My Scorecard on Tonight's GOP Presidential Debate

Best way I know to be treated as an equal is to not demand special treatment. ...and last night she did that. Most women want to be treated like an equal but then turn around and ask for sympathy because they're a woman. A woman becomes your enemy if you are critical in any way of their appearance. It's a learned trait that most women have developed. Men aren't as concerned about their appearance. Any that do are labeled as pretty-boys. Women get bitchy about it. Carli should have just said to move on....and refuse to comment, but she didn't. Instead she milked it for all it was worth.

Wrong answer in my book.

I see that as the view of most men, but once a guy starts to openly comment on women's clothing and appearance, he steps into THEIR world with that sort of thing. About two thirds of women it seems don't think that they are attractive enough and see other women as rivals, but guys that comment are seen largely as interlopers who have no clue what women go through to try and look 'their best'.

Me, I prefer women who have enough confidence to not wear make up, dress for comfort, and stand against the world with the face that God gave them.
I think Trump was commenting on her lack of presidential bearing or leadership qualities more than her appearance. The media went lowball and Fiorina took the bait. For the record, most of what is reported Trump says he never says. That bimbo comment wasn't even his own was one of the people following him on Twitter that said it.
Dude, he didn't even deny it. He backtracked and said she was beautiful, It's what he does, he talks smack and when he gets called on it he pretends he said something else.
I don't see why being honest is such a problem

She looks like a bitch... .unelectable.

Funny thing is...she acted like one when he was complimentary towards her, so he pretty much brought the real Carli Fiorina out. You must have missed it. She said all women should be martyr complex syndrome on display. I expected to hear that horseshit from a Democrat. ...not a Republican.

People make fun of Trumps hair every day. Does he act like she did and pout? Nope....he fires back. Usually he gets the best of the exchange.
All women should be offended, men too. No man's face was an issue, she isn't running for Miss America. Saying she looks like a bitch means you have some pre-conceived notions about her. I don't know her except for the few snippets, the debate and the radio.

Trump fires back and that's good but not Fiorina? That's a double standard.

But if her looks makes her unelectable in your mind what does that say for Hillary?

I am not offended on Fiorinas behalf, but I didn't take too kind to Trumps 'beauty pageant' attitude on women's appearance.

All the same, if Trump can fix the immigration system and stop the establishment from coronating Jeb Bush, I will support him now and no matter what he does short of sacrificing babies in the moon light while dressed up like a goat.
Best way I know to be treated as an equal is to not demand special treatment. ...and last night she did that. Most women want to be treated like an equal but then turn around and ask for sympathy because they're a woman. A woman becomes your enemy if you are critical in any way of their appearance. It's a learned trait that most women have developed. Men aren't as concerned about their appearance. Any that do are labeled as pretty-boys. Women get bitchy about it. Carli should have just said to move on....and refuse to comment, but she didn't. Instead she milked it for all it was worth.

Wrong answer in my book.

I see that as the view of most men, but once a guy starts to openly comment on women's clothing and appearance, he steps into THEIR world with that sort of thing. About two thirds of women it seems don't think that they are attractive enough and see other women as rivals, but guys that comment are seen largely as interlopers who have no clue what women go through to try and look 'their best'.

Me, I prefer women who have enough confidence to not wear make up, dress for comfort, and stand against the world with the face that God gave them.
I think Trump was commenting on her lack of presidential bearing or leadership qualities more than her appearance. The media went lowball and Fiorina took the bait. For the record, most of what is reported Trump says he never says. That bimbo comment wasn't even his own was one of the people following him on Twitter that said it.
Dude, he didn't even deny it. He backtracked and said she was beautiful, It's what he does, he talks smack and when he gets called on it he pretends he said something else.
I don't see why being honest is such a problem

She looks like a bitch... .unelectable.

Funny thing is...she acted like one when he was complimentary towards her, so he pretty much brought the real Carli Fiorina out. You must have missed it. She said all women should be martyr complex syndrome on display. I expected to hear that horseshit from a Democrat. ...not a Republican.

People make fun of Trumps hair every day. Does he act like she did and pout? Nope....he fires back. Usually he gets the best of the exchange.
All women should be offended, men too. No man's face was an issue, she isn't running for Miss America. Saying she looks like a bitch means you have some pre-conceived notions about her. I don't know her except for the few snippets, the debate and the radio.

Trump fires back and that's good but not Fiorina? That's a double standard.

But if her looks makes her unelectable in your mind what does that say for Hillary?
How is how someone responds a doubl-standard????


I had no preconceived notion about her. Until this debate I liked her. She chose to be a bitch and it was duly noted. How you handle your critics is every bit as important as how you handle compliments. She felt that she had the right to be a representative of all women. I say she doesn't have that right. Her lack of empathy showed me something about her as much as her fake self-righteousness.
This is the problem with politicians. They feel they have the right to act as a victim for all of the victims out there. She's no damn victim. Buck up bitch and learn to take it like a man or get the fuck out.
There is no doubt that the winner of the debate was............the American people! They had the ability to see that these candidates have knowledge of what they are talking about, including, and especially, the outsiders who held up well.

Now I am positive that lefties didn't like anything they had to say, but polls show that the vast majority of Americans agree with their positions on most of the issues raised. The problem with Republicans has always been that a wooden guy gets up there running for something, and puts you to sleep while trying to convince you that he is the best choice for the job. Just look at 08 and 12. You had Obama running against Mcain. Ok, who amongst you would want to sit down with Mcain for longer than 20 minutes, and be enthralled by anything but his war stories? What about Romney in 12? We were constantly told what a great guy he was, even though he was wealthy. He very well may have been; in fact, after the election even the left said he was a nice guy who was engaging, but during the election season.............nothing. And here, you had them running against Obama who's job before becoming a Senator, was through the English language, excite people.

Yeah, we were gonna win that one, lol!

But now it is all reversed. You have a stiff Hilly running against a group of people that each one of us can actually describe their personalities. The only 3 of the bunch on that stage that looked like they could put us all to sleep were, Paul, Bush, and Kasich. What fire did those 3 bring to make you want to vote for ANY of them as fast as possible, hopefully yesterday? Unless of course YOU like the status quo in Washington.

I can see Trump winning because he is the consummate outsider, who believes in his skills enough to finance himself; and people like the fact that nobody owns him.

While I see Rubio as a fringe establishment candidate, besides the illegal problem, I believe his knowledge would make him a superior POTUS.

Fiorina isn't fooling around. I don't expect her to be gender neutral in her actions or responses. Ask a man and a woman the same question, you will get 2 different explanations to the answers. The question is..........will the outcome be the same; meaning successful. In Fiorinas case, I believe, yes it will! Remember that females in virtually all species are the most violent and savage, when those they are entrusted to take care of are threatened. Fiorina; by her words and actions, fits that bill as we all can see.

Chris Christie COULD also excite, although he is also an establishment candidate. The worst thing he ever did if he wanted to get elected for the GOP Presidential nominee, is give Obama a bear hug, lol. You can tell he is a consummate politician, but just the fact he is establishment means he is owned. He would be a better choice than Hillary, would probably make Republicans believe things were going to change, but the likelihood of that happening with him as POTUS is slim indeed.

I like Walker, I like Walker a lot. I like his policies. I do not like the way he delivers his ideas; I do not think he is confident enough. He to would probably be a very good POTUS, but because of what appears to be his own insecurity with putting forth the ideas he has, I am sorry to say that he could win the GOP nomination, but he could not win the general. While he does not espouse the ideas of Romney, his demeanor IS Romney. He would get run over, just like Romney did.

Ben Carson is the guy everyone should look out for. While everyone does not agree with everything he says, (who agrees with everything any of the candidates say) he can win the GOP nomination, and he would fleece the Democrats of millions of votes. Highly intelligent. Extremely articulate. Very conservative. Admits to wanting a team concept, instead of proclaiming he knows everything; which instantly gives him a reasonable pass on some questions. A consummate outsider, which is what most Americans want. If this man gets in the general election, there is NOT ONE Democrat that can beat him, unless some dirt comes out we are not aware of.

Mike Huckabee would probably have been the President instead of Obama, IF he was not such an evangelical. That is correct, Romney would have lost the nomination to him. Americans do not want their politics and religion mixed so closely; and while I have great respect for the mans political acumen along with his assessments on foreign policy, he can't win due to his religious ties being to close. Take Huckabee, throw out 70% of the religious leanings, and you would have a really, really, REALLY good POTUS.

I would like to believe that Ted Cruz would get the nod if Trump is knocked out. He is the one most closely allied with Trump ideas, and he is a politician who can articulate those ideas better, along with panache. Normally, he would be considered establishment because he is already a senator, but as everyone knows, both sides of the aisle dislike him intensely. That is a badge of honor for those wanting an outsider. I also believe that if he is the last person standing against the establishment, all of the outsiders would support him. It would be a meld of both, sitting politician, and outsider.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that the race for the GOP is between Trump, Carson, Fiorina, and Cruz. If Carson or Cruz looks to be ahead, the other 2 will give them their support when they drop. Fiorina or Trump ahead? Well, those 2 don't seem to like each other, so that could be a different story.

And now, so many people (mostly lefties) have asked why the GOP and some Democrats wants outsiders so badly. I heard it explained today quite clearly, and the way it was explained, I think says it all.

Do we remember 2007? Do we remember GW Bush, the establishment Republicans along with the establishment Democrats in congress were going to pass AMNESTY. Do we remember what happened? People called Washington and shut down the switchboard, Republicans and Democrats were told that if they passed that bill, we would THROW THEM ALL OUT! The ratio on the calls was 7 to 3 against it. Millions of calls poured in, along with faxes, emails, snail mail, along with people being interviewed on the nightly news everywhere proclaiming, "we will throw them all out!" Think back, think, and you will remember.

Today, Washington no longer cares what we say. Today, Washington is sooooooo confident they will get re-elected, they ignore all of us, Republicans and Democrats alike. Polls show we don't want amnesty by 6 to 4; they don't care, establishment republicans and Democrats are going to do it anyway. We don't want the Iran deal. They don't care, screw you. We don't want TPP. Up yours America, we know better. We want sealed borders. Not gonna get it. Want the tax code made simple. Then they can't give any of their corporate friends goodies, so screw you America.

This is exactly why America is PISSED, and it isn't just the GOP, it is a lot of Democrats too. It is why over 70% of a poll of voters from BOTH parties said; they believe Washington is corrupt! This is with this poll information; while I personally believe that Ted Cruz would be the best for our country, I think Ben Carson (who is also very, very, good) is our best choice at this time. If he wins the GOP nomination, it is over for the democrats; almost no need for an election. That is as close to a fact as possible, once you look at demographics. Oh sure, the poverty pimps are going to call him Uncle Tom, and every other name they can think of, but it won't work. This man can relate, and that scares the hell out of the Democrats.
And Rubio did very well. Was very up to speed on the middle east and made a lot of sense on the immigration issue.

The Empty Suit is definitely running for Vice President, and I predict he'll be the successor to Palin and Lyin' Ryan come 2016. He knows he's not going to be POTUS. But he had to give up his Florida Senate seat to run. After his double loss, he'll settle into a cushy high-paying job, doing nothing of consequence while planning his 2020 run.
He's smart cuz he's a pacifist.
Hard to believe he's from KY.
Is he actually, though? His dad was Congresscritter from Texas since the 1980s, so I'm inclined to believe Rand is a Texan who moved to Kentucky.
Of course, Texans aren't pacifists, either, so...
Not sure why you say that. It never kept Carson from being a successful doctor or surgeon.
People don't vote for doctors, dumbass.

A White Supremacist Jew-Hating pedophile could be a great surgeon - it's a learned skill.

Skills are are not.

Having a gift of being rational and pleasant is sometimes learned but mostly through experience. Being an asshole is easy. Some people have it down pat.

Assholes: Bush, Fiorina, Christie, Paul, and the four guys on the early debate.
All are on the way down in the polls and deservedly so. Fiorina is only there because she has a vagina.
I agree. I also know that Kasich is a world-class asshole. So is Cruz. Carson and Trump are actually the nice guys, and I suspect Huckabee is, too.
And Rubio did very well. Was very up to speed on the middle east and made a lot of sense on the immigration issue.
The Empty Suit is definitely running for Vice President, and I predict he'll be the successor to Palin and Lyin' Ryan come 2016. He knows he's not going to be POTUS. But he had to give up his Florida Senate seat to run. After his double loss, he'll settle into a cushy high-paying job, doing nothing of consequence while planning his 2020 run.
If you're trying to convince me that you know what you're talking about it isn't working. I was listening to Medved's show today and he was very impressed. He says Fiorina and Rubio were/are the best speakers. I think he's right.
Truth is, he pisses everyone off. Not a good quality if you want to be president.
True, in the warmonger Republican Party. Rand Paul really should be the candidate of the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party.
I didn't know Johnson was a Republican. You need to work on your routine a bit more, you're still coming across like a water on the brain retard.
There is no doubt that the winner of the debate was............the American people! They had the ability to see that these candidates have knowledge of what they are talking about, including, and especially, the outsiders who held up well.

Now I am positive that lefties didn't like anything they had to say, but polls show that the vast majority of Americans agree with their positions on most of the issues raised. The problem with Republicans has always been that a wooden guy gets up there running for something, and puts you to sleep while trying to convince you that he is the best choice for the job. Just look at 08 and 12. You had Obama running against Mcain. Ok, who amongst you would want to sit down with Mcain for longer than 20 minutes, and be enthralled by anything but his war stories? What about Romney in 12? We were constantly told what a great guy he was, even though he was wealthy. He very well may have been; in fact, after the election even the left said he was a nice guy who was engaging, but during the election season.............nothing. And here, you had them running against Obama who's job before becoming a Senator, was through the English language, excite people.

Yeah, we were gonna win that one, lol!

But now it is all reversed. You have a stiff Hilly running against a group of people that each one of us can actually describe their personalities. The only 3 of the bunch on that stage that looked like they could put us all to sleep were, Paul, Bush, and Kasich. What fire did those 3 bring to make you want to vote for ANY of them as fast as possible, hopefully yesterday? Unless of course YOU like the status quo in Washington.

I can see Trump winning because he is the consummate outsider, who believes in his skills enough to finance himself; and people like the fact that nobody owns him.

While I see Rubio as a fringe establishment candidate, besides the illegal problem, I believe his knowledge would make him a superior POTUS.

Fiorina isn't fooling around. I don't expect her to be gender neutral in her actions or responses. Ask a man and a woman the same question, you will get 2 different explanations to the answers. The question is..........will the outcome be the same; meaning successful. In Fiorinas case, I believe, yes it will! Remember that females in virtually all species are the most violent and savage, when those they are entrusted to take care of are threatened. Fiorina; by her words and actions, fits that bill as we all can see.

Chris Christie COULD also excite, although he is also an establishment candidate. The worst thing he ever did if he wanted to get elected for the GOP Presidential nominee, is give Obama a bear hug, lol. You can tell he is a consummate politician, but just the fact he is establishment means he is owned. He would be a better choice than Hillary, would probably make Republicans believe things were going to change, but the likelihood of that happening with him as POTUS is slim indeed.

I like Walker, I like Walker a lot. I like his policies. I do not like the way he delivers his ideas; I do not think he is confident enough. He to would probably be a very good POTUS, but because of what appears to be his own insecurity with putting forth the ideas he has, I am sorry to say that he could win the GOP nomination, but he could not win the general. While he does not espouse the ideas of Romney, his demeanor IS Romney. He would get run over, just like Romney did.

Ben Carson is the guy everyone should look out for. While everyone does not agree with everything he says, (who agrees with everything any of the candidates say) he can win the GOP nomination, and he would fleece the Democrats of millions of votes. Highly intelligent. Extremely articulate. Very conservative. Admits to wanting a team concept, instead of proclaiming he knows everything; which instantly gives him a reasonable pass on some questions. A consummate outsider, which is what most Americans want. If this man gets in the general election, there is NOT ONE Democrat that can beat him, unless some dirt comes out we are not aware of.

Mike Huckabee would probably have been the President instead of Obama, IF he was not such an evangelical. That is correct, Romney would have lost the nomination to him. Americans do not want their politics and religion mixed so closely; and while I have great respect for the mans political acumen along with his assessments on foreign policy, he can't win due to his religious ties being to close. Take Huckabee, throw out 70% of the religious leanings, and you would have a really, really, REALLY good POTUS.

I would like to believe that Ted Cruz would get the nod if Trump is knocked out. He is the one most closely allied with Trump ideas, and he is a politician who can articulate those ideas better, along with panache. Normally, he would be considered establishment because he is already a senator, but as everyone knows, both sides of the aisle dislike him intensely. That is a badge of honor for those wanting an outsider. I also believe that if he is the last person standing against the establishment, all of the outsiders would support him. It would be a meld of both, sitting politician, and outsider.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that the race for the GOP is between Trump, Carson, Fiorina, and Cruz. If Carson or Cruz looks to be ahead, the other 2 will give them their support when they drop. Fiorina or Trump ahead? Well, those 2 don't seem to like each other, so that could be a different story.

And now, so many people (mostly lefties) have asked why the GOP and some Democrats wants outsiders so badly. I heard it explained today quite clearly, and the way it was explained, I think says it all.

Do we remember 2007? Do we remember GW Bush, the establishment Republicans along with the establishment Democrats in congress were going to pass AMNESTY. Do we remember what happened? People called Washington and shut down the switchboard, Republicans and Democrats were told that if they passed that bill, we would THROW THEM ALL OUT! The ratio on the calls was 7 to 3 against it. Millions of calls poured in, along with faxes, emails, snail mail, along with people being interviewed on the nightly news everywhere proclaiming, "we will throw them all out!" Think back, think, and you will remember.

Today, Washington no longer cares what we say. Today, Washington is sooooooo confident they will get re-elected, they ignore all of us, Republicans and Democrats alike. Polls show we don't want amnesty by 6 to 4; they don't care, establishment republicans and Democrats are going to do it anyway. We don't want the Iran deal. They don't care, screw you. We don't want TPP. Up yours America, we know better. We want sealed borders. Not gonna get it. Want the tax code made simple. Then they can't give any of their corporate friends goodies, so screw you America.

This is exactly why America is PISSED, and it isn't just the GOP, it is a lot of Democrats too. It is why over 70% of a poll of voters from BOTH parties said; they believe Washington is corrupt! This is with this poll information; while I personally believe that Ted Cruz would be the best for our country, I think Ben Carson (who is also very, very, good) is our best choice at this time. If he wins the GOP nomination, it is over for the democrats; almost no need for an election. That is as close to a fact as possible, once you look at demographics. Oh sure, the poverty pimps are going to call him Uncle Tom, and every other name they can think of, but it won't work. This man can relate, and that scares the hell out of the Democrats.
Holy fuck, dude. Write posts, not novels. Nobody is gonna read that shit unless they have no life at all.
And Rubio did very well. Was very up to speed on the middle east and made a lot of sense on the immigration issue.
The Empty Suit is definitely running for Vice President, and I predict he'll be the successor to Palin and Lyin' Ryan come 2016. He knows he's not going to be POTUS. But he had to give up his Florida Senate seat to run. After his double loss, he'll settle into a cushy high-paying job, doing nothing of consequence while planning his 2020 run.
If you're trying to convince me that you know what you're talking about it isn't working. I was listening to Medved's show today and he was very impressed. He says Fiorina and Rubio were/are the best speakers. I think he's right.
You actually think Rubio can win a general election for President?

He's an empty suit with no legislative accomplishments or executive experience in his career, in Washington or Florida. And he is not inspiring in the least.
Truth is, he pisses everyone off. Not a good quality if you want to be president.
True, in the warmonger Republican Party. Rand Paul really should be the candidate of the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party.
I didn't know Johnson was a Republican. You need to work on your routine a bit more, you're still coming across like a water on the brain retard.
WTF are you talking about? Johnson who? We're talking about Rand Paul, dumbass.
And Rubio did very well. Was very up to speed on the middle east and made a lot of sense on the immigration issue.
The Empty Suit is definitely running for Vice President, and I predict he'll be the successor to Palin and Lyin' Ryan come 2016. He knows he's not going to be POTUS. But he had to give up his Florida Senate seat to run. After his double loss, he'll settle into a cushy high-paying job, doing nothing of consequence while planning his 2020 run.
If you're trying to convince me that you know what you're talking about it isn't working. I was listening to Medved's show today and he was very impressed. He says Fiorina and Rubio were/are the best speakers. I think he's right.
You actually think Rubio can win a general election for President?

He's an empty suit with no legislative accomplishments or executive experience in his career, in Washington or Florida. And he is not inspiring in the least.
Yeah....he needs to become First Lady, then become a Senator, then Secretary Of State, and fuck up at all three.

Or he could be like Obama and not do anything.....
THATS WHY Carsons going to be VP.
A man who believes the earth is 6,000 years old has no business holding an elected office.

Is that an admission that Obama is not a Christian?
Who gives a damn? You know what Gandhi said about our "Christians". They`re phony and they suck.
A quote by Mahatma Gandhi

That sounds more like something a bigoted asshole like you would say.

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