My Prediction for Tuesday

The Hispanics will save NV and FL and possibly NC. In 2020, they will take all three plus AZ and IA.
You heard it here first. The red and blue are reversed because that's actually the way it used to be and this Web site has been around since the beginning of the public Internet and he's never taken the time to change the colors.


That's not that much different than the below I posted yesterday.

I think that Trump does have a chance to breech Hillary's Electoral College Firewall of Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania, at this moment I'd chose Michigan, which would give Trump a narrow win, also on your map it would be the same.


Minnesota may surprise everyone as well

It would be a surprise if Clinton gets less than 60%
You heard it here first. The red and blue are reversed because that's actually the way it used to be and this Web site has been around since the beginning of the public Internet and he's never taken the time to change the colors.


That's not that much different than the below I posted yesterday.

I think that Trump does have a chance to breech Hillary's Electoral College Firewall of Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania, at this moment I'd chose Michigan, which would give Trump a narrow win, also on your map it would be the same.


Minnesota may surprise everyone as well

It would be a surprise if Clinton gets less than 60%

you might get yourself really surprised
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I don't think HRC will be the candidate for the Dems.

Bill looks like he will be dead by next summer, and HRC just does not look like she is going to handle a term easily.
You heard it here first.

Updated: Found a better a site with the correct colors


Actually no. I first predicted a Hillary win last week. You heard it from me first.

I predicted Ms. Clinton's win about 400 days ago. Sorry.

332-206 Part Deaux (or maybe 314-224)

If Kasich had been the nominee he would have demolished her

The criminal Hillary is extremely lucky she is running against Trump.
You're a good little parrot. Want a cracker?
Somewhere between Taz and Dani: a Clinton victory; an American loss.
You voted for McMullin. Don't lecture us on losing.
Of course I lecture those of you who love party more than county. Clinton will win and the county will lose.
That's a statement devoid of facts and shows how you've bought the Right-Wing narrative about Clinton.
Now thee ^^^ is a silly statement apropos of nothing.
With the realclear politics poll currently at 3.0% for Clinton, this thing will end up incredibly tight. That lead is almost entirely from 2.6 million votes more than she will need from California. Many more of those from Ill, NY and other dark blue states. The same is true of Dark Red states, but to a far lesser extent.

Two days ago I saw it Trump. Now I can't really tell.

Wild guess. Trump wins, but just barely.
Hillary, Wall Street and GOP establishment do not want Trump.

You'd think this would be a landslide for Trump, but no.
You heard it here first.

Updated: Found a better a site with the correct colors

Actually no. I first predicted a Hillary win last week. You heard it from me first.

I predicted Ms. Clinton's win about 400 days ago. Sorry.

332-206 Part Deaux (or maybe 314-224)

Not that your opinion matters. You WANT her to win, I do not. My prediction carries much more weight.

You get no bonus points for grasping the obvious. The only place you carry more weight than me is in the fat cells between your ears.

Don't need bonus points, you will always call for the Democrats so your "prediction" is worthless.
Based on the level of dislike the voters have for both candidates, I predict four years only for whichever of them wins.
Until polling gets out of the 20th century I don't trust them.

9% response rate.
Can only call landlines.
Which prolly accounts for the 9% response rate.
Who still has landlines? Old people.
Who is voting for Trump? Old people.
How many millennials have landlines? Tiny fraction.

That's why I think it's a Hillary landslide.

Local elementary school held a mock election last week.

Hillary, 49
Trump, 72

Doesn't prove anything, but they're getting their views somewhere.
Maine's kids (150 schools statewide) elected Trump two weeks ago.
The Cubs winning predicts Clinton, but the stock market predicts Trump. The stock market has the more accurate track record.

Stocks say Trump! Cubs say Clinton!
Clinton or Trump? Many polls say it’s too close to call. Less conventional election prediction systems are also sending mixed signals about which presidential candidate will prevail on Nov. 8, making life tough for certainty-loving stock investors.

Since U.K. pollsters got the Brexit vote wrong back in June, causing a short bout of market hysteria after the surprise decision to exit the European Union, USA TODAY checked out what less well-known prognostication systems are saying about the chances of Democrat and incumbent party candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican challenger Donald Trump.

For clues, we checked out predictions tied to the stock market, Americans’ pocketbooks and the World Series.

Market says Trump's a winner

Barring a big stock rally heading into Tuesday’s vote, the market is currently predicting a Trump win.

The methodology used to tab Trump the winner is simple: when the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index does not post a gain in the three months leading up to Election Day, the incumbent party candidate normally loses. The market is down about 4% since early August, which bodes negatively for Clinton.

The indicator, courtesy of Strategas Research Partners, basically says the candidate from the incumbent party benefits from the good vibes a rising stock market creates, but can be doomed by a lousy market. Since 1928 this indicator has correctly predicted the next president 19 of 22 times.

Says Dan Clifton, head of policy research at Strategas: "Stocks are now sending one of two messages. First, the probability of a Trump win is increasing. Stocks are down 4% since August 8th and that has not been a good sign for the incumbent party historically.”

Pocketbooks pick Clinton

A peek inside Americans’ pocketbooks, however, suggests Hillary Clinton will be the next president. The “Pocketbook Model,” created by the Anderson Economic Group, predicts the former secretary of state will win by 3 to 6 percentage points.

The data-driven “Pocketbook Model” ignores polls, debate performances, policy positions and candidates’ personalities. It looks at just five variables: unemployment, wage growth, inflation, whether the nation is at war, and third-party candidates.
“As divisive, surprising and objectionable as campaigns often are, in the end voters go with their pocketbook,” says Patrick Anderson, CEO of Anderson Economic Group. This model starts with the assumption that most Americans generally reward the incumbent party with their vote when the economy is good, and punish them when it’s not.

Anderson says AEG’s model has predicted the largest vote-getter in 22 of the past 25 elections, and every election since 1980.

At the moment, pocketbook issues are trending higher, which favors Clinton. The nation’s 5% unemployment rate is down from its peak of 10% in October 2009. Wages have risen five straight months and inflation remains tame.

And then there's baseball ...

The “World Series Presidential Predictor” gives the edge to Clinton. So Democrats can thank the Chicago Cubs.

In the 1972 inaugural issue of The Baseball Research Journal, a study of World Series results between 1952 and 1968 found the Democratic candidate for president won the election every time a National League team won the World Series; the Republican candidate was victorious if an American League team became world champs. The Cubs hail from the National League, which signals a Clinton win.

This baseball indicator, however, when stretched out to include presidential elections from 1908 thru 2012, is less illuminating, as its accuracy is just 55.6% (it's been right 15 of 27 times).

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