My deal for Iran

YOu know what, I've called the Sympathy Bank and your HitlerCard has been declined. You ran out of funds 70 years ago.

you AGAIN repeat the filth upon which you were suckled------Nazism did not start 70 years ago-----your fellow shit have been into it for more than 1700 years on the dead bodies of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS----to your delight and the delight of your perverted whores

Joey blabbereth much about things he knows little of. But he's damned pleased with himself

it's what inebriated "white trash" (not a nice term---it refers to unwashed
brain damaged spawn of the wilderness) like to say. What did you expect?

He will huff and puff his nonsense and claim victory, it's the way the troll rolls

yeah---he does seem to do that------something like NASSER declaring VICTORY in 1967-------a bit of his inherited "culture"

1967 was classic Israel, they kicked ass, took names and said "that's how we roll" :rolleyes:
If we had a real president we would have told Iran no nuke, try and build one and you cease to exist. But we have Obungles and now Israel will have to get it done.

Naw, the Zionists will piss and moan and whine, but they won't do anything because they can't.

The reality is, the Zionists are the ones who are hated in that region, not the Iranians.
If we had a real president we would have told Iran no nuke, try and build one and you cease to exist. But we have Obungles and now Israel will have to get it done.

Naw, the Zionists will piss and moan and whine, but they won't do anything because they can't.

The reality is, the Zionists are the ones who are hated in that region, not the Iranians.

You anti Semites are pathetic little creatures.
you AGAIN repeat the filth upon which you were suckled------Nazism did not start 70 years ago-----your fellow shit have been into it for more than 1700 years on the dead bodies of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS----to your delight and the delight of your perverted whores

I think you are a little confused here.

What started Anti-Jewish (not anti-semitic) views is that the Christians said that Jesus was the Messiah and you guys said, "Nuh-uh" and they didn't like that.

Which so isn't my problem.

Neither is your belief that a magic sky fairy promised you Palestine because you share a religion with people who lived their 2000 years ago, kind of.
As usual Bibi is correct..."From the initial reports we can already conclude that this agreement is an historic mistake for the world."
I have zero confidence in this disaster of administration. Israel will in no way allow Iran to obtain a nuke, they may not take them out...but they will try and then the ME will blow up. Thanks Obungles, you stupid son of a bitch

Again, the Zionists are cowards, they ain't gonna do nothing but whine and bitch.

Here is the reason why this is a good deal. The REST of the world already decided that our vendetta against Iran was stupid. If Obama hadn't gotten a deal, Russia, China and Europe would have just started trading with Iran on their own.

This deal at least invests the group of six in nuclear controls on Iran.

But the fact is, if we couldn't keep an economic basket case like North Korea from getting nukes, we can't keep Iran from getting them.
God's hand will protect Israel. Call it an ace in the hole :)
You don't think god is a little pissed at them for not believing he has a son named Jesus? Okay, actually according to the fairy tales they are pretty much one and the same, along with casper the holy ghost of course, LOL. But, you get the idea.
This is a deal that we are supposed to believe will prevent Iran from developing nuke weapons...when these same Iranians said they were not developing nuke weapons...when we knew they were developing nuke weapons. What is wrong with this thinking?
God's hand will protect Israel. Call it an ace in the hole :)
You don't think god is a little pissed at them for not believing he has a son named Jesus? Okay, actually according to the fairy tales they are pretty much one and the same, along with casper the holy ghost of course, LOL. But, you get the idea.

Ah, pee wee puffer chimes in....with his usual baloney. Yawn
This is a deal that we are supposed to believe will prevent Iran from developing nuke weapons...when these same Iranians said they were not developing nuke weapons...when we knew they were developing nuke weapons. What is wrong with this thinking?

Obungles and Kerry were in waaaaaay over their heads. WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY over. The Iranians are laughing their asses off
God's hand will protect Israel. Call it an ace in the hole :)
You don't think god is a little pissed at them for not believing he has a son named Jesus? Okay, actually according to the fairy tales they are pretty much one and the same, along with casper the holy ghost of course, LOL. But, you get the idea.

Ah, pee wee puffer chimes in....with his usual baloney. Yawn
Is that all you got, you disgustingly, smelly twat, LOL.

1967 was classic Israel, they kicked ass, took names and said "that's how we roll" :rolleyes:

Okay, but let's look at what happened SINCE 1967.

In 1973, Israel got its shorts pulled up over its head and had to get the US to bail it out. The Arabs then wrecked our economy by cutting off the oil.

In 1978, they invaded Lebanon and failed to dislodge the PLO.

In 1982, they invaded Lebanon again, the PLO relocated to Tunsinia and Israel had to get the US to bail them out again.

They've fought a couple of infantadas against the PLO in the occupied territories and lost most of the worlds sympathy...

The Israelis CAN'T Take out IRan's program, and they know it. Their planes don't have the range, and the Iranian air defenses are too thick. and the minute they tried it, most of the world would condemn them, not the Iranians, who after all, just agreed to a deal to curb their program.

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