Mystery Twitter User Outs Kellyanne Conway As White House Mega-Leaker


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Yep the white house leaker is Ms Bevis

not the first time as she mocked thee trump admin on morning joe

People in Donald Trump’s inner circle should be aware that there are ears everywhere. However, the White House leaker seemed completely oblivious to what past administrations have taken for granted – what a person says can and will make it to the public sooner rather than later. A mysterious tweeter just unveiled the mega-leaker!

A new Twitter site has emerged to oust Kellyanne Conway’s darker side to the world. The account “Kellyanneleaks” profile writes:

Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway was having a really good time at a British Embassy party Friday night, talking to a group of reporters. Of course, she thought every juicy detail she released was off of the record, and even went so far as to mock the president’s chief of staff Reince Priebus.

When the reporters asked her about the illusive White House tapes recording Donald Trump’s and former FBI Director Jim Comey’s secret dinner, she said:

‘Jim Comey will have to wait and see about the tapes.’

Then, Conway translated that down to a “No comment” for the record. During her unfortunate gabfest, she also questioned what Legislative Director Marc Short even did with his time.

Mystery Twitter User Outs Kellyanne Conway As White House Mega-Leaker

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Yep the white house leaker is Ms Bevis

not the first time as she mocked thee trump admin on morning joe

People in Donald Trump’s inner circle should be aware that there are ears everywhere. However, the White House leaker seemed completely oblivious to what past administrations have taken for granted – what a person says can and will make it to the public sooner rather than later. A mysterious tweeter just unveiled the mega-leaker!

A new Twitter site has emerged to oust Kellyanne Conway’s darker side to the world. The account “Kellyanneleaks” profile writes:

Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway was having a really good time at a British Embassy party Friday night, talking to a group of reporters. Of course, she thought every juicy detail she released was off of the record, and even went so far as to mock the president’s chief of staff Reince Priebus.

When the reporters asked her about the illusive White House tapes recording Donald Trump’s and former FBI Director Jim Comey’s secret dinner, she said:

‘Jim Comey will have to wait and see about the tapes.’

Then, Conway translated that down to a “No comment” for the record. During her unfortunate gabfest, she also questioned what Legislative Director Marc Short even did with his time.

Mystery Twitter User Outs Kellyanne Conway As White House Mega-Leaker

N ultra liberal far left pro lbgt and anti gun site is your source? Lmao!

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