My parents are scared

Let me be specific then. First trimester abortions I consider a mother's right to choose. First half of second, you better have a good reason. Second half of second and third trimester only in the case of mother's help. Exemptions include rape and incest.

What about the fathers right to choose?
Good point! The father essentially has no rights according to the current laws. Eventually, medical science will progress to the point where a 6 week old fetus will be considered viable. Then what?

You're asking the wrong person.

My take is if the woman wants the baby, and the father doesn't, she takes full responsibility for it, and he's off the hook.

If the father wants the baby, and the woman doesn't, then he takes full responsibility for it, and she's off the hook.

In any case, I don't believe abortion *should* be an option for two people who just had an "ooops".. There's really no excuse for that type of mistake.
They worked to reduce the impact of government on the American taxpayer. It worked. There was virtually nothing Bill Clinton could do fiscally when the Republicans took control of Congress. Now, of course, Obama will have the full-backing of Democrats in Congress. Expect a tough 2 years.

I'm sorry, I don't think you answered question. What bills did the House of Representatives and United States Senate from 1995-1996 that Clinton either passed or veoted and the Senate over-rode that led to "fiscal respoinsiblity" in the government?
So...regardless of the fact that it takes two to tango, the second party to said "transaction" has no say-so whatsoever, in your mind, simply because carrying said baby would be an inconvenience to YOU?

You sure as hell thought enough of him to MAKE a baby with him.. (you = collective)

I'm reiterating your statement that if the father wants it he needs to take full responsibility for it.
I'm saying that one reason the stock market is crashing IS because Obama is discussing his economic policies.

Where is your proof for this? And please don't say "Look at the market" I want proof. You seem to have vast knowledge of either economics or the stock market very well, which was something I was not aware of. Where did you receive your doctorite in economics?

By the way, the stock market plunged when McCain was in the lead.

Everyone I'm talking to gives me the pending global recession and the causes of the recession as a reason why the market is crashing.
That's pathetic, and you know it. Could you possibly stoop any lower?

Uh, you really lost me here. men are now carrying babies, if you don't think that is pertinent to the issue, as well as to your stated position, then...whatever.

I certainly did not make any statement about abortion in this, mind you.
You're asking the wrong person.

My take is if the woman wants the baby, and the father doesn't, she takes full responsibility for it, and he's off the hook.

If the father wants the baby, and the woman doesn't, then he takes full responsibility for it, and she's off the hook.

In any case, I don't believe abortion *should* be an option for two people who just had an "ooops".. There's really no excuse for that type of mistake.

My question was more rhetorical. I should not have asked you specifically. I agree with you.
You're asking the wrong person.

My take is if the woman wants the baby, and the father doesn't, she takes full responsibility for it, and he's off the hook.

If the father wants the baby, and the woman doesn't, then he takes full responsibility for it, and she's off the hook.

In any case, I don't believe abortion *should* be an option for two people who just had an "ooops".. There's really no excuse for that type of mistake.

Do explain how the woman can be "off the hook" considering she would be carrying the baby for 9 months...
Alright, detail that for me.

And, is the credit freeze due to the same thing?

There's not much to detail. Obama's tax policies will have a negative effect on the economy and the wealthy will simply move their money out of the stock market to avoid punitive taxation.

The credit freeze is due to a myriad of problems. There are really 3 main factors: a lax monetary policy, pressure to expand home loan volume, and the failure to monitor home lending quality. The unconstitution bail-out was the wrong thing to do, but that didn't stop certain people from voting for it. These people include: George W. Bush, John McCain, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The tragedy is that one is a sitting President and another will become President of the United States.
Do explain how the woman can be "off the hook" considering she would be carrying the baby for 9 months...

Big friggen deal - she had no problem taking part in making the baby.. After's not really the time to be a selfish bitch, is it?
There's not much to detail. Obama's tax policies will have a negative effect on the economy and the wealthy will simply move their money out of the stock market to avoid punitive taxation.

Where will they put their money?

We are thinking it is a good time to buy. Warren Buffet is saying the same.

The credit freeze is due to a myriad of problems. There are really 3 main factors: a lax monetary policy, pressure to expand home loan volume, and the failure to monitor home lending quality. The unconstitution bail-out was the wrong thing to do, but that didn't stop certain people from voting for it. These people include: George W. Bush, John McCain, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The tragedy is that one is a sitting President and another will become President of the United States.

The stock market is also due to myriad problems, not Obama talking about his economic plan.

I am happy to agree to disagree.
Where is your proof for this? And please don't say "Look at the market" I want proof. You seem to have vast knowledge of either economics or the stock market very well, which was something I was not aware of. Where did you receive your doctorite in economics?

By the way, the stock market plunged when McCain was in the lead.

Everyone I'm talking to gives me the pending global recession and the causes of the recession as a reason why the market is crashing.

I have several College degrees (mainly technical: Physics, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering), but I've also been in the financial markets since the late 70s. The market is declining because of the credit crunch, but there is also tremendous uncertainty with an Obama Presidency, especially since his stated economic policies WILL have a negative impact on the economy. Those who forget history will be forced to repeat it. This happened with George W. Bush and Bill Clinton during his first 2 years.
She's an extreme right-wing fundamentalist whose views do not fall in line with main stream America's views. And no, I did not compare her to Ahmadinejad, I compared her to ayatollah khomeini. She won't even denounce abortion clinic bombings. She believes a woman who is brutally raped shouldn't have the right to have an abortion. She's old school, as in 100 years ago old school and is an extremely dangerous person.

Removing a fetus from your body is not slaughtering a baby. It's removing a fetus. Do you take anti-biotics, Elvis? You're killing a life form! Have you ever killed an insect? Murderer! And yes, I am indeed comparing a first trimester cluster of cells to bacteria and insects.

I do not support partial birth abortion at all. I do not support any abortion in which the fetus can survive outside of the mother's womb.

Just for everyone's information, I was in a relationship two years ago where my girlfriend got pregnant. She was on anti-seizure medication for bi-polar disorder and it somehow counteracted the birth control she was on. She had been on the anti-seizure medication for about 8 weeks while she was pregnant and there was no way, yet, to know what kind of damage the medication had done to the fetus. It was assumed at the very least the baby would be born with severe birth defects. We absolutely had no choice in the matter, if we ever wanted to have a baby together this baby would've been too much of a challenge for us. I went to the clinic with her and it was a procedure in which I will never forget for the rest of my life. I don't think abortion is anything to take lightly, but I believe people need to have that chance there, that backup just in case. There are people who do use abortion as a form of birth control... women who have had 2... maybe 3 abortions in their lives. As horrible and horrifiyng as it sounds and as idiotic of decisions as people make... they need to be protected just as my girlfriend and I needed to be protected.

I do see the other side of the argument... "What about the baby? Who will protect it?" And in the end, I have to answer "God will."

Finally a dose of truth! :clap2::eusa_whistle:


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