My secret.

Nov 24, 2017
Okay everyone, its time I got this off my chest, my terrible secret.... a long, long time ago (Exactly 2 day more than the legal statute of limitations) I was at a party at (person who always throws parties house)..... and I'd had too much to drink..... when suddenly (wealthy / famous person I don't like) sexually assaulted me. There were no witnesses and it was long enough ago that no one can definitely disprove it. At least no one anyone will listen to.

I've been tortured by this for so long, its been so traumatic............. I've got some paid tv appearances this week so tune in to hear all about it, or check out my new YouTube channel!


Desperate obscure celebrity hanger-on / lonely nobody

[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

“When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace” - Jimi Hendrix
Okay everyone, its time I got this off my chest, my terrible secret.... a long, long time ago (Exactly 2 day more than the legal statute of limitations) I was at a party at (person who always throws parties house)..... and I'd had too much to drink..... when suddenly (wealthy / famous person I don't like) sexually assaulted me. There were no witnesses and it was long enough ago that no one can definitely disprove it. At least no one anyone will listen to.

I've been tortured by this for so long, its been so traumatic............. I've got some paid tv appearances this week so tune in to hear all about it, or check out my new YouTube channel!


Desperate obscure celebrity hanger-on / lonely nobody

[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

“When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace” - Jimi Hendrix
... On Ellen Degerates ?!

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