My sister is in Israel

Like I said. We should adopt every single security measure they do. More for non citizens traveling here

Guess you don't really plan on flying anywhere then. Because, if we adopted the way they do things over there for every airport here, air travel would be the worst pain in the ass you could imagine. Here, the TSA wants you to show up 1 to 2 hours beforehand so that you can get through security. There? Plan on more like 6 to 8 hours. And, chances are that people like you would be yelling about their rights being violated, as they check you out with a microscope. Everything from your luggage, to you, to where you came from as well as where you are going and why.
Guess you don't really plan on flying anywhere then. Because, if we adopted the way they do things over there for every airport here, air travel would be the worst pain in the ass you could imagine. Here, the TSA wants you to show up 1 to 2 hours beforehand so that you can get through security. There? Plan on more like 6 to 8 hours. And, chances are that people like you would be yelling about their rights being violated, as they check you out with a microscope. Everything from your luggage, to you, to where you came from as well as where you are going and why.
You mean to tell me planes are scheduled 6 to 8 hrs in order to check all the people on the flight?

Anyway. I believe every flight in America would be like going through customs. A dog checks everyone and luggage. You are questioned thoroughly on who you are and where are you going. Anything that doesn't match and you be flagged for a complete background check

You'll understand within a year or 2 what will be going on. It is going to be awful what they have planned
Things are really ready to explode with Iran
The closer we get to the mid-terms the more likely Israel will do what needs to be done.

The U.S. is always problem for Israel....especially when democrats are in power.

As long as Israel is able to conduct covert operations that hinder the Iranian development of the bomb....they will hold off with overt military now appears they will have no choice but to take military action....though their government is in turmoil at this point.

However if it appears that Iran is on the verge of getting the bomb...then that will unify the people and the required action will be taken....I think right before the mid terms would be an ideal time....the democrats would fear going against Israel right before this crucial election.
The closer we get to the mid-terms the more likely Israel will do what needs to be done.

The U.S. is always problem for Israel....especially when democrats are in power.

As long as Israel is able to conduct covert operations that hinder the Iranian development of the bomb....they will hold off with overt military now appears they will have no choice but to take military action....though their government is in turmoil at this point.

However if it appears that Iran is on the verge of getting the bomb...then that will unify the people and the required action will be taken....I think right before the mid terms would be an ideal time....the democrats would fear going against Israel right before this crucial election.

According to Israel Iran has been on the verge since 1992. Iran will never bomb Israel. You're being played.
New government there will usher Bibi back for sure
try logic-----

Where did you think they came from? Sure wasn't Eastern Europe and Russia.
you resort to pronouns LOTS Suradie. Who is "they" and what does
Eastern Europe and Russia have to do with the discussion? Did you pass
junior high school biology and history? Did you ever read about the
GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST in your episcopalian education?
My paternal grandmother was born in London----and my maternal
grandmother in the USA. Somehow I am not an Episcoplian or
an Anglican. As an Episcoplian were you taught that HUMANS in
the past 10,000 years STAYED in the places of their birth forever
and never HYBRIDIZED. Communities that stayed in place for just
1000 years are rare and TREASURED by geneticists
According to Israel Iran has been on the verge since 1992. Iran will never bomb Israel. You're being played.
on the verge of what since 1992?-----are you actually asserting that Iran has never
attacked israelis or----JOOOOS via their lackeys in the past 30 years? Something
you picked up in the latest Khutbahjumaat feces fling?
You mean to tell me planes are scheduled 6 to 8 hrs in order to check all the people on the flight?

Anyway. I believe every flight in America would be like going through customs. A dog checks everyone and luggage. You are questioned thoroughly on who you are and where are you going. Anything that doesn't match and you be flagged for a complete background check

You'll understand within a year or 2 what will be going on. It is going to be awful what they have planned

No, it wasn't the airplanes that were scheduled, it was the person traveling. According to the military instruction manuals governing travel of US Navy personnel overseas, it was required for the person traveling to be there 6 to 8 hours ahead of time, as well as they had a butt ton of paperwork that they had to have with them. Scheduling someone to go through Tel Aviv was always a pain in the ass to do, as not only was there paperwork that had to be prepared for them to have with them, but there were also several messages that had to be sent from the ship to various places for scheduling. Most of the time the CO would check to see if we could send them out via another place like Sigonella as it was such a hassle through Tel Aviv. And the dog sniffing and questioning was just a part of what it took to send personnel via Tel Aviv. Like I said, there were messages that had to be sent, paperwork that had to be prepared, as well as scheduling that had to be done. And, if the paperwork didn't match what had been sent prior via message, the person traveling (as well as the personnel office that prepared the paperwork) were in for a whole lot of headache, with a very likely ass chewing thrown in.
No, it wasn't the airplanes that were scheduled, it was the person traveling. According to the military instruction manuals governing travel of US Navy personnel overseas, it was required for the person traveling to be there 6 to 8 hours ahead of time, as well as they had a butt ton of paperwork that they had to have with them. Scheduling someone to go through Tel Aviv was always a pain in the ass to do, as not only was there paperwork that had to be prepared for them to have with them, but there were also several messages that had to be sent from the ship to various places for scheduling. Most of the time the CO would check to see if we could send them out via another place like Sigonella as it was such a hassle through Tel Aviv. And the dog sniffing and questioning was just a part of what it took to send personnel via Tel Aviv. Like I said, there were messages that had to be sent, paperwork that had to be prepared, as well as scheduling that had to be done. And, if the paperwork didn't match what had been sent prior via message, the person traveling (as well as the personnel office that prepared the paperwork) were in for a whole lot of headache, with a very likely ass chewing thrown in.
to what period of time do you allude? remember the latter half of the 20th century
when terrorism was an AIRPORT phenomenon----not to discount the ongoing
careful scrutiny ----but SORTA WARRANTED
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Who? Israel hasn't threatened to bomb Saudi Arabia since Golde Meir was losing the six day war.
you have a citation on that GOLDA MEIR threat to bomb Saudi Arabia (other than the
contemporaneous Khutbah Jumaat faces fling or the Medina Mud times? An
anecdote: I do recall the NUMERIOUS reports on the great and continuous
arab victories against the ""ZIONIST ENTITY"" in the Spring of 1967---and the claims
recall Golda saying "WE WILL BOMB SAUDI ARABIA" Way back then I was with a
group of people and one old guy had a transistor radio-----suddenly he yelled
out "IT'S OVER" ----and I said "who won" ?
to what period of time do you allude? remember the latter half of the 20th century
when terrorism was an AIRPORT phenomenon----not to discount the ongoing
careful scrutiny ----but SORTA WARRANTED

Traveling via Tel Aviv has always been a pain in the ass that I knew of from 1982 to 2002 (that was when I was in the Navy), and it got worse after 9/11.
Traveling via Tel Aviv has always been a pain in the ass that I knew of from 1982 to 2002 (that was when I was in the Navy), and it got worse after 9/11.
oh -----well----hijacking planes and shootups in airports were nothing compared
to weaponizing whole passenger planes----LOOK UP IN THE SKY--IT'S A BIRD,
IT"S A BUTTERFLY----no, it's a muzzie in the cockpit

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