My own conspiracy theory


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Often find myself wondering why the US is so against sex. Christianity's part of it, but not all of it. But research into what causes violence (carried out in large part by Germany following World War 2) has shown conclusively that when sex and pleasure are suppressed, violence goes up in a culture and society. But why would any culture or society wanna deliberately cause more violence? Well, capitalism comes to mind. If society's more violent, the public typically gives the government more authority hoping that they'll keep them safe. You sell more guns, security systems, law enforcement gets more funding and more power, prison industry builds more prisons (charging for eevry incarceration,) etc. Violence and mitigation of violence is big business. Whereas if you went the other way and encouraged sex and reduced violence you wouldn't make as much money.

Other countries like in Europe and Asia don't have for-profit systems quite like we do. And they encourage sex and pleasure and don't have the same problems with violence we do. And they have the same violent movies and videogames as us, some have the same access to weapons. But because they don't suppress sexuality like the US does, they don't have the same problems with violence.

The US is violent not because of gun availability, violent entertainment, or religion, but because the government and business want it to be as it benefits them. I think winning World War 2 was the worst thing that ever happened to the US. For quite a while we reigned supreme and absolute power corrupts absolutely. WW2 was when we were at our best socially. Gone steadily downhill ever since though. Government and business are interchangeable now. And a nation of free-loving hippies wouldn't sustain the military industrial complex nearly as well as a nation of alcolhoic-induced aggression violent sociopaths afraid of whatever the news says they should be afraid of. And so long as sex can be a sin, premarital sex is a sin, homosexual sex is a sin, and basically sex for fun is a sin, people are going to be fearful, sexually frustrated, and violent.
You're obsessed with sex, Delta. Have ever actually experienced the reality? You and Obama would probably make a nice couple.
Is it just the US? Its true that every time sex is mentioned here, people ^^ go all to pieces but I don't think its just the US.

A lot of it has to do with religion. I doubt the xtian gods were as anti-sex and anti-joy as the followers are but that fear and anger has a very powerful control over them.

Beyond that, its too early in the morning for anything deeper.
You're obsessed with sex, Delta. Have ever actually experienced the reality? You and Obama would probably make a nice couple.

Have had more than my fair share of partners. Why I prefer talking about it now. Very little appeal for it any more. Been there, done everything. :)

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