My solution to stop the killings


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
95% of all these mass killings are caused by young men that have high "test" levels. The solution for most of this is lowering the testosterone with Estrogen. The goal would be turning the down the oven without reducing their chance at having children later in life.

Most young men have such high test levels that they're only a few feet away from doing evil stuff. This is why 90% of all killings are caused by men!

This would greatly reduce the number of mass slaughters as we seen today
This would reduce murder and other violent crimes.

I propose this to you the people as a means to ending a lot of our problems.
I'm pretty sure your Estrogen levels are naturally pretty high.
95% of all these mass killings are caused by young men that have high "test" levels. The solution for most of this is lowering the testosterone with Estrogen. The goal would be turning the down the oven without reducing their chance at having children later in life.

Most young men have such high test levels that they're only a few feet away from doing evil stuff. This is why 90% of all killings are caused by men!

This would greatly reduce the number of mass slaughters as we seen today
This would reduce murder and other violent crimes.

I propose this to you the people as a means to ending a lot of our problems.

Your complete ignorance of science is astounding.
95% of all these mass killings are caused by young men that have high "test" levels. The solution for most of this is lowering the testosterone with Estrogen. The goal would be turning the down the oven without reducing their chance at having children later in life.

Most young men have such high test levels that they're only a few feet away from doing evil stuff. This is why 90% of all killings are caused by men!

This would greatly reduce the number of mass slaughters as we seen today
This would reduce murder and other violent crimes.

I propose this to you the people as a means to ending a lot of our problems.
Sorry, but the war on manhood started after WWII. Soy products, have been infused into the diets of young men, thus causing them to NOT have the test required to be gentlemen, but confused masses of flesh that end up going bonkers as seen time and again. Even today when men go out and get boobs, and then told how courageous they are in their trans movement, this again, reinforces their insanity of the boys. Back in the day a REAL man respected women, loved children in or out of the womb, and protect the elderly and infirm. Today it is all about "ME FIRST" and fook the rest of the people.

Oh yeah, when public education took God out of the schools and don't teach Right from Wrong, Good vs Evil, but 50 shades of grey, this also doesn't help.

The solution is much easier Mattieboy.

Stop drugging boys with Big Pharma's poison and put armed guards in schools. Problem solved. the Clean Debate Zone?
I would think a requirement for a debate is an honest attempt at a discussion, and not just another Troll Post by USMB's current reigning troll.
95% of all these mass killings are caused by young men that have high "test" levels. The solution for most of this is lowering the testosterone with Estrogen. The goal would be turning the down the oven without reducing their chance at having children later in life.

Most young men have such high test levels that they're only a few feet away from doing evil stuff. This is why 90% of all killings are caused by men!

This would greatly reduce the number of mass slaughters as we seen today
This would reduce murder and other violent crimes.

I propose this to you the people as a means to ending a lot of our problems.

^^^^ Um how is anyone supposed to debate this total insanity? This does not belong in the CDZ it is more appropriate for The Rubber Room.

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