My Memorial Day

The truth is hated by those who cannot tolerate truth. Its a very old problem. One that Jesus Christ will correct when He returns. You had better find yourself on the right side of the truth (serving Jesus Christ) when he returns or you'll be suffering in hell with the serpent for all eternity.
I am a he.
Yes you are celebrating it. Look at what you stated. "The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre." You give the military a bad name.

You're the kind of "he" who marries another "he".
Along with honoring the dead how about a day of celebration for those who opposed wars and in the case of Vietnam in particular, helped end wars SAVING veteran lives?
No one opposes war more than any combat veteran, but any combat veteran would do it all over again if necessary. It's called - Duty - Honor - Country. There is a day of celebration for war opponents who desecrate the veterans. It's called Judgement Day.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Hell yeah

You too, maggot.
She isn't a maggot but they will be crawling inside of her (in hell) for all eternity if she doesn't repent and turn from her sins and call upon Christ to save her, Hoss.
Along with honoring the dead how about a day of celebration for those who opposed wars and in the case of Vietnam in particular, helped end wars SAVING veteran lives?
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
German, Japanese, Russian or all of the above. If you don't know what you were fighting about, thats a pitiful shame.

Are you really that stupid??? Russia and Germany attacked America???
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
At 20, you could have been forgiven your youth and ignorance. Today, not so much...

Regardless -- Thank you for the service you rendered, even if it was rendered reluctantly.
Actually I made a very informed decision. money for college, a chance to see the world and the camaraderie of my fellow Marines.

Your assumption that my choice was made in ignorance because I didn't join due to propaganda is to be expected.

Mu choice was never reluctant, simply made without rose colored glasses.

So like private Benjamin you thought that you joined for a condo, a getaway vacation and were left wondering where your sandals were so you could to go out to lunch with your civilian friends.

Instead you got boots, rations and came under enemy fire seeing what you never thought you would.

Sounds like the wide road sleeping church of today. Incredible.

I avoided the Draft by joining the USMC in 1966. There was no doubt I'm mind that I would end up in Vietnam.
Boot Camp was as tough as I expected. They never promised me a Rose Garden. I was a Grunt in the Northern I Corps Region of the Republic of SouthVietnam. My unit the 1st Bn 4th Marines of the 3rd Marine Division fought the North Vietnamese Army. I have no regrets and make no apologies.

"My Division was fighting mainly with the 3rd Marine Division and they were very good,experienced soldiers.. You know that 3rd Marine Division has a very long history of combat. They were very good, very well trained. And hat division was very large; it had about 20,000 men." North Vietnamese Army General Nguyen Duc Huy
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Along with honoring the dead how about a day of celebration for those who opposed wars and in the case of Vietnam in particular, helped end wars SAVING veteran lives?
No one opposes war more than any combat veteran, but any combat veteran would do it all over again if necessary. It's called - Duty - Honor - Country. There is a day of celebration for war opponents who desecrate the veterans. It's called Judgement Day.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Hell yeah

You too, maggot.
She isn't a maggot but they will be crawling inside of her (in hell) for all eternity if she doesn't repent and turn from her sins and call upon Christ to save her, Hoss.

"Lucky Day In Hell"​
There are no lucky days in hell. You'll find that out one day if you don't repent and get off the road you're on.
The topic of the OP is about Memorial Day. Respect the thread or go make your own.
There are no lucky days in hell. You'll find that out one day if you don't repent and get off the road you're on.
The topic of the OP is about Memorial Day. Respect the thread or go make your own.

Are you not one who brought Jesus into it?

Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
I'm not sure how tight the rules are here but even if I'm banned temporairly it was worth it. You sir are a huge piece of shit. You and the other piece of shit (Hossfly) who thanked you for this post. Anyone who celebrates the massacres of women and children and those who cover up these attrocitties are worse than any Isis or Al Qaeda member. You have lowered the human race to the level of cockroaches with this kind of shit.

You are a disgrace and should be ashamed of yourself for speaking to BullKurtz and Hossfly this way. If you prefer communism find a communist nation and move there. Real Americans have no desire to live like the North Vietnamese and North Koreans do.
huh? YOU are defending FAKEMARINE? :rofl:
For me, it is a Solemn Day of Recognition. I have not forgotten my Father's two cousins Sidney and Theodore KIA WWII.

Those Marines I served with at I Co. 3rd Bn 2nd Marines before we were ordered to different units in Vietnam.These Marines gave their lives Carl (my best friend) , Tiago (Navy Cross Posthumously), and Mike.

Those I served along side of at the 2nd Plt. C Co. 1st Bn 4th Marines in Vietnam: My Squad Leader Jim, Joe and Tom who never got the chance to be Veterans. Rest in Peace. Semper Fidelis
You have honored your friends here today with this thread and I pray God blesses you for it, usmcstinger.
Sunni man, I spoke with a high level retired military person at a meeting some time ago and I told him that I was told that we won the Vietnam war because the N. Vietnamese contacted the White House giving their surrender. Rather than declare the victory - the President said we were withdrawing from the war. I want you to know that we won that war. When I told this retired military hero what I was told he said, It's true. He was a very close friend of one of the CIA Directors - there is more to the story and perhaps they will one day have the freedom to tell the world the truth but as of today it remains a secret. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Many sacrificed their lives in that war.
Sorry, but anyone who thinks the US won the Vietnam War is either on heavy drugs or is seriously deluded. ...... :cuckoo:
Sunni man, I spoke with a high level retired military person at a meeting some time ago and I told him that I was told that we won the Vietnam war because the N. Vietnamese contacted the White House giving their surrender. Rather than declare the victory - the President said we were withdrawing from the war. I want you to know that we won that war. When I told this retired military hero what I was told he said, It's true. He was a very close friend of one of the CIA Directors - there is more to the story and perhaps they will one day have the freedom to tell the world the truth but as of today it remains a secret. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Many sacrificed their lives in that war.
Sorry, but anyone who thinks the US won the Vietnam War is either on heavy drugs or is seriously deluded. ...... :cuckoo:
One day you'll learn the truth, Sunni man. I'm telling you it was confirmed to me by someone who would know. It's the truth. If it were not the truth I couldn't tell you it was. It's the truth!
There are no lucky days in hell. You'll find that out one day if you don't repent and get off the road you're on.
The topic of the OP is about Memorial Day. Respect the thread or go make your own.

Are you not one who brought Jesus into it?

Jesus Christ is LORD over all. His name is welcome in any discussion, any time, any place, because He is the LORD God Almighty.
Captain F.P. Moosaly's Memorial Services Speech

I remember turret two. I remember their faces as they toiled at their guns, sweating an honest sweat that comes from young men dedicated to a great cause. Who chose to serve, to grow, and to learn with others, while securing a place in history for generations after them. I remember their strong hands as they wielded their great charges with an energy I could marvel at. The energy of their youth which they channeled towards their love of freedom. I remember as they talked among themselves, looking so much like sailors of our past. Sharing the exuberance of the times and the dreams of the future. I REMEMBER TURRET TWO

They were the life, the spirit and the soul of our ship. They embodied the ideals of our history and the hope of a brighter tomorrow. They gave themselves to the goals we all share, and they made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We will not - nor can we ever forget the lessons they taught us.

The crew of IOWA shared much with turret two. We shared their enthusiasm. Their drive and their kindness. We worked side-by-side and shoulder-to-shoulder to build a team, a family, a common bond which can never be broken, and though they have left us in body, they will always remain with us.

We came together in times of trouble, we shared the good and the bad, the comedy, and now the tragedy. The grief we share with you - their families, is deep. But we must go on. FOR WE ARE THE CREW OF IOWA. Permanently fused, like the steel of the ship we sail. Our sides are strong, our towers high, and our course is set. WE ARE THE IOWA. A part of every rivet, every plank and every line. We are the ship. She breathes through us, and she lives as a part of us. As long as she sails the seas we will be a part of her. A part of the IOWA spirit. That spirit lives on - and the men of turret two will forever be a part of that living spirit!

The following is a list of the turret two explosion casualties.

Crewmember's Name Rate/Rank Hometown
Tung Thanh Adams Fire Controlman 3rd class (FC3) Alexandria, VA
Robert Wallace Backherms Gunner's Mate 3rd class (GM3)(FC3) Ravenna, OH
Dwayne Collier Battle Electrician's Mate, Fireman Apprentice (EMFA) Rocky Mount, NC
Walter Scot Blakey Gunner's Mate 3rd class (GM3) Eaton Rapids, MI
Pete Edward Bopp Gunner's Mate 3rd class (GM3) Levittown, NY
Ramon Jarel Bradshaw Seaman Recruit (SR) Tampa, FL
Philip Edward Buch Lieutenant, Junior Grade (LTjg) Las Cruces, NM
Eric Ellis Casey Seaman Apprentice (SA) Mt. Airy, NC
John Peter Cramer Gunners Mate 2nd class (GM2) Uniontown, PA
Milton Francis Devaul Jr. Gunners Mate 3rd class (GM3) Solvay, NY
Leslie Allen Everhart Jr. Seaman Apprentice (SA) Cary, NC
Gary John Fisk Boatswains Mate 2nd class (BM2) Oneida, NY
Tyrone Dwayne Foley Seaman (SN) Bullard, TX
Robert James Gedeon III Seaman Apprentice (SA) Lakewood, OH
Brian Wayne Gendron Seaman Apprentice (SA) Madera, CA
John Leonard Goins Seaman Recruit (SR) Columbus, OH
David L. Hanson Electricians Mate 3rd class (EM3) Perkins, SD
Ernest Edward Hanyecz Gunners Mate 1st class (GM1) Bordentown, NJ
Clayton Michael Hartwig Gunners Mate 2nd class (GM2) Cleveland, OH
Michael William Helton Legalman 1st class (LN1) Louisville, KY
Scott Alan Holt Seaman Apprentice (SA) Fort Meyers, FL
Reginald L. Johnson Jr. Seaman Recruit (SR) Warrensville Heights, OH
Nathaniel Clifford Jones Jr. Seaman Apprentice (SA) Buffalo, NY
Brian Robert Jones Seaman (SN) Kennesaw, GA
Michael Shannon Justice Seaman (SN) Matewan, WV
Edward J. Kimble Seaman (SN) Ft. Stockton, TX
Richard E. Lawrence Gunners Mate 3rd class (GM3) Springfield, OH
Richard John Lewis Fire Controlman, Seaman Apprentice (FCSA) Northville, MI
Jose Luis Martinez Jr. Seaman Apprentice (SA) Hidalgo, TX
Todd Christopher McMullen Boatswains Mate 3rd class (BM3) Manheim, PA
Todd Edward Miller Seaman Recruit (SR) Ligonier, PA
Robert Kenneth Morrison Legalman 1st class (LN1) Jacksonville, FL
Otis Levance Moses Seaman (SN) Bridgeport, CN
Darin Andrew Ogden Gunners Mate 3rd class (GM3) Shelbyville, IN
Ricky Ronald Peterson Seaman (SN) Houston, MN
Mathew Ray Price Gunners Mate 3rd class (GM3) Burnside, PA
Harold Earl Romine Jr. Seaman Recruit (SR) Brandenton, FL
Geoffrey Scott Schelin Gunners Mate 3rd class (GMG3) Costa Mesa, CA
Heath Eugene Stillwagon Gunners Mate 3rd class (GM3) Connellsville, PA
Todd Thomas Tatham Seaman Recruit (SR) Wolcott, NY
Jack Ernest Thompson Gunners Mate 3rd class (GM3) Greeneville, TN
Stephen J. Welden Gunners Mate 2nd class (GM2) Yukon, OK
James Darrell White Gunners Mate 3rd class (GM3) Norwalk, CA
Rodney Maurice White Seaman Recruit (SR) Louisville, KY
Michael Robert Williams Boatswains Mate 2nd class (BM2) South Shore, KY
John Rodney Young Seaman (SN) Rockhill, SC
Reginald Owen Ziegler Senior Chief Gunners Mate (GMCS) Port Gibson, NY
Sunni man, I spoke with a high level retired military person at a meeting some time ago and I told him that I was told that we won the Vietnam war because the N. Vietnamese contacted the White House giving their surrender. Rather than declare the victory - the President said we were withdrawing from the war. I want you to know that we won that war. When I told this retired military hero what I was told he said, It's true. He was a very close friend of one of the CIA Directors - there is more to the story and perhaps they will one day have the freedom to tell the world the truth but as of today it remains a secret. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Many sacrificed their lives in that war.
Sorry, but anyone who thinks the US won the Vietnam War is either on heavy drugs or is seriously deluded. ...... :cuckoo:
Sunni, North Vietnam was prepared to surrender when that weasel in the White House pulled out all the troops and ran. True story.
Jesus Christ is LORD over all. His name is welcome in any discussion, any time, any place, because He is the LORD God Almighty.

Since the Bible says that Satan is the "God of this Earth", I guess that means the Devil's names are welcome in any discussion, any time, any place, because He is the Lord of this Earth.

Its so weird where I live, all the white people head to the cemetery to pay their respects, all the blacks are outside barbecuing and partying.
Its so weird where I live, all the white people head to the cemetery to pay their respects, all the blacks are outside barbecuing and partying.

Mexicans do that after funerals. Party, BBQ, get drunk. This is because they focus on celebrating the lives of those who died, rather than hanging their heads low staring at the graves in silence and dwelling on their pain and misery.

Different cultures, but both are respecting the dead in their own ways.

Along with honoring the dead how about a day of celebration for those who opposed wars and in the case of Vietnam in particular, helped end wars SAVING veteran lives?
No one opposes war more than any combat veteran, but any combat veteran would do it all over again if necessary. It's called - Duty - Honor - Country. There is a day of celebration for war opponents who desecrate the veterans. It's called Judgement Day.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.
You served when and where...if it wasn't an Infantry Unit don't even bother.
Along with honoring the dead how about a day of celebration for those who opposed wars and in the case of Vietnam in particular, helped end wars SAVING veteran lives?
No one opposes war more than any combat veteran, but any combat veteran would do it all over again if necessary. It's called - Duty - Honor - Country. There is a day of celebration for war opponents who desecrate the veterans. It's called Judgement Day.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.
reconmark , regardless of our different opinions, I do respect your service. But your attitude needs adjustment. I spent 3 years in combat as a Recon squad leader to platoon leader. One of those years was as an advisor to a RVN Infantry Bn. On my avi the 1st Cav patch has a diagonal black bar with 6 letters embroidered on it. That was my first battle. Called LZ X-Ray. Google it.
Along with honoring the dead how about a day of celebration for those who opposed wars and in the case of Vietnam in particular, helped end wars SAVING veteran lives?
We don't celebrate draft dodging cowards who ran off to Canada during the Viet Nam era. Let's keep our sentiments to those who died in service to our Country.

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