My ex-wife told me a story about being one of only a few white kids in a mostly black school

She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it

BLACK ONLY in schools defeats the purpose of Brown v. Board of Education which ended segregation.
This ought to be interesting. How so?

Brown case argued that separate but equal was not constitutional. It made the case for integration. In a college setting, Blacks may want to have cultural and social clubs, but why the request for separate facilities; dorms, recreation, etc? I’m sure whites could give two shits about it and might even support the request. But holy shit does everyone get nervous when whites even form a social club.

think back in time-----in the 60s and seventies it was
understandable that black kids wanted some payback
even if the idea would prove to be dysfunctional. In fact, it proved to be VERY DYSFUNCTIONAL and the
trend continues. Those "black kids" of that time became the black leaders of our day and were led by
intensely "black conscious leaders" and even scholarly literature. Du Bois wrote well----but his writings,
in perverted form, swayed lots of weak minds like that of Maxine Waters and a whole generation of "black studies" victims. Then there were the really psychotic black nationalism movements like The Elijah Muhummad psychosis, Eldridge Cleaver, Malcolm
X etc etc Being BLACK became an obsession ----BACK THEN. The obsession never ended
" Being BLACK became an obsession "

What were they supposed to be? White?

how about human. I was never obsessed with
the color of my skin------except for the freckles.
I never considered "caucasion" a CULTURE. ---
I was VERY aware of the fact that some people did
have a "white" obsession -------they were the nazis --
an aberration. In fact I grew up in a somewhat
WASPY town that got over "RESTRICTION" against
just about everyone only because the post war baby
boomers needed houses and the area had been farmland. They made out well financially and some held onto their hatreds just like you hold onto your
hatreds. The general area was known for its nazi
sympathies during th
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it

BLACK ONLY in schools defeats the purpose of Brown v. Board of Education which ended segregation.
This ought to be interesting. How so?

Brown case argued that separate but equal was not constitutional. It made the case for integration. In a college setting, Blacks may want to have cultural and social clubs, but why the request for separate facilities; dorms, recreation, etc? I’m sure whites could give two shits about it and might even support the request. But holy shit does everyone get nervous when whites even form a social club.
You cant force integration if people dont want to go to school together. The only thing thats illegal is segregation. Basically a policy that says kids of different races cannot go to school together. If a school is in a district where no white kids are they cant force a white kid to go to that school. Same if the situation was reversed.

Social clubs for different ethnicities is to celebrate their heritage in a white dominated society. White people dont need a club. Their club is all around them. They literally own most of the systems and business in this country. They dont need a quiet place.

In parts of Maryland, local boards don’t think it is integrated enough and are drawing up plans to pull kids out of neighborhood schools and redistribute to other schools. A topic probably for a stand alone thread but wanted to mention that since you stated you can’t force integration.

What if a bunch of Irish guys form a social club to celebrate Irish heritage? Does that need to be busted up because it is 99 percent white?

Why should it be busted up?

They should not. Point being, their are groups that happen to be White unified by an ethnicity or a religion and some people have a problem with that.
People only have a problem with it when it turns into a KKK recruiting station. Otherwise no one gives a fuck.

of what group is "no one" a subset in your BLACK VS WHITE universe?
You obviously werent following the discussion. When I said "no one" I was referring to Blacks. The claim was that somehow Black people would be upset that there was an Irish social club.

I was following-----you were referring to the BLACKS VS THE WHITES, which IS----as I have stated---your
universe. It is not, for example, the Irish vs the Scots as it might be OVER THERE---the orange vs the green. -------their are no colors OTHER than ----white vs black------or more currently "persons of color" vs ---????? 'colorless'
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it
Recess and eating isnt a exclusive club. The claim is bullshit and he knows it.
Are you saying my ex-wife lied to me?
Pay no attention to Asslips. He is a dip shit.
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
Thats how you know he is full of shit. What parent would stand there and let their child get abused like that? Think dumbasses. Think.
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
Thats how you know he is full of shit. What parent would stand there and let their child get abused like that? Think dumbasses. Think.

"stand there"? parents STAND in the school yard?
Parents "stand" in the school cafeterias. I walked to
school ---about 1/2 mile from age 5 thru 12---
grades K thru 6. My parents did not know what
some of the nasty bitchy girls did. Later---bus
to junior HS and then HS----they knew even less.
girls rarely tell mom and boys even less
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it

BLACK ONLY in schools defeats the purpose of Brown v. Board of Education which ended segregation.
This ought to be interesting. How so?

Brown case argued that separate but equal was not constitutional. It made the case for integration. In a college setting, Blacks may want to have cultural and social clubs, but why the request for separate facilities; dorms, recreation, etc? I’m sure whites could give two shits about it and might even support the request. But holy shit does everyone get nervous when whites even form a social club.

think back in time-----in the 60s and seventies it was
understandable that black kids wanted some payback
even if the idea would prove to be dysfunctional. In fact, it proved to be VERY DYSFUNCTIONAL and the
trend continues. Those "black kids" of that time became the black leaders of our day and were led by
intensely "black conscious leaders" and even scholarly literature. Du Bois wrote well----but his writings,
in perverted form, swayed lots of weak minds like that of Maxine Waters and a whole generation of "black studies" victims. Then there were the really psychotic black nationalism movements like The Elijah Muhummad psychosis, Eldridge Cleaver, Malcolm
X etc etc Being BLACK became an obsession ----BACK THEN. The obsession never ended
" Being BLACK became an obsession "

What were they supposed to be? White?

how about human. I was never obsessed with
the color of my skin------except for the freckles.
I never considered "caucasion" a CULTURE. ---
I was VERY aware of the fact that some people did
have a "white" obsession -------they were the nazis --
an aberration. In fact I grew up in a somewhat
WASPY town that got over "RESTRICTION" against
just about everyone only because the post war baby
boomers needed houses and the area had been farmland. They made out well financially and some held onto their hatreds just like you hold onto your
hatreds. The general area was known for its nazi
sympathies during th
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it

BLACK ONLY in schools defeats the purpose of Brown v. Board of Education which ended segregation.
This ought to be interesting. How so?

Brown case argued that separate but equal was not constitutional. It made the case for integration. In a college setting, Blacks may want to have cultural and social clubs, but why the request for separate facilities; dorms, recreation, etc? I’m sure whites could give two shits about it and might even support the request. But holy shit does everyone get nervous when whites even form a social club.
You cant force integration if people dont want to go to school together. The only thing thats illegal is segregation. Basically a policy that says kids of different races cannot go to school together. If a school is in a district where no white kids are they cant force a white kid to go to that school. Same if the situation was reversed.

Social clubs for different ethnicities is to celebrate their heritage in a white dominated society. White people dont need a club. Their club is all around them. They literally own most of the systems and business in this country. They dont need a quiet place.

In parts of Maryland, local boards don’t think it is integrated enough and are drawing up plans to pull kids out of neighborhood schools and redistribute to other schools. A topic probably for a stand alone thread but wanted to mention that since you stated you can’t force integration.

What if a bunch of Irish guys form a social club to celebrate Irish heritage? Does that need to be busted up because it is 99 percent white?

Why should it be busted up?

They should not. Point being, their are groups that happen to be White unified by an ethnicity or a religion and some people have a problem with that.
People only have a problem with it when it turns into a KKK recruiting station. Otherwise no one gives a fuck.

of what group is "no one" a subset in your BLACK VS WHITE universe?
You obviously werent following the discussion. When I said "no one" I was referring to Blacks. The claim was that somehow Black people would be upset that there was an Irish social club.

I was following-----you were referring to the BLACKS VS THE WHITES, which IS----as I have stated---your
universe. It is not, for example, the Irish vs the Scots as it might be OVER THERE---the orange vs the green. -------their are no colors OTHER than ----white vs black------or more currently "persons of color" vs ---????? 'colorless'
WTF does that have to do with what the point was?
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
Thats how you know he is full of shit. What parent would stand there and let their child get abused like that? Think dumbasses. Think.

"stand there"? parents STAND in the school yard?
Parents "stand" in the school cafeterias. I walked to
school ---about 1/2 mile from age 5 thru 12---
grades K thru 6. My parents did not know what
some of the nasty bitchy girls did. Later---bus
to junior HS and then HS----they knew even less.
girls rarely tell mom and boys even less
So youre claiming if you never got to play and you ate last your parents wouldnt have known about it?
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it

BLACK ONLY in schools defeats the purpose of Brown v. Board of Education which ended segregation.
This ought to be interesting. How so?

Brown case argued that separate but equal was not constitutional. It made the case for integration. In a college setting, Blacks may want to have cultural and social clubs, but why the request for separate facilities; dorms, recreation, etc? I’m sure whites could give two shits about it and might even support the request. But holy shit does everyone get nervous when whites even form a social club.

think back in time-----in the 60s and seventies it was
understandable that black kids wanted some payback
even if the idea would prove to be dysfunctional. In fact, it proved to be VERY DYSFUNCTIONAL and the
trend continues. Those "black kids" of that time became the black leaders of our day and were led by
intensely "black conscious leaders" and even scholarly literature. Du Bois wrote well----but his writings,
in perverted form, swayed lots of weak minds like that of Maxine Waters and a whole generation of "black studies" victims. Then there were the really psychotic black nationalism movements like The Elijah Muhummad psychosis, Eldridge Cleaver, Malcolm
X etc etc Being BLACK became an obsession ----BACK THEN. The obsession never ended
" Being BLACK became an obsession "

What were they supposed to be? White?

how about human. I was never obsessed with
the color of my skin------except for the freckles.
I never considered "caucasion" a CULTURE. ---
I was VERY aware of the fact that some people did
have a "white" obsession -------they were the nazis --
an aberration. In fact I grew up in a somewhat
WASPY town that got over "RESTRICTION" against
just about everyone only because the post war baby
boomers needed houses and the area had been farmland. They made out well financially and some held onto their hatreds just like you hold onto your
hatreds. The general area was known for its nazi
sympathies during th
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it

BLACK ONLY in schools defeats the purpose of Brown v. Board of Education which ended segregation.
This ought to be interesting. How so?

Brown case argued that separate but equal was not constitutional. It made the case for integration. In a college setting, Blacks may want to have cultural and social clubs, but why the request for separate facilities; dorms, recreation, etc? I’m sure whites could give two shits about it and might even support the request. But holy shit does everyone get nervous when whites even form a social club.
You cant force integration if people dont want to go to school together. The only thing thats illegal is segregation. Basically a policy that says kids of different races cannot go to school together. If a school is in a district where no white kids are they cant force a white kid to go to that school. Same if the situation was reversed.

Social clubs for different ethnicities is to celebrate their heritage in a white dominated society. White people dont need a club. Their club is all around them. They literally own most of the systems and business in this country. They dont need a quiet place.

In parts of Maryland, local boards don’t think it is integrated enough and are drawing up plans to pull kids out of neighborhood schools and redistribute to other schools. A topic probably for a stand alone thread but wanted to mention that since you stated you can’t force integration.

What if a bunch of Irish guys form a social club to celebrate Irish heritage? Does that need to be busted up because it is 99 percent white?

Why should it be busted up?

They should not. Point being, their are groups that happen to be White unified by an ethnicity or a religion and some people have a problem with that.
People only have a problem with it when it turns into a KKK recruiting station. Otherwise no one gives a fuck.

of what group is "no one" a subset in your BLACK VS WHITE universe?
You obviously werent following the discussion. When I said "no one" I was referring to Blacks. The claim was that somehow Black people would be upset that there was an Irish social club.

I was following-----you were referring to the BLACKS VS THE WHITES, which IS----as I have stated---your
universe. It is not, for example, the Irish vs the Scots as it might be OVER THERE---the orange vs the green. -------there are no colors OTHER than ----white vs black------or more currently "persons of color" vs ---????? 'colorless'
WTF does that have to do with what the point was?

there was a point?
Desegregation was supposed to be the magic bullet that would solve all our problems between whites and blacks.

But then, the whites moved out of mixed neighborhoods and then the schools were segregated again.

So then, the courts ordered integration -- with busing of kids from one neighborhood to another.

Whites responded by moving out of entire cities or putting their kids into private and parochial schools.

The day will never come when white people want their kids to go to schools that are mostly black.

My ex-wife's experience in a mostly black school is the reason why.
So, in your opinion, conservatives will always be racists.

Good to know, I guess.
Where did I say "conservatives"?

I said "whites".

Liberal whites are just as determined as conservative whites to keep their kids out of black-majority schools.

I think Jimmy Carter sent Amy to a black majority school, but that's because he was a total idiot.
Liberals don't think like that, Son.

You think they do because that's how you think, but it isn't true.
yea sure they dont.....thats another sign of the wash....
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it

BLACK ONLY in schools defeats the purpose of Brown v. Board of Education which ended segregation.
This ought to be interesting. How so?

Brown case argued that separate but equal was not constitutional. It made the case for integration. In a college setting, Blacks may want to have cultural and social clubs, but why the request for separate facilities; dorms, recreation, etc? I’m sure whites could give two shits about it and might even support the request. But holy shit does everyone get nervous when whites even form a social club.

think back in time-----in the 60s and seventies it was
understandable that black kids wanted some payback
even if the idea would prove to be dysfunctional. In fact, it proved to be VERY DYSFUNCTIONAL and the
trend continues. Those "black kids" of that time became the black leaders of our day and were led by
intensely "black conscious leaders" and even scholarly literature. Du Bois wrote well----but his writings,
in perverted form, swayed lots of weak minds like that of Maxine Waters and a whole generation of "black studies" victims. Then there were the really psychotic black nationalism movements like The Elijah Muhummad psychosis, Eldridge Cleaver, Malcolm
X etc etc Being BLACK became an obsession ----BACK THEN. The obsession never ended
" Being BLACK became an obsession "

What were they supposed to be? White?

how about human. I was never obsessed with
the color of my skin------except for the freckles.
I never considered "caucasion" a CULTURE. ---
I was VERY aware of the fact that some people did
have a "white" obsession -------they were the nazis --
an aberration. In fact I grew up in a somewhat
WASPY town that got over "RESTRICTION" against
just about everyone only because the post war baby
boomers needed houses and the area had been farmland. They made out well financially and some held onto their hatreds just like you hold onto your
hatreds. The general area was known for its nazi
sympathies during th
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it

BLACK ONLY in schools defeats the purpose of Brown v. Board of Education which ended segregation.
This ought to be interesting. How so?

Brown case argued that separate but equal was not constitutional. It made the case for integration. In a college setting, Blacks may want to have cultural and social clubs, but why the request for separate facilities; dorms, recreation, etc? I’m sure whites could give two shits about it and might even support the request. But holy shit does everyone get nervous when whites even form a social club.
You cant force integration if people dont want to go to school together. The only thing thats illegal is segregation. Basically a policy that says kids of different races cannot go to school together. If a school is in a district where no white kids are they cant force a white kid to go to that school. Same if the situation was reversed.

Social clubs for different ethnicities is to celebrate their heritage in a white dominated society. White people dont need a club. Their club is all around them. They literally own most of the systems and business in this country. They dont need a quiet place.

In parts of Maryland, local boards don’t think it is integrated enough and are drawing up plans to pull kids out of neighborhood schools and redistribute to other schools. A topic probably for a stand alone thread but wanted to mention that since you stated you can’t force integration.

What if a bunch of Irish guys form a social club to celebrate Irish heritage? Does that need to be busted up because it is 99 percent white?

Why should it be busted up?

They should not. Point being, their are groups that happen to be White unified by an ethnicity or a religion and some people have a problem with that.
People only have a problem with it when it turns into a KKK recruiting station. Otherwise no one gives a fuck.

of what group is "no one" a subset in your BLACK VS WHITE universe?
You obviously werent following the discussion. When I said "no one" I was referring to Blacks. The claim was that somehow Black people would be upset that there was an Irish social club.

I was following-----you were referring to the BLACKS VS THE WHITES, which IS----as I have stated---your
universe. It is not, for example, the Irish vs the Scots as it might be OVER THERE---the orange vs the green. -------there are no colors OTHER than ----white vs black------or more currently "persons of color" vs ---????? 'colorless'
WTF does that have to do with what the point was?

there was a point?
Yes. Thats the reason I told you to read the thread. You just went on a ramble that had nothing to do with the point.
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
Thats how you know he is full of shit. What parent would stand there and let their child get abused like that? Think dumbasses. Think.

"stand there"? parents STAND in the school yard?
Parents "stand" in the school cafeterias. I walked to
school ---about 1/2 mile from age 5 thru 12---
grades K thru 6. My parents did not know what
some of the nasty bitchy girls did. Later---bus
to junior HS and then HS----they knew even less.
girls rarely tell mom and boys even less
So youre claiming if you never got to play and you ate last your parents wouldnt have known about it?

If I had been bullied in school---or on the playground or on the way home----my parents would not know.
In fact I was sometimes ---but kept it quiet. Lots
of children do.
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
Thats how you know he is full of shit. What parent would stand there and let their child get abused like that? Think dumbasses. Think.

"stand there"? parents STAND in the school yard?
Parents "stand" in the school cafeterias. I walked to
school ---about 1/2 mile from age 5 thru 12---
grades K thru 6. My parents did not know what
some of the nasty bitchy girls did. Later---bus
to junior HS and then HS----they knew even less.
girls rarely tell mom and boys even less
So youre claiming if you never got to play and you ate last your parents wouldnt have known about it?

If I had been bullied in school---or on the playground or on the way home----my parents would not know.
In fact I was sometimes ---but kept it quiet. Lots
of children do.
Sounds dysfunctional.
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
Thats how you know he is full of shit. What parent would stand there and let their child get abused like that? Think dumbasses. Think.

"stand there"? parents STAND in the school yard?
Parents "stand" in the school cafeterias. I walked to
school ---about 1/2 mile from age 5 thru 12---
grades K thru 6. My parents did not know what
some of the nasty bitchy girls did. Later---bus
to junior HS and then HS----they knew even less.
girls rarely tell mom and boys even less
So youre claiming if you never got to play and you ate last your parents wouldnt have known about it?

If I had been bullied in school---or on the playground or on the way home----my parents would not know.
In fact I was sometimes ---but kept it quiet. Lots
of children do.
Sounds dysfunctional.

most children experience some hard knocks
in school, on the playground and on the sidewalks.
Were you ALL THAT protected?
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.

Thats probably a lie.

actually it could be true if the black kids in the school had been lured into any of the idiot "black nationalism" sicknesses that were growing up in the
1960s. There were all kinds of psychotic programs
of black SUPREMACY marked with demands for
"black only..........." crap in schools----both town high schools and colleges. In my state college----an all girls thing, black girls demanded and got---SPECIAL
RESTRICTED area of the dining hall, special black dorm, and more informal things like "we are having a meeting" "you are not invited" events in the
general recreation areas of the campus or dorms. I had heard that there were special "black only" clubs---a reaction to white only clubs and kind of self-righteous "payback" Hard for me to understand how you missed it
Recess and eating isnt a exclusive club. The claim is bullshit and he knows it.
If it is, you certainly didn't prove it.
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
Thats how you know he is full of shit. What parent would stand there and let their child get abused like that? Think dumbasses. Think.

"stand there"? parents STAND in the school yard?
Parents "stand" in the school cafeterias. I walked to
school ---about 1/2 mile from age 5 thru 12---
grades K thru 6. My parents did not know what
some of the nasty bitchy girls did. Later---bus
to junior HS and then HS----they knew even less.
girls rarely tell mom and boys even less
So youre claiming if you never got to play and you ate last your parents wouldnt have known about it?

If I had been bullied in school---or on the playground or on the way home----my parents would not know.
In fact I was sometimes ---but kept it quiet. Lots
of children do.
Sounds dysfunctional.

most children experience some hard knocks
in school, on the playground and on the sidewalks.
Were you ALL THAT protected?
You're actually trying to excuse this behavior?
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
Thats how you know he is full of shit. What parent would stand there and let their child get abused like that? Think dumbasses. Think.

"stand there"? parents STAND in the school yard?
Parents "stand" in the school cafeterias. I walked to
school ---about 1/2 mile from age 5 thru 12---
grades K thru 6. My parents did not know what
some of the nasty bitchy girls did. Later---bus
to junior HS and then HS----they knew even less.
girls rarely tell mom and boys even less
So youre claiming if you never got to play and you ate last your parents wouldnt have known about it?

If I had been bullied in school---or on the playground or on the way home----my parents would not know.
In fact I was sometimes ---but kept it quiet. Lots
of children do.
Sounds dysfunctional.

most children experience some hard knocks
in school, on the playground and on the sidewalks.
Were you ALL THAT protected?
You're actually trying to excuse this behavior?

where do you see an EXCUSE for bullying----simply the reality that it happens
She and the other white kids never got to play on the playground and were always forced to be last in the cafeteria line.
Blacks are racist to the core. What the fuck was wrong with her parents? That's child abuse. Hope she speaks proper English and her formative years didn't mess her up.
Thats how you know he is full of shit. What parent would stand there and let their child get abused like that? Think dumbasses. Think.

"stand there"? parents STAND in the school yard?
Parents "stand" in the school cafeterias. I walked to
school ---about 1/2 mile from age 5 thru 12---
grades K thru 6. My parents did not know what
some of the nasty bitchy girls did. Later---bus
to junior HS and then HS----they knew even less.
girls rarely tell mom and boys even less
So youre claiming if you never got to play and you ate last your parents wouldnt have known about it?

yup nasty little girls threw rocks at me because I killed some guy named "jesus" I never told my parents. "play" what? I did not consider school "play" and-----the only food I got to eat (make that throw away) was
a soggy tuna sandwich on whole wheat (mom
was into "health"

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