My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

TM must have broken her vibrator.

Who cares as long as people ignore her?
However that is not what is happening...:(
She is the biggest thread killer on this forum...turning any thread into partisan shit in no time. if people in this thread keep responding to her stupidity - she will destroy this one as well.

It's fun to poke the monkey through the bars though.
TM must have broken her vibrator.

Who cares as long as people ignore her?
However that is not what is happening...:(
She is the biggest thread killer on this forum...turning any thread into partisan shit in no time. if people in this thread keep responding to her stupidity - she will destroy this one as well.

It's fun to poke the monkey through the bars though.

In a thread that is stupid to begin with - yeah.
But one like this that is pretty decent - not so.
How can I refuse facts you dont provide? Which European nation has a balanced budget and is in financial crisis?
TM must have broken her vibrator.

Who cares as long as people ignore her?
However that is not what is happening...:(
She is the biggest thread killer on this forum...turning any thread into partisan shit in no time. if people in this thread keep responding to her stupidity - she will destroy this one as well.

It's fun to poke the monkey through the bars though.

The right has hated everything that worked to improve our economy.

They have praised the European plan of austerity.

Your own ideas are now going to haunt you for decades just like after FDR saved the country.

Get ready for a long stay OUT of government just like then.
Who cares as long as people ignore her?
However that is not what is happening...:(
She is the biggest thread killer on this forum...turning any thread into partisan shit in no time. if people in this thread keep responding to her stupidity - she will destroy this one as well.

It's fun to poke the monkey through the bars though.

In a thread that is stupid to begin with - yeah.
But one like this that is pretty decent - not so.

Even good threads get derailed. Usually within a few pages. But i do get your point. I posted an honest answer but because of tm it has fallen by the wayside.

If it wasn't tm it would be rderp or one of the nuts on my side.
this is why your party is dying you refuse facts

You are the idiot who is clueless about what/why and how austerity measures are used/needed due to the existence of the EU. The EU are under different laws as well as bound together so that if one fails they all are at risk... Put more simply, austerity measures in Germany are to protect itself from the failures happening in Greece; Italy; and Spain.

The fact that your mindless understanding (ironic statement) knowing that the EU have used bail out methods early on is telling. In addition that they are prevented from inflating currency as we have done, further proves my point that your blanket statements serve only to highlight your personal ignorance on the matter.
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Putting $40-$90 billion in oil/gas industry taxes into his budget proposal.

What makes that a really bad thing?

It's an arbitrary and capricious targeting of an industry for the simple fact that it's successful.
The kind of success that employs people, spurs economic development, contributes to the GDP, reduces the trade deficit, and fattens tax coffers.
this is why your party is dying you refuse facts

You are the idiot who is clueless about what/why and how austerity measures are used/needed due to the existence of the EU. The EU are under different laws as well as bound together so that if one fails they all are at risk... Put more simply, austerity measures in Germany are to protect itself from the failures happening in Greece; Italy; and Spain.

The fact that your mindless understanding (ironic statement) knowing that the EU have used bail out methods early on is telling. In addition that they are prevented from inflating currency as we have done, further proves my point that your blanket statements serve only to highlight your personal ignorance on the matter.

Dear little lying sack of fucking pig shit, when are you going to admitt you lied about Europe and austerity?
What action did he take as President that you are most disappointed in.
His failure to press for investigation and prosecution of the Bush Administration's many crimes will ensure repetition of similar criminal activity in the future. That failure is a bold statement that high political office affords immunity from prosecution.


That was my first major disappointment with Obama. It showed me who he is and what we could expect from him.
this is why your party is dying you refuse facts

You are the idiot who is clueless about what/why and how austerity measures are used/needed due to the existence of the EU. The EU are under different laws as well as bound together so that if one fails they all are at risk... Put more simply, austerity measures in Germany are to protect itself from the failures happening in Greece; Italy; and Spain.

The fact that your mindless understanding (ironic statement) knowing that the EU have used bail out methods early on is telling. In addition that they are prevented from inflating currency as we have done, further proves my point that your blanket statements serve only to highlight your personal ignorance on the matter.

Dear little lying sack of fucking pig shit, when are you going to admitt you lied about Europe and austerity?

Probably if and when she actually lies about it.

When are you going to admit you have no facts and cant name a single european country with a balanced budget?
2 points.

1: The policies Bush did that destroyed the markets are still in place under Obama and the Dem congress he them liar.

2: Why do you keep telling everyone Obama and Dems saved us from a depression when you admit it was Bush's policies that stopped the US from going into a depression? (I don't think anyone saved us from a depression, they made things worse for a longer time, just like FDR we will have to go another 9 years until we stop spending?)stimulus instead of austerity like europe did

Last point, we never left the recessionthese words have defintions and you dont get to pretend they dont, we are NOT in a recession by defintion of the very word as spending is not the answer. Bush was bad but Obama kept every bad Bush policy in place and expanded of many as well. In the end int makes no sense to claim Republican policy hurt the economy then claim that same Republican policy saved it under Obama. If we look at nothing but policy, not bullshit words but the actual policy there is almost no difference between Bush/Reps and Obama/Dems. Even when you claim Bush did a piss poor job with regulating who the money went too, well Obama played a big part in TARP and his Stimulus suffered the exact same problem, who the money went to.

How is it possible to blame Reps but not Dems when you can’t show a single meaningful policy difference between the two?

Dear disgruntled brained con idiot, Europe is in a double dip because they took the con idea of doing austerity,

We did stimulus and are out of a recession and in a recovery.

Those are cold hard facts you fucking liying sack of dog shit

They did not "choose austerity" measures! This single post by you proves the only idiot is you!

then tell me why that is what they are all calling their measures?
What action did he take as President that you are most disappointed in.
His failure to press for investigation and prosecution of the Bush Administration's many crimes will ensure repetition of similar criminal activity in the future. That failure is a bold statement that high political office affords immunity from prosecution.

That was my first major disappointment with Obama. It showed me who he is and what we could expect from him.

So youre problem with Obama is he didnt make stuff up to prosecute his precedecessors for non-existant crimes?

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