My land Tis of Thee

Dispensation is based purely on the Darbyites and Cyrus Scofield.
The Dispensation of the fullness of time, from beginning till the end
Greek Word: οἰκονομία from <G3623> (oikonomos); administration (of a household or estate); especially a (religious) “economy” :- dispensation, stewardship.
Vine's Words: Dispensation, Steward, Stewardship

—Strong's Greek & Hebrew Dictionary

In Christianity, one meaning of the term dispensation is a distinctive arrangement or period in history that forms the framework through which God relates to mankind.

We begin in Ephesians 3:1-5 For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles-- if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you, how that by revelation.

He made known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already, by which, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ), which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets:
Eph 1:9-12 having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times. He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth--in Him. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, which we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.


(The maturity of the times)
Dispensation From century to century, each steward, a householder, forms the framework or the “economy” from God. From the time of Adam to Moses, to the time of Christ, to the beginning of the central point of Grace, but also an end of all Grace, meaning events that take place in a time of seasons or provided revelation causing prophecy {mystery} events cause by the Dispensation of God, and not Dispensation of the Darbyites and Cyrus Scofield
We may see that God Himself is in the affair of man in a progress
Dispensation of the affair of God
Immigrants know that America is (or was) a God-blessed land, even if the older citizenry doesn't.
Immigrants know that America is (or was) a God-blessed land, even if the older citizenry doesn't.
The whole world is God-blessed. Saying we’re better here than anywhere else is unChristian.
The whole world is God-blessed. Saying we’re better here than anywhere else is unChristian.
I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Most of the world is basically cursed.

Note that both the nation, and a certain people within that nation, are blessed.

Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord ; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Except for the Muslims and a few others most in America acknowledge that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the God of the nation's various Christian denominations.

So, the nation is blessed in general, and within are a people that are blessed in particular.
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I've never seen one person quote a book of fiction this much...
Yeah...........there is only 93% of the world's population that disagree with you. A sincere belief in God. But what do they know? I'd wager that you would declare Man Made Global Warm (Buzz word changed to Climate Change) be true because of a consensus majority opinion. But when it comes to faith........numbers don't matter do they? :abgg2q.jpg: Such as electing Presidents by majority vote.......not by the electoral college.....

Sounds like yellow journalism.......always attempting to use stats and numbers to prove something, unless the stats can't be manipulated to prove some objective point and making it look true.

Everyone that claims the Word of God is fiction.......have never proven it to be false, its existed for well over 3500 years, and its still the best selling "of any classification" book in world history.
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Yeah...........there is only 93% of the world's population that disagree with you. A sincere belief in God. But what do they know?

So what?

I don't begrudge them their beliefs. But never forget, it's called "faith" for a reason.

Also, never forget that, once upon a time, the entire population of the world believed the earth was flat. How'd that pan out for the believers?

I'd wager that you would declare Man Made Global Warm (Buzz word changed to Climate Change) be true because of a consensus majority opinion. But when it comes to faith........numbers don't matter do they?

You'd be wrong.


I'm conservative as fuck. I just don't believe the God myth...

Everyone that claims the Word of God is fiction.......have never proven it to be false, its existed for well over 3500 years, and its still the best selling "of any classification" book in world history.

The Bible is 3,500 years old?

You seem to believe that popularity proves legitimacy. It doesn't. Again, once upon a time the people of the world believed the earth was flat.

People also believed Milli Vanilli deserved a Grammy.

And why should non-believers have to prove it's not true? You can't prove a negative. However, if it is true, shouldn't believers be able to prove that it's true? Yet none ever have.

Kinda' makes you wonder why...
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Yeah...........there is only 93% of the world's population that disagree with you. A sincere belief in God. But what do they know? I'd wager that you would declare Man Made Global Warm (Buzz word changed to Climate Change) be true because of a consensus majority opinion. But when it comes to faith........numbers don't matter do they? :abgg2q.jpg: Such as electing Presidents by majority vote.......not by the electoral college.....

Sounds like yellow journalism.......always attempting to use stats and numbers to prove something, unless the stats can't be manipulated to prove some objective point and making it look true.

Everyone that claims the Word of God is fiction.......have never proven it to be false, its existed for well over 3500 years, and its still the best selling "of any classification" book in world history.

Oh, and kudos on the timely response...
Also, never forget that, once upon a time, the entire population of the world believed the earth was flat. How'd that pan out for the believers?
* Statement assumes that the entire population of the world was believers.
Observation number 1: This land was blessed by God.

Observation number 2: If God exists and is Omniscient, Omnipotent (etc), then there cannot be a Hell (a place of eternal pain, torture and suffering), for that would be ungodly.

Observation number 2
: If God exists and is Omniscient, Omnipotent (etc), then there cannot be a Hell (a place of eternal pain, torture and suffering), for that would be ungodly.
There is, but it's not for us.
There is, but it's not for us.
Can’t be. But since it’s all a matter of belief or faith, I decline to extend my observation into a debate. All are of course free to agree or to disagree with me.
True, but you get the gist of my comment.

Something isn't true just because a lot of people believe it...
We can take that a little deeper as well. People aren't always honest about what they believe.

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
And how might they do that?

Are christians so weak and without the will of God that the tares can't be defeated?

They are hopelessly entwined in the roots of the church. They will be uprooted, gathered, and burned at the end time harvest. Until then they appear to be Christians, as darnel looks like wheat in the growing stage.
They are part of the "gates of hell" that will not prevail against the church.

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