My humble prediction......

This November we will elect perhaps the most tainted politician to the WH in modern times, Hillary Clinton...sending to the dumpster the only worst candidate than she.....Trumpster.

However, Clinton's term will be so ridden with past corruption allegations that Hillary will only serve a one-term and in 2020 both sides of the aisle will have learned a lesson and propose 2 much more serious and less flawed candidates.
There is one party that runs Washington... The progressive party.
History shows that a third term of a presidency by a party happens when:

1. The past two terms are successful and worth extending.
2, The contender for the third term for the incumbent party is a good and honest candidate.
3. The contender for the other party is a boring nobody.
4. There is no constitutional restriction for power hungry incumbents.

None of those conditions exist now.

Seeing that the only response to this post was a rating of "funny" let me add that no Democrat achieved a third term except for that power hungry cripple FDR, who finally woke up America to the danger of unlimited and uncontrolled presidential power and brought sanity back to politics and limit the power of natural born Democrat free loader to abuse the office of the presidency.

History shows that the ONLY TIME a third term by the incumbent party won again was REPUBLICAN, as in George Herbert Walker Bush, an honest and honorable candidate following a successful and honorable and honest president.

Having said that, it is a real nightmare that a lying bitch could actually succeed a lying half breed, but not really a surprise, seeing America on a suicide path of self destruction.
Having said that, I am afraid that the Demoerm crats will get their

Your sample of one is inspiring

Look for a long, long string of Democratic presidents as the next Republican president hasn't been born yet

If America had been the same nation as he Founding Fathers have envisioned, there would have NEVER been a President with the egotistical and selfish and despicable attitude of FDR or Obama.

If America had any brains, they would not even think about quislings who are willing to give America to Muslim terrorists in the name of political correctness.

If Americans had any brains there would have never been a president who would ``fundamentally change` the Republic the Founding Fathers envisioned.

Our country today is significantly better than the founding fathers envisioned

Our Republic has fundamentally changed since 1782.....thank God!

The Founding Fathers envisioned nothing about inner city slums, murder, rape and general criminal activities, predominant there.

The Founding Fathers gave created the country of Liberia, to which all former slaves could fly to if they did not think that mooching off the crackers is easier than working for your living.

The Founding Fathers had no idea how their ideas would be twisted and turned by political correctness.

The condition of our cities and rural areas was much worse under our founding fathers than they are today. Look at poverty in the US in the late 1700s till the 1900s and you will see what the lack of social programs create

Our country today is vastly superior and our people are much more free than at our founding
This November we will elect perhaps the most tainted politician to the WH in modern times, Hillary Clinton...sending to the dumpster the only worst candidate than she.....Trumpster.

However, Clinton's term will be so ridden with past corruption allegations that Hillary will only serve a one-term and in 2020 both sides of the aisle will have learned a lesson and propose 2 much more serious and less flawed candidates.

Goddamn if I don't fully agree with you, WTF :disbelief:
This November we will elect perhaps the most tainted politician to the WH in modern times, Hillary Clinton...sending to the dumpster the only worst candidate than she.....Trumpster.

However, Clinton's term will be so ridden with past corruption allegations that Hillary will only serve a one-term and in 2020 both sides of the aisle will have learned a lesson and propose 2 much more serious and less flawed candidates.

Not if the economy turns around!!!

If we get a repeat of the late 90s, robust economy, federal surplus, abundance of jobs and no wars

We are going to keep her! I
This November we will elect perhaps the most tainted politician to the WH in modern times, Hillary Clinton...sending to the dumpster the only worst candidate than she.....Trumpster.

However, Clinton's term will be so ridden with past corruption allegations that Hillary will only serve a one-term and in 2020 both sides of the aisle will have learned a lesson and propose 2 much more serious and less flawed candidates.

History shows that a third term of a presidency by a party happens when:

1. The past two terms are successful and worth extending.
2, The contender for the third term for the incumbent party is a good and honest candidate.
3. The contender for the other party is a boring nobody.
4. There is no constitutional restriction for power hungry incumbents.

None of those conditions exist now.
. . . which is going to be the exception that proves the rule.
I think Hillary will have an uninspiring presidency. She will have a Democratic Senate for her first two years and will be able to name liberal judges at not just the Supreme Court but to lower courts. That will be her lasting legacy

Republicans will double down on the strategy they developed for Obama....refuse to cooperate on any issue regardless of how important. They think this will lead to a one term presidency

Hillary will easily win a second term as Republican conservatives force unelectable Ted Cruz on the party

Mixed feelings on your retort, my friend.....As a democrat, but FIRST as a loyal and caring American, I certainly hope that a reasonable alternative will arise for the DNC in 2020, and that Clinton will have enough integrity left in her system to call it quits after 4 years in the oval office.

Unless they are driven from office like LBJ, a sitting president never passes up a shot at a second term

All the factors that make Hillary unbeatable in 2016 will still be there in 2020....Women's vote, Hispanic vote, a batshit crazy Republican base

LBJ had only himself to blame for his troubles.

LBJ listened to his advisors on Vietnam ....I think JFK would have done the same thing

Your sample of one is inspiring

Look for a long, long string of Democratic presidents as the next Republican president hasn't been born yet

What not too bright right wingers conveniently overlook, is the serious and dramatic changes in this country's demographics.....Right now, there are only 2 or 3 states that could ever give the GOP the WH ever again (TX, Fl and OH)...and two of those states have a huge and burgeoning Latino population that, once they form a plurality in TX and FL, will never vote GOP unless that party stops its xenophobic and sometime racist policies.
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I think Hillary will have an uninspiring presidency. She will have a Democratic Senate for her first two years and will be able to name liberal judges at not just the Supreme Court but to lower courts. That will be her lasting legacy

Republicans will double down on the strategy they developed for Obama....refuse to cooperate on any issue regardless of how important. They think this will lead to a one term presidency

Hillary will easily win a second term as Republican conservatives force unelectable Ted Cruz on the party

Mixed feelings on your retort, my friend.....As a democrat, but FIRST as a loyal and caring American, I certainly hope that a reasonable alternative will arise for the DNC in 2020, and that Clinton will have enough integrity left in her system to call it quits after 4 years in the oval office.

Unless they are driven from office like LBJ, a sitting president never passes up a shot at a second term

All the factors that make Hillary unbeatable in 2016 will still be there in 2020....Women's vote, Hispanic vote, a batshit crazy Republican base

LBJ had only himself to blame for his troubles.

LBJ listened to his advisors on Vietnam ....I think JFK would have done the same thing

Nope, JFK listened to his advisers, as did LBJ. The dem would have grown the war.
I think Hillary will have an uninspiring presidency. She will have a Democratic Senate for her first two years and will be able to name liberal judges at not just the Supreme Court but to lower courts. That will be her lasting legacy

Republicans will double down on the strategy they developed for Obama....refuse to cooperate on any issue regardless of how important. They think this will lead to a one term presidency

Hillary will easily win a second term as Republican conservatives force unelectable Ted Cruz on the party

Mixed feelings on your retort, my friend.....As a democrat, but FIRST as a loyal and caring American, I certainly hope that a reasonable alternative will arise for the DNC in 2020, and that Clinton will have enough integrity left in her system to call it quits after 4 years in the oval office.

Unless they are driven from office like LBJ, a sitting president never passes up a shot at a second term

All the factors that make Hillary unbeatable in 2016 will still be there in 2020....Women's vote, Hispanic vote, a batshit crazy Republican base

LBJ had only himself to blame for his troubles.

LBJ listened to his advisors on Vietnam ....I think JFK would have done the same thing


JFK was martyred and romanticized after he was assassinated. The early 60s was a heavy Cold War period. JFK had the same Sec Defense as LBJ had...Robert McNamara
He would have received the same advice and made the same mistakes as LBJ
Your sample of one is inspiring

Look for a long, long string of Democratic presidents as the next Republican president hasn't been born yet

What not too bright right wingers conveniently overlook, is the seriously and dramatic changes in this country's demographics.....Right now, there are only 2 or 3 states that could ever give the GOP the WH ever again (TX, Fl and OH)...and two of those states have a huge and burgeoning Latino population that, once they form a plurality in TX and FL will never vote GOP unless that party stops its xenophobic and sometime racist policies.

Texas goes blue and the last chance of a Republican president goes with it
Not if the economy turns around!!!

If we get a repeat of the late 90s, robust economy, federal surplus, abundance of jobs and no wars

We are going to keep her! I

Perhaps.......but a less tainted democrat who would continue successful economic policies could emerge from the large segments of minority politicians within the democrat party...Keep a close eye on Warren in 2020.
This November we will elect perhaps the most tainted politician to the WH in modern times, Hillary Clinton...sending to the dumpster the only worst candidate than she.....Trumpster.
You have to wonder why the Republicans put up the only candidate who is worse than Clinton.

It's almost like it was on purpose.
This November we will elect perhaps the most tainted politician to the WH in modern times, Hillary Clinton...sending to the dumpster the only worst candidate than she.....Trumpster.
You have to wonder why the Republicans put up the only candidate who is worse than Clinton.

It's almost like it was on purpose.
Could it be that Trump is really working for Clinton, his old friend?

That would be the ultimate rigged election, and the far right crazies rigged it against themselves.
Could it be that Trump is really working for Clinton, his old friend?

That would be the ultimate rigged election, and the far right crazies rigged it against themselves.

If THAT were ever proven, the 2nd amendment nut-jobs would come completely unhinged....
This November we will elect perhaps the most tainted politician to the WH in modern times, Hillary Clinton...sending to the dumpster the only worst candidate than she.....Trumpster.
You have to wonder why the Republicans put up the only candidate who is worse than Clinton.

It's almost like it was on purpose.
Could it be that Trump is really working for Clinton, his old friend?

That would be the ultimate rigged election, and the far right crazies rigged it against themselves.
That's just crazy talk. Donald Trump HATES the Clintons. He wouldn't be caught dead in the same room with the Cli-

Could it be that Trump is really working for Clinton, his old friend?

That would be the ultimate rigged election, and the far right crazies rigged it against themselves.

If THAT were ever proven, the 2nd amendment nut-jobs would come completely unhinged....
They would shoot themselves as the Clinton/Trump troops closed in on them.
This November we will elect perhaps the most tainted politician to the WH in modern times, Hillary Clinton...sending to the dumpster the only worst candidate than she.....Trumpster.

However, Clinton's term will be so ridden with past corruption allegations that Hillary will only serve a one-term and in 2020 both sides of the aisle will have learned a lesson and propose 2 much more serious and less flawed candidates.

The COTUS gives more power to The Congress than to the POTUS and the USSC has created power unfettered by COTUS. Once upon a time a litmus test for SC nominees was looked upon as unseemly, today unless one is a conservative they are not even granted a hearing and an up or down vote.

Until recently (when Gingrich became Speaker of the House) Congress did its job, compromised and we got by with the camel instead of the horse we needed. Compromise has given way to ideology and brinkmanship, leading to a contrived impeachment of President Clinton and gridlock during the past 7+ years. It 's time to admit the McConnel-Boehner/Ryan experiment is a failure and The Congress needs new leadership or we can expect four more years of malaise.
Until recently (when Gingrich became Speaker of the House) Congress did its job, compromised and we got buy with the camel instead of the horse we needed. Compromise has given way to ideology and brinkmanship, leading to a contrived impeachment of President Clinton and gridlock during the past 7+ years. It 's time to admit the McConnel-Boehner/Ryan experiment is a failure and The Congress needs new leadership or we can expect four more years of malaise.

Of course, you're correct on most of the above......Whichever party wants to be credible, must yield to some form of compromise and lets cut out the mistakes we've made on our economy...we must admit that:

  • Trickle-down does not work;
  • Banks are too damn big and powerful
  • Trade agreements cannot be made by greedy business enterprises
  • Our health system sucks while being ridiculously expensive
  • Our infrastructure CAN be fixed
  • ....and we can make our economy THRIVE if we stop listening to oil/coal barons and embrace the reality of global warming and address the alternative energy options.
Mixed feelings on your retort, my friend.....As a democrat, but FIRST as a loyal and caring American, I certainly hope that a reasonable alternative will arise for the DNC in 2020, and that Clinton will have enough integrity left in her system to call it quits after 4 years in the oval office.

Unless they are driven from office like LBJ, a sitting president never passes up a shot at a second term

All the factors that make Hillary unbeatable in 2016 will still be there in 2020....Women's vote, Hispanic vote, a batshit crazy Republican base

LBJ had only himself to blame for his troubles.

LBJ listened to his advisors on Vietnam ....I think JFK would have done the same thing

Nope, JFK listened to his advisers, as did LBJ. The dem would have grown the war.


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