my personal observations for $15 an hour minimum

Only large solvent companies can pay those kind of wages. It is another assault on small business and the Middle class. Government dependent citizens and non- citizens is their goal.
Why do you believe that?
Why not? It is what is happening.
This is also happening as well:

From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.

..well, for a long time, many times when I go to the fast food place, they get a SIMPLE order wrong!!!!!
..I just went today and the clerk was an IDIOT!!!
--I waited a long time before they responded to me--and there were no other customers
--I said I wanted 2 burgers.....and then no answer...then he asked if I wanted something else-so I told him fries and a shake
--THEN he said ''just a minute'''
THEN he asked for the coupon code--and
--THEN he asked AGAIN what were extras I ordered
--a complete IDIOT ..and they want the employers to be forced to pay more to IDIOTS????!!!! to do a SHITTY job!!!????
Because even idiots are humans and require food, shelter, and healthcare. This should not have to be explained to a functioning adult that possesses the basic human trait of empathy. But the Trump cult abandoned this trait long ago.

Yet Xiden is jacking up taxes on the poor.
Enjoy your celebration of that. Personally, i wouldn't celebrate that. But you do you.

I must have missed my own party.
You just had it. Look how happy you were to tell that lie.

By the way: here is the source of your stupid lie. But you didn't know this, because your handlers know full well you will not research their claims.

"But after-tax incomes of low-income households would fall by about $30 on average, about 0.2 percent." (Due to increased corporate taxes)

That's $30 per year. Good talk, Russ.
..well, for a long time, many times when I go to the fast food place, they get a SIMPLE order wrong!!!!!
..I just went today and the clerk was an IDIOT!!!
--I waited a long time before they responded to me--and there were no other customers
--I said I wanted 2 burgers.....and then no answer...then he asked if I wanted something else-so I told him fries and a shake
--THEN he said ''just a minute'''
THEN he asked for the coupon code--and
--THEN he asked AGAIN what were extras I ordered
--a complete IDIOT ..and they want the employers to be forced to pay more to IDIOTS????!!!! to do a SHITTY job!!!????
Because even idiots are humans and require food, shelter, and healthcare. This should not have to be explained to a functioning adult that possesses the basic human trait of empathy. But the Trump cult abandoned this trait long ago.

Yet Xiden is jacking up taxes on the poor.
Enjoy your celebration of that. Personally, i wouldn't celebrate that. But you do you.

I must have missed my own party.
You just had it. Look how happy you were to tell that lie.

By the way: here is the source of your stupid lie. But you didn't know this, because your handlers know full well you will not research their claims.

"But after-tax incomes of low-income households would fall by about $30 on average, about 0.2 percent." (Due to increased corporate taxes)

That's $30 per year. Good talk, Russ.

So poor people dont drive?
If you believe that everyones taxes arent going to go up you're a complete moron.
I bet you believed barry when he said he was going to save you $2500 bucks on your medical every year.
Or that getting $1400 bucks is a good deal when most pay far more in taxes.
All they're doing is giving you back your own money...but just a small portion of it.
If you believe that everyones taxes arent going to go up you're a complete moron.
Of course they are "ceteris parabus", in your dumb example,, because the price of everything is going to go up. But they are going to go up less for middle and low income people than they would have under the Trump tax bill, with its scheduled tax increases. So spare me your little act. Thanks.

And your stunted, simpleton analysis that you wrote on a napkin in 5 seconds does not compare, for example, to the analysis summarized in the article i posted. So you sound kind of dumb to think you have figured anything out.
..well, for a long time, many times when I go to the fast food place, they get a SIMPLE order wrong!!!!!
..I just went today and the clerk was an IDIOT!!!
--I waited a long time before they responded to me--and there were no other customers
--I said I wanted 2 burgers.....and then no answer...then he asked if I wanted something else-so I told him fries and a shake
--THEN he said ''just a minute'''
THEN he asked for the coupon code--and
--THEN he asked AGAIN what were extras I ordered
--a complete IDIOT ..and they want the employers to be forced to pay more to IDIOTS????!!!! to do a SHITTY job!!!????

This is not an act of kindness. You know better.

This is making sure that this group of people makes at least one dollar over to receive state aid.

And that's it.

The name of the game is for employers to pay their people enough so that the rest of society doesn't have to pick up the tab.
This is making sure that this group of people makes at least one dollar over to receive state aid.

And that's it.
Well that's a silly lie you literally just made up and for which you have not a shred of evidence.
This is making sure that this group of people makes at least one dollar over to receive state aid.

And that's it.
Well that's a silly lie you literally just made up and for which you have not a shred of evidence.
Listen up, Cockroach. We watched the same game play out under Clinton except we were dealing with qualifying for one year of education/training much of which went to jobs that were being shipped overseas (data entry) and at the end of that tunnel you had people that were making right above that line.

That $15/hour will make sure that these people make right above qualifying for state aid.

Your level of stupid is not my problem. You do you.
I can see an argument against $15/hr minimum wage as someone may say "That's too much for a 16 year old to make right off the bat"...I mean I guess I can buy that one argument.

HOWEVER...the current $7.25 is slave wages and we all know it. It needs to go up to $12/hr.
The reason why minimum wages have been pushed by the Prog Elites, is that they KNOW that their constituents are just too stupid to make something of themselves. So they push for raising minimum wages, still give out welfare to those pukes, but never do you hear a prog elite tell their voters, "Get off the couch and get a fucking job".
It's not that simple.
Not everyone can be a successful entrepreneur.
Not everyone can plan to retire at Alcoa or someplace, then when they shut down in 20 years, just start over from scratch at age 45 or 50. We lost 10's of millions of middle-class wage manufacturing jobs in the last 40 years, and not because of computers, robotics or automation.
The video below is around 2 minutes 22 seconds long. Morgan Freeman isnt a Conservative either....Listen to what he says...
If you believe that everyones taxes arent going to go up you're a complete moron.
Of course they are "ceteris parabus", in your dumb example,, because the price of everything is going to go up. But they are going to go up less for middle and low income people than they would have under the Trump tax bill, with its scheduled tax increases. So spare me your little act. Thanks.

And your stunted, simpleton analysis that you wrote on a napkin in 5 seconds does not compare, for example, to the analysis summarized in the article i posted. So you sound kind of dumb to think you have figured anything out.

I need a good laugh...
Post up some of Xidens tax plans.
First of all, most would agree the federal minimum wage needs to be more than $7.25 an hour. I don't care if you live in Santa Barbara, Boise or Pittsburgh. Now, generally speaking, $15 an hour is probably too much for entry-level kids counting chicken tenders at Wendy's or mowing lawns at the Holiday Inn.

So there has to be some middle-ground to go from -- something like $10 an hour for single under 30. For married with children over 30 maybe it should be $15, but there needs to be something better.
$10 could probably work.
The reason why there's no more Toys R Us and five or ten Walmarts in every city is because of guys like Mitt Romney in the 80s.... the vulture capitalists who swooped in and gobbled up all these companies then sold us out with shitty trade deals with countries like Japan and China.

It wasnt vulture capitalists, but the failure of Toys bust Us, didnt go online services. They wanted to stay brick and mortar, not invest in video gaming, and kept a large inventory on hand, which ends up eating up profits with year end taxes. Oh yeah, you know taxes that the prog elites love to force upon corporations. If you dont sell more product than taxes, you end up bankrupt.
AND-AND WE--WE will be paying her $600 a month for having kids!! AND she has a job!!!!!!
All the more reason to pay her $15 an hour so you don’t have to pay her that $600 a month.
Depends on where she lives. If $15/hour is substantially higher than what the local market supports in terms of cost of living, "she" might be replaced by a robot or an illegal.
could you elaborate??
Before 1938, workers had zero protection from greedy employers who could run sweat shops and basically get away with slave labor.

Today large corporations 'sub out' most of the work to millions of part-time employees who make $12 - $13 an hour for years ( most working for at least 2 companies) with no vacations or benefits.
We don't typically have slave labor anymore, but we do have a lot of illegal labor, which neither party seems to want to do anything about.
I hope you didn't eat any food from these people and took your business elsewhere. If they can't get the facts of the order right, just imagine what they do to the food.
I'm leery of getting any food from '''leftists''' ....but what else can I do?
I guess it depends on where you live. Where I'm at, we have plenty of conservative businesses. The service and food tend to be good. I don't know how much they pay their labor, but most of these establishments involve tipping. So, good service will often reap good tips.
I'm serious. If conservs only ate at the chicken shack, we'd have all those woke bastards on their knees crying in a month.

Time to make a list of companies conservs frequent ONLY. And a list of ones we fart at as we walk by.

Example. My family only farts out Goya beans. No other bean deserves our farts more. Thanks libturds

I bought Mike's sheets and they are the nicest sheets you'll ever sleep on....Thanks Mike and woke libturd for a fine purchase

Only way to beat these libturds is in the pocket book.
The only problem I have with Chick-Fil-A is that every location here seems crowded nonstop. I'm glad they're doing well, but I don't like their food to the point that I'm willing to wait in line for a half hour. They could probably double their locations here and still make a killing.
First of all, most would agree the federal minimum wage needs to be more than $7.25 an hour. I don't care if you live in Santa Barbara, Boise or Pittsburgh. Now, generally speaking, $15 an hour is probably too much for entry-level kids counting chicken tenders at Wendy's or mowing lawns at the Holiday Inn.

So there has to be some middle-ground to go from -- something like $10 an hour for single under 30. For married with children over 30 maybe it should be $15, but there needs to be something better.
$10 could probably work.
Pay someone what they are worth. If they arent worth shit, then pay them a $1.00 an hour, if they dont like it find another job. If someone is worth something or the company really needs people, then the company will find a mutual agreement to pay the wages necessary to keep their employee and still make a profit. Want to know a secret down here in Floor E. Da. we just had a company come in from Texas, maybe you heard of them Buc-ee's and they are paying their employees $15 starting out. Now of course there are lots of things these employees have to do, just like any other $15 a hour job, so why does the government have to force other companies to pay a minimum wage? Other than so lazy liberal assfucks can do hardly anything and expect a good wage. If that is the case, then cut off welfare.
First of all, most would agree the federal minimum wage needs to be more than $7.25 an hour. I don't care if you live in Santa Barbara, Boise or Pittsburgh. Now, generally speaking, $15 an hour is probably too much for entry-level kids counting chicken tenders at Wendy's or mowing lawns at the Holiday Inn.

So there has to be some middle-ground to go from -- something like $10 an hour for single under 30. For married with children over 30 maybe it should be $15, but there needs to be something better.
$10 could probably work.
Pay someone what they are worth. If they arent worth shit, then pay them a $1.00 an hour, if they dont like it find another job. If someone is worth something or the company really needs people, then the company will find a mutual agreement to pay the wages necessary to keep their employee and still make a profit. Want to know a secret down here in Floor E. Da. we just had a company come in from Texas, maybe you heard of them Buc-ee's and they are paying their employees $15 starting out. Now of course there are lots of things these employees have to do, just like any other $15 a hour job, so why does the government have to force other companies to pay a minimum wage? Other than so lazy liberal assfucks can do hardly anything and expect a good wage. If that is the case, then cut off welfare.
I agree for the most part. The only counter is that illegal labor keeps wages down here. If we'd actually do something to hold employers of illegals accountable, wages would naturally rise over time.

Instead, with illegal labor, wage depression has happened to many industries.
I'm serious. If conservs only ate at the chicken shack, we'd have all those woke bastards on their knees crying in a month.

Time to make a list of companies conservs frequent ONLY. And a list of ones we fart at as we walk by.

Example. My family only farts out Goya beans. No other bean deserves our farts more. Thanks libturds

I bought Mike's sheets and they are the nicest sheets you'll ever sleep on....Thanks Mike and woke libturd for a fine purchase

Only way to beat these libturds is in the pocket book.
The only problem I have with Chick-Fil-A is that every location here seems crowded nonstop. I'm glad they're doing well, but I don't like their food to the point that I'm willing to wait in line for a half hour. They could probably double their locations here and still make a killing.
The Chic Fil A's around my area are at least 30 minutes away, and the neighborhood i live it, could use one. So i have applied and gone through the third process of the application, waiting to see if i get a 4th round. I dont really need the money, but thought it would be something i always wanted to do, run my franchise to help out young kids and senior citizens...Of course then the area would have plenty of customers, as it would be the only local one within 25 miles.
First of all, most would agree the federal minimum wage needs to be more than $7.25 an hour. I don't care if you live in Santa Barbara, Boise or Pittsburgh. Now, generally speaking, $15 an hour is probably too much for entry-level kids counting chicken tenders at Wendy's or mowing lawns at the Holiday Inn.

So there has to be some middle-ground to go from -- something like $10 an hour for single under 30. For married with children over 30 maybe it should be $15, but there needs to be something better.
$10 could probably work.
Pay someone what they are worth. If they arent worth shit, then pay them a $1.00 an hour, if they dont like it find another job. If someone is worth something or the company really needs people, then the company will find a mutual agreement to pay the wages necessary to keep their employee and still make a profit. Want to know a secret down here in Floor E. Da. we just had a company come in from Texas, maybe you heard of them Buc-ee's and they are paying their employees $15 starting out. Now of course there are lots of things these employees have to do, just like any other $15 a hour job, so why does the government have to force other companies to pay a minimum wage? Other than so lazy liberal assfucks can do hardly anything and expect a good wage. If that is the case, then cut off welfare.
I agree for the most part. The only counter is that illegal labor keeps wages down here. If we'd actually do something to hold employers of illegals accountable, wages would naturally rise over time.

Instead, with illegal labor, wage depression has happened to many industries.
Isnt it the government responsibility to keep illegals from working? You know E-verify? Again, the failure of the government is why the US citizen always gets screwed. Just some prog slaves are too stupid to understand this.

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