My parents are scared


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
They live in Florida and are both fed up with the negative attack ads from both sides. There's a lot of mis-information being spread around and they're nervous on who to vote for.

Virtually on every issue, including the economy, they weren't sure who to vote for.

In the end, the ages of the Supreme Court justices is what, I think convinced them to vote for Obama.

I asked them, "Let's say our next President has to appoint two new justices to the Supreme Court. How can you get an idea of what justices they will appoint? Well, look at who he chose to be his running mate." They hate Sarah Palin. They're socially moderate and believe in gay marriage and abortion rights for first term mothers. While McCain said he will have no litmis test, we can get an idea of who he'll appoint to the Supreme Court via Sarah Palin. She doesn't believe in science, she hunts wolves from helicopters and she wants to turn this country into a Christian version of Iran.

I turned my parents, who've voted for Reagan, Bush HW, Clinton, Gore and Bush W into voters for Obama.

What's concerning is the amount of mis-information going around. Something should really be done to curb the bias in the media... both left and right.
They live in Florida and are both fed up with the negative attack ads from both sides. There's a lot of mis-information being spread around and they're nervous on who to vote for.

Virtually on every issue, including the economy, they weren't sure who to vote for.

In the end, the ages of the Supreme Court justices is what, I think convinced them to vote for Obama.

I asked them, "Let's say our next President has to appoint two new justices to the Supreme Court. How can you get an idea of what justices they will appoint? Well, look at who he chose to be his running mate." They hate Sarah Palin. They're socially moderate and believe in gay marriage and abortion rights for first term mothers. While McCain said he will have no litmis test, we can get an idea of who he'll appoint to the Supreme Court via Sarah Palin. She doesn't believe in science, she hunts wolves from helicopters and she wants to turn this country into a Christian version of Iran.

I turned my parents, who've voted for Reagan, Bush HW, Clinton, Gore and Bush W into voters for Obama.

What's concerning is the amount of mis-information going around. Something should really be done to curb the bias in the media... both left and right.

congrats. you're helping to slaughter more babies. Obama will put people in there that allow babies to suffocate after they survive an abortion. or at very least promote partial birth abortion. you get pissed when people talk about the obama-ayers connection, and now you're comparing Sarah Palin to Ahmadinijad. hippocrite.
congrats. you're helping to slaughter more babies. Obama will put people in there that allow babies to suffocate after they survive an abortion. or at very least promote partial birth abortion. you get pissed when people talk about the obama-ayers connection, and now you're comparing Sarah Palin to Ahmadinijad. hippocrite.

She's an extreme right-wing fundamentalist whose views do not fall in line with main stream America's views. And no, I did not compare her to Ahmadinejad, I compared her to ayatollah khomeini. She won't even denounce abortion clinic bombings. She believes a woman who is brutally raped shouldn't have the right to have an abortion. She's old school, as in 100 years ago old school and is an extremely dangerous person.

Removing a fetus from your body is not slaughtering a baby. It's removing a fetus. Do you take anti-biotics, Elvis? You're killing a life form! Have you ever killed an insect? Murderer! And yes, I am indeed comparing a first trimester cluster of cells to bacteria and insects.

I do not support partial birth abortion at all. I do not support any abortion in which the fetus can survive outside of the mother's womb.

Just for everyone's information, I was in a relationship two years ago where my girlfriend got pregnant. She was on anti-seizure medication for bi-polar disorder and it somehow counteracted the birth control she was on. She had been on the anti-seizure medication for about 8 weeks while she was pregnant and there was no way, yet, to know what kind of damage the medication had done to the fetus. It was assumed at the very least the baby would be born with severe birth defects. We absolutely had no choice in the matter, if we ever wanted to have a baby together this baby would've been too much of a challenge for us. I went to the clinic with her and it was a procedure in which I will never forget for the rest of my life. I don't think abortion is anything to take lightly, but I believe people need to have that chance there, that backup just in case. There are people who do use abortion as a form of birth control... women who have had 2... maybe 3 abortions in their lives. As horrible and horrifiyng as it sounds and as idiotic of decisions as people make... they need to be protected just as my girlfriend and I needed to be protected.

I do see the other side of the argument... "What about the baby? Who will protect it?" And in the end, I have to answer "God will."
I'm in Florida now and I can confirm that they're right about the airwaves being flooded with ads. The ones McCain approves are negative, the ones sponsored by various Republican groups are frightening; Obamas are about 50 / 50 positive / negative and I haven't seen any from Democratic side groups regarding the big race.

The hardest ones to stomach are the fear mongering ads from the Republican side groups - especially the ones aimed at Florida's seniors.

I can appreciate your parents trepidation.

I'm in Florida now and I can confirm that they're right about the airwaves being flooded with ads. The ones McCain approves are negative, the ones sponsored by various Republican groups are frightening; Obamas are about 50 / 50 positive / negative and I haven't seen any from Democratic side groups regarding the big race.

The hardest ones to stomach are the fear mongering ads from the Republican side groups - especially the ones aimed at Florida's seniors.

I can appreciate your parents trepidation.


I don't think it comes down to Florida this year.... sad to say. If New Hampshire, Colorado and New Mexico all go for Obama, this election is over. If Virginia comes on board as well, this will be a landslide.
She's an extreme right-wing fundamentalist whose views do not fall in line with main stream America's views. And no, I did not compare her to Ahmadinejad, I compared her to ayatollah khomeini. She won't even denounce abortion clinic bombings. She believes a woman who is brutally raped shouldn't have the right to have an abortion. She's old school, as in 100 years ago old school and is an extremely dangerous person.

Removing a fetus from your body is not slaughtering a baby. It's removing a fetus. Do you take anti-biotics, Elvis? You're killing a life form! Have you ever killed an insect? Murderer! And yes, I am indeed comparing a first trimester cluster of cells to bacteria and insects.

I do not support partial birth abortion at all. I do not support any abortion in which the fetus can survive outside of the mother's womb.

Just for everyone's information, I was in a relationship two years ago where my girlfriend got pregnant. She was on anti-seizure medication for bi-polar disorder and it somehow counteracted the birth control she was on. She had been on the anti-seizure medication for about 8 weeks while she was pregnant and there was no way, yet, to know what kind of damage the medication had done to the fetus. It was assumed at the very least the baby would be born with severe birth defects. We absolutely had no choice in the matter, if we ever wanted to have a baby together this baby would've been too much of a challenge for us. I went to the clinic with her and it was a procedure in which I will never forget for the rest of my life. I don't think abortion is anything to take lightly, but I believe people need to have that chance there, that backup just in case. There are people who do use abortion as a form of birth control... women who have had 2... maybe 3 abortions in their lives. As horrible and horrifiyng as it sounds and as idiotic of decisions as people make... they need to be protected just as my girlfriend and I needed to be protected.

I do see the other side of the argument... "What about the baby? Who will protect it?" And in the end, I have to answer "God will."
ayatollah. even better. you are a bigger hippocrite than I thought. you have no right to counter any attacks brought on here on obama when the repubs bring up ayers or wright. none. when palin recommends hanging non-christians, ill listen. until then, go hang out with the people who yelled "terrorist" and "kill him" because you are on the same level, probably lower. you say you are against partial birth abortion. well the Messiah is for it. so enjoy.
ayatollah. even better. you are a bigger hippocrite than I thought. you have no right to counter any attacks brought on here on obama when the repubs bring up ayers or wright. none. when palin recommends hanging non-christians, ill listen. until then, go hang out with the people who yelled "terrorist" and "kill him" because you are on the same level, probably lower. you say you are against partial birth abortion. well the Messiah is for it. so enjoy.

Palin wants to turn America into a Christian-fundamentalist country. This country was founded upon freedom of religion, so therefore, I believe that we should NOT turn America into any religious-fundamentalist country, much like what Iran is.

Elvis, I've heard about enough from you. Over the past week, I've given you many chances to substantiate your argument. Your postings are almost borderline Chris-like with lack of substance and poor grammar and sentence structure. It's amazing as to how many conservatives on here are so un-intelligent. Crimson, on the other hand, seems to be quite intelligent. I'd love to go toe to toe with him.

Oh and it's hypochlorite, not "hippocrite." And it's nuclear, as in NOO-CLE-UR. Not nucular as in NOO-KYOO-LER.
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Palin wants to turn America into a Christian-fundamentalist country. This country was founded upon freedom of religion, so therefore, I believe that we should NOT turn America into any religious-fundamentalist country, much like what Iran is.

Elvis, I've heard about enough from you. Over the past week, I've given you many chances to substantiate your argument. Your postings are almost borderline Chris-like with lack of substance and poor grammar and sentence structure. It's amazing as to how many conservatives on here are so un-intelligent. Crimson, on the other hand, seems to be quite intelligent. I'd love to go toe to toe with him.

It's intelligent compare Sarah Palin to the Ayatollah? It's hate speech. Has Palin ever recommended the death penalty for people of different faiths? No.

I didn't know the grammar police were going to infultrate this site. I am perfectly capable of good sentence structure. It is difficult to even know how to respond to the ugliness that appears in your threads. Your hippocracy is just plain stunning.
As for my intelligence, my IQ is 130. You should not have put an "and" between substance and poor and another "and" between grammar and sentence. It's poor sentence structure. I go onto these threads to relax, not to prepare term papers.

It is irritating the way you go around on here throwing polls in people's faces telling them to admit defeat. People have the "audacity of hope" and somehow pray that the race turns around and you just say it's impossible.
Then you compare people's candidates to the Ayatollah Khoemeni. I haven't seen anything that ugly on this entire site.

Oh and another thing, how intelligent is it to put "the bird" in your avatar?
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They live in Florida and are both fed up with the negative attack ads from both sides. There's a lot of mis-information being spread around and they're nervous on who to vote for.

Virtually on every issue, including the economy, they weren't sure who to vote for.

In the end, the ages of the Supreme Court justices is what, I think convinced them to vote for Obama.

I asked them, "Let's say our next President has to appoint two new justices to the Supreme Court. How can you get an idea of what justices they will appoint? Well, look at who he chose to be his running mate." They hate Sarah Palin. They're socially moderate and believe in gay marriage and abortion rights for first term mothers. While McCain said he will have no litmis test, we can get an idea of who he'll appoint to the Supreme Court via Sarah Palin. She doesn't believe in science, she hunts wolves from helicopters and she wants to turn this country into a Christian version of Iran.

I turned my parents, who've voted for Reagan, Bush HW, Clinton, Gore and Bush W into voters for Obama.

What's concerning is the amount of mis-information going around. Something should really be done to curb the bias in the media... both left and right.

When asked why they will not vote for a third party candidate, many people will respond by saying something like, "He cannot win." Or, "I don’t want to waste my vote." It is true: America has not elected a third party candidate since 1860. Does that automatically mean, however, that every vote cast for one of the two major party candidates is not a wasted vote? I don’t think so.

In the first place, a wasted vote is a vote for someone you know does not represent your own beliefs and principles. A wasted vote is a vote for someone you know will not lead the country in the way it should go. A wasted vote is a vote for the "lesser of two evils."

Albert Einstein is credited with saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. This is truly insane!

Take a look at the recent $700 billion Wall Street bailout: both John McCain and Barack Obama endorsed and lobbied for it. Both McCain and Obama will continue to bail out these international banksters on the backs of the American taxpayers.

Ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama is headed for an electoral landslide victory over John McCain. John McCain can no more beat Barack Obama than Bob Dole could beat Bill Clinton.

I ask, therefore, Are not conservatives and Christians who vote for John McCain guilty of the same thing that they accuse people who vote for third party candidates of doing? Are they not voting for someone who cannot win? Indeed, they are. In fact, conservatives and Christians who vote for John McCain are not only voting for a man who cannot win, they are voting for a man who does not share their own beliefs and principles. If this is not insanity, nothing is!

So, why not (for once in your life, perhaps) cast a vote purely for principle!
For Someone who would stop spending billions and trillions of dollars for foreign aid. Someone who would prosecute the Wall Street bankers who defrauded the American people out of billions of dollars. Someone who would work to repeal NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, the WTO, and stop the NAFTA superhighway. Someone who would say a resounding "No" to the New World Order. Someone who would stop using our brave men and women in uniform as global cops for the United Nations. Someone who would stop America’s global adventurism and interventionism. Someone who would steadfastly support and defend the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

John Quincy Adams said, "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."

Chuck Baldwin
And yes, I am indeed comparing a first trimester cluster of cells to bacteria and insects.

I don't want to turn this into another abortion thread, but I wanted to correct this well circulated myth of the "cluster of cells".

A trimester is 3 months. By the end of the FIRST month, about the time a woman may realize she is more than "a little late":

Week Five

  • First heartbeats begin - If you have an early ultrasound you may not be able to recognize this tiny being as a baby, but there is no mistaking what it feels like seeing your child's heartbeat on that screen. That rhythmic beat is echoed in your own heart.
  • Umbilical cord develops - This is your baby's lifeline in utero. It bears the responsibility of pumping in oxygen, removing waste, and supplying the necessary nutrients for the remainder of your pregnancy.
  • Blood is now pumping - All four heart chambers are now functioning, insuring your baby's body will receive all it needs over not only the remainder of your pregnancy but throughout life.
  • Most other organs begin to develop - Your infant's lungs start to appear, along with her brain. Already your little one is preparing for a quest for lifelong learning!
  • Arm and leg buds appear - While they may not appear to be much at this stage it is ok to dream of the future. Just imagine your ballerina twirling and jumping around your kitchen floor. Or perhaps you will have the precocious boy that throws the perfect pitch -- right through the neighbor's window.
Week Six
  • The arms and legs continue to develop - These limbs are stretching out more and more. Later on you will be feeling those feet and elbows up close and personal right in your bladder!
  • Brain is growing well - Did you know that over the course of the remaining months that your baby's brain will develop over 100 billion neurons? This is just the beginning!
  • Lenses of the eyes appear - If you could catch a glimpse inside, you would notice your baby's appearance becoming increasing like a newborn's.
  • Nostrils are formed - The position of the nose seems to shift into its proper place as well. Soon, the nerves running from the nose to the brain appear.
  • Intestines grow - Initially these are actually located outside the baby's body within the umbilical cord.
  • Pancreas - Your baby is now equipped to deal with digestive enzymes and take on processing the insulin and glucagons the body needs to function.



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what? nothing about gun control? i thought these wedge issues followed each other like dominoes...?
The Republicans have running on the XENOPHOIC ticket for 8 years now.

At the same time they kept telling everyone how great the economy fundamentals were, and to anyone who disagreed, they called us class envious, or chickenlittles.

Then the sky actually fell down just as some of us have been saying it would all along.

Anyone who is not a billionaire, or who isn't a servant of same, who votes Republican this time around is simply dumber than a post.
congrats. you're helping to slaughter more babies. .....snip.

Holy sh*t!

After republicans endlessly recycled the "terrorist, communist, socialist, radical muslim!" talking points to see if they'd stick, I predicted that "child molester!" would be the next smear coming on Obama.

"Baby slaughterer!" is close enough.... Damn, I'm good!
They live in Florida and are both fed up with the negative attack ads from both sides. There's a lot of mis-information being spread around and they're nervous on who to vote for.

Virtually on every issue, including the economy, they weren't sure who to vote for.

In the end, the ages of the Supreme Court justices is what, I think convinced them to vote for Obama.

I asked them, "Let's say our next President has to appoint two new justices to the Supreme Court. How can you get an idea of what justices they will appoint? Well, look at who he chose to be his running mate." They hate Sarah Palin. They're socially moderate and believe in gay marriage and abortion rights for first term mothers. While McCain said he will have no litmis test, we can get an idea of who he'll appoint to the Supreme Court via Sarah Palin. She doesn't believe in science, she hunts wolves from helicopters and she wants to turn this country into a Christian version of Iran.

I turned my parents, who've voted for Reagan, Bush HW, Clinton, Gore and Bush W into voters for Obama.

What's concerning is the amount of mis-information going around. Something should really be done to curb the bias in the media... both left and right.

I live in Florida and the biggest piece of misinformation on the TV airwaves is Obama's commercial on McCain wanting to privatize social security. It is a complete lie and deemed "bogus" by It is designed to scare senior citizens.
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I live in Florida and the biggest piece of misinformation on the TV airwaves is Obama's commercial on McCain wanting to privatize social security. It is a complete lie and deemed "bogus" by It is designed to scare senior citizens.

Excerpts from a speech by Senator John McCain on Social Security (Commentary)


So he was for privitizing social security before he was against it?
Just like he was against cutting taxes before he was for it?
I don't want to turn this into another abortion thread, but I wanted to correct this well circulated myth of the "cluster of cells".

Again, if it cannot survive outside the womb, it is your right to do whatever you wish to do to it.
If you are looking for factual information, the election is the last place to look.

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