Mysterious Chinese COVID Lab Uncovered in City of Reedly CA

The Company Law of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is a law which was passed by the National People's Congress of the PRC on 29 December 1993 and came into force on 1 July 1994.[1] It has been amended several times since then. The most current version of the law took effect in 2018.[2] The law regulates limited liability and joint stock companies.[3]

The main purpose of the law is stated in Article 1, "The Company Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Law") has been enacted in order to standardize the organization and activities of companies, protect the lawful rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, safeguard the social and economic order and promote the development of the socialist market economy.
And what does the Company Law of the PRC have to do with Chinese investors (especially privateers) in e.g. the USA? - nothing.
The fact that you being as supportive toward China as you typically are, and apparently posting from another country, only confirms my suspicions even more.
Okay - but your cited article does not raise any suspicion towards China, the CPC, nor Biden (none of those three is even mentioned) - just you and your MAGA pals interpret something into that very badly researched news article - for which there is no proof or even a basis given at all.

The only thing you read in this article were two Chinese names, and a dysfunctional lab that was out of operation and Covid - that's all.

Both companies - are US domestic registered companies (operating during Trumps tenure) with a clear and registered product portfolio.

After Universal Meditech Inc. went bankrupt last year - Prestige Biotech Inc. took over their remaining assets and brought them to a warehouse in Reeley. Continuing their own work for an unknown period of maximal 3-4 month till March 2023. That is all there is to that story.
Aside from Universal Meditech Inc. having been granted a US$350,000 tax credit in 2019 - which until just now, you didn't even know.

Prado added there is no requirement for any lab, licensed or not, to report to the local public health department the biologicals or the testing the lab is conducting.
“If you don’t receive public funding of any sort, you can, with private dollars, set up a laboratory in California, in the United States,” Prado said.

You try to construe some CPC/Biden/China-Covid story. - just like your Grand Master Trump. No facts - just a pack of speculations, based on theories and garbage for the naive.

Honestly - you really expect the human scumbag to win the next election with these kind of panic stories for kids? just saying mate.
Every chi-com company is tied directly to the PRC. Every swinging dick of them has to have their actions sanctioned by the party. It really is that simple.
Bullshit - unlike you I personally know a dozen Chinese privateers who have invested in the USA and other outside countries - none of them is connected to the CPC or had to get any special permission. All that is required for them to do is to provide financial clarity as to where the investment sum comes from.

Chinese State owned companies that invest or go into JV's naturally are under the control of the Chinese government aka the CPC. You think that e.g. Boeing, Caterpillar or Honeywell can just go to e.g. China and invest or venture into JV's with out the US governments permission? - even though they are 100% private/shareholder companies.
Okay - but your cited article does not raise any suspicion towards China, the CPC, nor Biden (none of those three is even mentioned) - just you and your MAGA pals interpret something into that very badly researched news article - for which there is no proof or even a basis given at all.

The only thing you read in this article were two Chinese names, and a dysfunctional lab that was out of operation and Covid - that's all.

Both companies - are US domestic registered companies (operating during Trumps tenure) with a clear and registered product portfolio.

After Universal Meditech Inc. went bankrupt last year - Prestige Biotech Inc. took over their remaining assets and brought them to a warehouse in Reeley. Continuing their own work for an unknown period of maximal 3-4 month till March 2023. That is all there is to that story.
Aside from Universal Meditech Inc. having been granted a US$350,000 tax credit in 2019 - which until just now, you didn't even know.

Prado added there is no requirement for any lab, licensed or not, to report to the local public health department the biologicals or the testing the lab is conducting.
“If you don’t receive public funding of any sort, you can, with private dollars, set up a laboratory in California, in the United States,” Prado said.

You try to construe some CPC/Biden/China-Covid story. - just like your Grand Master Trump. No facts - just a pack of speculations, based on theories and garbage for the naive.

Honestly - you really expect the human scumbag to win the next election with these kind of panic stories for kids? just saying mate.

"Officials were unable to get any California-based address for either company except for the previous Fresno location from which UMI had been evicted.

"The other addresses provided for identified authorized agents were either empty offices or addresses in China that could not be verified," court documents said."

CDC detects coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes at unlicensed California lab
Thing is any company in China is tied directly to the PRC. We sometimes fail to grasp that fact. Even I forget about it at times.
But, what does that have to do with the US Government, or "the big guy", whoever that is? Nothing in the linked article reflects and connection, whatsoever.
Any PRC connection is suspect.....We ignored/canceled those that spoke to leftist or socialist influences and look what that got us.
I am just saying, maybe investigate to find at least a tenuous connection before writing rants attacking something, using articles that do not support your proposition. Sounds like random hell raising, hoping to get lucky, to me.
I am just saying, maybe investigate to find at least a tenuous connection before writing rants attacking something, using articles that do not support your proposition. Sounds like random hell raising, hoping to get lucky, to me.

Yeah, it was from people eating bats they bought at the wet market, right?
You must be very naive to think, that e.g. Americans who belong to the group "just to make a buck" would be any different, especially outside the USA.

American out to make a buck would be out to make a buck duh. Doesn't change the veracity of what I said. Anymore straw arguments you want to come up with because the truth offends you?
Yeah, it was from people eating bats they bought at the wet market, right?
I don't think wet markets were mentioned either.
If I want to rant and rave about the damned Communist Chinese, I'll bitch about the two ceiling fans I have been working to put in. Strange instructions and even require a bizarre 12V 21/23 battery.
Doesn't seem to be a story that the standard big letter alphabet news entertainment platforms care to report on.

Not surprising. Particularly given that so much combined effort was placed into calling the existence of these biolabs conspiracy theories.
Doesn't seem to be a story that the standard big letter alphabet news entertainment platforms care to report on.

Not surprising. Particularly given that so much combined effort was placed into calling the existence of these biolabs conspiracy theories.
Until linked and verified as more than some small operator, it is nothing but a conspiracy theory, and not much of one, at that.
"Officials were unable to get any California-based address for either company except for the previous Fresno location from which UMI had been evicted.

"The other addresses provided for identified authorized agents were either empty offices or addresses in China that could not be verified," court documents said."

CDC detects coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes at unlicensed California lab
If you would actually be informed about this case - then you would be aware that neither courts nor plaintiffs have been able to reach any of the two registered presidents since mid of last year. Universal Meditech Inc. went bankrupt last year due to the FDA having instructed UMI to draw back approx. 54,000 Covid test sets. The lawyer-firm representing Prestige Biotech Inc. are based in Nevada, just as the company Prestige Biotec Inc. that took over the assets of UMI.

The Reeley lab issue offers absolutely nothing to speculate about - or to construe a ridiculous CPC/Biden/Covid conspiracy theory.

The investors of UMI were privateers from Canada and China - a profitable business went down the drain upon the FDA ruling - and those responsible at UMI and those involved with the warehouse in Reeley made a run for it.

That's all there is to this story.

And that the Trump administration totally screwed up on the Covid epidemic measures - costing the lives of a million and more Americans, will not get any different no matter how much bullshit is being propagated towards China - and no matter how many absurd conspiracy theories are brought into circulation.

I am still waiting for the Biden administration to file a court case against the Trump administration in regards to that abhorrent neglect by a US government. Since however democrat led institutions and persons were also involved - it probably will never happen.

If someone doesn't like China or the CPC, that's fine with me - but spreading idiotic conspiracy theories and garbage about China, or any other country will automatically bring in a response by me.
If you would actually be informed about this case - then you would be aware that neither courts nor plaintiffs have been able to reach any of the two registered presidents since mid of last year. Universal Meditech Inc. went bankrupt last year due to the FDA having instructed UMI to draw back approx. 54,000 Covid test sets. The lawyer-firm representing Prestige Biotech Inc. are based in Nevada, just as the company Prestige Biotec Inc. that took over the assets of UMI.

The Reeley lab issue offers absolutely nothing to speculate about - or to construe a ridiculous CPC/Biden/Covid conspiracy theory.

The investors of UMI were privateers from Canada and China - a profitable business went down the drain upon the FDA ruling - and those responsible at UMI and those involved with the warehouse in Reeley made a run for it.

That's all there is to this story.

And that the Trump administration totally screwed up on the Covid epidemic measures - costing the lives of a million and more Americans, will not get any different no matter how much bullshit is being propagated towards China - and no matter how many absurd conspiracy theories are brought into circulation.

I am still waiting for the Biden administration to file a court case against the Trump administration in regards to that abhorrent neglect by a US government. Since however democrat led institutions and persons were also involved - it probably will never happen.

If someone doesn't like China or the CPC, that's fine with me - but spreading idiotic conspiracy theories and garbage about China, or any other country will automatically bring in a response by me.

Fuck China. Thanks for the global pandemic, assholes.
Fuck China. Thanks for the global pandemic, assholes.
That China might have reacted 1-2 weeks too late, could be discussed about. Otherwise they did everything necessary and possible to contain the epidemic.
What did Trump do? besides making US vaccine companies rich? - nothing at first and then too late, just like all other countries - except China, Taiwan and Vietnam.

As I stated already - the factual death toll as such in any country has nothing to do with China, but with those respective countries governments and especially it's population, refusing to follow isolation, containment/quarantine and right down to refusing to wear masks.

Naturally, construing Covid theories sounds far better to some, then to blame their own government and themselves for allowing the epidemic to spread.

You think that my family and me, plus another 1.4 billion people in China enjoyed living under quarantine circumstances for 2 years?
American out to make a buck would be out to make a buck duh. Doesn't change the veracity of what I said. Anymore straw arguments you want to come up with because the truth offends you?
So you recognize that certain business man who are out to make a buck, especially in a foreign country - behave in the same way.

So what's your point? - just trying to rid yourself of a dumb racist statement?
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Getting ready for the upcoming elections again. An election must be thrown.
Nothing will become of having bio WMDs because the Chinese are involved. Just like the first attack. Nobody cares they murdered tens of millions.


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