My Problems With Trump That the Marxist MSM Will Never get Around to Discussing


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I dont give a flying fart about how many prostitutes Trump might have laid/paid in his life. Not one little sliver of my consciousness will ever be spent on that piffle.

But here are some issues that concern me, and may lead to Trumps undoing and they seem to be getting ignored.

1. Trump thinks chaos is normal. Trump seems to thrive in disorder, but he does not seem to realize that the tone he sets in the White House ripples into the rest of the Federali bureaucracy. He needs to settle down and let his staff operate without ambushing them, especially Sanders and Sessions.

2. Trump sees the fate of the country as identical to his personal interests, so it very often seems to me. This is not a good thing for a leader.

3. Trumps success so far lies in undoing some of Obama's excesses, hence why our political system tends to get above average leaders as we change the children in charge every eight years.

4. Trump assumes that economic growth will reduce the national annual deficit, but this is unlikely to happen if Trump kicks off a trade war. But I would rather have a trade war and Americans working instead of the nearly jobless success of the last eight years.

5. When Trump undermines his own staff, he makes the long term effectiveness of those staffers diminished. This is not how one governs effectively. Trump needs to act like he realizes he is leading the most powerful nation on Earth instead of his private company now.

To summarize, Trump seems to cloud his personal responsibilities/limits with his Federal duties, and this concerns me.
What many people miss, especially the far left, is that you need many different ideas so they can be put forward.

Trump has given the far left many things they want and they still turn it down.


Simply because they do not want Trump to have any victories. They would much rather act like two year olds than do what is necessary.

A prosperous America is bad for the far left religion.
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What many people miss, especially the far left, is that you need many different ideas can be put forward.

Trump has given the far left many things they want and they still turn it down.


Simply because they do not want Trump to have any victories. They would much rather act like two year olds than do what is necessary.

A prosperous America is bad for the far left religion.

For the Marxist Left, which now seems to control the Democratic Party, the Reality of how well the nation fares is irrelevant.

All that matters is advancing their political ideology.
I dont give a flying fart about how many prostitutes Trump might have laid/paid in his life. Not one little sliver of my consciousness will ever be spent on that piffle.

But here are some issues that concern me, and may lead to Trumps undoing and they seem to be getting ignored.

1. Trump thinks chaos is normal. Trump seems to thrive in disorder, but he does not seem to realize that the tone he sets in the White House ripples into the rest of the Federali bureaucracy. He needs to settle down and let his staff operate without ambushing them, especially Sanders and Sessions.

2. Trump sees the fate of the country as identical to his personal interests, so it very often seems to me. This is not a good thing for a leader.

3. Trumps success so far lies in undoing some of Obama's excesses, hence why our political system tends to get above average leaders as we change the children in charge every eight years.

4. Trump assumes that economic growth will reduce the national annual deficit, but this is unlikely to happen if Trump kicks off a trade war. But I would rather have a trade war and Americans working instead of the nearly jobless success of the last eight years.

5. When Trump undermines his own staff, he makes the long term effectiveness of those staffers diminished. This is not how one governs effectively. Trump needs to act like he realizes he is leading the most powerful nation on Earth instead of his private company now.

To summarize, Trump seems to cloud his personal responsibilities/limits with his Federal duties, and this concerns me.
I'm with you till 3. At that point have to draw back. I don't get his methodolog or reasoning.

The man is either nuts or crazy smart. Either way it is beyond me.
The man is either nuts or crazy smart. Either way it is beyond me.

I lean toward crazy smart because I have known people like him.

They think things through to a depth no one thinks them capable of, then they stir up the chaos to make people think they are easy prey, then they drop their bombs on them.

Like the tariffs on steel imports Trump put down not only got the Chicoms to pressure Rocket Boy to negotiate, but also put Canada in a pincer to renegotiate NAFTA.

Trump is thinking five moves ahead while his opposition doesnt believe he is even thinking at all.

In Texas bidnessmen pull this antic all the time with Yankees that just came down.
I dont give a flying fart about how many prostitutes Trump might have laid/paid in his life. Not one little sliver of my consciousness will ever be spent on that piffle.

But here are some issues that concern me, and may lead to Trumps undoing and they seem to be getting ignored.

1. Trump thinks chaos is normal. Trump seems to thrive in disorder, but he does not seem to realize that the tone he sets in the White House ripples into the rest of the Federali bureaucracy. He needs to settle down and let his staff operate without ambushing them, especially Sanders and Sessions.

2. Trump sees the fate of the country as identical to his personal interests, so it very often seems to me. This is not a good thing for a leader.

3. Trumps success so far lies in undoing some of Obama's excesses, hence why our political system tends to get above average leaders as we change the children in charge every eight years.

4. Trump assumes that economic growth will reduce the national annual deficit, but this is unlikely to happen if Trump kicks off a trade war. But I would rather have a trade war and Americans working instead of the nearly jobless success of the last eight years.

5. When Trump undermines his own staff, he makes the long term effectiveness of those staffers diminished. This is not how one governs effectively. Trump needs to act like he realizes he is leading the most powerful nation on Earth instead of his private company now.

To summarize, Trump seems to cloud his personal responsibilities/limits with his Federal duties, and this concerns me.

Trump's high energy in a city that's used to dragging it's ass and playing politics for the next election. Trump wants solutions more than any President I've ever seen, he's hardly perfect and I wish him the best.

Trump is Trump, a one of a kind American.. look up pragmatic... :th_waiting:
Maybe yes; maybe no, but as a furriner I love him!! GO YOU GOOD THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Rugby idiom). I guess a lot of peeps don't remember when they last had a LEADER!! He has a vision for to what HE thinks of course...but why not his rather than some asshole leftarded assholes'? "Visions" are just that; the reality will be good enough.

I agree with Lumpy. The chaos is a result of Trump's action. He is a whirlwind in an environment that wants to maintain a vacuum. No wonder some people are foaming at the mouth over everything he does. And bless his heart, he keep doing things!
The man is either nuts or crazy smart. Either way it is beyond me.

I lean toward crazy smart because I have known people like him.

They think things through to a depth no one thinks them capable of, then they stir up the chaos to make people think they are easy prey, then they drop their bombs on them.

Like the tariffs on steel imports Trump put down not only got the Chicoms to pressure Rocket Boy to negotiate, but also put Canada in a pincer to renegotiate NAFTA.

Trump is thinking five moves ahead while his opposition doesnt believe he is even thinking at all.

In Texas bidnessmen pull this antic all the time with Yankees that just came down.

Yeah. Trump is a deep thinker. He measures every word.

Just beautiful.
"For the Marxist Left, which now seems to control the Democratic Party, the Reality of how well the nation fares is irrelevant. All that matters is advancing their political ideology".

When someone knowingly lies about the opposition, as the comment above appears to do, that person is acting as a slave to partisanship and not a citizens to the country.

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