My Memorial Day

Have some milk and a shot of "stfu!!!"
Go back to sucking that tit boy, leave the grown up stuff alone. You stfu.
Your mother's nipples are cracked, I'll come back later; you wanna be vet...
Scumbag fag
Yes you certainly are...
No retard you are.
Actually your 2"m agrees with me...that's why she agreed to send you to a sissy unit...
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Love this quote I just saw on FB.

Today is the day the US pretends it cares about dead soldiers. If they really cared there would be far fewer dead soldiers.

Cranky little homo ain't ya.....maybe a hot bath a sit down with your "husband" might help.
Its so weird where I live, all the white people head to the cemetery to pay their respects, all the blacks are outside barbecuing and partying.
Its so weird where I live, all the white people head to the cemetery to pay their respects, all the blacks are outside barbecuing and partying.

You paint too broad a brush. Combat Veterans of every color are paying there respects to their fallen brothers and sisters. Some attend the Ceremonies at VA Cemeteries and others like to be alone with their memories of those who did come home.
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Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
I'm not sure how tight the rules are here but even if I'm banned temporairly it was worth it. You sir are a huge piece of shit. You and the other piece of shit (Hossfly) who thanked you for this post. Anyone who celebrates the massacres of women and children and those who cover up these attrocitties are worse than any Isis or Al Qaeda member. You have lowered the human race to the level of cockroaches with this kind of shit.

You are a disgrace and should be ashamed of yourself for speaking to BullKurtz and Hossfly this way.
Why? They actually support the massacre of women & children. Look at what he said "their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets" Since you support them to you are a real piece of shit. Since you keep bringing up God all the time what does your god think of people who massacre women & childen?

If you prefer communism find a communist nation and move there. Real Americans have no desire to live like the North Vietnamese and North Koreans do.
So when one criticizes attrocities done by americans it automatically means they want to live in a communist country? What a ridiculous way to think.

We don't aid the enemy and we most definitely do not side with them by agreeing with them. One of the four steps of a communist take over is demoralization. The communists made headway in demoralization by the accusations that were waged against our soldiers during the Vietnam war. See a video by ex-KGB subversive agent - Yuri Bemzenov for how this is done.
Communist takeover, what a joke. Even the war planners like Robert MacNamara have stated the war had zero to do with Communism. The war was started with the Gulf of Tonkin lie. Any soldier that has the courage to say, yeh the hippies were right, we should have never got involved in this war are the ones that get my respect.
Communist takeover, what a joke. Even the war planners like Robert MacNamara have stated the war had zero to do with Communism. The war was started with the Gulf of Tonkin lie. Any soldier that has the courage to say, yeh the hippies were right, we should have never got involved in this war are the ones that get my respect.

McNamara never said any such thing you pissant liar....the "domino theory" was the ideological component of the SEATO members and nobody want's your "respect"...
Why? They actually support the massacre of women & children. Look at what he said "their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets" Since you support them to you are a real piece of shit. Since you keep bringing up God all the time what does your god think of people who massacre women & childen?

Your problem is the ponytail who taught you the shit you're typing just don't know any better because nobody took the time to correct you. You'll never be in combat and neither will any of the arrogant little weenies you hang out with.
FYI...when a woman or child raises a rifle or releases the spoon on a hand grenade, they lose their protected status in a combat theatre. If they load for, feed, tend to wounds, or give the enemy shelter, they become the enemy. That's what we encountered with the NLF/VC...they sent women and kids at GIs every chance they got...they had no mercy on their own people. Yet you see them as heroic guerillas fighting the American invaders and call those who confronted them vile names. Like I said before, it's YOU who is the stain on our Flag, not us.
I'm not stupid enough to go into combat. Risk my life for a bunch of billionaires who have politicians that blatantly lie for them. When it comes to the Vietnam war or the Iraq war, I do see the American soldiers as the enemy because what they did was just flat out wrong. You keep on believing all the propaganda and lies. Like I said before, if you truly have respect for the fallen then you would stop making excuses for wars you started.
I am a he.
Yes you are celebrating it. Look at what you stated. "The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre." You give the military a bad name.

You're the kind of "he" who marries another "he".
Wow, your debating skills are amazing. I must proclaim that you are poster of the month with such amazing and skillfull posts like this.
I'm not stupid enough to go into combat. Risk my life for a bunch of billionaires who have politicians that blatantly lie for them. When it comes to the Vietnam war or the Iraq war, I do see the American soldiers as the enemy because what they did was just flat out wrong. You keep on believing all the propaganda and lies. Like I said before, if you truly have respect for the fallen then you would stop making excuses for wars you started.

Uh huh.....the long and short of it is you're a canuck coward....
Wow, your debating skills are amazing. I must proclaim that you are poster of the month with such amazing and skillfull posts like this.

You aren't worth "debating"'re ignorant, childish, and effeminate...and you'd never say the things you said to me yesterday face to face because you're a coward.
Actually your 2"m agrees with me...that's why she agreed to send you to a sissy unit...

Maybe you could tell us about "recon" that involved something other than your corner 711 to steal beer.
Maybe you could tell us why a supposedly grown man is so envious of the title "Marine" that he got on an anonymous message board and lied that he was one...
Should I post your screen name before you were found to be a fraud???
Jesus Christ is LORD over all. His name is welcome in any discussion, any time, any place, because He is the LORD God Almighty.

Since the Bible says that Satan is the "God of this Earth", I guess that means the Devil's names are welcome in any discussion, any time, any place, because He is the Lord of this Earth.

My response to you is on this link:

The Gospel of Jesus Christ US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Comment on the OP. It was a great thread and I hope others had a day of reflection for what American soldiers have sacrificed so that we could have our freedom in America. It is good to think about the sacrifices that others have made for us.
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Wow, your debating skills are amazing. I must proclaim that you are poster of the month with such amazing and skillfull posts like this.

You aren't worth "debating"'re ignorant, childish, and effeminate...and you'd never say the things you said to me yesterday face to face because you're a coward.
I was in Arizona back in 2007 and I saw a bumper sticker say. My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom. When I challenged the owner of the vehicle to show me how Iraq threatened anyone's freedom all he could do was lash out verbally and threaten me with violence. I told him his bumper sticker was a lie that he himself couldn't defend. If I saw you face to face I would say the exactly what I said here. You either would defend your position or you would resort to volence. Resorting to violence only shows you could not defend your position.
Maybe you could tell us why a supposedly grown man is so envious of the title "Marine" that he got on an anonymous message board and lied that he was one...
Should I post your screen name before you were found to be a fraud???

A "fraud"? :lol: BullKurzUSMC was a chat board cartoon character I invented 12 years ago as everybody here knows....and the fact you would bring it up is're terrified I'll ask you a few things any Recon man would know. I'll wait until I know you're here and we'll see what answers I get....I think you're a lying sack of shit.
I was in Arizona back in 2007 and I saw a bumper sticker say. My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom. When I challenged the owner of the vehicle to show me how Iraq threatened anyone's freedom all he could do was lash out verbally and threaten me with violence. I told him his bumper sticker was a lie that he himself couldn't defend. If I saw you face to face I would say the exactly what I said here. You either would defend your position or you would resort to volence. Resorting to violence only shows you could not defend your position.

Too bad the proud father you challenged didn't light you up...Like I said, your kind hides behind those who protect your freedom while you insult and betray them.....I know what you are, you know what you are.
I was in Arizona back in 2007 and I saw a bumper sticker say. My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom. When I challenged the owner of the vehicle to show me how Iraq threatened anyone's freedom all he could do was lash out verbally and threaten me with violence. I told him his bumper sticker was a lie that he himself couldn't defend. If I saw you face to face I would say the exactly what I said here. You either would defend your position or you would resort to volence. Resorting to violence only shows you could not defend your position.

Too bad the proud father you challenged didn't light you up...Like I said, your kind hides behind those who protect your freedom while you insult and betray them.....I know what you are, you know what you are.
OK, I will ask you. Exactly how does one protect my freedom by fighting over in Iraq. How did Iraq even threaten my freedom. Answer the question... coward.
Why? They actually support the massacre of women & children. Look at what he said "their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets" Since you support them to you are a real piece of shit. Since you keep bringing up God all the time what does your god think of people who massacre women & childen?

Your problem is the ponytail who taught you the shit you're typing just don't know any better because nobody took the time to correct you. You'll never be in combat and neither will any of the arrogant little weenies you hang out with.
FYI...when a woman or child raises a rifle or releases the spoon on a hand grenade, they lose their protected status in a combat theatre. If they load for, feed, tend to wounds, or give the enemy shelter, they become the enemy. That's what we encountered with the NLF/VC...they sent women and kids at GIs every chance they got...they had no mercy on their own people. Yet you see them as heroic guerillas fighting the American invaders and call those who confronted them vile names. Like I said before, it's YOU who is the stain on our Flag, not us.
I'm not stupid enough to go into combat. Risk my life for a bunch of billionaires who have politicians that blatantly lie for them. When it comes to the Vietnam war or the Iraq war, I do see the American soldiers as the enemy because what they did was just flat out wrong. You keep on believing all the propaganda and lies. Like I said before, if you truly have respect for the fallen then you would stop making excuses for wars you started.
You are just a coward like Clinton was.

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