My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

2 points.

1: The policies Bush did that destroyed the markets are still in place under Obama and the Dem congress he them liar.

2: Why do you keep telling everyone Obama and Dems saved us from a depression when you admit it was Bush's policies that stopped the US from going into a depression? (I don't think anyone saved us from a depression, they made things worse for a longer time, just like FDR we will have to go another 9 years until we stop spending?)stimulus instead of austerity like europe did

Last point, we never left the recessionthese words have defintions and you dont get to pretend they dont, we are NOT in a recession by defintion of the very word as spending is not the answer. Bush was bad but Obama kept every bad Bush policy in place and expanded of many as well. In the end int makes no sense to claim Republican policy hurt the economy then claim that same Republican policy saved it under Obama. If we look at nothing but policy, not bullshit words but the actual policy there is almost no difference between Bush/Reps and Obama/Dems. Even when you claim Bush did a piss poor job with regulating who the money went too, well Obama played a big part in TARP and his Stimulus suffered the exact same problem, who the money went to.

How is it possible to blame Reps but not Dems when you can’t show a single meaningful policy difference between the two?

Dear disgruntled brained con idiot, Europe is in a double dip because they took the con idea of doing austerity,

We did stimulus and are out of a recession and in a recovery.

Those are cold hard facts you fucking liying sack of dog shit

They did not "choose austerity" measures! This single post by you proves the only idiot is you!

Spain pushes austerity in 'extremely fragile' period - Yahoo! News Singapore

You are a dishonest and stupid person "clevergirl"
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If you can only pick one ... what would it be?

Mine is the extension of the Patriot Act. If I could only ask him one question, and get an honest answer, I'd want to know the logic behind that.

The extension of the Patriot Act is a damned good reason (if we actually needed one), but it pales in comparison to shredding the Constitution when he and his henchmen forced the ACA down our throats. It also pales in comparison to the cronyism and the payoffs sent out with the Stimulus fiasco.

lying about what is happening is now all the right has left to defend their historically failed ideas

Trying to say what Germany chose to do in order to protect itself from entangled mess of the EU IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Perhaps if you understood how Germany is tied to the EU's mess you'd understand how stupid you sound.

Here is the problem that the EU faces and why it is the proverbial snake eating its own tail. BTW please note their use of bail outs~

Greece near default, EU in trouble - Six facets of the euro crisis | Protesilaos Stavrou
If you can only pick one ... what would it be?

Mine is the extension of the Patriot Act. If I could only ask him one question, and get an honest answer, I'd want to know the logic behind that.

Stimulus along with all the cash handouts to green companies.

We should invest in future tech development yes. But not when were broke and certainly not to the degree of picking winners and losers. Encouraging private industry to innovate through prizes would be the proper way to do it....when were not broke.

Trying to say what Germany chose to do in order to protect itself from entangled mess of the EU IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Perhaps if you understood how Germany is tied to the EU's mess you'd understand how stupid you sound.

Here is the problem that the EU faces and why it is the proverbial snake eating its own tail. BTW please note their use of bail outs~

Greece near default, EU in trouble - Six facets of the euro crisis | Protesilaos Stavrou

Dear idiot what europe choose was austerity you lying sack of dog shit
If you can only pick one ... what would it be?

Mine is the extension of the Patriot Act. If I could only ask him one question, and get an honest answer, I'd want to know the logic behind that.

The extension of the Patriot Act is a damned good reason (if we actually needed one), but it pales in comparison to shredding the Constitution when he and his henchmen forced the ACA down our throats. It also pales in comparison to the cronyism and the payoffs sent out with the Stimulus fiasco.


Is it the same act Bush signed?

Does the law read the same?
Of all the reasons to be disappointed in obama is that he has turned us into Greece. Our debt is greater than our GDP, by design. The deisgn is obama's.

News Headlines

Government has become its own worst enemy when it comes to the economy, with public spending putting a damper on growth that otherwise continues at a steady if unspectacular pace.

"None of this is all that surprising, so where is the miss?" wondered Brown Brothers Harriman global currency strategist Marc Chandler, after noting some fairly pedestrian and in-line quarterly growth results. "Contrary to what passes as conventional wisdom, the main drag is coming from the government itself."

Before anyone starts thinking that Washington suddenly has gotten religion on spending, the bulk of the federal government cuts came from defense spending, which plunged 8.1 percent.

Im sure you can show us where this Marc Chandler predicted the crash right?
his hubris. He could do much good if he humbled himself and started doing whats in the best interest of the country rather than satisfy his own ego and idealogical goals no matter who suffers for them.
My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

Sending his kids to private schools while denying poor black kids
from going to the same school by eliminating school vouchers for them
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