My view on how America's two party system should work


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2020
For me to know and you not to find out.

The above article gives a general overview and assurance that we will never be under a one party dictatorship. That being said, I believe that Democrats can go as hard Left as they want. By the same token, why is it incumbent upon the GOP to shift anywhere NEAR the Left? The primary purpose of the opposition, the LOYAL opposition is to do just that. To oppose at any cost. Not negotiate, not play nicey-nice, not capitulate, not surrender. But fight against the Left.

The above article gives a general overview and assurance that we will never be under a one party dictatorship. That being said, I believe that Democrats can go as hard Left as they want. By the same token, why is it incumbent upon the GOP to shift anywhere NEAR the Left? The primary purpose of the opposition, the LOYAL opposition is to do just that. To oppose at any cost. Not negotiate, not play nicey-nice, not capitulate, not surrender. But fight against the Left.

You quote the article as a given and virtually agree with it then immediately belch your bile and hatred for the left as if communism is already Institutionalized. You're paranoid about communism taking over. There has never been a communist ever elected to government but joe shows up and now the regime is out of control because you lost. Grow up. You're off your head.

The above article gives a general overview and assurance that we will never be under a one party dictatorship. That being said, I believe that Democrats can go as hard Left as they want. By the same token, why is it incumbent upon the GOP to shift anywhere NEAR the Left? The primary purpose of the opposition, the LOYAL opposition is to do just that. To oppose at any cost. Not negotiate, not play nicey-nice, not capitulate, not surrender. But fight against the Left.

You quote the article as a given and virtually agree with it then immediately belch your bile and hatred for the left as if communism is already Institutionalized. You're paranoid about communism taking over. There has never been a communist ever elected to government but joe shows up and now the regime is out of control because you lost. Grow up. You're off your head.
Opinion noted and shitcanned. Why should ANYONE support the Left?

The above article gives a general overview and assurance that we will never be under a one party dictatorship. That being said, I believe that Democrats can go as hard Left as they want. By the same token, why is it incumbent upon the GOP to shift anywhere NEAR the Left? The primary purpose of the opposition, the LOYAL opposition is to do just that. To oppose at any cost. Not negotiate, not play nicey-nice, not capitulate, not surrender. But fight against the Left.

You quote the article as a given and virtually agree with it then immediately belch your bile and hatred for the left as if communism is already Institutionalized. You're paranoid about communism taking over. There has never been a communist ever elected to government but joe shows up and now the regime is out of control because you lost. Grow up. You're off your head.
Opinion noted and shitcanned. Why should ANYONE support the Left?

In case it has escaped your attention, the majority clearly just did.
We had Obama for 8 years and guess what, the sky never fell in. How strange?
You're just another Democrat hater because your frightened of a bit of socialism that you enjoy everyday.
Yes you do.
if the primary position of the opposition is to oppose then it is a two way street. Left has the same obligation to oppose those who go hard right. Still one can be civil about it but it takes two.
if the primary position of the opposition is to oppose then it is a two way street. Left has the same obligation to oppose those who go hard right. Still one can be civil about it but it takes two.


Both parties spend like drunken sailors, promote reducing our freedoms with such legislation as the Patriot act and NDAA. Both love wars abroad. Both are in love with Bigger and Bigger government.

Only one is proud of it and the other tries to pretend they hate it.
According to this line of reasoning. An MTG led government is as acceptable as an AOC led government.

To the victor goes the spoils…
if the primary position of the opposition is to oppose then it is a two way street. Left has the same obligation to oppose those who go hard right. Still one can be civil about it but it takes two.


Both parties spend like drunken sailors, promote reducing our freedoms with such legislation as the Patriot act and NDAA. Both love wars abroad. Both are in love with Bigger and Bigger government.

Only one is proud of it and the other tries to pretend they hate it.

well one is proud of it and can see no wrong, while the other is proud of it but can speak out if they see something wrong.
if the primary position of the opposition is to oppose then it is a two way street. Left has the same obligation to oppose those who go hard right. Still one can be civil about it but it takes two.
Why does one have to be civil about it? When it clearly shows how much the Left hate America.
Well many on the left do not hate America, it just that others what to believe that they do.

Capitol riot was breaking and entering with some theft but is seen as patriotic.

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