My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

They said the austerity would fix things jusyt like you clowns claim here in this country.

It didnt work did it.
The right has hated everything that worked to improve our economy...

Oh, is that correct? Then explain why the "right" supports oil and natural gas while the "left" is constantly on a witch hunt. Why is there $40-$90 billion in taxation included in Obama's proposed budget?

One of the very few sectors of our economy that is hiring, succeeding, and flourishing to the benefit of our nation is yet again under the Obama's gun. The liberal media constantly drags this industry through the mud with lies, misrepresentations, and scare tactics.

You're full of shit.
You guys will keep up this stupid game of refusing what is cold hard fact right up until your party is dead
You guys will keep up this stupid game of refusing what is cold hard fact right up until your party is dead

TM please provide the name of a single European country with a balanced budget. You dont even have to name one with a balanced budget that is in crisis. Just one with a balanced budget.

Until you can provide facts, then you dont have to refuse.
What action did he take as President that you are most disappointed in.
His failure to press for investigation and prosecution of the Bush Administration's many crimes will ensure repetition of similar criminal activity in the future. That failure is a bold statement that high political office affords immunity from prosecution.


That was my first major disappointment with Obama. It showed me who he is and what we could expect from him.

what could we expect from this picture?

He was going around hugging men?

He hasn't done that but he has bowed a lot
Not closing GITMO I suppose is my biggest dissapointment.
However extending the prtiot act and strengthing it, extending the Bush tax cuts, NOt accelerating our withdrawl from Afgansitan and Iraq.
Several more.

I know he has explanations for why he's done the things he's done, but I can't remember the Gitmo one. Explanations vs excuses is the next order of business.
The only explanation I've heard for his failure to investigate Bush is it would get in the way of more important things and would create conflicts in Washington. That came from Pelosi, whose first order of business as new Speaker was, "Impeachment is off the table," and is utter bullshit!

The bottom line is regardless of any explanation Obama might offer for that failure is invalid. There is no excuse for it and it branded him as corrupt.
this is why your party is dying you refuse facts

You are the idiot who is clueless about what/why and how austerity measures are used/needed due to the existence of the EU. The EU are under different laws as well as bound together so that if one fails they all are at risk... Put more simply, austerity measures in Germany are to protect itself from the failures happening in Greece; Italy; and Spain.

The fact that your mindless understanding (ironic statement) knowing that the EU have used bail out methods early on is telling. In addition that they are prevented from inflating currency as we have done, further proves my point that your blanket statements serve only to highlight your personal ignorance on the matter.

Dear little lying sack of fucking pig shit, when are you going to admitt you lied about Europe and austerity?

Your ability to use foul language does nothing to improve my opinion of your ignorance. You are wrong in your attempts to understand the issue. This has been highlighted by your own understanding of what austerity measures enacted address.

You are so stupid as to have actually stated that the EU didn't do bailouts. They did IDIOT!

Bottom line here? You are too stupid to have an intelligent discussion with.

Europe is in the grip of tough austerity measures - some of the deepest public sector cuts for a generation.

The colossal debts and rock-bottom growth of eurozone "periphery" nations - especially Greece and Italy - have hammered market confidence. The interest rates (yields) on their sovereign bonds have soared, making it hard or even impossible for them to borrow in international markets.

Greece, Ireland and Portugal have all received massive bailouts from the EU and International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The 27 EU member states aim to cut deficits to a maximum of 3% of GDP by the financial year 2014-15, so what belt-tightening measures are the countries taking?
Balanced budget in the middle of a Pub World Depression? Brainwashed Pub dupe idiocy!!
Obama supports intelligent, safe, well regulated oil production, not ANOTHER Pub boom based on corruption and risk, and ANOTHER BUST for the country. Mindless brainwashed IDIOTS tools of greedy myopic rich A-holes.
Economic failure. Extension of the Patriot Act also, but the right would have impeached him had he not continued that monstrosity.

Why would the right have impeached him - I mean, on what grounds?

Some have called for impeachment with NO grounds; the hate for Obama is stunning.
In those instances where no specific reason is offered the presumptive cause is either racism or brainwashed stupidity, or both.
Balanced budget in the middle of a Pub World Depression? Brainwashed Pub dupe idiocy!!
Obama supports intelligent, safe, well regulated oil production, not ANOTHER Pub boom based on corruption and risk, and ANOTHER BUST for the country. Mindless brainwashed IDIOTS tools of greedy myopic rich A-holes.

Obama biggest recipient of BP cash

Truth is hard for the left
in fact, it is their worst enemy
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MY reason is Obama has waited way too long trying to PERSUADE bought of Pubs who never had any idea of cooperation. Never went after the criminal Pubs who got us in this mess, etc.

But that's why he's a great President, and the Dems are a great party. Hope it works....

God the Pubs and Dupes are a disgrace. I hope for their recovery, or eternal damnation for their sins.
You guys will keep up this stupid game of refusing what is cold hard fact right up until your party is dead

TM please provide the name of a single European country with a balanced budget. You dont even have to name one with a balanced budget that is in crisis. Just one with a balanced budget.

Until you can provide facts, then you dont have to refuse.

No European country has a balanced budget. The closest is Germany that should reach balanced budget goals in 2013 or 2014. By then Germany will have pulled out of the Eurozone and reinstituted the Deuchmark instead of the Euro which will plunge Europe into a serious depression. Germany will NOT under any circumstances assume the support of the entirety of European socialism.

The problem with countries like Greece is that there are too many government workers with too many lavish salaries and benefits and too few private sector workers to support the public sector.

http://wwOne in three Greeks works for the government. Government employees enjoy higher wages, more munificent benefits, and earlier retirements than private-sector employees. Civil servants can retire after 35 years of service at 80 percent of their highest salary and enjoy lavish health plans, vacations, and other perks. Because they are so numerous, and because Greece is highly centralized, public-sector unions hardly have to negotiate. They simply vote in their preferred bosses. Some civil servants receive bonuses for using computers, others for arriving at work on time. Forestry workers get a bonus for outdoor work. All civil servants receive 14 yearly checks for twelve months’ work. And it’s almost impossible to fire them — even for the grossest incompetence.

Public-sector unions are growing in the U.S. More than 50 percent of all union members are now public employees, and their unions have negotiated sweet deals with local, state, and federal governments. As economic historian John Steele Gordon points out, “Federal workers now earn, in wages and benefits, about twice what their private-sector equivalents get paid. State workers often have Cadillac health plans and retirement benefits far above the private sector average: 80 percent of public-sector workers have pension benefits, only 50 percent in the private sector. Many can retire at age 50.” While private employers were shedding jobs during the recession, state and local governments hired 110,000 new workers.

Lessons for the U.S. in Greece’s National Meltdown - Mona Charen - National Review Online

Democrats admire Greece, to democrats now that the US has become Greece things will be demonstrably better.
Dear disgruntled brained con idiot, Europe is in a double dip because they took the con idea of doing austerity,

We did stimulus and are out of a recession and in a recovery.

Those are cold hard facts you fucking liying sack of dog shit

They did not "choose austerity" measures! This single post by you proves the only idiot is you!

Spain pushes austerity in 'extremely fragile' period - Yahoo! News Singapore

You are a dishonest and stupid person "clevergirl"

You are in fact the most stupid person I have ever come in contact with...

Look at your source, look at the date, read what you posted. How can you blame austerity on a double dip when in fact austerity has not yet taken place??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I honestly mean this when I say it, TM, please tell me you did not have any children.

TM, it is you that claim the us and other countries do austerity, it’s not on us to prove they have not. YOU need to show where cuts in spending and welfare programs have occurred. We have shown you, even with your own sources where if anything more spending has taken place.

You are in fact to stupid to back up your lies, that is why the only people on these boards that agree with you are hacks like RW/Shaman/Rtard, posters that most on the left don't even like.
Balanced budget in the middle of a Pub World Depression? Brainwashed Pub dupe idiocy!!
Obama supports intelligent, safe, well regulated oil production, not ANOTHER Pub boom based on corruption and risk, and ANOTHER BUST for the country. Mindless brainwashed IDIOTS tools of greedy myopic rich A-holes.

Obama biggest recipient of BP cash

Truth is hard for the left
in fact, it is their worst enemy

IDIOT!So what, jackass- He's the Pres. and under Pub default campaign rules that's what happens- They get NOTHING, except an argument for dupes-

What MATTERS is that under the Booosh/ Pubs, Big Oil was in bed LITERALLY with regulators- see BUST, fraud, and worst pollution EVER. Enjoy HELL for your willful ignorance and stupidity. Change the channel, dupe.:cuckoo::lol::eusa_whistle:
You guys will keep up this stupid game of refusing what is cold hard fact right up until your party is dead

TM please provide the name of a single European country with a balanced budget. You dont even have to name one with a balanced budget that is in crisis. Just one with a balanced budget.

Until you can provide facts, then you dont have to refuse.

No European country has a balanced budget. The closest is Germany that should reach balanced budget goals in 2013 or 2014. By then Germany will have pulled out of the Eurozone and reinstituted the Deuchmark instead of the Euro which will plunge Europe into a serious depression. Germany will NOT under any circumstances assume the support of the entirety of European socialism.

The problem with countries like Greece is that there are too many government workers with too many lavish salaries and benefits and too few private sector workers to support the public sector.

http://wwOne in three Greeks works for the government. Government employees enjoy higher wages, more munificent benefits, and earlier retirements than private-sector employees. Civil servants can retire after 35 years of service at 80 percent of their highest salary and enjoy lavish health plans, vacations, and other perks. Because they are so numerous, and because Greece is highly centralized, public-sector unions hardly have to negotiate. They simply vote in their preferred bosses. Some civil servants receive bonuses for using computers, others for arriving at work on time. Forestry workers get a bonus for outdoor work. All civil servants receive 14 yearly checks for twelve months’ work. And it’s almost impossible to fire them — even for the grossest incompetence.

Public-sector unions are growing in the U.S. More than 50 percent of all union members are now public employees, and their unions have negotiated sweet deals with local, state, and federal governments. As economic historian John Steele Gordon points out, “Federal workers now earn, in wages and benefits, about twice what their private-sector equivalents get paid. State workers often have Cadillac health plans and retirement benefits far above the private sector average: 80 percent of public-sector workers have pension benefits, only 50 percent in the private sector. Many can retire at age 50.” While private employers were shedding jobs during the recession, state and local governments hired 110,000 new workers.

Lessons for the U.S. in Greece’s National Meltdown - Mona Charen - National Review Online

Democrats admire Greece, to democrats now that the US has become Greece things will be demonstrably better.

WE are on the same course as Greece...the cradle of Democracy has finally rotted.
Balanced budget in the middle of a Pub World Depression? Brainwashed Pub dupe idiocy!!
Obama supports intelligent, safe, well regulated oil production, not ANOTHER Pub boom based on corruption and risk, and ANOTHER BUST for the country. Mindless brainwashed IDIOTS tools of greedy myopic rich A-holes.

Obama biggest recipient of BP cash

Truth is hard for the left
in fact, it is their worst enemy

IDIOT!So what, jackass- He's the Pres. and under Pub default campaign rules that's what happens- They get NOTHING, except an argument for dupes-

What MATTERS is that under the Booosh/ Pubs, Big Oil was in bed LITERALLY with regulators- see BUST, fraud, and worst pollution EVER. Enjoy HELL for your willful ignorance and stupidity. Change the channel, dupe.:cuckoo::lol::eusa_whistle:

^^He means look the other way...:lol:

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