My God!: A Whopping 3.7 Trillion Has Been Spent On Welfare Since Obama Took Office


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
And that's not including 200 billion spent by the states. This is absolutely insane and unacceptable and should be a wakeup call for all taxpayers to revolt against the wasteful spending this corrupt administration is doing. This putative president (a non-natural born Citizen) is flat out of control with his agenda to fundamentally transform this country into a pure socialist nation. Have a look at these statistics.

Obscene! $3.7 Trillion Spent On Welfare Since Obama Took Office | The Gateway Pundit

A disgusting $3.7 Trillion was spent on welfare since Obama took office. And this obscene figure accounts only for free benefits paid out without any sort of contribution having been made by the recipient. It does not include Social Security or Medicare. Under Obama’s reign of Socialism, the amount spent on welfare was almost 5 times greater than what was spent on transportation, education, and NASA, combined. And this figure doesn’t include the $200 Billion spent on welfare by the states. According to a CATO study, the cash value of federal welfare benefits for one household can equal almost $50,000.

“We have just concluded the 5th fiscal year since President Obama took office. During those five years, the federal government has spent a total $3.7 trillion on approximately 80 different means-tested poverty and welfare programs. The common feature of means-tested assistance programs is that they are graduated based on a person’s income and, in contrast to programs like Social Security or Medicare, they are a free benefit and not paid into by the recipient,” says the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee.

Who determines how much money is spent and where it is spent in this country? Is this spending really indicative of a plan by Obama to transform the country?

What is the timing of the decision making process for said spending? Has Obama really been President while the decisions to spend all that money we made?

Do the cited numbers include any items that are not "free benefits"?
You just made my point...Education, infrastructure and science is being fucked. Guess what's going to get fucked in January? You guessed it...

Our children pay
Our bridges and roads pay
Our science and tech edge pay

To make sure Johnson the lazy fuck can lay on his ass all day.
The honest truth....

Education 80 billion(another 60 billion at the national level)
nasa 17 billion


The Sad truth is a large percentage of the deficit has came out of our asses. Obama hasn't touched the wall street or nation building....Johny still gets to fuck over America too.

Research into curing diseases? Something worth while....

Infrastructure is at the lowest level since 2007.... Shot 2013-05-24 at 10.54.28 AM.png

When you consider inflation. What more do you need to know....

Science has been cut to the bone
Infrastructure has been cut to the bone
tech and r@d has been cut to the bone

Johnyjackass is still living the high life
The banks and wall street are living the high life
The terrorist are still blowing up our schools we built within the middle east and killing our men.

America is worse off.
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Screw education! To hell with the elderly! Let the poor eat out of dumpsters! But we need more military spending to balance the budget! - Signed, the GOP

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It's more than $3.7 trillion.

Way more.

We also give away $1.2 trillion in subsidies in the form of tax expenditures every year. So that's, what, another $6 trillion thrown on the pile.

$9.7 trillion!

Do you support the mortgage interest subsidy? Child tax credits? Corporate subsidies? Then you have your suckling mouth firmly planted on the government welfare tit.
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