My view on race relations in America - They are the best in the world!


Apr 22, 2007
If you listen to many USMB members, likes bigots like Willian Joyce or Charles Main, you would think America was still back in the 50-60s. That is not that case. There are still bigoted organizations like the KKK, Skin heads, La Raza, The Nation of Islam, The Aryan Nation etc., however, for the most part we get along.

Detractors like WJ would say trying showing brotherly love in the ghettos. Its true the ghetto can be very dangerous for white people. Poor white children CAN NOT go to school in poor black areas. Its a fact they would be terrorized unmercifully! However, its also very dangerous for black people (esp wealthy ones)!The danger of the ghetto is dangerous for everyone, regardless of color, religion or nationality!

Come out to middle class to wealthy parts of Big Cities, suburbs or even small rural towns, races get along very well! Even kids in school get along very well apart from the ghetto.

We all have our biases no doubt, but the fallacy of the races in America not getting along is just that a fallacy!

Even Arabs and Jews get along pretty well in America. Go to NYC or Chicago and usually the Arab neighborhood is right next to the Orthodox Jewish neighborhood! There are very few confortations between the groups!
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It could be that I live in Chicago, a true melting pot city and that I have grown up and worked with blacks, latinos, Arabs and Asians my entire life, but I just don't see the crazy racial hatred that far right and far left proclaims!
I appreciate the American system of integrating immigrants in the "melting pot"

I really dislike the Canadian system in which I live. This is because here we have the "tapestry" mentality, which has essentially created ethnic enclaves for our cities. Richmond is a chinese city, Surrey is Indian, etc.

I think the US is the very best one could hope at the moment. I genuinely believe, however, that it is important for all immigrants to adapt rapidly to the US lifestyle and the English language. In Canada you can literally live your entire life in your ethnic enclave and never have to learn english (though I know in the States this is also true for some groups)
The fact that races do sometimes "get along" in particularized instances does not instruct us that multiracial societies are the nirvanas they're made out to be. If you stuck Hitler and Abraham Foxman in a hotel room for a week, I'm sure they'd get around to agreeing on something. Like, 30 Rock is hilarious.

I think races should be free to make decisions about whom they'll group with, without government interference. We don't have that in America at all. I would like to see that change.
The fact that races do sometimes "get along" in particularized instances does not instruct us that multiracial societies are the nirvanas they're made out to be. If you stuck Hitler and Abraham Foxman in a hotel room for a week, I'm sure they'd get around to agreeing on something. Like, 30 Rock is hilarious.

I think races should be free to make decisions about whom they'll group with, without government interference. We don't have that in America at all. I would like to see that change.

Wrong! Its not sometimes its most of the time! The ghetto is dangerous for everyone, not just whites venturing into these area (just like the traitor parks that you live in), but go out of the ghetto (of the traitor park in your case) and the races and religions get along fine!
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I don't believe there has ever been a multiracial/multiethnic/multireligious society succeed to the extent that the US has.

Not that it has been easy though
I don't believe there has ever been a multiracial/multiethnic/multireligious society succeed to the extent that the US has.

Not that it has been easy though

But people like WJ and Charles Main and others like KKK and so called civil rights babies like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, try to protray the races as a constant struggle against each other. But that is not that case, basically the races get along. The only real EXCEPTION is in the ghetto where its dangerous for Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Arabs, Indians and Whites alike! True whites would have a tough tough time going to an all black or latino school in the ghetto, but again that is in the Ghetto!
I don't believe there has ever been a multiracial/multiethnic/multireligious society succeed to the extent that the US has.

Not that it has been easy though

But people like WJ and Charles Main and others like KKK and so called civil rights babies like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, try to protray the races as a constant struggle against each other. But that is not that case, basically the races get along. The only real EXCEPTION is in the ghetto where its dangerous for Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Arabs, Indians and Whites alike! True whites would have a tough tough time going to an all black or latino school in the ghetto, but again that is in the Ghetto!

Our history has not always been the greatest. However no country has ever allowed as many people of different ethnic and racial backgrounds that the US has. Now that Europe is opening its borders to immigrants you can see they have similar problems we had in the 50s
The fact that races do sometimes "get along" in particularized instances does not instruct us that multiracial societies are the nirvanas they're made out to be. If you stuck Hitler and Abraham Foxman in a hotel room for a week, I'm sure they'd get around to agreeing on something. Like, 30 Rock is hilarious.

I think races should be free to make decisions about whom they'll group with, without government interference. We don't have that in America at all. I would like to see that change.

Wrong! Its not sometimes its most of the time! The ghetto is dangerous for everyone, just whites venturing into these area (just like the traitor parks that you live in), but go out of the ghetto (of the traitor park in your case) and the races and religions get along fine!

Tell me how Jews get along with Arabs, GHook.
The fact that races do sometimes "get along" in particularized instances does not instruct us that multiracial societies are the nirvanas they're made out to be. If you stuck Hitler and Abraham Foxman in a hotel room for a week, I'm sure they'd get around to agreeing on something. Like, 30 Rock is hilarious.

I think races should be free to make decisions about whom they'll group with, without government interference. We don't have that in America at all. I would like to see that change.

Wrong! Its not sometimes its most of the time! The ghetto is dangerous for everyone, just whites venturing into these area (just like the traitor parks that you live in), but go out of the ghetto (of the traitor park in your case) and the races and religions get along fine!

Tell me how Jews get along with Arabs, GHook.

In America? PLENTY. I grew up with Arabs my whole life. I have mentioned numerous times that one of my best friends is probably the bravest man I know and America Shitte Iraq who joined the armed forces when we invaded Iraq. He is still there and wholeheartedly believes in the struggle. He is a brave and great man.

Go to Chicago and NYC right next to the Orthodox Jewish section is the Arab section. There are very few flare ups between the group. Sorry to burst your bubble pal, but once again YOUR WRONG!
There is no "Arab section" of NYC abutting any Jewish neighborhoods. Have you ever even been to New York? I might even have to call jillian in on this to back me up -- yikes!

The point of my jab was that Jews in Israel and "surrounding territories" don't get along with Arabs at all. They kill them, and the Arabs kill them in turn. The Jews put up walls. They invade and commit war crimes. Arabs strap bombs to themselves and blow up Jews on buses. In other words, it's not great relations.
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There is no "Arab section" of NYC abutting any Jewish neighborhoods. Have you ever even been to New York? I might even have to call jillian in on this to back me up -- yikes!

The point of my jab was that Jews in Israel and "surrounding territories" don't get along with Arabs at all. They kill them, and the Arabs kill them in turn. The Jews put up walls. They invade and commit war crimes. Arabs strap bombs to themselves and blow up Jews on buses. In other words, it's not great relations.

FIRST, please call in Jillian she will confirm it.
Second, I am talking American not Africa, not the Middle East and not Europe. Please catch up.
Third, you have never been to Israel. You would be shocked to see how peaceful she really is. There is no violence on the streets like you think meathead. For the most part the Jews and the Israeli Arabs get along fine!
Wrong! Its not sometimes its most of the time! The ghetto is dangerous for everyone, just whites venturing into these area (just like the traitor parks that you live in), but go out of the ghetto (of the traitor park in your case) and the races and religions get along fine!

Tell me how Jews get along with Arabs, GHook.

In America? PLENTY. I grew up with Arabs my whole life. I have mentioned numerous times that one of my best friends is probably the bravest man I know and America Shitte Iraq who joined the armed forces when we invaded Iraq. He is still there and wholeheartedly believes in the struggle. He is a brave and great man.

Go to Chicago and NYC right next to the Orthodox Jewish section is the Arab section. There are very few flare ups between the group. Sorry to burst your bubble pal, but once again YOUR WRONG!

You keep talking about how the jews and arabs get along beside each on in each section of new york. Key word here is SECTION. That's right, they live amongst themselves and separate themselves. Think before you speak. Arabs and jews get along great huh. That's why there have been no problems for thousands of years right? What a crock of SHIAAAAAAAAAAAT.
Tell me how Jews get along with Arabs, GHook.

In America? PLENTY. I grew up with Arabs my whole life. I have mentioned numerous times that one of my best friends is probably the bravest man I know and America Shitte Iraq who joined the armed forces when we invaded Iraq. He is still there and wholeheartedly believes in the struggle. He is a brave and great man.

Go to Chicago and NYC right next to the Orthodox Jewish section is the Arab section. There are very few flare ups between the group. Sorry to burst your bubble pal, but once again YOUR WRONG!

You keep talking about how the jews and arabs get along beside each on in each section of new york. Key word here is SECTION. That's right, they live amongst themselves and separate themselves. Think before you speak. Arabs and jews get along great huh. That's why there have been no problems for thousands of years right? What a crock of SHIAAAAAAAAAAAT.

Think before you speak little one!
First, this is not about Jews and Arabs in the Middle East, its about them here!
Second, there have been times when the Muslims were alright to the Jews.

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