My prediction on how a debate between Biden and Trump will go

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What a Country. The crazy angry left labels the President of the United States of America as a sociopath while "hoping" that a sad old liberal hypocrite with a hundred skeletons in his 40 year political closet and a questionable mental competence can get through a debate.
It would be must see television if Senile Joe completely loses it at the Debate and has a complete mental collapse. :smoke:
I’ll give Trump credit for something: he knows how to command a debate stage. He wiped the floor with the republicans during the nomination. Also, Admittedly, he didn’t do as terrible as I was expecting when he went up against Hillary even though she clearly won the debates based on facts and sanity. What is Trump’s one and only strength? He doesn’t give two fucks when it comes to constantly interrupting his opponent and is good at throwing in some solid zingers that make an impression. He is a sociopath after all. Of course he is also a moron so when he does take control, he’s incoherent and embarrassing. How this didn’t translate at home to republicans is beyond my understanding. I guess America just loves a bully that doesn’t play by the rules.

Now as far a Biden is concerned, he made an ass out of Paul Ryan in the VP debate. I honestly haven’t seen him in other debates. More than likely, the Dems could have nominated a better debater, but up against Trump? He’s going to have to play by Trump’s rules unfortunately. Facts don’t matter to Trump. It’s all about zingers and taking control. Luckily, Biden has a better idea how Trump debates one on one than Hillary did so he will come more prepared.
I expect Biden will continue doing what he has been doing lately, giving Trump all the rope he needs to hang himself. As long as Biden doesn't lose his cool an engage Trump on his level, he will survive the debates. He can't beat Trump by talking over him, shouting, or launching personal attacks because Trump does not defend himself, he just attacks, attacks, and attacks, paying not attention to his opposition and little attention to moderators. Biden's response should be to act like a president and ignore most of what Trump says. He doesn't need to win the debates, he just needs come across as an intelligent, calm, senior statesman markedly contrasting himself from Trump's stream of conscious tirades praising himself and wild statements that have no basis in fact.
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I’ll give Trump credit for something: he knows how to command a debate stage. He wiped the floor with the republicans during the nomination. Also, Admittedly, he didn’t do as terrible as I was expecting when he went up against Hillary even though she clearly won the debates based on facts and sanity. What is Trump’s one and only strength? He doesn’t give two fucks when it comes to constantly interrupting his opponent and is good at throwing in some solid zingers that make an impression. He is a sociopath after all. Of course he is also a moron so when he does take control, he’s incoherent and embarrassing. How this didn’t translate at home to republicans is beyond my understanding. I guess America just loves a bully that doesn’t play by the rules.

Now as far a Biden is concerned, he made an ass out of Paul Ryan in the VP debate. I honestly haven’t seen him in other debates. More than likely, the Dems could have nominated a better debater, but up against Trump? He’s going to have to play by Trump’s rules unfortunately. Facts don’t matter to Trump. It’s all about zingers and taking control. Luckily, Biden has a better idea how Trump debates one on one than Hillary did so he will come more prepared.
I expect Biden will continue doing what he has been doing lately, giving Trump all the rope he needs to hang himself. As long as Biden doesn't lose his cool an engage Trump on his level, he will survive the debates. He can't beat Trump by talking over him, shouting, or launching personal attacks because Trump does not defend himself, he just attacks, attacks, and attacks, paying not attention to his opposition and little attention to moderators. Biden's response should be to act like a president and ignore most of what Trump says. He doesn't need to win the debates, he just needs come across as an intelligent, calm, senior statesman markedly contrasting himself from Trump's stream of conscious tirades praising himself and wild statements that have no basis in fact.
Nice to know, there are people out there that get it.
I'm thinking there's a 50/50 chance tRump gets pissed and storms off the stage if the moderators press him.
I'm thinking there's a 50/50 chance tRump gets pissed and storms off the stage if the moderators press him.
I honestly wonder if his worsening dementia will be on full display. He can’t debate as it is.
I'm thinking there's a 50/50 chance tRump gets pissed and storms off the stage if the moderators press him.
I honestly wonder if his worsening dementia will be on full display. He can’t debate as it is.
While I agree, he is a sick dude, but not sure it is dementia. I lean more toward him being a garden variety sociopath, raise in money and by money and without scruple. Still, he is certainly not known for self control. I do not see him running off the stage if a fit of rage, even if cornered, not allowed to get away with the usual lies or new ones. It is the one thing he will be thoroughly warned against and he knows it would look like cowardice, even devoted trumpers could not abide, directly leading to a landslide victory for Biden.
I'm thinking there's a 50/50 chance tRump gets pissed and storms off the stage if the moderators press him.

He's been pissed at the stupid ass press questions EVERY DAY for the past 4 years and LOVES trolling them back.. They're so STUPID -- they don't get this and play right into the Greatest Troll on the PLANET... Won't walk off unless Biden gets more time or needs to be revived by medics too many times.,.
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