My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

You have already forgotten how many were dying a month under Bush?

No of course not

But apparently some on the Left want to forget
that more soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Papa Obama than Bush

Sad how the left is concerned with the deaths only when
then can try to use it as a political advantage

My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

Sad but true

Over twice as many U.S. soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama in 3 1/2 years than did under Bush in 8 years

There have been 1954 U.S. soldiers killed so far in the Afghanistan war according to icasualties

1324 of those Deaths have occurred in less than 3 1/2 years under Papa Obama
630 of those deaths occurred in 8 years under George W. Bush

Deaths caused because its tough fighting the enemy in Afganistan is one thing but deaths because Bush, the oil and defense contractors wanted to go to war in Iraq, two different things. Even the deaths happening today are happening because Bush got hit on 9-11 and didn't win the war he faught for 6 fucking years.

And remember how you praised Bush for being tough and staying the course and making the tough decisions. Remember you wanted a fucking surge? What has changed?

And remember with Romney we go to war with Iran next. Obama got us out of Iraq. Soon Afganistan.
TM name a single European country that has a balanced budget

You are asking her a direct question.

I'm not sure that she has ever answered a direct question in the over 100,000 posts she has made since I have known her.

Don't expect that to change now.


Immie it was never claimed by me and is merely a distraction from the facts given.

Your jsut such a hack and an emotional ball of republicanism you cant think straight

You claimed being fiscally responsible is a failed policy, yet when asked to name the European country that has been fiscally responsible, you can't. Mainly because there is none.

If you have any integrity at all, how can you possibly claim that a policy that hasnt been implimented in decades anywhere in the world has failed?
No of course not

But apparently some on the Left want to forget
that more soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Papa Obama than Bush

Sad how the left is concerned with the deaths only when
then can try to use it as a political advantage

My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

Sad but true

Over twice as many U.S. soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama in 3 1/2 years than did under Bush in 8 years

There have been 1954 U.S. soldiers killed so far in the Afghanistan war according to icasualties

1324 of those Deaths have occurred in less than 3 1/2 years under Papa Obama
630 of those deaths occurred in 8 years under George W. Bush

Deaths caused because its tough fighting the enemy in Afganistan is one thing but deaths because Bush, the oil and defense contractors wanted to go to war in Iraq, two different things. Even the deaths happening today are happening because Bush got hit on 9-11 and didn't win the war he faught for 6 fucking years.

And remember how you praised Bush for being tough and staying the course and making the tough decisions. Remember you wanted a fucking surge? What has changed?

And remember with Romney we go to war with Iran next. Obama got us out of Iraq. Soon Afganistan.

You know I did all that..?

What I do remember
the hero of the Left

Cindy Sheehan

she is still out there but for some reason the
MSM and the Left don't care about her anymore

Funny how that works
I bet you if any politician really tries to take on the Illuminati/Robber Barons they will either get treated like

Carter - Who they made impotent
Kennedys, who they murdered
Clinton, who they impeached
Obama, who they call a socialist. Remember they also called Clinton a socialist? Do they even know what the word means?

And do you all know that the rich tried to pull a coup on our government back when FDR was president? Google the Business Plot. And notice how the liberal media helped cover that up? Because its not liberal dummies. Its only as liberal as they allow it to be.

The Kennedys, both JFK and RFK, were murdered by lefties.

And the GOP didn't make a deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election between Carter and Reagan. Bush was head of the CIA and that is how he got the nod for VP. And a year later why they all got caught selling guns to Iran in the Iran Contra Scandal. Reagan invented Osama Bin Ladin. Funded him. Bin Ladin helped Reagan beat the Russians.
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Also, incompetence, as Peggy Noonan noted.

There is a growing air of incompetence around Mr. Obama's White House. It was seen again this week in Supreme Court arguments over the administration's challenge to Arizona's attempted crackdown on illegal immigration. As Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News wrote, the court seemed to be disagreeing with the administration's understanding of federal power: "Solicitor General Donald Verrilli . . . met resistance across ideological lines. . . . Even Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the court's only Hispanic and an Obama appointee, told Verrilli his argument is 'not selling very well.'" This follows last month's embarrassing showing over the constitutionality of parts of ObamaCare.

All of this looks so bush league, so scattered. Add it to the General Services Administration, to Solyndra, to the other scandals, and you get a growing sense that no one's in charge, that the administration is paying attention to politics but not day-to-day governance.

The two most public cabinet members are Eric Holder at Justice and Janet Napolitano at Homeland Security. He is overseeing the administration's Supreme Court cases. She is in charge of being unmoved by the daily stories of Transportation Security Administration incompetence and even cruelty at our airports. Those incidents and stories continue, but if you go to the Homeland Security website, there is no mention of them. It's as if they don't even exist.


Maybe the 2012 election is simpler than we think.

It will be about Mr. Obama.

Did you like the past four years? Good, you can get four more.

Do the president and his people strike you as competent? If so, you can renew his contract, and he will renew theirs.

If you don't want to rehire him, you will look at the other guy. Does he strike you as credible, a possible president? Then you can hire him.

Republicans should cheer up.

A Bush League President -
You're the typical idiot repeating a lie over and over and over.

UBL was rich and didn't need or want CIA money, idiot. He used his wealth to arm his friends in Afghanistan and gained influence in that shithole, whereas the CIA funded those islamic fighters that became the Northern Alliance.

Um, UBL had the leader of the Northern Alliance killed on 10 Sep 01...does that date ring a bell? Eh idiot.

UBL sided with the Taliban, not all Afghans are with the Taliban....moron.

I bet you if any politician really tries to take on the Illuminati/Robber Barons they will either get treated like

Carter - Who they made impotent
Kennedys, who they murdered
Clinton, who they impeached
Obama, who they call a socialist. Remember they also called Clinton a socialist? Do they even know what the word means?

And do you all know that the rich tried to pull a coup on our government back when FDR was president? Google the Business Plot. And notice how the liberal media helped cover that up? Because its not liberal dummies. Its only as liberal as they allow it to be.

The Kennedys, both JFK and RFK, were murdered by lefties.

And the GOP didn't make a deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election between Carter and Reagan. Bush was head of the CIA and that is how he got the nod for VP. And a year later why they all got caught selling guns to Iran in the Iran Contra Scandal. Reagan invented Osama Bin Ladin. Funded him. Bin Ladin helped Reagan beat the Russians.
You're the typical idiot repeating a lie over and over and over.

UBL was rich and didn't need or want CIA money, idiot. He used his wealth to arm his friends in Afghanistan and gained influence in that shithole, whereas the CIA funded those islamic fighters that became the Northern Alliance.

Um, UBL had the leader of the Northern Alliance killed on 10 Sep 01...does that date ring a bell? Eh idiot.

UBL sided with the Taliban, not all Afghans are with the Taliban....moron.

The Kennedys, both JFK and RFK, were murdered by lefties.

And the GOP didn't make a deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election between Carter and Reagan. Bush was head of the CIA and that is how he got the nod for VP. And a year later why they all got caught selling guns to Iran in the Iran Contra Scandal. Reagan invented Osama Bin Ladin. Funded him. Bin Ladin helped Reagan beat the Russians.

Ha, what right wing spin. What half truths. Remember this. The Taliban offered Bin Ladin up on a platter, but Bush and Chaney and Rummy wanted to go to war. They needed Afganistan in order to go to war with Iraq. That's why they let 9-11 happen. What's 3000 civilians to GW, right? The christian man he is. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

Hey it is your story and you can tell it any way you want

Next time don't forget all those deaths in Afghanistan under Papa Obama

The left has a bad habit of that

where is your proof of that you clown.

Bush had hundereds dying a month in Iraq.

You people cheered it like it was some fucking game
Also, incompetence, as Peggy Noonan noted.

There is a growing air of incompetence around Mr. Obama's White House. It was seen again this week in Supreme Court arguments over the administration's challenge to Arizona's attempted crackdown on illegal immigration. As Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News wrote, the court seemed to be disagreeing with the administration's understanding of federal power: "Solicitor General Donald Verrilli . . . met resistance across ideological lines. . . . Even Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the court's only Hispanic and an Obama appointee, told Verrilli his argument is 'not selling very well.'" This follows last month's embarrassing showing over the constitutionality of parts of ObamaCare.

All of this looks so bush league, so scattered. Add it to the General Services Administration, to Solyndra, to the other scandals, and you get a growing sense that no one's in charge, that the administration is paying attention to politics but not day-to-day governance.

The two most public cabinet members are Eric Holder at Justice and Janet Napolitano at Homeland Security. He is overseeing the administration's Supreme Court cases. She is in charge of being unmoved by the daily stories of Transportation Security Administration incompetence and even cruelty at our airports. Those incidents and stories continue, but if you go to the Homeland Security website, there is no mention of them. It's as if they don't even exist.


Maybe the 2012 election is simpler than we think.

It will be about Mr. Obama.

Did you like the past four years? Good, you can get four more.

Do the president and his people strike you as competent? If so, you can renew his contract, and he will renew theirs.

If you don't want to rehire him, you will look at the other guy. Does he strike you as credible, a possible president? Then you can hire him.

Republicans should cheer up.

A Bush League President -

So your voting Romeny ?
You're the typical idiot repeating a lie over and over and over.

UBL was rich and didn't need or want CIA money, idiot. He used his wealth to arm his friends in Afghanistan and gained influence in that shithole, whereas the CIA funded those islamic fighters that became the Northern Alliance.

Um, UBL had the leader of the Northern Alliance killed on 10 Sep 01...does that date ring a bell? Eh idiot.

UBL sided with the Taliban, not all Afghans are with the Taliban....moron.

The Kennedys, both JFK and RFK, were murdered by lefties.

And the GOP didn't make a deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election between Carter and Reagan. Bush was head of the CIA and that is how he got the nod for VP. And a year later why they all got caught selling guns to Iran in the Iran Contra Scandal. Reagan invented Osama Bin Ladin. Funded him. Bin Ladin helped Reagan beat the Russians.

And if you are correct, you are justifying Obama's reason for still being in Afganistan. Al Queda is bad and we can't let them take over Afganistan like they did before. We have to win the hearts and minds of the citizens so they reject Al Queda. And if we weren't in Afganistan, how would we have been able to fly into Pakistan and kill Bin Ladin? Obama killed Bin Ladin, remember? God help us if Bush would have accomplished that. :eusa_pray:
Hey it is your story and you can tell it any way you want

Next time don't forget all those deaths in Afghanistan under Papa Obama

The left has a bad habit of that

where is your proof of that you clown.

Bush had hundereds dying a month in Iraq.

You people cheered it like it was some fucking game

Just like the rest of us, Republicans think soldiers are just pawns in the game of war for profit. Hey, they volunteered, right? And notice none of Willard Romney's kids enlisted. Yes, his name is actually Willard. Did you know?

And did you see Obama at the White House Correspondence Dinner? How can Willard beat that?
Not only don't Republicans care about us enough to want to protect the middle class, they don't even care if 3000 or 10,000 of us die for their corporations. That is what Iraq was about. Oil and Defense Contractors. Just ask Eisenhower or Ron Paul.
To be disappointed would mean that I had expectations for him.
I did not.
He has done pretty much what I expected. Bush II.
Obama and Bush are/were both AWOL on the U.S. economy letting the system run itself and appointing several dark characters to perform economic policies or the lack thereof.
When Obama appointed Larry Summers - that is all anyone needed to make an assessment of what Obama thinks of the financial system....nothing. He didn't choose Summers...the machine did. And Larry Summers is a very, very, very good friend of Wall Street.

Okay. Ignore the word 'disappointment', and I'll leave out the word 'president'. What is the one thing Obama has done that you perceive as his biggest blunder.

Making Obamacare the number one priority of his administration.

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