My female cousin found out about one of my fetishes on Facebook

What an idiot for posting on FB in the first place.


I thought since it was a secret group it was ok especially since I thought I didn;t know any of the members

Could you possible be more gullible? Nothing you post on the internet is private. Nothing.
so annoyed and embarrassed

started a topic about fetishes

So the topic was active all afternoon and all of a sudden this person responds to my topic and it turns out to be my cousin

So now I am annoyed and embarrassed because I dont want any member of my family knowing about what I like behind closed doors. Damm is there any group on FB where I dont know anyone????

Now I can't even look her in the eye at the next family gathering

Well, um, while I can see not wanting to discuss one's sexual habits with relatives, I'm a bit confused as to why you're embarrassed and upset. If you're willing to do it, you should be okay with it and willing to own it, when necessary.

Honestly, I would take your cousin aside somewhere private, explain that you're a bit uncomfortable about this, and that you would really appreciate it if she would not make this common knowledge in the family, because you feel it would make everyone else uncomfortable as well.
so annoyed and embarrassed

started a topic about fetishes

So the topic was active all afternoon and all of a sudden this person responds to my topic and it turns out to be my cousin

So now I am annoyed and embarrassed because I dont want any member of my family knowing about what I like behind closed doors. Damm is there any group on FB where I dont know anyone????

Now I can't even look her in the eye at the next family gathering
Having a cowboy fetish is very embarrassing this year...this decade....this century.
Besides, I think I speak for everyone when I say we want to meet her and ask her a few things about you.
Besides, I think I speak for everyone when I say we want to meet her and ask her a few things about you.

she is out of state relative that I only see once or twice a year

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