My solution to Syria


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
1. Split the country, alawite and sunni, along their geographical lines. Guarantee protection of the alawites, who will then be accepting of a new regime if they are protected under UN mandate/uniformed, armed forces.

2. Ass-ad must step down and his government removed, and then tried at the Hague for Crimes Against Humanity.

3. There is to be no contiguous land mass allowing iran or the alawite region to be any closer to lebanon, so hezbollah the terrorist proxy will continue to be cutoff.
Why does it seem like all the solutions from pinheads like ChoadScholar consist of:

1. Heavy CIA, Special Ops and Contractor Interference
2. Break country into parts
3. Install Western controlled Dictator

Are we TRYING to start WWIII over there? Cause that what is seems like.

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