My humble prediction......

Yep. JFK had increased troop strength by almost 20 fold and gave no indication he was going to get out. Anyone who says he was is the same type of scholar who says no veterans were spit on. Such people as those are confirmation bias homers, nothing more.
LBJ listened to his advisors on Vietnam ....I think JFK would have done the same thing

Nope, JFK listened to his advisers, as did LBJ. The dem would have grown the war.

That's a baseless assumption on your part
It's a conclusive point based on all the evidence.

Your assumption is baseless is the point, pw.

You're full of shit.

The man is dead and up until his death while president did everything he could to slow walk the start of the Vietnam war. I believe JFK's assination was the result of his refusal to allow the airforce to provide air support for the disastrous bay of pigs invasion and slow walking the start of the Vietnam war.
Vietnam in 1963 was not the same as Vietnam in 1966
JFK would have faced the same pressures as LBJ faced not to appear soft on communism, not to allow a domino theory collapse in Indo-china and he would have bought into the same military advice that it would be a quick and easy fight
Yep. JFK had increased troop strength by almost 20 fold and gave no indication he was going to get out. Anyone who says he was is the same type of scholar who says no veterans were spit on. Such people as those are confirmation bias homers, nothing more.
Nope, JFK listened to his advisers, as did LBJ. The dem would have grown the war.

That's a baseless assumption on your part
It's a conclusive point based on all the evidence.

Your assumption is baseless is the point, pw.

You're full of shit.

The man is dead and up until his death while president did everything he could to slow walk the start of the Vietnam war. I believe JFK's assination was the result of his refusal to allow the airforce to provide air support for the disastrous bay of pigs invasion and slow walking the start of the Vietnam war.
Thank you. In fact, JFK increased troop strength to over 13,000 in SV, approved the creation of the green beanies so that a new type of counter insurgency tool could be employed in SV, and only fool tools think JFK was wacked over BoP and SV. You are certifiable.

You're to stupid to see the obvious.
The obvious is that you are obviously wrong. JFK was a Cold War Warrior, and only the foolish refuse to acknowledge that.
Yep. JFK had increased troop strength by almost 20 fold and gave no indication he was going to get out. Anyone who says he was is the same type of scholar who says no veterans were spit on. Such people as those are confirmation bias homers, nothing more.
That's a baseless assumption on your part
It's a conclusive point based on all the evidence.

Your assumption is baseless is the point, pw.

You're full of shit.

The man is dead and up until his death while president did everything he could to slow walk the start of the Vietnam war. I believe JFK's assination was the result of his refusal to allow the airforce to provide air support for the disastrous bay of pigs invasion and slow walking the start of the Vietnam war.
Thank you. In fact, JFK increased troop strength to over 13,000 in SV, approved the creation of the green beanies so that a new type of counter insurgency tool could be employed in SV, and only fool tools think JFK was wacked over BoP and SV. You are certifiable.

You're to stupid to see the obvious.
The obvious is that you are obviously wrong. JFK was a Cold War Warrior, and only the foolish refuse to acknowledge that.

I never said he wouldn't start the war. Only that he slow walked the start of the war.
Yep. JFK had increased troop strength by almost 20 fold and gave no indication he was going to get out. Anyone who says he was is the same type of scholar who says no veterans were spit on. Such people as those are confirmation bias homers, nothing more.
It's a conclusive point based on all the evidence.

Your assumption is baseless is the point, pw.

You're full of shit.

The man is dead and up until his death while president did everything he could to slow walk the start of the Vietnam war. I believe JFK's assination was the result of his refusal to allow the airforce to provide air support for the disastrous bay of pigs invasion and slow walking the start of the Vietnam war.
Thank you. In fact, JFK increased troop strength to over 13,000 in SV, approved the creation of the green beanies so that a new type of counter insurgency tool could be employed in SV, and only fool tools think JFK was wacked over BoP and SV. You are certifiable.

You're to stupid to see the obvious.
The obvious is that you are obviously wrong. JFK was a Cold War Warrior, and only the foolish refuse to acknowledge that.

I never said he wouldn't start the war. Only that he slow walked the start of the war.
In his three years of being president, he increased troop strengths almost twenty fold, PW. That is not slow walking.
This November we will elect perhaps the most tainted politician to the WH in modern times, Hillary Clinton...sending to the dumpster the only worst candidate than she.....Trumpster.

However, Clinton's term will be so ridden with past corruption allegations that Hillary will only serve a one-term and in 2020 both sides of the aisle will have learned a lesson and propose 2 much more serious and less flawed candidates.

Why wait the 4 years? Elect a mediation team to fill the gap to 2020. Johnson/Weld. I predict one of both of the leaders will fall from grace before the next 90 days is up. Because it's a historical battle to the death. Sharktopus vs Piranhadile. America needs a time-out.

Spoiler --- neither really survives..
I am through with you, not that I ever noticed that all your response to any and all of my posts were a rating of "FUNNY"

Hey, maybe you should realize that you ARE "funny" with your constant [but inane] bitching.
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but I disagree that she's only getting 1 term. The medias ability to lie and the deep need of the left to be first in history will do everything to ensure she gets a second term. And you and every other leftist will support her, blaming everything she does wrong on the fact that the right didn't let her fuck it up harder.

I disagree.......Clinton's MAIN support from us on the left boils down to just ONE factor......Trump !!!
(and I believe that Clinton is smart enough to know that her current support is at best tenuous.)
and yet she dominated the rest of the hopefuls to the point the only two I can name are bernie and that guy that got booed for saying 'all lives matter', yaknow, whathisname
Johnson/Weld is the right choice.

Weld/Johnson would be a bit better choice.

They've already agreed to operate as a unified team. A two for one. Lord knows there is monumental work to do to separate the 2 warring parties..
They will do well with 7% of the vote


I'm more concerned with the DISASTER that EITHER of your candidates will bring to this country. .You think one side GIVES UP after Nov 9th? It's gonna be dysfunction city and increased poo flinging for those 4 years. If you can't SEE that and you're cheering that on --- You are part of the problem.

Polls don't matter. Even the election RETURNS don't matter. What MATTERS is the LParty has been CORRECT on almost EVERY issue for the past 30 years. We've CONSISTENTLY been 20 yrs ahead of polls.. America eventually catches up with us. Although NOW --- if they don't wise up -- the time is getting very short.
Johnson/Weld is the right choice.

Weld/Johnson would be a bit better choice.

They've already agreed to operate as a unified team. A two for one. Lord knows there is monumental work to do to separate the 2 warring parties..
They will do well with 7% of the vote


I'm more concerned with the DISASTER that EITHER of your candidates will bring to this country. .You think one side GIVES UP after Nov 9th? It's gonna be dysfunction city and increased poo flinging for those 4 years. If you can't SEE that and you're cheering that on --- You are part of the problem.

Polls don't matter. Even the election RETURNS don't matter. What MATTERS is the LParty has been CORRECT on almost EVERY issue for the past 30 years. We've CONSISTENTLY been 20 yrs ahead of polls.. America eventually catches up with us. Although NOW --- if they don't wise up -- the time is getting very short.
What would make you think all that would go away if a third party was elected?
Johnson/Weld is the right choice.

Weld/Johnson would be a bit better choice.

They've already agreed to operate as a unified team. A two for one. Lord knows there is monumental work to do to separate the 2 warring parties..
They will do well with 7% of the vote


I'm more concerned with the DISASTER that EITHER of your candidates will bring to this country. .You think one side GIVES UP after Nov 9th? It's gonna be dysfunction city and increased poo flinging for those 4 years. If you can't SEE that and you're cheering that on --- You are part of the problem.

Polls don't matter. Even the election RETURNS don't matter. What MATTERS is the LParty has been CORRECT on almost EVERY issue for the past 30 years. We've CONSISTENTLY been 20 yrs ahead of polls.. America eventually catches up with us. Although NOW --- if they don't wise up -- the time is getting very short.
What would make you think all that would go away if a third party was elected?

It would be GREATLY muffled, attenuated, damped out, and kaboshed. For about 4 years. Because appointments would be made BASED on their inherent lack of a partisan agenda. NOT as pay-offs to party faithful goofballs.

Just imagine what a NEUTRAL AG and Dir FBI could do. Would be like an instant independent counsel on EVERY issue. 2 guys who want to get to things done and are NOT more motivated about being re-elected?

C'mon man.
You're full of shit.

The man is dead and up until his death while president did everything he could to slow walk the start of the Vietnam war. I believe JFK's assination was the result of his refusal to allow the airforce to provide air support for the disastrous bay of pigs invasion and slow walking the start of the Vietnam war.
Thank you. In fact, JFK increased troop strength to over 13,000 in SV, approved the creation of the green beanies so that a new type of counter insurgency tool could be employed in SV, and only fool tools think JFK was wacked over BoP and SV. You are certifiable.

You're to stupid to see the obvious.
The obvious is that you are obviously wrong. JFK was a Cold War Warrior, and only the foolish refuse to acknowledge that.

I never said he wouldn't start the war. Only that he slow walked the start of the war.
In his three years of being president, he increased troop strengths almost twenty fold, PW. That is not slow walking.

Year American troops in SV

1959 760

1960 900

1961 3205

1962 11300

1963 16300

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