left wing hate, fear and lies because they control the Press and the Hollywood Hate Machine.
People should abandon CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and NBC if they want to get the straight News.
We already know that the Press didn't make Obama's immigrant detention centers an issue when he was the President.
It's hard to battle left wing hate, fear and lies because they control the Press and the Hollywood Hate Machine.
People should abandon CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and NBC if they want to get the straight News.
We already know that the Press didn't make Obama's immigrant detention centers an issue when he was the President.

You can fight fire with fire. Try it. Why not? What have conservatives got to lose? FOX too big of pussies these days?
Immigration can gain traction on middle voters. Women and children. Think. Even in the middle ranks women have instinctive protection and this will cost votes. Hence the design on the left.

However, there are other issues the left embraces that also spark kneejerk revulsion in middle voters using the same principle: protection of children.

Is it wise for conservatives to make such an open fuss about this? Left media is winning this game of attrition. Might I suggest conservatives distracting back with a campaign of their own using the same "middle women who care about children"?


Hint: vv

The Stalinist democrats are fucking liars. The most effective counter to Holocaust deniers like CNN and the New York Times is to EXPOSE them and the filthy fucking liars that they are.

With Facebook and Twitter heavily censored in favor of the Communists, the lying left media feels emboldened to spew any lie they like, since those were the platforms traditionally used to check them

When a democrat lies, which is any time they speak or post, don't point out that they are wrong, call them fucking liars. Because they are not "wrong," they are deliberately and maliciously lying.

Write to MSNBC and DEMAND that holocaust denier Joe Scarborough be fired. Post on Jewish sites reminding all that day care centers have NOTHING in common with death camps, That well fed children playing video games has no comparison to people starving to death while working as fast as they can to avoid being murdered; and that the Lying fucks of the New York Times claiming they are the same is demeaning to those who endured the Holocaust.

The strength of the Communists is they are fucking liars, CNN and NBC don't have to wait for facts that damage Trump and the Americans they hate, they just make shit up. BUT that is also their weakness. Most of what the Bolshevik press produces is blatant lies - expose them. If Zuckerberg censors you for exposing them, join in one of the dozen class action lawsuits already underway.

We normals MUST be radical, we must push back against the Stalinists and hit them where it hurts. That means NEVER buy from Starbucks, Ben & Jerry's, Dicks, et al.
Immigration can gain traction on middle voters. Women and children. Think. Even in the middle ranks women have instinctive protection and this will cost votes. Hence the design on the left.

However, there are other issues the left embraces that also spark kneejerk revulsion in middle voters using the same principle: protection of children.

Is it wise for conservatives to make such an open fuss about this? Left media is winning this game of attrition. Might I suggest conservatives distracting back with a campaign of their own using the same "middle women who care about children"?


Hint: vv

It's hard to battle left wing hate, fear and lies because they control the Press and the Hollywood Hate Machine.
People should abandon CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and NBC if they want to get the straight News.
We already know that the Press didn't make Obama's immigrant detention centers an issue when he was the President.

Expose them. All the left has is lies, expose those lies every time.
When you have over 95% on the Media, our Education system, Entertainment, Corporations, and most of government promoting the Democrat Progressive agenda, that is what you get.
When you have over 95% on the Media, our Education system, Entertainment, Corporations, and most of government promoting the Democrat Progressive agenda, that is what you get.

Time for Normals to get woke, and WE ARE, as Trump shows. But we also need to be RADICAL, push back. You can't reason with the Stalinists, they are flat out liars. Any argument you make, no matter how logical, is irrelevant, the Stalinists will simply lie. CNN or the Amazon.Com Post will make shit up out of thin air and report it as fact. It's what they do.

Push back, call them what they are, fucking liars.

If your child's teacher is using the Zinn agitprop method, don't write note correcting the teacher, call them a filthy liar, along with the facts. Go to school board meetings and demand to know why the schools are blatantly lying to children.

Be involved, fight back against the Bolsheviks.
All Conservatives have to do is focus on the economy and let the Left continue telling us what they stand for right up until the elections. Apparently their top priorities are making sure illegal border crossers are not separated and attacking the President and his family and associates. Not very inspirational, is it?
All Conservatives have to do is focus on the economy and let the Left continue telling us what they stand for right up until the elections. Apparently their top priorities are making sure illegal border crossers are not separated and attacking the President and his family and associates. Not very inspirational, is it?

Because that has worked so well for the last 60 years, as the Communists have occupied every level of government and utterly corrupted our educational system from top to bottom?

We need to step up our game.

The Communists, and be HONEST, they are Communists, these are not JFK type opposition party members, these are hard core Stalinists dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of this nation; must be confronted and called out in every instance.

If normals want our country back, we need to be radicalized.
Expose them. All the left has is lies, expose those lies every time.

I just think that an official leftist policy embracing sex crimes or sex crime forced-coercion re: children on public streets or in schools would gain more traction with middle women.

Maybe I'm old fashioned that way. Worked in 2016 though. Maybe the conservative motto should be "the real danger to all children, immigrants and citizen in Calipornia". If the left wants to cling to the narrative of "danger to children", put a conservative spin on that that will shock the shit out of middle women. That's all I'm sayin'. Now that the USSC just said states can't force the public to promote or condone forcing an ideology; what gives with the Fall course CA has prepared to force kids to take?

What I'm saying is: this "concern and tears for children" is knife that can cut much deeper on the left than it can on the right. If sharpened properly and the wielder discards timidity. (No, not abortion. That tired horse never gains ground with MIDDLE WOMEN voters)

Hint vv
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When you have over 95% on the Media, our Education system, Entertainment, Corporations, and most of government promoting the Democrat Progressive agenda, that is what you get.
That's a defeatist attitude. All it would take is one really hideous expose' run and commented on Fox News around the clock about the left's cult of exposing children to graphic acts of deviant sex and "deviant sexuality-as-iconic-identity" (pedophile grooming expose' accompaniment) and believe me, middle women will start talking about it at coffee shops, grocery stores, work break rooms and at church on Sunday (Rust Belt).

Then it's game over far-left creepers. Tear the shit out of California. It's an easy mark. I lived in Cali and moved East to Virginia for a year once upon a time. In that purplish red state when anyone learned I was from Cali they treated me like a leper. They sort of worshiped me all tan and blonde and progressive but privately hated me; it showed. And after all, voting is done in private.
It's like what they teach you in martial arts: to use your opponents momentum against them at the crucial "FLIP!" moment. The left is coming at the right with a knife plunging forward that reads "kneejerk empathy for kids from middle women". Grab that rushing arm and pull it through hard to fling it off the balcony just behind you conservatives.

They want empathy for kids? Give it to them! :popcorn:
All Conservatives have to do is focus on the economy and let the Left continue telling us what they stand for right up until the elections. Apparently their top priorities are making sure illegal border crossers are not separated and attacking the President and his family and associates. Not very inspirational, is it?
No, it isn't. And I think they've been drawn into that condition of middle-vote attrition by clever design.

Maybe the right should take its 5% share of mass media and do 100% coverage on "harming children". Nothing gets a response from mothers all across the spectrum that a group of people dedicated to sex crimes in public and in schools against children. What could be worse than that? Nothing.

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