My Pick for the New Pope ---

Coming down to the wire this week

I still say the Cardinals say screw you to reformists and pick a conservative Italian
My pick for new pope is Elton John. He's gay and he wears flamboyant clothes really well. The 2 most important qualifications for the job. :D
And the new pope is: Argentina's Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Pope Francisco
Whatever sex abuse that occurred in the church pales in comparison to what the abuse of children is in public schools.
Not to speak for Warrior102, but that pick would be seen as an obvious fulfillment of prophecy by many fundies.

Which is one of the reasons he'll never be pope. [...]

Truth be told: it doesn't matter who winds up in the funny hat in Rome; the anti-Catholic fundies will find or manufacture a way to tie him into their end times delusions.

Just a note of general interest, but in another thread, a distinguished fundy recently wrote:

NOW SECOND GLANCE==POPE FRASCIS in naming himself after Assisi, Bergoglio branded himself after an Italian (Roman) priest whose original name was Francesco di Pietro (Peter) di Bernardone -- literally, Peter the Roman. BEWARE!!!Modify Message

Did I call it, or what? :lol:

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