My deal for Iran

Is Israel on board with this? I'm sorry but there is no way Israel is going to sit and allow Iran to obtain a nuke

The Zionists will do what the fuck they are told.
This is the truth, the only reason they stay in power is that they can talk tough for the gratification of their own warhawk conservatives from the safety of our protection. You would think they would be happy to see a deescalation of tensions but the Zionist's political power is based in keeping the fear level high. The same holds true for Iran, there is no mileage for a conservative in peace.

You anti Semites underestimate the Jews
Is Israel on board with this? I'm sorry but there is no way Israel is going to sit and allow Iran to obtain a nuke

The Zionists will do what the fuck they are told.
This is the truth, the only reason they stay in power is that they can talk tough for the gratification of their own warhawk conservatives from the safety of our protection. You would think they would be happy to see a deescalation of tensions but the Zionist's political power is based in keeping the fear level high. The same holds true for Iran, there is no mileage for a conservative in peace.

You anti Semites underestimate the Jews
I thought you put me on ignore and was never going to reply to me again. Oh well, guess I can't have everything. The Zionist government of Israel is not representative of all Jews whom I have no problem with, I despise conservative warhawk dickheads no matter their religion.
Is Israel on board with this? I'm sorry but there is no way Israel is going to sit and allow Iran to obtain a nuke

The Zionists will do what the fuck they are told.
This is the truth, the only reason they stay in power is that they can talk tough for the gratification of their own warhawk conservatives from the safety of our protection. You would think they would be happy to see a deescalation of tensions but the Zionist's political power is based in keeping the fear level high. The same holds true for Iran, there is no mileage for a conservative in peace.

You anti Semites underestimate the Jews
I thought you put me on ignore and was never going to reply to me again. Oh well, guess I can't have everything. The Zionist government of Israel is not representative of all Jews whom I have no problem with, I despise conservative warhawk dickheads no matter their religion.

I never put you on ignore and your retort is one I've heard a million times from a million anti Semites. Pathetic creatures you are.
Believe what you want, I know my own mind. Dumb-asses like yourself that equate criticism of the Israeli leadership with antisemitism are exactly the wrong sort of person to discuss Geo-politics with.
Believe what you want, I know my own mind. Dumb-asses like yourself that equate criticism of the Israeli leadership with antisemitism are exactly the wrong sort of person to discuss Geo-politics with.

You mad, bro? Let Iran get close to a nuke and watch what happens. Israel is NOT going to allow it
Again, Israel will do as it's told because they know that to go it alone against our wishes means they face the aftermath alone.
Again, Israel will do as it's told because they know that to go it alone against our wishes means they face the aftermath alone.

Blah, blah, blah, Israel will do what ever it takes to defend themselves. Your mocha Messiah will be shown the door soon enough anyway
Meanwhile, back at the Obuma Regime Headquarters.....

I'm not saying I agree with the OP, just that no country on the planet is stupid enough to attack America for the sake of Iran. You're an idiot if you think so.

Let me get this right.
You propose the mass extermination of civilians, and contaminating a chunk of the middle east, but you don't expect someone to start killing American as quickly as they can.

Get real. No American will be safe outside the states, and a lot of attacks will happen inside the states.
Your idiot politicians have already made you the most hated country in the world, but that would really do it.
What do you think will happen if we don't destroy Iran? What does death to America mean to you Fred?

Well, I'd go for something like, we want to stop the country that's out to destroy us. A country we have never attacked, but has attacked us many times, even deposing our democratically elected government in favour of their pet dictator.
i hope you are willing to personally send your kith and kin to go out and fight that, because no one else is keen on the idea.
No American lives will be lost. Death from above...delivered quickly and accurately.

Followed by a nuclear attack on US soil from a supporting nation, and attacks on Americans world wide.
Thousands of Americans abroad would be dead within a week, and New York and/or Washington would be a smouldering mess as soon as a bomb could be delivered.
You're so unbelievably stupid.
Let me ponder that...New York and/or Washington DC a smoldering mess...I'm not seeing a downside there. Care to clarify that for me?
I'm not saying I agree with the OP, just that no country on the planet is stupid enough to attack America for the sake of Iran. You're an idiot if you think so.

Let me get this right.
You propose the mass extermination of civilians, and contaminating a chunk of the middle east, but you don't expect someone to start killing American as quickly as they can.

Get real. No American will be safe outside the states, and a lot of attacks will happen inside the states.
Your idiot politicians have already made you the most hated country in the world, but that would really do it.
What do you think will happen if we don't destroy Iran? What does death to America mean to you Fred?

Well, I'd go for something like, we want to stop the country that's out to destroy us. A country we have never attacked, but has attacked us many times, even deposing our democratically elected government in favour of their pet dictator.
You should be grateful we stopped there. :badgrin:
There are many sides. The two most vocal are the right wing who threatens and bombs if they don't get their way because just assume they are exceptional and God is on their side.

And the side that believes the US doesn't have the right to tell anyone, after all, the US is the only country in the world that used nuclear weapons on a civilian population.

My feeling is we negotiate with consequences like intelligent people.

You'd make Chamberlain proud

now now SASSY----don't blame limey stupidity on him----
and don't VICTIMIZE poor chamberlain for being an idiot.
HE MEANT WELL -------good will is VERY IMPORTANT
Always remember that the road to hell is paved with good intentions (will).
There are many sides. The two most vocal are the right wing who threatens and bombs if they don't get their way because just assume they are exceptional and God is on their side.

And the side that believes the US doesn't have the right to tell anyone, after all, the US is the only country in the world that used nuclear weapons on a civilian population.

My feeling is we negotiate with consequences like intelligent people.

try not to depend on your emotions------doing so is called
Hysteria is threats and bombs. Hysteria led to the Iraq debacle.

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