My Pick for the New Pope ---

I don't know my pick's all pretty much the same if you ask me

Tons - his views on HIV/AIDS, homos, human rights, scandals (sex abuse). The guy kicks ass.
He "rocks" and "kicks ass"? (sigh)

New Pope should be outgoing Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner because he knows where all the money goes.
If I could choose it would have to be Father Guido Sarducci


A few of Father Guido Sarducci views:
On The Last Supper: It was actually a brunch. The check (discovered by Sarducci himself!) reveals that one guy only had a soft-boiled egg and tea, while everyone else stuffed themselves. But when the bill was paid, it was divided equally. The moral: "In groups, always order the most expensive thing."
On The "Missing" Commandments: There were actually more than ten, but Moses was old and grumpy, and after he broke the tablets he could only remember the negative ones. "Don't do this. Don't do that." The truth is, most of them were more like advice. The Twelfth Commandment, for example, was "Whistle while you work." (People think its from Disney, but Disney stole it from God.)
On Masturbation: Life is a job. You get $14.50 a day, but after you die, you have to pay for your sins. Stealing a hub cap is around $100. Masturbation is 35 cents (it doesn't seem like much, but it adds up). If there's money left when you subtract what you owe from what you've earned, you can go to heaven. If not, you have to go back to work. (Sort of like reincarnation -- many nuns are Mafia guys working it off.)
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If I could choose it would have to be Father Guido Sarducci


A few of Father Guido Sarducci views:
On The Last Supper: It was actually a brunch. The check (discovered by Sarducci himself!) reveals that one guy only had a soft-boiled egg and tea, while everyone else stuffed themselves. But when the bill was paid, it was divided equally. The moral: "In groups, always order the most expensive thing."
On The "Missing" Commandments: There were actually more than ten, but Moses was old and grumpy, and after he broke the tablets he could only remember the negative ones. "Don't do this. Don't do that." The truth is, most of them were more like advice. The Twelfth Commandment, for example, was "Whistle while you work." (People think its from Disney, but Disney stole it from God.)
On Masturbation: Life is a job. You get $14.50 a day, but after you die, you have to pay for your sins. Stealing a hub cap is around $100. Masturbation is 35 cents (it doesn't seem like much, but it adds up). If there's money left when you subtract what you owe from what you've earned, you can go to heaven. If not, you have to go back to work. (Sort of like reincarnation -- many nuns are Mafia guys working it off.)

The only sensible choice.
Come to think of it, since it is the Church of Rome, its chief should come from there.
My bet is on Cardinal Tettamanzi.

I think they will stay away from the more controversial possibilities and go with a strong leader who is well known and well liked.
This guy rocks ---

Cardinal Peter Turkson. :clap2:

Why not? The white man has given the beast everything else he desires, including leadership of the most powerful nation on earth, so there's no reason to believe they won't make him head of the Catholic Church. Besides, it was foretold in the scriptures.

"and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished." (Daniel 12:7)
Gary Glitter has a great deal to offer . And that Sir Jimmy Savile is a bit of a dark horse . Probably a well hung dark horse .
It won't matter

Meet the new pope.......same as the old pope
This world and Western Civilization has totally jumpted the shark.

The POPE who just stepped down did so because he'd paid the MAFIA 57 million dollars in extortion money.

What was he covering up?

A CHILD sex scandal involving a number of Cardinals.

I'm telling ya'll the BORGIAS had nothing on today's RC Church.
Major issues facing the church

1 Accountability of priests/ sexual abuse
2. Lack of priests
3. Loss of influence in the industrialized world
4 Birth Control
5. Role of women in the church
6. Celibacy requirement ( see 2 )

The church will double down on dogma and do nothing. I predict another Italian pope
Major issues facing the church

1 Accountability of priests/ sexual abuse
2. Lack of priests
3. Loss of influence in the industrialized world
4 Birth Control
5. Role of women in the church
6. Celibacy requirement ( see 2 )

The church will double down on dogma and do nothing. I predict another Italian pope

These are all pretty simple problems to well. One of the things I liked about Pope John Paul..was he was headed in the right direction.
Major issues facing the church:

The world was not made in 6 days.
Noah wasn't 600 years old.
The world is older than 6000 years.
Adam was kicked out of Eden for screwing a chick.
Jesus was a wimp.
Major issue for the Church of Rome:

Its authority is based on its authority.
What do you like about him?

Not to speak for Warrior102, but that pick would be seen as an obvious fulfillment of prophecy by many fundies.

Which is one of the reasons he'll never be pope. The 2nd being his stance on Islam. The last thing the church wants is to ramp up hostilities with what is shaping up to be the worlds most popular religion.

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