Myocarditis diagnoses spiked in the military by 130.5% in 2021

Total bullshit from a totally bogus site....exactly what I expect from you~

The World Council for Health is a pseudo-medical organisation dedicated to spreading misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines and promoting fake COVID-19 treatments.[1]
The organization's online appearance is that of a mainstream health organization, though it promotes discredited treatments and is anti-vaccination.[2] The group appears to have been formed in September 2021 and its published leadership contains people which an Australian Associated Press fact check described as "figures who have promoted unfounded conspiracy theories".[3]
As of May 2022 the group was led by Tess Lawrie, an obstetrician and founder of the "BIRD Group", which promotes ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment.[4]
The World Council for Health is affiliated with Children's Health Defense, an antivaccine association led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,[5] and World Doctors Alliance, an independent organization of anti-vaccine school.
Further information: Ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic
The World Council for Health promotes misinformation linking COVID-19 vaccination with death.[6] In 2021 the group promoted claims on social media of a condition they called "Post-COVID injection syndrome". The condition is however not recognized in medical science, and there is no evidence any such condition is caused by vaccination.[7]
In May 2022 the group was involved in a conference in Bath, England which Vice World News described as a meeting of the "biggest names in the global anti-vax and coronavirus conspiracy scenes". The local authorities withdrew permission to use their venues after reviewing the publicity of the World Council for Health falsely claiming that COVID-19 vaccines were unsafe.


The World Council for Health (WCH) is in no way what it sounds like, which is of course exactly the point. The organization’s website is set up to look like a public health nonprofit: a clean layout, a cheery little logo—a graphic of a hand inside an apple, a heart inlay inside the hand—and a bland mission statement, which proclaims that the group is “a worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom.” There’s also a sprinkling of stock photos, prominently featuring Black women and children.

In reality, the WCH is an umbrella group for purveyors of COVID misinformation. Its dozens of large and small “coalition partners,” among which are groups that are regularly in the headlines and ones working behind the scenes, are based all over the world. They share one thing: a devotion to casting doubt on COVID vaccines and promoting discredited treatments for the disease. In the past few months, the WCH has declared that COVID vaccines are “dangerous and ineffective,” released a nonsense guide to “spike protein detox” after vaccination (premised on the completely false idea that the vaccine somehow looses dangerous spike proteins in the body), misleadingly claimed that COVID vaccination is leading to increased heart issues in both adults and children, and called on its followers to be “the hands and feet of this global coalition” and deliver a petition against the vaccines to their local elected officials.
Trumpers, Russians, and Saudi Arabians love to use outliers to push their conspiracies and outliers love the attention and money.
How do you know the original vaccine isn't the problem? That if trump had not used our tax money to fast track it, these types of issues wouldn't have taken place?

But it certainly is a creative position to take; the original vaccine that Trump essentially pushed through the process is fine, despite thousands of right wing posts that say otherwise, but now the booster shots are bad and the original vaccine was great? Trump good. Biden bad. Color me shocked.

Is this going to be the new narrative, likely provided by our global enemies, so Trump can still take credit for the vaccine, yet make Biden responsible for what follows?

Good luck running with that rhetoric but I'm sure trumpers will eat it up...moderates and independents, not so much. It's harder to influence people capable of rational, independent thought.
So you claim that only the Trump vaccine was bad.....but the damage it did to everyone only rears it's ugly head 3 years later?

Okay, go with that if you don't mind looking like a fool. :auiqs.jpg:
So you claim that only the Trump vaccine was bad.....but the damage it did to everyone only rears it's ugly head 3 years later?

Okay, go with that if you don't mind looking like a fool. :auiqs.jpg:
No. I didn't claim that.

What a waste of a post. Lol.

That said, trumpers have been claiming the vaccine has been killing people since it was distributed. Now all the sudden they were all wrong and the new narrative is right?

Lol. Good luck, Skippy.
Let's follow their logic now folks. Trump MAGA bots like me are so in step with Trump that us ANTIVAXXERS (somehow also Trumpbots) didn't take the vaccine cause we are committed Tumpbots even though it was Trump that pushed the vaccines in the beginning?

Read that logic and THAT MAKES SENSE TO THEM.

Want to bet a loser like catameter is all vaxxed and boostered up?

They truly are pathetic monkeys.

Newly leaked data from the Department of Defense (DOD), given to Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) by a whistleblower, reportedly shows myocarditis diagnoses “jumped 130.5 percent in 2021 when compared to the average from the years 2016 to 2020, according to data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).” The new leak also shows that the percentage increases for various conditions released by DOD were false, based on their own data.

Can you believe what we are living through? It truly is a phenomenon.

Broken hearts of a military that was ignored when Joe Biden destroyed their allegiance to the Americans they were protecting when they were forced to leave all those people to the mercy of a Taliban that has no mercy on those they hate.

Yep broken hearts in today's military when their most important job was sacked by a selfish, uncaring egomaniac playing to his political base he forgot had military service in their families for generations who left not one man behind, not ever. God help this nation through the remainder of the self-serving, arrogant Biden who in going along with Bernie Sanders' communist influence and the Drug Cartels' murder by fentanyl of one hundred thousand American youths per annum. It's horrifying in its best light.

More health issues are ahead for our dear military men and women as Biden bumbles his way through his own hatred that made him call millions of the hardworking conservatives who supported the Republican President Donald J. Trump "fascists." The same Donald Trump who spent his four years keeping his oath of office to provide for the common defense, and encouraged the heroes in the services to protect American citizens who had businesses, university classes, and Diplomat interests over there in foreign countries. Biden belongs in an elder care facility, not a stressful Oval office. Decency calls for Biden's voluntary resignation, and if he doesn't, his political party has an obligation to the American people to execute the 25th amendment for removal due to his health. If the party is unresponsive to this necessary action to preserve the United States of America, there will be further dysfunction of government. Prayers up for our military guys who have pain in their hearts. Same for our American beat cops and First defenders. I thank the Lord God for our brave military who do their level best to provide for the common defense. Amen.
No. I didn't claim that.

What a waste of a post. Lol.

That said, trumpers have been claiming the vaccine has been killing people since it was distributed. Now all the sudden they were all wrong and the new narrative is right?

Lol. Good luck, Skippy.
You're just trying to confuse the issue.
The truth is the reason they don't want to know the origins of COVID is because it would show they were involved.
They're trying to kill as many people as they can and get rich while doing it.


Misleading. There were 2,320 total reports of myocarditis in VAERS from 1990 to Oct. 27, 2021, according to the CDC. Reports of myocarditis and pericarditis have increased since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, with 1,005 cases confirmed, but a link to the shots has so far not been established.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here.

There have been no deaths reported.

Newly leaked data from the Department of Defense (DOD), given to Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) by a whistleblower, reportedly shows myocarditis diagnoses “jumped 130.5 percent in 2021 when compared to the average from the years 2016 to 2020, according to data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).” The new leak also shows that the percentage increases for various conditions released by DOD were false, based on their own data.

Can you believe what we are living through? It truly is a phenomenon.

Why is this in Conspiracy Theories?

Who is attempting to COPE here?
The Trump vaccine strikes again.
Yeah.....Biden is so helpless. He can't change anything Trump did except destroy our fossil fuel industry and throw open the borders. And he got us out of Afghanistan and helped cause the war in Ukraine. All of that is Trump's fault because Biden can't fix all of the shit Trump set in place. Biden is such a good president, but he just doesn't know how to fix shit his predecessor did that caused train derailments and banks to collapse.
Oh, and Trump caused Biden to take all of the Chinese cash too.
Everybody knows that, as well as the fact that Trump is still forcing Biden to mandate dangerous vaccinations for all federal government employees.
You're just trying to confuse the issue.
The truth is the reason they don't want to know the origins of COVID is because it would show they were involved.
They're trying to kill as many people as they can and get rich while doing it.
The origins? I didn't say anything about the origins. Why do you keep changing the subject?
The origins? I didn't say anything about the origins. Why do you keep changing the subject?
The entire issue is the origins of COVID.
They created COVID, and they needed the COVID virus for a long time to create safe vaccines.
Where COVID came from is the Elephant in the room you leftists refuse to talk about.
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“It’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office"-- the Biden Vaccine July 2021
You know that isn't true so was your point to say Biden was wrong...which really isn't relevant to this discussion? If so, good job.
Yeah.....Biden is so helpless. He can't change anything Trump did except destroy our fossil fuel industry and throw open the borders. And he got us out of Afghanistan and helped cause the war in Ukraine. All of that is Trump's fault because Biden can't fix all of the shit Trump set in place. Biden is such a good president, but he just doesn't know how to fix shit his predecessor did that caused train derailments and banks to collapse.
Oh, and Trump caused Biden to take all of the Chinese cash too.
Everybody knows that, as well as the fact that Trump is still forcing Biden to mandate dangerous vaccinations for all federal government employees.
Uh oh, you got came out with the grevience list.

Pretty sad defense of your idol when all you can say is why didn't Biden fix his fuckups faster?

Great campaign slogan.
The entire issue is the origins of COVID.
They created COVID, and they needed the COVID virus to create the vaccines.
Where COVID came from is the Elephant in the room you leftists refuse to talk about.
The issue is the Trump vaccine. Obviously bringing up the origin of the virus is a deflection from Trump's failures.

Doesn't matter where COVID came from. Regardless, Trump still fast tracked a vaccine, against the advice of Fauci, and threw socialist money at big pharma to do it.
Uh oh, you got came out with the grevience list.

Pretty sad defense of your idol when all you can say is why didn't Biden fix his fuckups faster?

Great campaign slogan.
I guess sarcasm flies right over your head.
Your entire belief system is based off of Marxism.
Marxists have no answers for anything.
The only thing they can do is point out the flaws in any system.
They can't fix anything because that's not what they do.
All they do is screw everything up on purpose so they can institute their policies that are meant to take away our freedoms.
Marxists practice sabotage, then they project blame for their malfeasance onto others.
I guess sarcasm flies right over your head.
Your entire belief system is based off of Marxism.
Marxists have no answers for anything.
The only thing they can do is point out the flaws in any system.
They can't fix anything because that's not what they do.
All they do is screw everything up on purpose so they can institute their policies that are meant to take away our freedoms.
Marxists practice sabotage, then they project blame for their malfeasance onto others.
Bingo and their monkeys chatter on their propaganda cause they are that thoroughly and irreversibly contaminated by it.

You'd have more fun trying to piss a camp fire out than trying to have anything remotely logical with these blithering virtue signaling hypocritical losers.

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