My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

Balanced budget in the middle of a Pub World Depression? Brainwashed Pub dupe idiocy!!
Obama supports intelligent, safe, well regulated oil production, not ANOTHER Pub boom based on corruption and risk, and ANOTHER BUST for the country. Mindless brainwashed IDIOTS tools of greedy myopic rich A-holes.

Obama biggest recipient of BP cash

Truth is hard for the left
in fact, it is their worst enemy

IDIOT!So what, jackass- He's the Pres. and under Pub default campaign rules that's what happens- They get NOTHING, except an argument for dupes-

What MATTERS is that under the Booosh/ Pubs, Big Oil was in bed LITERALLY with regulators- see BUST, fraud, and worst pollution EVER. Enjoy HELL for your willful ignorance and stupidity. Change the channel, dupe.:cuckoo::lol::eusa_whistle:

Oh no Papa Obama wasn't in bed with them

Like Clinton, he just used the side room off the Oval Office
Obama biggest recipient of BP cash

Truth is hard for the left
in fact, it is their worst enemy

IDIOT!So what, jackass- He's the Pres. and under Pub default campaign rules that's what happens- They get NOTHING, except an argument for dupes-

What MATTERS is that under the Booosh/ Pubs, Big Oil was in bed LITERALLY with regulators- see BUST, fraud, and worst pollution EVER. Enjoy HELL for your willful ignorance and stupidity. Change the channel, dupe.:cuckoo::lol::eusa_whistle:

^^He means look the other way...:lol:

He is another Papa Obama kool-aid drinker
what a dud
If you can only pick one ... what would it be?

Mine is the extension of the Patriot Act. If I could only ask him one question, and get an honest answer, I'd want to know the logic behind that.

Or how about why we are still in Iraq? I mean the private contractors. They cost a lot more than soldiers do. Its war for profit. Socialize the losses and privatize the profits. Reverse socialism. Cronie Capitalism.

Or the free trade agreement he made with Columbia. I'd like to ask Clinton about NAFTA too. Maybe those trade agreements weren't initially bad until Bush loosened up too many regulations and didn't protect the American workers because he purposely wanted to lower wages. But why would Obama go along with more free trade? Triangulator just like Clinton.

But none of these things makes me want to vote for a Republican, because my problem with Obama and Clinton is why did they act just like Republicans? Did they have to give some to get anything? I do see the GOP hold the Democrats hostage to get their way so I do understand that the right is very good at getting their way. Plus they are the party of money so of course money has an unfair influence on our politics. Anyone who disagrees is a fool or liar. Citizens United baby!
I bet you if any politician really tries to take on the Illuminati/Robber Barons they will either get treated like

Carter - Who they made impotent
Kennedys, who they murdered
Clinton, who they impeached
Obama, who they call a socialist. Remember they also called Clinton a socialist? Do they even know what the word means?

And do you all know that the rich tried to pull a coup on our government back when FDR was president? Google the Business Plot. And notice how the liberal media helped cover that up? Because its not liberal dummies. Its only as liberal as they allow it to be.
TM please provide the name of a single European country with a balanced budget. You dont even have to name one with a balanced budget that is in crisis. Just one with a balanced budget.

Until you can provide facts, then you dont have to refuse.

No European country has a balanced budget. The closest is Germany that should reach balanced budget goals in 2013 or 2014. By then Germany will have pulled out of the Eurozone and reinstituted the Deuchmark instead of the Euro which will plunge Europe into a serious depression. Germany will NOT under any circumstances assume the support of the entirety of European socialism.

The problem with countries like Greece is that there are too many government workers with too many lavish salaries and benefits and too few private sector workers to support the public sector.

http://wwOne in three Greeks works for the government. Government employees enjoy higher wages, more munificent benefits, and earlier retirements than private-sector employees. Civil servants can retire after 35 years of service at 80 percent of their highest salary and enjoy lavish health plans, vacations, and other perks. Because they are so numerous, and because Greece is highly centralized, public-sector unions hardly have to negotiate. They simply vote in their preferred bosses. Some civil servants receive bonuses for using computers, others for arriving at work on time. Forestry workers get a bonus for outdoor work. All civil servants receive 14 yearly checks for twelve months’ work. And it’s almost impossible to fire them — even for the grossest incompetence.

Public-sector unions are growing in the U.S. More than 50 percent of all union members are now public employees, and their unions have negotiated sweet deals with local, state, and federal governments. As economic historian John Steele Gordon points out, “Federal workers now earn, in wages and benefits, about twice what their private-sector equivalents get paid. State workers often have Cadillac health plans and retirement benefits far above the private sector average: 80 percent of public-sector workers have pension benefits, only 50 percent in the private sector. Many can retire at age 50.” While private employers were shedding jobs during the recession, state and local governments hired 110,000 new workers.

Lessons for the U.S. in Greece’s National Meltdown - Mona Charen - National Review Online

Democrats admire Greece, to democrats now that the US has become Greece things will be demonstrably better.

WE are on the same course as Greece...the cradle of Democracy has finally rotted.

We aren't on the same course as Greece. We ARE Greece because our deficit already exceeds our GDP. Greece has adopted severe austerity measures because the European Union said that they woud refuse to lend anymore money if that money was going to be used to support a bloated and useless public sector. Particularly Germany, which has the best economy in the EU said "go to work".
I bet you if any politician really tries to take on the Illuminati/Robber Barons they will either get treated like

Carter - Who they made impotent
Kennedys, who they murdered
Clinton, who they impeached
Obama, who they call a socialist. Remember they also called Clinton a socialist? Do they even know what the word means?

And do you all know that the rich tried to pull a coup on our government back when FDR was president? Google the Business Plot. And notice how the liberal media helped cover that up? Because its not liberal dummies. Its only as liberal as they allow it to be.

Illuminati ?

Please tell you DON"T believe 911 was a "set-up"
My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

Sad but true

Over twice as many U.S. soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama in 3 1/2 years than did under Bush in 8 years

There have been 1954 U.S. soldiers killed so far in the Afghanistan war according to icasualties

1324 of those Deaths have occurred in less than 3 1/2 years under Papa Obama
630 of those deaths occurred in 8 years under George W. Bush

Did you know Bush wasn't doing anything in Afganistan or Iraq? Soldiers went crazy just sitting there wondering what they were doing there or what the mission really was. He wanted a quagmire to drag out so he could bankrupt the government.

Obama is actually trying to win in Afganistan. So soldiers have been put in harms way. They did attack us from that region of the world and we don't want Al Queda to remain safe among the Taliban. And don't forget, Romney doesn't want to withdraw so how is he better on this issue?

How many people died in Iraq? All of those deaths are needless deaths. And a lot of the deaths in Afganistan are due to the fact that we should have never been fighting two wars at one time. We were spread too thin. Why? Because Bush lied us into Iraq. And the fact is, if Bush didn't get hit on 9-11, we wouldn't even be in Afganistan if you really want to know the truth. Obama 3.5 years in and not been hit. Pretty impressive, huh?
TM name a single European country that has a balanced budget

You are asking her a direct question.

I'm not sure that she has ever answered a direct question in the over 100,000 posts she has made since I have known her.

Don't expect that to change now.

Remember we asked Republicans why we were still in Iraq when Bush was in office and they said we were fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here. First of all, that's rediculous. Second of all, why aren't they still saying that stupid shit now? Because they are playing politics with our troops lives?
His serious lack of political experience

His agenda, which hi-lited that inexperience right from the start, was to place a band-aid on what he himself described as the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression so that he could rush headlong into his primary goal - socialized medicine.

I truly believe his ego was overly inflated by his victory so much so that he believed the entire country would overwhelmingly approve of Obamacare.

Unfortunately, his lack of leadership soon became clear when he turned over all responsibility for Obamacare to the Dem Congress, rarely providing any support or assistance when needed, with the resulting very ugly process producing not a single Pub vote in support.

His job approval ratings took a dive from that point and has remained below 50% the majority of the time since then. I do not believe Obama expected or understood that negative reaction and he does not seem to have any sense of how to recover his once positive position with the electorate.

Blaming others is not the definition of leadership but is the reaction of one who lacks experience in producing workable solutions to serious problems.
My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

Sad but true

Over twice as many U.S. soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama in 3 1/2 years than did under Bush in 8 years

There have been 1954 U.S. soldiers killed so far in the Afghanistan war according to icasualties

1324 of those Deaths have occurred in less than 3 1/2 years under Papa Obama
630 of those deaths occurred in 8 years under George W. Bush

Well Bush had a longer run of not getting "hit" as you say

Your poor attempts to spin Papa Obama' death rate is noted
no doubt all part of the Illuminati

Strange how the Left use to protest troop deaths but not now
oh wait , Papa Obama is in office
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TM name a single European country that has a balanced budget

You are asking her a direct question.

I'm not sure that she has ever answered a direct question in the over 100,000 posts she has made since I have known her.

Don't expect that to change now.


Immie it was never claimed by me and is merely a distraction from the facts given.

Your jsut such a hack and an emotional ball of republicanism you cant think straight

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