My Dad Gave Me A Small Loan of A Million Dollars....It Has Not Been Easy

Strange, its like the folks on this thread NEVER got a loan from a parent or ever inherited anything.

When I was on the auction biz we had a fellow we called "hatpin" and he owned three grocery stores as his two sons reached age he gave each of them one. And I was standing there when one son said "A year from now I will have this store and you will be proud".

Hatpins reply? You want me proud? You have three stores then I will be proud". Its not an issue of how much you got its an issue of what you did with it.
Shoot......................woulda been nice if my family had given me a million dollars when I graduated.

Instead, they told me my plate was going to be broke when I turned 18, meaning as soon as I was an adult, I had to fend for myself.

So, I joined the Navy and spent the next 20 years earning my pension so that I could retire.

Too bad Donald the Chump had it so hard, he should have joined the military like I did and become lower middle class.
Be grateful they won't ever cut your pension like they have millions of other Americans.

Why do you think I stuck it out for 20 years? I saw the writing on the wall in the 90's, and decided that if I wanted a steady income for the rest of my life, going the full 20 and getting a pension was the smartest way to go.

I saw that I was right when the economy blew up between 2007 and 2008, with the recession lasting up until around 2013.

Probably the best decision I ever made in my life, because in the mid 90's, I actually did consider getting a lump sum early retirement but decided not to, as if I took a lump sum, it would eventually run out. But a 20 year pension? Guaranteed a check once a month for the rest of my life. And, while I'm not rich, it's enough to live on and take the occasional vacation.
My dad took the buyout and now my mom has Alzheimer's. Now he's thinking he wishes he had the pension in case my mom needs to go to a home. She could live a long time and eat that money up quick. Keep the pension.
He forgot to mention the $200 MILLION Fred left to him or that Fred made his money thanks to government programs.

He'll probably talk about those facts tomorrow.

Reminds me of when Mittens told people to just borrow from their daddy like he did.

This also doesn't take into consideration being raised ultra-wealthy with an education that is not reachable by most Americans.
Wow, what a hard luck story. If Donald had only inherited $100 million I can't imagine the pain he would have to endure. This ranks right up there with Mitt Romney quotes about asking your parents for a loan to start a business. One thing's for sure....Donald didn't build that.

"As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.

“Oh many times. I’ve been told no by him. My whole life, really has been a no," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on NBC's "Today."

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," Trump remarked. "I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great."

Read more: Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars

So? Are you pissed because his Dad could loan him a million dollars or are you pissed because he had to pay it back? Why are you pissed. Get it off your mind. Let us all know.

Well I'm not pissed at all, the U.S has almost 10 million millionaires this is not a rare occurrence. I just think his comment "It hasn't been easy" is a bewildering statement for someone who got a pretty huge step up in 1974.
Strange, its like the folks on this thread NEVER got a loan from a parent or ever inherited anything.

When I was on the auction biz we had a fellow we called "hatpin" and he owned three grocery stores as his two sons reached age he gave each of them one. And I was standing there when one son said "A year from now I will have this store and you will be proud".

Hatpins reply? You want me proud? You have three stores then I will be proud". Its not an issue of how much you got its an issue of what you did with it.
I can see both sides of this. People born to privilege are lucky. No denying that. Should they feel guilty? No. Should everyone have what they have? No. Life isn't always fair.

I just don't like people of privilege preaching because they don't know. Unfortunately that's who we usually elect.

Shoot......................woulda been nice if my family had given me a million dollars when I graduated.

Instead, they told me my plate was going to be broke when I turned 18, meaning as soon as I was an adult, I had to fend for myself.

So, I joined the Navy and spent the next 20 years earning my pension so that I could retire.

Too bad Donald the Chump had it so hard, he should have joined the military like I did and become lower middle class.

Yabut, the poor guy had a owie on his foot.

When asked, he couldn't remember which foot - THAT's how traumatized he was.
Wow, what a hard luck story. If Donald had only inherited $100 million I can't imagine the pain he would have to endure. This ranks right up there with Mitt Romney quotes about asking your parents for a loan to start a business. One thing's for sure....Donald didn't build that.

"As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.

“Oh many times. I’ve been told no by him. My whole life, really has been a no," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on NBC's "Today."

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," Trump remarked. "I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great."

Read more: Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars

He didn't sit on that money, put it up his nose, gamble it away, or drink it away.....he made it into a billion dollars.....could you do that?
Strange, its like the folks on this thread NEVER got a loan from a parent or ever inherited anything.

When I was on the auction biz we had a fellow we called "hatpin" and he owned three grocery stores as his two sons reached age he gave each of them one. And I was standing there when one son said "A year from now I will have this store and you will be proud".

Hatpins reply? You want me proud? You have three stores then I will be proud". Its not an issue of how much you got its an issue of what you did with it.
I can see both sides of this. People born to privilege are lucky. No denying that. Should they feel guilty? No. Should everyone have what they have? No. Life isn't always fair.

I just don't like people of privilege preaching because they don't know. Unfortunately that's who we usually elect.

But they DO know, only the scale is different. I know plenty of POOR "millionaires".
Ranks right up there with "We were dead broke when we left the White House"

Yeah, both Obama and the Clinton's were born to the same advantages of great wealth.

Except they weren't and they will never have the kind of money that was inherited by Drumpf and Mittens. Its okay with me that they inherited their money, that they didn't have to work for it but it would be nice if they were honest about it.

WillHaftawaite -- Instead of desperately trying to derail the thread, quit being such a chicken shit liar and address the OP.

I dont' see much difference between the Clintons and Trump.

and will do NOTHING to facilitate their way to the WH.

Except bill clinton is a serial sexual predator/rapist....and hilary protected him and attacked his victims.....and they both sold out this country to the Chinese when he was President.......big difference there.....
Wow, what a hard luck story. If Donald had only inherited $100 million I can't imagine the pain he would have to endure. This ranks right up there with Mitt Romney quotes about asking your parents for a loan to start a business. One thing's for sure....Donald didn't build that.

"As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.

“Oh many times. I’ve been told no by him. My whole life, really has been a no," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on NBC's "Today."

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," Trump remarked. "I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great."

Read more: Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars
He owed a debt of one million dollars just starting out, that would have sucked.
I saved money to start a business debt free, much easier to live with.

I would never borrow money to start a business...
He forgot to mention the $200 MILLION Fred left to him or that Fred made his money thanks to government programs.

He'll probably talk about those facts tomorrow.

Reminds me of when Mittens told people to just borrow from their daddy like he did.

This also doesn't take into consideration being raised ultra-wealthy with an education that is not reachable by most Americans.
Wow, what a hard luck story. If Donald had only inherited $100 million I can't imagine the pain he would have to endure. This ranks right up there with Mitt Romney quotes about asking your parents for a loan to start a business. One thing's for sure....Donald didn't build that.

"As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.

“Oh many times. I’ve been told no by him. My whole life, really has been a no," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on NBC's "Today."

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," Trump remarked. "I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great."

Read more: Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars

So? Are you pissed because his Dad could loan him a million dollars or are you pissed because he had to pay it back? Why are you pissed. Get it off your mind. Let us all know.

Well I'm not pissed at all, the U.S has almost 10 million millionaires this is not a rare occurrence. I just think his comment "It hasn't been easy" is a bewildering statement for someone who got a pretty huge step up in 1974.

That's the way I see it too.

But he did lie.

Weird thing about Drumpf is he lies about things that are easily checked. He didn't start with a million dollars and no one is stupid enough to believe he did when, up until now, he started with an inheritance of $500 million.

Now, suddenly, he thinks we'll believe he started with only one million?

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Started with a million, turned it into over $4 billion.

That's America!

Actually he started with $1 million then another $500 million (according to him) on top of that. If he sold his real estate holdings and had indexed that money to Standard and Poors 500 he would have more than $20 billion. So say what you will, but Donald isn't that smart if he missed out on that much money.
Ranks right up there with "We were dead broke when we left the White House"

Yeah, both Obama and the Clinton's were born to the same advantages of great wealth.

Except they weren't and they will never have the kind of money that was inherited by Drumpf and Mittens. Its okay with me that they inherited their money, that they didn't have to work for it but it would be nice if they were honest about it.

WillHaftawaite -- Instead of desperately trying to derail the thread, quit being such a chicken shit liar and address the OP.

I dont' see much difference between the Clintons and Trump.

and will do NOTHING to facilitate their way to the WH.

Except bill clinton is a serial sexual predator/rapist....and hilary protected him and attacked his victims.....and they both sold out this country to the Chinese when he was President.......big difference there.....
That is the right wing position regardless that it isn't true.
Its a strange world we live in. You will hear a person say their car/boat or house is worth X amount of dollars and that is crap. From the auction service I will just tell you the TRUTH. Value is set by what the buyer is willing to pay. Anything else is a guess.
And consider how much he has lost? And the number of bankruptcies as well as the many people he just refused to pay.

Another of his lies that actually does annoy me is that he sends his business to China while telling us he won't send US business to China.


I refuse to believe Americans are SO dumb that they'll believe his changing stories. OTOH, we did elect W that second time.
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Wow, what a hard luck story. If Donald had only inherited $100 million I can't imagine the pain he would have to endure. This ranks right up there with Mitt Romney quotes about asking your parents for a loan to start a business. One thing's for sure....Donald didn't build that.

"As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.

“Oh many times. I’ve been told no by him. My whole life, really has been a no," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on NBC's "Today."

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," Trump remarked. "I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great."

Read more: Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars

He didn't sit on that money, put it up his nose, gamble it away, or drink it away.....he made it into a billion dollars.....could you do that?

If I got $500 million that Trump says he got from his father's estate, you bet I would have done some pretty amazing things. Who couldn't?
Its a strange world we live in. You will hear a person say their car/boat or house is worth X amount of dollars and that is crap. From the auction service I will just tell you the TRUTH. Value is set by what the buyer is willing to pay. Anything else is a guess.

That's an important fact of life. In a financial collapse your house, your boat, your airplane are worth exactly what someone is willing to fork out for.
He forgot to mention the $200 MILLION Fred left to him or that Fred made his money thanks to government programs.

He'll probably talk about those facts tomorrow.

Reminds me of when Mittens told people to just borrow from their daddy like he did.

This also doesn't take into consideration being raised ultra-wealthy with an education that is not reachable by most Americans.
Wow, what a hard luck story. If Donald had only inherited $100 million I can't imagine the pain he would have to endure. This ranks right up there with Mitt Romney quotes about asking your parents for a loan to start a business. One thing's for sure....Donald didn't build that.

"As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.

“Oh many times. I’ve been told no by him. My whole life, really has been a no," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on NBC's "Today."

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," Trump remarked. "I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great."

Read more: Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars

So? Are you pissed because his Dad could loan him a million dollars or are you pissed because he had to pay it back? Why are you pissed. Get it off your mind. Let us all know.

Well I'm not pissed at all, the U.S has almost 10 million millionaires this is not a rare occurrence. I just think his comment "It hasn't been easy" is a bewildering statement for someone who got a pretty huge step up in 1974.

That's the way I see it too.

But he did lie.

Weird thing about Drumpf is he lies about things that are easily checked. He didn't start with a million dollars and no one is stupid enough to believe he did when, up until now, he started with an inheritance of $500 million.

Now, suddenly, he thinks we'll believe he started with only one million?


An inheritance implies his father was dead....and from what I can tell his father was healthy and alive as he built his is very possible he was lent the million dollars.....
Wow, what a hard luck story. If Donald had only inherited $100 million I can't imagine the pain he would have to endure. This ranks right up there with Mitt Romney quotes about asking your parents for a loan to start a business. One thing's for sure....Donald didn't build that.

"As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.

“Oh many times. I’ve been told no by him. My whole life, really has been a no," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on NBC's "Today."

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," Trump remarked. "I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great."

Read more: Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars

He didn't sit on that money, put it up his nose, gamble it away, or drink it away.....he made it into a billion dollars.....could you do that?

If I got $500 million that Trump says he got from his father's estate, you bet I would have done some pretty amazing things. Who couldn't?
Not me. I'd cash out of all businesses so I couldn't be sued or go bankrupt. I'd spend my life traveling and tinkering on one of my properties. I've never been a workaholic. I'd have friends and a farm. Work is over rated.

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